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Webdesign mit JavaScript & Ajax

Aug 19, 2009

Nick Heinle, Bill Pena, Ulrich Speidel, “Webdesign mit JavaScript & Ajax”
O’Reilly | 2006 | ISBN: 3897214717 | 254 pages | PDF | 37,7 MB
Rein in den Flieger und abheben: Nick Heinle, Bill Pena und Ulrich Speidel fackeln nicht lange — mit Webdesign mit JavaScript setzen sie die JavaScript-Aspiranten gleich ins Cockpit und erklären ihnen den Rest beim Flug durchs Webdesign-Universum. Eine effektive Methode, die vor allem ergebnisfreudigen Bastlern mit HTML-Erfahrung gefallen wird.

Inzwischen kann man JavaScript ja nicht mehr erwähnen, ohne AJAX und Web 2.0 als Echo zu hören. Nun denn, warum auch nicht, denn das Tolle an der Sache ist ja, dass man als Einsteiger JavaScript auch ohne Diplom in Informatik lernen und anwenden kann. Und Heinle, Pena und Speidel nehmen für Webautoren und Webdesigner, die mit JavaScript herumprobieren wollen zusätzlich noch eine durchdachte Abkürzung über die Beispiel-Autobahn: ein Beispiel, der Einsatz, das Anpassen und die Grundlagen. Ruckzuck sammeln sich genügend Werkzeuge im JavaSript-Werkzeugkasten, um auch selbst immer tiefer in die Script-Maschine fassen zu können. Als Grundlagen werden HTML und CSS-Kenntnisse vorausgesetzt, wie sie in HTML mit CSS und XHTML von Kopf bis Fuß und HTML und XHTML. Das umfassende Referenzwerk enthalten sind. Ansonsten: mitmachen. Einfach den Autoren auf dem Fuß folgen und basteln, basteln, basteln.

Mit Webdesign mit JavaScript vermitteln die drei Autoren schnell umsetzbares JavaScript/AJAX-Wissen, das schnell zu sichtbaren Erfolgen auf der eignen Website und und nach und nach zu einem festen Sitz im Script-Sattel führt. Ein Einsteiger-Buch für Macher.


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Adrian Colyer, «Eclipse AspectJ: Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ and the Eclipse AspectJ Development Tools

Eclipse AspectJ: Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ and the Eclipse AspectJ Development Tools

Adrian Colyer, «Eclipse AspectJ: Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ and the Eclipse AspectJ Development Tools»
Addison Wesley | ISBN: 0321245873 | 2004 | CHM | 504 pages | 30.81 MB

Eclipse AspectJ: Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ and the Eclipse AspectJ Development Tools. AspectJ: Now every Java developer can leverage the immense power of AOP. With AspectJ, Java developers can leverage the breakthrough power of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) using a language they already know, within the comfortable, highly productive Eclipse development environment. In this book, AspectJ’s lead developers help you master AOP’s essential principles and techniques, as you use them to address your toughest software quality, productivity, and maintenance challenges.


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Drupal 6 JavaScript and JQuery By Matt Butcher

Drupal 6 JavaScript and JQuery By Matt Butcher
Publisher: Packt Publishing Limited 2009 | 340 Pages | ISBN: 1847196160 | PDF | 3 MB

Putting jQuery, AJAX, and JavaScript effects into your Drupal 6 modules and themes
Learn about JavaScript support in Drupal 6
Packed with example code ready for you to use
Harness the popular jQuery library to enhance your Drupal sites
Make the most of Drupal’s built-in JavaScript libraries
In Detail
JavaScript: It’s not just for calculators and image rollovers.
Drupal 6 is loaded with new features, and not all of them are necessarily implemented in PHP. This unique book, for web designers and developers, will take you through what can be done with JavaScript (and especially with jQuery) in Drupal 6.
With the combination of the powerhouse jQuery library with its own robust set of JavaScript tools, Drupal 6 comes with a pre-packaged killer JavaScript environment. Cross-platform by nature, it provides all of the tools necessary to create powerful AJAX-enabled scripts, gorgeous visual effects, and view-enhancing behaviors. In addition, Drupal developers have ported some of its most powerful PHP tools – like a theming engine and support for localization and language translation – to JavaScript, making it possible to write simple scripts where once only complex PHP code could be used.
This book gives you the keys to the toolbox, showing you how to use Drupal’s JavaScript libraries to make your modules and themes more dynamic, interactive and responsive, and add effects to make your Drupal site explode into life!
If you’ve dipped your toe in the water of theme or module development with Drupal 6, this is the book you want to make the look and behavior of your work something special. With it’s project-based approach, this book is carefully constructed to guide you from how JavaScript fits into the overall Drupal architecture through to making you a master of the jQuery library in the world of Drupal themes and modules.
What you will learn from this book?
An introduction to JavaScript in Drupal 6
The basics of the jQuery library
Creating JavaScript-enabled themes
Manipulating a page on the fly with jQuery
Authoring simple PHPTemplate files designed to maximize scripting potential
Using jQuery to add effects in Drupal 6
Working with Drupal 6 behaviors
Adding AJAX to modules
Using Drupal’s localization and language translation engine in your JavaScript
Theming on the client-side with Drupal’s JavaScript theme engine
Building better forms
Working with Drupal 6’s JavaScript library
Writing portable JavaScript tools as Drupal modules
This book focuses on teaching by example. Chapters are packed with example code, providing hands-on examples you can play with and then release to your own Drupal sites. By introducing short projects interspersed with discussion, the pace is rapid yet practical.
Who this book is written for?
This book is for web designers and developers who want to add JavaScript elements to Drupal themes or modules to create more flexible and responsive user interfaces.
You are expected to know about the basic operation of Drupal, and be familiar with the concept of theming and modules in Drupal. No experience of creating themes or modules is required.
You will need to know the basics of client-side web development; this means HTML, CSS, but also have a rudimentary grasp of the syntax of JavaScript. Familiarity with PHP programming will be an advantage, since we will be writing PHPTemplate files and (at the end) creating Drupal modules. However, the PHP is covered thoroughly enough that even the PHP neophyte will not find the text too demanding. The book also covers the jQuery JavaScript library and its use in Drupal, but no knowledge of jQuery is expected – you will learn everything you need in this book.

About the Author
Matt Butcher is a senior programmer at, where he specializes in content management systems, web services, and browser scripting. He has been an active participant in Open Source technologies for over a decade. Matt has written five books for Packt, including Learning Drupal 6 Module Development, Mastering OpenLDAP, and Drupal 6 JavaScript and jQuery., all of which are published by Packt. Matt writes his technical blog at When not pushing bits, Matt likes to explore Chicago with his wife and three daughters.


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Rebecca Riordan – Head First Ajax

Rebecca Riordan – Head First Ajax
O’Reilly Media | 2008 | ISBN: 0596515782 | Pages: 527 | PDF | 20.53 MB

Ajax is no longer an experimental approach to website development, but the key to building browser-based applications that form the cornerstone of Web 2.0. Head First Ajax gives you an up-to-date perspective that lets you see exactly what you can do — and has been done — with Ajax. With it, you get a highly practical, in-depth, and mature view of what is now a mature development approach.

Using the unique and highly effective visual format that has turned Head First titles into runaway bestsellers, this book offers a big picture overview to introduce Ajax, and then explores the use of individual Ajax components — including the JavaScript event model, DOM, XML, JSON, and more — as it progresses. You’ll find plenty of sample applications that illustrate the concepts, along with exercises, quizzes, and other interactive features to help you retain what you’ve learned.

Head First Ajax covers:

* The JavaScript event model
* Making Ajax requests with XMLHTTPREQUEST objects
* The asynchronous application model
* The Document Object Model (DOM)
* Manipulating the DOM in JavaScript
* Controlling the browser with the Browser Object Model
* XHTML Forms
* POST Requests
* XML Syntax and the XML DOM tree
* XML Requests&Responses
* JSON — an alternative to XML
* Ajax architecture & patterns
* The Prototype Library

The book also discusses the server-side implications of building Ajax applications, and uses a “black box” approach to server-side components.

Head First Ajax is the ideal guide for experienced web developers comfortable with scripting — particularly those who have completed the exercises in Head First JavaScript — and for experienced programmers in Java, PHP, and C# who want to learn client-side programming.

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Accelerated DOM Scripting with Ajax, APIs, and Libraries (repost)

Accelerated DOM Scripting with Ajax, APIs, and Libraries
Publisher: Apress | ISBN: 1590597648 | edition 2007 | PDF | 221 pages | 3,39 mb

If you’re a web developer with previous JavaScript and DOM scripting experience, Accelerated DOM Scripting with Ajax, APIs, and Libraries is perfect for you to take your knowledge up to the next level.
This book is about JavaScript and using the document object model—the conduit to the HTML document. This book is not about learning how to program JavaScript from scratch. It starts with the assumption that you have done some JavaScript development before and understand the JavaScript syntax. This book builds on top of that knowledge to give you a deeper understanding of DOM Scripting and how to apply that to your projects. It uses this new understanding to describe what JavaScript libraries are and show you how they can be applied to your project. The book will also explain Ajax and how best to plan and apply it to your projects. It explains how to build simple animation objects for adding movement to elements on the page. There are straightforward examples that demonstrate the techniques used throughout the book.
JavaScript has seen a resurgence in popularity over the past few years, and with it has come an exploration of the power of the language as well as what it can do within the browser. This book will explain techniques new and old—such as closures, encapsulation, and inheritance—that many are using and how you can best apply them to your own projects.
By reading this book, you should have a greater understanding of how JavaScript works and be able to use advanced concepts such as closures and event delegation to build more flexible applications for the Web. You’ll walk away with a greater appreciation for JavaScript libraries and how they can simplify and speed up your development. You’ll also be able to implement Ajax effectively into your site, create special effects, use JavaScript libraries, and know how best to apply these libraries to your projects.


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Beginning Ajax with PHP: From Novice to Professional

Beginning Ajax with PHP: From Novice to Professional
Apress | ISBN: 1590596676 | 272 pages | October 16, 2006 | PDF | 3 Mb

Ajax breathes new life into web applications by transparently communicating and manipulating data in conjunction with a server-based technology. Of all the server-based technologies capable of working in conjunction with Ajax, perhaps none are more suitable than PHP, the world’s most popular scripting language.

Beginning Ajax with PHP: From Novice to Professional is the first book to introduce how these two popular technologies can work together to create next-generation applications. Author Lee Babin covers what you commonly encounter in daily web application development tasks, and shows you how to build PHP/AJAX-enabled solutions for forms validation, file upload monitoring, database-driven information display and manipulation, web services, Google Maps integration, and more. You’ll learn how to
* Take advantage of PHP and advanced JavaScript capabilities to create next-generation, highly responsive Web applications.
* Enhance commonplace application tasks such as forms validation and tabular data display.
* Manage cross-browser issues, ensuring your applications run on all major Web browsers.
* Take advantage of the Google Maps API and add spatial mapping features to your website.

You’ll also be introduced to other key topics like conquering cross-platform issues, countering potential security holes, and testing and debugging JavaScript with efficiency. All examples are based on real-world scenarios, so you’ll be able to apply what you learn to your own development situations.


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Ajax Patterns and Best Practices (Expert’s Voice) by Christian Gross

Ajax Patterns and Best Practices (Expert’s Voice) by Christian Gross
Publisher: Apress (February 13, 2006) | ISBN-10: 1590596161 | PDF | 17 Mb | 416 pages

Ajax is taking us into the next generation of web applications. Ajax has broken the client-server barrier by decoupling the client from the server, but an Ajax application still needs a server to extract content from. The most effective use of Ajax and the server requires an understanding of REST, an architectural style used to define Web services.
Ajax Patterns and Best Practices explores dynamic web applications that combine Ajax and REST as a single solution. A major advantage of REST is that like Ajax, it can be used with today’s existing technologies.
This is an ideal book whether or not you have already created an Ajax application. Because the book outlines various patterns and best practices, you can quickly check and verify that you’re building an efficient Ajax application.


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Microsoft AJAX Library Essentials: Client-side ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Explained

Microsoft AJAX Library Essentials: Client-side ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Explained
Packt Publishing | 2007-07-27 | ISBN: 1847190987 | 300 pages | PDF | 6 MB

A practical tutorial to using Microsoft AJAX to enhance the user experience of your ASP.NET web applications covering the most up to date versions of the AJAX tools. With ASP.NET AJAX (formerly known as ATLAS) developers can quickly create rich and responsive web pages with efficient server communication by simply adding a few server controls to their pages. Because ASP.NET AJAX is integrated with ASP.NET, developers have full access to the built-in ASP.NET 2.0 application services and the entire .NET Framework. This book is the most practical and efficient resource a reader can get to enter the exciting world of AJAX in ASP.NET. Targeting the most recent version of the ASP.NET AJAX tools, this book will teach you how to create faster, lighter, and richer web applications by using the Microsoft AJAX technologies to their full potential. Beginning with a hands-on tour of the basic technologies associated with AJAX, JavaScript, XMLHttpRequest, JSON, and the DOM, you’ll move on to a crash course in the Microsoft AJAX tools. You’ll understand the architecture of the Microsoft AJAX components, how they all fit together, and exactly what they can do for you. At every stage of your journey, you’ll be able to try out examples to illuminate the theory, and consolidate your understanding. In addition to learning about the client and server controls, you’ll also see how to handle errors and debug your ASP.NET AJAX applications. To get your client pages interacting with your server, the Microsoft AJAX framework allows you to consume web services on the client without having to worry about the underlying protocol used for exchanging the data. You will see how to create ASP.NET web services in practice, and consume them in your AJAX applications. To get your client pages interacting with servers on other domains, the Microsoft AJAX framework provides bridges that allow you to make cross-domain calls seamlessly. This book shows you how this works and how to implement it, including how to consume services from Amazon’s ECS (E-Commerce Services). Microsoft AJAX brings the power of the ASP.NET data presentation server controls to the client, enhancing the power and responsiveness of controls such as the GridView and DetailsView. You will learn about using the data client controls to create truly responsive web applications that interact seamlessly not just with your servers and your data, but also with other servers and other sources of data should you choose. This book is a practical tutorial to get you confident and comfortable working with the Microsoft AJAX suite. Packed with step-by-step examples and detailed explanations of how the examples work, this book is the ideal first step into the exciting world of AJAX in ASP.NET. This book is written for ASP.NET developers who not only want to understand how Microsoft AJAX will impact on the way they develop web applications, but also want to make the transition to better, more responsive applications as easily as possible. You will need access to either Visual Studio Web Developer Express or Visual Studio .NET 2005. All the code examples are in C#.

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DWR Java AJAX Applications

DWR Java AJAX Applications

DWR Java AJAX Applications

Product Description

AJAX enables rich desktop-like user interfaces in the browser and enables interactive interfaces that can even replace traditional user interfaces. DWR (Direct Web Remoting) is an Open Source Java framework for building AJAX applications. DWR’s main idea is to hide AJAX implementation details, like XMLHttpRequest, from developers. By using DWR, you can concentrate on developing the application and business objects and leave AJAX details behind the scenes where they belong. DWR allows server-side Java classes to be used in the browser and JavaScript functions to be used on the server (Reverse AJAX).

This book will show competent Java programmers how to work with DWR to create powerful AJAX applications. It starts with a tutorial on DWR’s main features and functions. Then it covers setting up the development environment. Finally, it concludes with some sample applications.

The later chapters are full of example code for sample applications, to aid comprehension.

What you will learn from this book?

  • Will make your development faster and simpler by teaching you the features of DWR and implementing it with Reverse AJAX.
  • Teaches you how to use DWR JavaScript libraries, Convertors, Creators, Filters and Signatures. Integration with other projects, and Security – factors which are essential to developing any DWR application.
  • Specifies practical aspects such as supported browser and environments, configuration, setting up development environment, testing and debugging, error handling, packaging and deployment in a comprehensive manner, by demonstration where required.
  • Provides a practical demonstration of creating a dynamic user interface, implementing tables and lists, and field completion for you to derive concepts from.
  • Shows advanced elements of user interface through practical examples of creating forms, building a navigation tree, and map scrolling.
  • Teaches back-end integration: integrating a database with DWR, integrating with web services, and integrating with a messaging system.
  • Includes collaborative book authoring and chatroom applications, which show how easy it would be to enhance your applications to production grade using these samples as a starting point for development and as a source of ideas.


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Aug 09 DWR Java AJAX Applications

Product Description
In Detail

AJAX enables rich desktop-like user interfaces in the browser and enables interactive interfaces that can even replace traditional user interfaces. DWR (Direct Web Remoting) is an Open Source Java framework for building AJAX applications. DWR’s main idea is to hide AJAX implementation details, like XMLHttpRequest, from developers. By using DWR, you can concentrate on developing the application and business objects and leave AJAX details behind the scenes where they belong. DWR allows server-side Java classes to be used in the browser and JavaScript functions to be used on the server (Reverse AJAX).

This book will show competent Java programmers how to work with DWR to create powerful AJAX applications. It starts with a tutorial on DWR’s main features and functions. Then it covers setting up the development environment. Finally, it concludes with some sample applications.

The later chapters are full of example code for sample applications, to aid comprehension.

What you will learn from this book?
Will make your development faster and simpler by teaching you the features of DWR and implementing it with Reverse AJAX.
Teaches you how to use DWR JavaScript libraries, Convertors, Creators, Filters and Signatures. Integration with other projects, and Security – factors which are essential to developing any DWR application.
Specifies practical aspects such as supported browser and environments, configuration, setting up development environment, testing and debugging, error handling, packaging and deployment in a comprehensive manner, by demonstration where required.
Provides a practical demonstration of creating a dynamic user interface, implementing tables and lists, and field completion for you to derive concepts from.
Shows advanced elements of user interface through practical examples of creating forms, building a navigation tree, and map scrolling.
Teaches back-end integration: integrating a database with DWR, integrating with web services, and integrating with a messaging system.
Includes collaborative book authoring and chatroom applications, which show how easy it would be to enhance your applications to production grade using these samples as a starting point for development and as a source of ideas.


The initial part guides the reader through the features of DWR and how it works to make the developer ready for practical implementation. The later part contains plenty of code (with explanations) and graphical interface-driven step-by-step examples, which the reader can try out while surfing through the book to learn by doing.

Who this book is written for?

This book is written for competent Java developers and assumes that you are a professional rather than hobbyist. You should be familiar with the concepts of programming, Web 2.0, and AJAX.

About the Author
Sami Salkosuo

Sami Salkosuo is a Software IT Architect at IBM Software Group in Finland. He has over ten years of experience in Java, web, and integration technologies.

Sami has written several articles for IBM developerWorks and he is also a coauthor of an IBM Redbook: Portalizing Domino Applications.
Product Details
Paperback: 210 pages
Publisher: Packt Publishing (October 29, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1847192939
ISBN-13: 978-1847192936
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 7.5 x 0.7 inches

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Total Training Microsoft® ASP.NET AJAX

Lesson 1: SETTING UP ASP.NET AJAX (15 min)
1. What is ASP.NET AJAX?
2. What to Install
3. Our Focus in This Series
4. Looking Ahead at the Final Project

1. Creating an AJAX-Enabled Web Site
2. Setting Up a Theme & Using Skins
3. Creating a Bindable Object Layer with
4. Bind an AJAX-Enabled Application to an Object Layer
5. Working with Update Panels & Content Templates
6. Working with Triggers
7. Working with Update Progress Controls

1. Build a New Web Service & Add a Web Method
2. Creating a Script-Callable Web Service
3. Adding a Web Form
4. Adding Content to the Web Form Panels
5. Adding Code to Call the Web Service

1. Working with a Custom Profile Provider
2. Writing Code to Store Settings
3. Loading the Profile
4. Creating Login Functionality
5. Creating Functionality to Register a User

1. What is the AJAX Control Toolkit
2. Working with the AJAX Sample Toolkit
3. Working with the RoundedCornerExtender
4. Adding Interaction with the DragPanelExtender
5. Getting Default Watermark Behavior
6. Working with Animation
7. Creating a Modal Login

1. Why AJAX & What You’ve Learned
2. Final Comments & Credits

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