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Default AJAX and PHP Building Responsive Web Applications
Mar 3, 2009AJAX is a complex phenomenon that means different things to different people. Computer users
appreciate that their favorite websites are now friendlier and feel more responsive. Web
developers learn new skills that empower them to create sleek web applications with little effort.
Indeed, everything sounds good about AJAX!
At its roots, AJAX is a mix of technologies that lets you get rid of the evil page reload, which
represents the dead time when navigating from one page to another. Eliminating page reloads is
just one step away from enabling more complex features into websites, such as real-time data
validation, drag and drop, and other tasks that weren't traditionally associated with web
XMLHttpRequest object, which is
applications. Although the AJAX ingredients are mature (the
the heart of AJAX, was created by Microsoft in 1999), their new role in the new wave of web
trends is very young, and we'll witness a number of changes before these technologies will be
properly used to the best benefit of the end users. At the time of writing this book, the "AJAX"
name is about just one year old.
AJAX isn't, of course, the answer to all the Web's problems, as the current hype around it may
suggest. As with any other technology, AJAX can be overused, or used the wrong way. AJAX
also comes with problems of its own: you need to fight with browser inconsistencies,
AJAX-specific pages don't work on browsers without JavaScript, they can't be easily
bookmarked by users, and search engines don't always know how to parse them. Also, not
everyone likes AJAX. While some are developing enterprise architectures using JavaScript,
others prefer not to use it at all. When the hype is over, most will probably agree that the middle
way is the wisest way to go for most scenarios.
AJAX and PHP: Building Responsive Web Applications, we took a pragmatic and safe approach
by teaching relevant patterns and best practices that we think any web developer will need sooner
or later. We teach you how to avoid the common pitfalls, how to write efficient AJAX code, and
how to achieve functionality that is easy to integrate into current and future web applications,
without requiring you to rebuild the whole solution around AJAX. You'll be able to use the
knowledge you learn from this book right away, into your PHP web applications.
We hope you'll find this book useful and relevant to your projects. For the latest details and
updates regarding this book, please visit its mini-site at
The book's mini-site also contains additional free chapters and resources, which we recommend
you check out when you have the time.
Professional Web 2.0 Programming
Book Description
Web 2.0 architecture opens up an incredible number of options for flexible web design, creative reuse, and easier updates. Along with covering the key languages and techniques of Web 2.0, this unique book introduces you to all of the technologies that make up Web 2.0 at a professional level. Throughout the chapters, you�ll find code for several example applications built with popular frameworks that you�ll be able to utilize.
You�ll first explore the technologies that are used to create Web 2.0 applications. This includes an in-depth look at XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript, and Ajax. Next, you�ll gain a better understanding of the protocols and formats that enable the exchange of information between web clients and servers. Ultimately, you�ll discover exactly what you need to know about server-side programming in order to implement new ideas and develop your own robust applications.
What you will learn from this book
* How Web 2.0 applications are developed
* New ways to get the major client-side technologies to work together
* The new class of emerging tools
* All about HTTP and URIs, XML, syndication, microformats, and Web Services
* Techniques for implementing and maintaining your URI space
* How to serve XML over HTTP
* Steps for building mashups to aggregate information from multiple sources
* Methods for enhancing security in your applications
Who this book is for
This book is for professional developers who have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XML.
Beginning Ajax (Programmer to Programmer)
By Chris Ullman, Lucinda Dykes,
Publisher: Wrox
Number Of Pages: 528
Publication Date: 2007-03-19
Sales Rank: 74881
ISBN / ASIN: 0470106751
Book Description: )
This book discusses what Ajax is and what it means to Web developers, as well as the technologies behind Ajax applications. The early chapters of this book begin with a discussion of the pros and cons of Ajax techniques, and they provide a quick refresher of JavaScript techniques. Working through this book, you�ll discover how Ajax applications cross between client-side and server-side development techniques, examine some common Ajax patterns, and see how Ajax links in to existing technologies such as XSLT, web services, and the DOM. The final chapter provides an in-depth case study in creating Ajax applications.
This book teaches you how to create applications according to Ajax principles. This book takes no views on web browser is superior, and it offers examples that work across all major browsers. Because of the complexities involved, however, Ajax is not something a complete novice can expect to pick up. The reader is expected to be familiar with the following client-side technologies: HTML (and/or) XHTML, JavaScript, and Cascading style sheets (CSS). The reader will also need to be familiar with at least one of the two following server-side technologies: PHP or ASP.NET. The reader is not expected to know any of the following because full introductions to each technology will be given (although familiarity with one or many of them may be useful): Document Object Model (DOM), XML, XPath, Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT), and Web services (REST and SOAP).
Some of the topics covered include:
A JavaScript refresher and JavaScript reference
Ajax and server-side technologies including the XMLHttpRequest object and how it can call ASP.NET, PHP, and Java applications
The different techniques that can be considered Ajax techniques, regardless of whether they make use of the XMLHttpRequest object, hidden frames, hidden inline frames, dynamic image loading, and dynamic script loading.
Working with XML and the XMLHttpRequest object
Debugging and Error Handling
Web Services, APIs, and Mashups including embedded maps, photographs, weather forecasts, or music playlists in applications via either web services or APIs
XSLT and XPath
Common Ajax patterns such as page preloading and form validation
Working with external data including how to use external feeds such as RSS and Atom and how you can create applications to consume data sources that push data at regular intervals.
JSON, JavaScript's alternative format for transmitting data, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), which returns a set of array and object literals.
How to install and use some of the most common Ajax frameworks and libraries, such as Prototype, Scriptaculous, Dojo, and more.
Default Professional Ajax, 2nd Edition (Programmer to Programmer) [ Rapidshare ]
By Nicholas C. Zakas, Jeremy McPeak, Joe Fawcett,
Publisher: Wrox
Number Of Pages: 598
Publication Date: 2007-03-12
Sales Rank: 2514
ISBN / ASIN: 0470109491
Book Description: )
Professional Ajax 2nd Edition provides a developer-level tutorial of Ajax techniques, patterns, and use cases. The book begins by exploring the roots of Ajax, covering how the evolution of the web and new technologies directly led to the development of Ajax techniques. A detailed discussion of how frames, JavaScript, cookies, XML, and XMLHttp requests (XHR) related to Ajax is included. After this introduction, the book moves on to cover the implementation of specific Ajax techniques. Request brokers such as hidden frames, dynamic iframes, and XHR are compared and contrasted, explaining when one method should be used over another. To make this discussion clearer, a brief overview of HTTP requests and responses is included.
Once a basic understanding of the various request types is discussed, the book moves on to provide in-depth examples of how and when to use Ajax in a web site or web application. Different data transmission formats, including plain text, HTML, XML, and JSON are discussed for their advantages and disadvantages. Also included is a discussion on web services and how they may be used to perform Ajax techniques. Next, more complex topics are covered. A chapter introducing a request management framework explores how to manage all of the requests inside of an Ajax application. Ajax debugging techniques are also discussed.
The last part of the book walks through the creation of two full-fledged Ajax web applications. The first, FooReader.NET, is an Ajax-powered RSS reader. The second, called AjaxMail, is an Ajax-enabled email system. Both of these applications incorporate many of the techniques discussed throughout the book.
Professional Ajax 2nd edition is written for Web application developers looking to enhance the usability of their web sites and web applications and intermediate JavaScript developers looking to further understand the language. Readers should have familiarity with XML, XSLT, Web Services, PHP or C#, HTML, CSS. This book is not aimed at beginners without a basic understanding of the aforementioned technologies. Also, a good understanding of JavaScript is vitally important to understanding this book. Those readers without such knowledge should instead refer to books such as Beginning JavaScript, Second Edition (Wrox, 2004, ISBN: 978-0-7645-5587-9) and Professional JavaScript for Web Developers (Wrox, 2005, ISBN: 978-0-7645-7908-0).
Professional Ajax 2nd edition adds nearly 200 pages of new and expanded coverage compared to the first edition. Some of the new topics covered here include:
Ajax Libraries including the Yahoo! Connection Manager, Prototype, and jQuery
Request Management with Priority Queues and the RequestManager Object
Comet push-based web systems and HTTP streaming
Maps and Mashups with Geocoding, Google Maps API and Yahoo! Maps API
Ajax Debugging with FireBug and Microsoft Fiddler
ASP.NET AJAX Extensions (formerly code-named "Atlas")
And of course the Second Edition retains and updates the core first edition content including:
the range of request brokers (including the hidden frame technique, iframes, and XMLHttp) and explains when one should be used over another
different Ajax techniques and patterns for executing client-server communication
Ajax patterns including predictive fetch, page preloading, submission throttling, incremental field and form validation, periodic refresh, multi-stage download and more
Syndication with RSS, Atom, and XParser
JSON and creating an autosuggest textbox example
web site widgets for a news ticker, weather information, web search, and site search
Ajax Frameworks JSpan, DWR, and Ajax.NET Professional
A Web-based RSS/Atom aggregator case study
An AjaxMail case study
Beginning Ajax [ Rapidshare ]
Professional Rich Internet Applications: AJAX and Beyond (Programmer to Programmer)
* Through the use of hands-on examples and case studies to explain complex technologies, this comprehensive book takes AJAX, Ruby on Rails, and Flash to the next level by combining them into a framework for developing rich Internet applications
* Walks readers through using all aspects of each application, looking at the overall architecture and then breaking down the client-side and server-side technologies, while still maintaining a focus on the desired functionality of an application
* Also includes coverage of such various technologies as DHTML, JavaScript, XSLT, Java, Python, PHP, and more
Ajax and REST Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (Paperback) [ Rapidshare ]
TITLE : Ajax and REST Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (Paperback)
AUTHOR : by Christian Gross (Author)
PUBLISHER : Apress publisher
ISBN : 1590597346
PUB DATE : December 18, 2006
LANGUAGE : English
RLS DATE : 05/06/2007
SIZE : 07 x 2.88 MB
[ R e l e a s e N o t e s ]
Ajax and REST Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach will serve all of
your Ajax needs, by providing adaptable solutions for common tasks
you'll want to implement on web sites using the next generation of Ajax
and REST techniques. As a JavaScript developer, your time is precious,
so you'll want to solve problems that present themselves in your work as
quickly as possible. You can pick up the code provided in this book,
adapt it, or plug it straight into your own applications. The book
mainly focuses on illustrating and explaining how to build applications
that use JavaScript, Ajax, and REST Web Services, along with some user
interface issues. Specifically, the following topics are covered:
implementing JavaScript unit tests; explaining the intent of Dynamic
Languages, Web Services and SOA; defining and implementing contracts
using REST; understanding why JavaScript Functions have state;
implementing JavaScript "Generics", which are a mixture between real
Generics and a replacement algorithm; using code blocks; using functions
to make decisions; understanding the difference of JavaScript code that
behaves like a value type or a reference type; implementing proxies,
delegates, mixins, and overloaded functions; implementing a complete
Ajax and Web Service architecture; defining a Web Service using REST;
handling large or slow or real-time data sets; implementing shopping
cart type architectures; and solving the back button problem using Ajax.
Having read this book you will learn how to modularize your web
application by decoupling the client from the server. The decoupling
allows a client developer to focus on writing the best JavaScript and
Ajax code, and a server developer to write the best business and data
Mirror :
Ajax in Practice [ Rapidshare]
Ajax in Practice
By Dave Crane, Bear Bibeault, Jord Sonneveld, Ted Goddard, Chris Gray, Ram Venkataraman, Joe Walker,
Publisher: Manning Publications
Number Of Pages: 456
Publication Date: 2007-06-15
Sales Rank: 595645
ISBN / ASIN: 1932394990
EAN: 9781932394993
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Manning Publications
Studio: Manning Publications
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:
Book Description:
Ajax in Practice provides example-rich coverage of Ajax packed with ready-to-use code and practical recipes for common and not-so-common tasks. Ajax developers now face the move from Ajax-as-theory to Ajax-in-practice. Ajax in Practice guides web developers through the transition from learning about Ajax to successfully applying Ajax-driven techniques in real-world development scenarios.
Ajax gives web developers the potential to create rich user-centered internet applications. But Ajax also adds a new level of complexity and sophistication to those applications. Ajax in Practice tackles Ajax head-on, providing countless hands-on techniques and tons of reusable code to address the specific issues developers face when building Ajax-driven solutions.
After a brief overview of Ajax, this book takes the reader through dozens of working examples, all presented in an easy-to-use cookbook format. Readers will learn how to implement drag-and-drop interfaces and will discover how to create effective nagigation strategies for their applications. Unlike a traditional cookbook, though, Ajax in Practice provides a thorough discussion of each technique presented and shows how the individual components can be connected to create powerful solutions. A fun "mash-up" chapter concludes the book. Throughout Ajax in Practice, the examples chosen are interesting, entertaining, and practical.
Ajax : What Do I Need to Know ?
Pro Ajax and Java Frameworks [ Rapidshare ]
Book Description
As a Java developer, you want a guide that shows you how to add Ajax functionality to your web applications with a minimum of effort. Well look no further than Pro Ajax and Java Frameworks. In this book, recognized Java experts and authors of the best-selling Apress title, Foundations of Ajax, will show you how.
The authors begin by recapping Ajax basics. Then they unveil a comprehensive Java/Ajax toolkit. Tools include JSEclipse for code editing, Venkman for JavaScript debugging, and Dojo Compressor for code compression. They also explain Log4js (and other tools) for JavaScript logging, JsUnit (and others) for testing, and various libraries like AjaxTags, DWR, and for rapid code development.
The last part of the book shows you how to build up a series of professional Java/Ajax applications. These will incorporate some of today's most popular frameworks--Spring, JSF, Struts, and Tapestry--giving you all you need to incorporate Ajax into your everyday work and become an Ajax expert!
About the Author
Ryan Asleson is a software developer who lives and works in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. He holds a degree in chemistry from St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN. Ryan has been building Web applications since 1998 and has extensive experience with JavaScript and Web development tools. He helped transition his organization from servlet-based content creation to JavaServer Pages (JSP) and has also maintained a corporate Web application framework based on Java Enterprise Edition. Ryan's interests include performance tuning and standards based development. When not working, Ryan enjoys spending time with his family and doing outdoor activities like fishing, hunting, and water sports. Nathaniel T. Schutta is a software engineer from the Twin Cities area of Minnesota with extensive experience in the financial services arena primarily developing J2EE-based Web applications. He holds a master of science degree in software engineering from the University of Minnesota. For the last several years, he has focused on user interface design by contributing to corporate interface guidelines, and has consulted on a variety of web-based applications within his organization. A longtime member of the Association for Computing Machinery's Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group, and a Sun Certified Web Component Developer, Nathaniel believes if the user can't figure out your application, you've done something wrong. Along with his UI work, he has contributed to two corporate Java frameworks, developed training material, and lead several study groups. During the brief moments of warm weather found in his home state of Minnesota, he spends as much time on the golf course as his wife will tolerate. He's currently exploring Ruby, Rails, and after recently making the switch, Mac OS X.
Ajax on Rails [ Rapidshare ]
Ajax on Rails
Author: Scott Raymond
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Publication Date: 2006-12-01
Number Of Pages: 350
Learn to build dynamic, interactive web applications using the two most important approaches to web development today: Ajax and the phenomenally efficient Ruby on Rails platform. This book teaches intermediate to advanced web developers how to use both Ajax and Rails to quickly build high-performance, scalable applications without being overwhelmed with thousands of lines of JavaScript code. More than just recipes, you also get a thorough, low-level understanding of what's happening under the hood. "Ajax on Rails" includes three fully worked out Rails/Ajax applications, and quick reference sections for Prototype and Testing lessons show you how to eliminate cross-browser JavaScript errors and DOM debugging nightmares using a combination of Firebug, and Venkman. Advanced material explains the most current design practices for Ajax usability. You'll learn to avoid user experience mistakes with proven design patterns. Beyond the how-to, "Ajax on Rails" helps you consider when Ajax is (and isn't) appropriate, and the trade-offs associated with it. For those new to Rails, this book provides a quick introduction, the big picture, a walk through the installation process, and some tips on getting started. If you've already started working with Rails and seek to deepen your skill set, you'll find dozens of examples drawn from real-world.
From the Publisher
Ajax on Rails will teach you how to use both Ajax and Ruby on
Rails to quickly build high-performance, scalable web applications without
being overwhelmed with thousands of lines of JavaScript code. You'll learn
how to use Rails to simplify web development with scaffolding, helpers,
breakpoints, and JavaScript templates like RJS. With advanced material that
explains the most current design practices for Ajax usability, you'll learn
how to avoid user experience mistakes with proven design patterns and
thorough user testing. With Ajax on Rails, you have the ideal guide for
building the new generation of Web 2.0 applications quickly and cleanly.
Practical Ajax Projects with Java Technology (Practical) (Paperback)
Book Description
If you're a Java developer already versed in Ajax-style programming, and you want to take your knowledge to the next level, then this is the book for you. Practical Ajax Projects with Java Technology provides the ultimate learn-by-example experience, featuring seven complete example applications for you to learn from and then adapt for use in your own projects. During each application, the author will lead you through the planning, design, and implementation stages.
The book begins with a few quick chapters to recap Ajax basics and build up a complete development environment, and then moves on to the applications. The seven applications are diverse: an auto-complete application, an Ajax game, a two-way chat application, a webmail client, an RSS aggregator, an online calendaring/scheduling system, and a Flickr-style photo gallery application. Technologies covered include Apache, Ant, Ajax Tags, Struts, Prototype, DWR, Dojo, and more. Overall, this book will save you countless hours of development time, and help further your Java Ajax knowledge!
About the Author
Frank W. Zammetti is a web architect specialist for a leading worldwide financial company by day, and a PocketPC and open-source developer by night. He is the founder and chief software architect of Omnytex Technologies, a PocketPC development house.
He has over 12 years of "professional" experience in the IT field, and over 12 more of "amateur" experience. He began his nearly life-long love of computers at age 7 when he became one of four students chosen to take part in the school district's pilot computer program. A year later, he was the only participant left! The first computer Frank owned was a Timex Sinclair 1000 in 1982, on which he wrote a program to look up movie times for all of Long Island (and without the 16k expansion module!). After that, he moved on to a Commodore 64 and spent about 4 years doing nothing but assembly programming (games mostly). He finally got his first IBM-compatible PC in 1987, and began learning the finer points of programming (as they existed at that time!).
Frank has primarily developed web-based applications for about 8 years. Before that, he developed Windows-based client/server applications in a variety of languages. Frank holds numerous certifications including SCJP, MCSD, CNA, i-Net+, A+, CIW, MCP, and numerous BrainBench certifications. He is a contributor to a number of open source projects, including DataVision, Struts, PocketFrog, and Jakarta Commons. In addition, Frank has started two projects: Java Web Parts and The Struts Web Services Enablement Project. He also was one of the founding members of a project that created the first fully functioning Commodore 64 emulator for PocketPC devices (PocketHobbit).
Frank has authored various articles on topics that range from integrating DataVision into web apps, to using Ajax in Struts-based applications. He is currently working on a new application framework specifically geared to creating next-generation web applications.
Pro Ajax and Java Frameworks (Pro) (Paperback)
by Ryan Asleson, Nathaniel T. Schutta
Book Description
As a Java developer, you want a guide that shows you how to add Ajax functionality to your web applications with a minimum of effort. Well look no further than Pro Ajax and Java Frameworks. In this book, recognized Java experts and authors of the best-selling Apress title, Foundations of Ajax, will show you how.
The authors begin by recapping Ajax basics. Then they unveil a comprehensive Java/Ajax toolkit. Tools include JSEclipse for code editing, Venkman for JavaScript debugging, and Dojo Compressor for code compression. They also explain Log4js (and other tools) for JavaScript logging, JsUnit (and others) for testing, and various libraries like AjaxTags, DWR, and for rapid code development.
The last part of the book shows you how to build up a series of professional Java/Ajax applications. These will incorporate some of today's most popular frameworks--Spring, JSF, Struts, and Tapestry--giving you all you need to incorporate Ajax into your everyday work and become an Ajax expert!
About the Author
Nathaniel T. Schutta is a software engineer from the Twin Cities area of Minnesota with extensive experience in the financial services arena primarily developing J2EE-based Web applications. He holds a master of science degree in software engineering from the University of Minnesota. For the last several years, he has focused on user interface design by contributing to corporate interface guidelines, and has consulted on a variety of web-based applications within his organization. A longtime member of the Association for Computing Machinery's Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group, and a Sun Certified Web Component Developer, Nathaniel believes if the user can't figure out your application, you've done something wrong. Along with his UI work, he has contributed to two corporate Java frameworks, developed training material, and lead several study groups. During the brief moments of warm weather found in his home state of Minnesota, he spends as much time on the golf course as his wife will tolerate. He's currently exploring Ruby, Rails, and after recently making the switch, Mac OS X. Ryan Asleson is a software developer who lives and works in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. He holds a degree in chemistry from St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN. Ryan has been building Web applications since 1998 and has extensive experience with JavaScript and Web development tools. He helped transition his organization from servlet-based content creation to JavaServer Pages (JSP) and has also maintained a corporate Web application framework based on Java Enterprise Edition. Ryan's interests include performance tuning and standards based development. When not working, Ryan enjoys spending time with his family and doing outdoor activities like fishing, hunting, and water sports.
Way to Make Money as a Freelancer
Freelance writing is a great opportunity for anyone seeking to make money. The great thing about freelance writing is that you can work your own hours. There is no long-term commitment involved and you can pick your own employer. Due to the fact there is always demand for good freelance writers, the good ones receive a lot of assignments and are paid quite well. Some freelance writers especially those who are just starting out, make .01 per word or less, while experienced freelance writers can easily make .10 per word or more.
Here's an example: let's assume that an article consists of 500 words, and if you are getting .10 per word, that's $50 an article. If you can write 4 articles today, that is $200. It's really that simple. Even more so, there are a lot of websites where you can submit your articlces in exchange for a certain amount of money, and you will receive extra commissions if your article becomes popular.
A wise man once said practice makes perfect. This concept is valid when it comes to writing as well. The more you write, the better you get. You will control the language much better. Knowing this, you can easily success when it comes to any job interview, if you'd be interested in something like that. Good writers can use their talents in many places. They can easy score a job as a business salesman, movie writer or journalist. All of these are high paying jobs, definitely something worth keeping in mind. Money does make the world go around, and more and more talented individuals are tempted to pursue this exciting career.
Life is sometimes just like a popularity contest. Writers are often good in conversations. When you can use the language more effectively, you can talk better with people as well and talk about your writing services which convinces potential customers to send work your way.
Being a freelance writer can be considered a full-time job with no commitment. There is simply no better job than this one once you get the hang of things. Being able to work your own hours, write what you want, harness your knowledge and use it to your advantage, get better and still get paid is no job at all. That is more of a childhood fantasy which you can turn into reality. Your life is in your hands. You can work and labor throughout your entire existence and not reap the rewards, but with freelance writing, you see the benefits each day. Simply put, freelance writing is a great opportunity for anyone with a piece of paper, a computer and a dream.

Author Bio
Anand Srikantaiah is a full time freelance writer working from home. For more information on how to succeed as a freelance writer you may visit his blog Data Entry Jobs. Where in he talks about how to make money at data entry job with zero investment.
Make Money Online with Top Affiliate Programs
Everyone wants their home internet business to making them as much money as possible. How much money you actually make is determine by the types of affiliate programs you

Staying relevant to your main niche or subject matter is of course one of the major things you should consider to be successful. Let say for example let's say if you have your health related website showing ads about computer parts, chances are you're not going to get good result. On the other hand if you put ads on that site about diet pills etc. You will stand a better chance at raking in the cash and have you home business running the way it should.
The affiliates that you could join that will help you with your home business and will get you earning a good income if you go about advertise it the right way.
One of the top paying affiliate programs is Clickbank which is a nice generator for huge commission. This program is like a product directory for affiliate programs. Many people become a member of Clickbank in order to promote their products which are digital products such as eBooks, software's etc. After those products are accepted by Clickbank and added to their database of products, webmasters like you and I grab at the opportunity to promote these products and get some commission. If you're looking to start a work from home website or already have a website, I would advise you to take a look at some of the products Clickbank have to offer, just check out the Clickbank market place. If you don't have a website that's not a problem, you could learn how to use Google, yahoo or MSN to start and ad campaign and start promoting the link that they give to you and you will be able to keep track of your sales by jus logging in to your Clickbank account.
Another program is Commission Junction. This company is another one of the leaders in affiliate marketing. Commission Junction provides their affiliates with quality product to promote because the advertisers/Merchants the sells the products are relatively bigger and better developed companies. This is a very good advantage for the affiliates because they can promote products that are reliable and keep their websites trustworthy.
Websponsors is another affiliate program. These costs per action affiliate programs are great for adding revenue to your bottom line through your web site.
One of our favorite income earners for webmasters is Google ad sense. It is very popular website owners and bloggers. With Google you can paste the code into you site and get pays every time someone clicks on it, But one the things you should avoid is clicking those ads yourself. That's a guarantee to get banned from the program. For a starter you can make over $400 dollars a week or maybe even more from Google ad sense.
So if you want to be on the road to making money online with your work from home business then these are some of the programs you could get involved with but remember these programs won't start making money until u start to attract visitors/traffic to your site.
Author Bio:
Khareem is the owner of legit online money.
8 great easy seo tips
One might think SEO is an arcane science that only a few experts have mastered. There is quite a bit to it, and there are times you might want to employ an SEO firm or expert to help you optimize your site. Often this is a costly solution that’s not feasible for individuals or small businesses.
The good news is Search Engine Optimization doesn’t have to be rocket science. There are quite a few things you can do on your own. I’ve got a few proven, and easy to do tips and techniques that will help people find your content and make it easy for Google (and other engines) to crawl and index your site.
Lead with good content.
My number one tip for SEO? Provide frequently updated content that people want to read. Incoming links are key and if you can provide content that people will read and get something out of, there is a good chance they will link to that content.Research your keywords.
You can use a Keyword Suggestion Tool or simply put yourself in the mindset of your target audience. Learn which terms people will search with and get those into your content and meta information.Provide a good, clear title.
If SEO is important to you make sure you don’t get cute with the titles for your pages. Write titles that are clear and contain your keywords. Once you’ve got that title written, make sure it appears in your title tag as well as in your top level heading tags (h1) on your pages.Don’t use splash pages or Flash.
Search engines like text. A Flash or image intro can block an engine’s crawler right at your homepage. If you do use images, be sure to add keyword laden descriptions to your alt attributes.Use Robots.txt
Make sure you provide a robots.txt file that will help tell crawlers what to index on your site. There are quite a few neat things you can do with your robots.txt file, so you might want to read up on them.Code your pages with standard, clean and semantic markup.
The cleaner your code the easier it is to crawl. Use markup as it is intended with the proper tags tied to the proper information. For example, place your headings with in heading tags, paragraphs within paragraph tags, etc. Another good idea is to move all your presentation into a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) file. This makes your code lighter, faster and easier to index.Don’t get tricky!
Whatever you do, don’t try to “trick” your way into more traffic. Duplicate pages, hidden links and other less-than-honest techniques can get you seriously penalized and ruin any positive work you’ve done.Be patient and don’t forget the people!
Search engines are constantly updating and re-indexing. It may take awhile after you’ve made some changes to see the results. Hang in there, keep working on your content and keep providing something that people find useful.It’s easy to forget that the reason you want to optimize for search in the first place is that you want to bring people to your site and your content
5 Perfect Tips To Getting Famous On Social Media
1/ Maintain your Identity: Using one handle (Nickname) and common logo will produce you recognize easily. The best practice will be if you can practice common username and nickname everywhere this will lead to universal presence. You can check the availability of your desired username everywhere by using usernamecheck website.
2/ Submit quality contents : If you wish to see a difference, then instead of submitting content from your blog you should also submit quality posts from white-listed websites like mashable, washington posts, Lifehacker and many more. There are two benefit of doing it, first is all community will recognize your submission and second you will have an insight on what kind of contents humans like to see. If you submit each and every contents from your websiteblog I recommend stop doing so on account of soon your blog will be marked as spam-blog. If we talk about Digg or stumble upon there are many websites and blogs which are banned from them owing to of this.
3/ Socialize : It’s very substantial aspect of social media you require to understand mankind there. mankind who are social media experts are generally webmaster, SEO. If you connect with them offline as well that will be very helpful for you. I have experienced it and I know the importance of it. You can socialize with them using either IM’s, twitter or E-mail.
4/ Review them : This is specially in the occasion of stumble upon . If you like someone submission, sending them a term of appreciation will get respect for you. If we talk about websites like digg, reddit, delicious then dropping a expression of appreciation by email or PM will be productive for you later.
5/ Commenting : Comments at the end for ever and adding appropriate comments which add value to the submission or advertise is always recognized and that besides is worthy for your own identity since persons recognize you for you valuable comment and like minded humans will prize to add you in their friends list.
Though it’s very essential that when you plan to target social media to promote your articles produce persuaded you have created your identity there and for that you require to be a quality contributor rather then quantity contributor.
If you have not targeted social media traffic you are missing a significant amount of traffic for your blog. Try to give it a shot on the contrary create persuaded to follow the relevant rules mentioned above.
Make Money With Google Adsense For Domain - Now Available In All Countries
Google provides a code that web publishers can add on their undeveloped pages or parked domains so that they may serve Ad’s, Links and Search Results on those particular domains. You may have heard of Google Adsense for Domains before, however, you may know of it by another reputation. This concept was rolled away before nevertheless it was known as Domain Park. In the past this program has been very controversial owing to it delivered poor quality search results and traffic.
- More Informations From Google:
AdSense for domains allows publishers with undeveloped domains to help users by providing relevant information including ads, links and search results.
With AdSense for domains, users can find relevant information rather than see empty pages or "page not found" errors. To ensure positive user experience and the quality of our network, these sites are monitored for policy compliance and prohibited from using text and images designed to confuse users.
AdSense for domains provides advertisers with additional opportunities to find their customers, and ads on these pages convert well. In addition, we regularly receive requests from advertisers who have found domains to be an effective way to reach their users.
If you have undeveloped domains, then AdSense for domains can help your users. To get started, check out our setup instructions, and visit our Help Center for more information.
Q: What domains are eligible for AdSense for domains?
A: AdSense for domains can be used on any domain that adheres to Google’s policies.
Q: Is Google involved in the selection or registration of the domains in the AdSense for domains program?
A: Google is not involved with the selection or registration of these domain names, and is not in a position to arbitrate trademark disputes between the registrants, our partners, and trademark owners. Accordingly, we encourage trademark owners to resolve their disputes directly with the registrants or registrars. As a courtesy to trademark owners, Google provides a simple publicly available complaint procedure and, once notified of a legitimate complaint against a specific domain, Google will no longer serve ads to that domain. For instructions on how to file a complaint, please refer to the Trademark Complaint Process page. Additionally, a copy of our publicly available trademark policy is available online.
Q: Where can I find more information about the AdSense for domains program?
A: Please refer to our Help Center for more information.
Source: Host, Hosting, Domain, Coupon, Promotion Codes
How about Google Adsense Premium account?
As you can see at the left, these ads are not like normal AdSense’s ads. Premium AdSense Ads can be customized to fit the site’s design and layout. This is an advantage of Premium AdSense Account.
Apart from this, Premium AdSense Account Holders have some exceptions in AdSense TOS. Some of them are :
Unlike normal publishers, premium publishers can pre-populate the search box and link them directly to AdSense Search Result Pages.
Premium AdSense Publishers can also place mature content on their site. They are even allowed to publish content about Gambling and Casino.
Premium AdSense Account Holders can also remove the ‘Ads By Google’ line and place something of their own. Thus, the visitors will not know that these ads are served by Google.
Google provides a special Account manager through which the AdSense publishers can customize the colors, layout, fonts etc.. and change the way the ads look.
Premium Publishers can negotiate the percentage shared between them and Google while normal publishers have to accept whatever Google gives.
Finally, Google AdSense Premium Publishers get an opportunity to become much more richer.
Some questions and answers for SEO interview
1) Give me a description of your general SEO experience.
2) Do you currently do SEO on your own sites and give me some examples. Do you operate any blogs? Do you currently do any freelance work and do you plan on continuing it?
3) Where do you think the SEO industry is headed?
4) What industry sites, blogs, and forums do you regularly read?
5) Have you attended any search related conferences?
6) What SEO tools do you regularly use?
7) What SEO areas are you weak and strong in, and give examples of both.
8) What areas do you think are currently the most important in organically ranking a site?
9) Do you have experience in copywriting and can you provide some writing samples?
10) What kind of strategies do you normally implement for backlinks? What do you think about link buying, link bait, and other specific backlink strategies?
11) What are your thoughts on the direction of Web 2.0 technologies with regards to SEO?
12) Are you familiar with any blackhat SEO techniques, search arbitrage, and affiliate marketing?
13) Are you familiar with enterprise web analytics and what packages are your familiar with?
14) Are you familiar with A/B testing and multivariate testing?
15) Do you have experience in email marketing, banner advertising, other types of media buys and other forms of online advertising?
16) Are you experienced in managing PPC campaigns? To what extent and on what platforms?
17) Do you have experience in bid management tools, API tools, and click fraud issues?
18) Do you have experience in extensive competitive analysis and what techniques do you use?
19) What technologies are you familiar with? (We primarily use HTML, CSS, ASP, .net, PHP, SQL, and JavaScript)
20) Why are you moving from your current position and/or leaving any current projects?
21) Do you know who Matt Cutts is?
22) What is the Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything?
Thanks to Rand at for this post on SEO hiring. It helped quite a bit in assembling this list. Any additional questions anyone can think of?
22) What is page segmentation? (ever heard of VIPS?)
23) What’s the difference bewtween PageRank and ToolBar PageRank?
24) What is Latent Semantic Analysis (LSI - Indexing)?
25) What is Phrase Based Indexing and Retrieval and what roles does it play?
26) In Google Lore - what are ‘Hilltop’ Florida’ and ‘Big Daddy’?
Recommended answers:
1) Give me a description of your general SEO experience. |
I recently started a network of sites which are earning through adsense
2) Do you currently do SEO on your own sites and give me some examples. Do you operate any blogs? Do you currently do any freelance work and do you plan on continuing it? |
3) Where do you think the SEO industry is headed? |
4) What industry sites, blogs, and forums do you regularly read? |
5) Have you attended any search related conferences? |
6) What SEO tools do you regularly use? |
7) What SEO areas are you weak and strong in, and give examples of both. |
8) What areas do you think are currently the most important in organically ranking a site? |
9) Do you have experience in copywriting and can you provide some writing samples? |
10) What kind of strategies do you normally implement for backlinks? What do you think about link buying, link bait, and other specific backlink strategies? |
11) What are your thoughts on the direction of Web 2.0 technologies with regards to SEO? |
12) Are you familiar with any blackhat SEO techniques, search arbitrage, and affiliate marketing? |
14) Are you familiar with A/B testing and multivariate testing? |
15) Do you have experience in email marketing, banner advertising, other types of media buys and other forms of online advertising?
Again I believe this can be interlinked well with SEO and SEO techniques
16) Are you experienced in managing PPC campaigns? To what extent and on what platforms? |
17) Do you have experience in bid management tools, API tools, and click fraud issues? |
19) What technologies are you familiar with? (We primarily use HTML, CSS, ASP, .net, PHP, SQL, and JavaScript) |
20) Why are you moving from your current position and/or leaving any current projects? |
21) Do you know who Matt Cutts is? |
22) What is the Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything? |
Another answers:
1.) I SEO 3 sites in my experience, the first site goes at the top of SERPs as well as the second site.
2.) Yes, I SEO my new site but it still below the top 100 SERPs because the site is new and the keywords
are competitive. I operate 5 blogs, but I haven't done any freelance work for now.
3.) It grows bigger and bigger because majority of websites today offer e-commerce.
4.) SEO updates, web design tutorials, web development tutorials, w3schools, w3c, etc.
5.) Not yet.
6.) Search engines itself, info.vilesilencer's directories, overture keyword checker, livepr checker,
submitexpress linkpop checker, statcounter, Google analytics, etc.
7.) I am strong in terms of traffic, but weak in patience because I want faster money from search
8.) SERP ranking, once you achieve that, you can make bigger money from your site.
9.) Yes.
10.) Link exchanges, article submission, press release submission, forum signature, directory
submission, link baiting techniques, links on comments.
11.) Web 2.0 for SEO is good because you get additional traffic from that.
12.) Yes, I have done a site with a hidden text that ranked high in SERPs using the main keyword.
13.) Google Analytics, webalizer, and statcounter.
14.) Not exactly, but I am familiar with the word.
15.) Yes, Groups marketing and from ads.
16.) Adwords, overture, etc.
17.) Basic tools using Google Maps, Adsense click checker, etc.
18.) In checking keywords, yes.
19.) PHP, Ruby, CSS, ASP, JSP, Cold fusion, Perl, HTML, XHTML, XML, Javascript, VBscript.
20.) I master all fields to extend my knowledge.
21.) He is one good SEO Gadgets Guy from Google, and he's cool.
22.) Not a sure answer but peace.
23.) Pagerank views different results from different pagerank, toolbar pagerank views from a current
datacenter only.
24.) Understanding proper keyphrasing, that is all I know. It is derived from the natural language
processing which involves proper sentence pattern.
25.) Black hat key phrasing, a method where you spam keywords in a form of a phrase or paragraph.
26.) Big Daddy is not a lore, it really exists, they are one of the big datacenters used by Google
Blogger Ad Code Converter - Help yoy place ads on BlogSpot
Have you ever tried to insert javascript ad code directly into your Blogger Template and it just wouldn’t work? Ok, everyone in the room can put their hands down now. This has always been a huge problem for blog authors using Google Blogger looking to monetize their site since almost all ad code contains javascript.
So why is this so darn difficult to do? The problem in the past was that Blogger users wanted more control over where and how frequently their block of ad code (usually AdSense) appeared. The Blogger Team listened to their customers and created an easy to use feature that allows you to setup AdSense in your individual posts with a simple checkbox selection.
Typical Blogger Error Messages
That’s great for most people but the places where you can insert widgets are rather limited and not as flexible as you’d like. So what if you want to put AdSense, AdBrite, Chitika or any other sort of javascript-related code elsewhere on your blog without having to use a widget? The answer in the past would be, “It’s just not easy”.You would paste the Google AdSense, AdBrite, Chitika or any other javascript ad code into your xml Blogger template only do get an error like:
“Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message: The processing instruction target matching “[xX][mM][lL]” is not allowed.”
or another really cryptic error message like:
“Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.“.
In fact, more recently the Blogger xml parser seems to allow javascript code in your template without displaying an error message at all. You think all is well only to discover when you view your blog that nothing actually gets displayed. Grrr.
Using the Blogger Ad Code Converter
So how can I get around this and easily use ad code or any javascript inside my xml Blogger template? Introducing, the Blogger Ad Code Converter by eBlog Templates. This simple tool will take any block of javascript or html code and replace the characters that Google Blogger ignores with the correct ones. Here’s a real life example. Say I want to put a Google AdSense 468 x 60 banner ad into the header of my blog but there’s no widget to use. You’d have to manually go into AdSense and create a new ad unit to get the code. Here’s the result:
Now if you just pasted that ad unit code directly into your Blogger header you’d get an error or it just wouldn’t work. Most people would think Blogger was broken or wonder if it’s something they did when in fact it’s neither. The new Blogger uses xml which is much more strict and requires certain reserved characters like > < or & to be converted into xhtml entities. Here’s what your ad code needs to look like in order to work properly:
This only took me a few seconds to convert since I used the free and easy Blogger Ad Code Converter. There are actually posts out there that explain how to do this manually but who wants to take the time searching and replacing each character when you can convert unlimited sized ad code blocks with only one click?
After you’ve converted your ad code, paste it into your template and it should now work. Obviously before you make any changes to your Blogger template, it’s a good idea to back it up. You never know when you might make a mistake or revert to a previous version. Once you’ve done that, give the Blogger Ad Code Converter a try for free!
What Other Code Can it Convert?
Actually this tool is quite powerful and can be used for encoding any HTML or javascript into XHTML entities. Some popular javascript ad codes that are converted are AdSense, Text Link Ads, AdBrite, LinkWorth, Chitika, Amazon, and more. Another good use is if you need to post a large block of HTML or javascript code into your blog post you can just use this tool.Technically, it does so by replacing the reserved HTML characters with their XHTML equivalents. It’s basically a simple HTML Encoder that automatically replaces all HTML special characters like <, >, & into entities
<, >, &
.Please note: If you are using this tool to convert Google AdSense code you don’t need to worry about breaking the AdSense program policies. This tools is just encoding reserved HTML characters into usable XHTML entities for xml Blogger. When you paste the code into your blog, save it, and then view the source code for the page, you’ll notice your AdSense code is displaying as it was originally written. This modification will not alter the functionality of the code at all, and ensures that it will be displayed within Blogger correctly.
Now! Convert and add you code to blog and earn money now! Here:
Increase CTR, "technical" or "art"?
'Technical "
Technical increase CTR depends on the layout of your banner, with the color, size banner and collaborated with the structure of your site. Of course the position in Top CTR often higher than other places, if the dexterity you can increase the CTR at all locations on your website and making Member of exciting when you click the banner. 'Technique "will focusing on the placement, layout and the plan chosen by the position you set out. One important factor is changing positions banner, members will find new and curious than if they visited each day and see if there is any change somewhat on your location, is not the time A banner also at the Top, B and hip in line at the foot of C ... Island location will create the banner feeling quite new and of course if you have multiple Adv accept you have and how many banner island dexterity of you will do your web increasingly better, members will be "difficult to bear" Click to view ads and of course $ $ will fall into the bags you have are. The islands of the banner will help you keep them at CTR stability, and long-term course Adv do not doubt you all.
For example, the use of the widget CDT (change things) may have helped you get a lot of clicking (unfortunately garbled also much) and so your CTR for the CDT on QC reality completely higher numbers 0,025%. Banner change often completely can increase the number of your CTR up to 0.05% or more. The banner rotator forms are applied in a number of Affiliate programs abroad are also widely used (Unknow rotator banner of the Lienket247 how? Has been guided but not used).
'Art "
Arts increase CTR depends a lot on your skills, to the content of banner ads and investment on what your customer.
- About skills: This is the most important factors that the blogger often uses. Or an article, there are many interesting information and the sharing of the community will attract viewers of large crowds. And if some layout banner near post, or "quite" relevant to the content will keep members, try clicking immediately. So you are not breaking the law that even the most difficult Adv would also prefer this method.
- Regarding the content banner: Please review the content banner copy to suit tastes at the time of the ad. For example, before the "dark Friday" in the U.S., if 1 banner that says "80-90% discount for all categories of goods, only at ABC" it would like to affirm that the CTR of banner which can completely was 50% (which benefits, who prefer spring). So let's "priority" banner with the contents of the time, the time or the attractive, you will increase the CTR for your website.
- Investment in "research" Member of you: If you understand your members, then you will know they like to see something, or are interested in products and services and what course to be complete by smoking ads do. For example I would like to fish with you that Daughter, there are 90% boi curious about accounting, because death (hehe, sorry sister). So try advertising "Click here to know more secrets of you" (or Type 1 Title exclaim something less than that to think of that), placed in the box "sister" box, then maybe it will tha lake inspired clicking, where every new home must be a click. After a time I use the banner after another was "exploiting" clicking enough for the position of that banner. So, you've become an "art house" in which QC.
In short, "technical" or "art" above casting withdraw from the actual experiences of e-Marketers in the world, for the Vietnamese market, we may not be able to statistical effects, habits of Internet users and "well, art" of the Publishers. CTR indicators of the websites also vary a lot by the webmaster where the same, more of Ads "Made in Vietnam" is too small for us to exploit the "well, art" of this.
Algorithms for Worst-Case Design and Applications to Risk Management
Berc Rustem, Melendres Howe �Algorithms for Worst-Case Design and Applications to Risk Management�
Princeton University Press | 2002-08-26 | ISBN: 0691091544 | 408 pages | PDF | 1,8 MB
Recognizing that robust decision making is vital in risk management, this book provides concepts and algorithms for computing the best decision in view of the worst-case scenario. The main tool used is minimax, which ensures robust policies with guaranteed optimal performance that will improve further if the worst case is not realized. The applications considered are drawn from finance, but the design and algorithms presented are equally applicable to problems of economic policy, engineering design, and other areas of decision making.
Critically, worst-case design addresses not only Armageddon-type uncertainty. Indeed, the determination of the worst case becomes nontrivial when faced with numerous�possibly infinite�and reasonably likely rival scenarios. Optimality does not depend on any single scenario but on all the scenarios under consideration. Worst-case optimal decisions provide guaranteed optimal performance for systems operating within the specified scenario range indicating the uncertainty. The noninferiority of minimax solutions�which also offer the possibility of multiple maxima�ensures this optimality.
Worst-case design is not intended to necessarily replace expected value optimization when the underlying uncertainty is stochastic. However, wise decision making requires the justification of policies based on expected value optimization in view of the worst-case scenario. Conversely, the cost of the assured performance provided by robust worst-case decision making needs to be evaluated relative to optimal expected values.
Written for postgraduate students and researchers engaged in optimization, engineering design, economics, and finance, this book will also be invaluable to practitioners in risk management.
Download FREE:
Visual C++ 6 in 21 Tagen . Programmierkurs fur Einsteiger
Davis Chapman, �Visual C++ 6 in 21 Tagen . Programmierkurs fur Einsteiger�
Markt+Technik | 1999 | ISBN: 3827220351 | 840 pages | PDF | 4 MB
21 Tage. Dass sind gerade mal drei Wochen. In dieser Zeit das Programm Visual C++ 6 zu erlernen ist ein gewagtes Unterfangen. Oder? Nein, meint zumindest Davis Chapman und bietet dazu ein entsprechendes Buch an: Visual C++ 6 in 21 Tagen. Durchstrukturierte 800 Seiten fur das Selbststudium zu Haus oder am Arbeitsplatz mit aller notigen Software fur die ersten Schritte auf CD-ROM.
Schritt fur Schritt lernt man zusammen mit Chapman die Entwicklungsumgebung und die verschiedenen Steuer- und Funktionselemente kennen. Dabei steht, wie nicht anders zu erwarten, der Einsatz visueller Werkzeuge fur den Entwurf von Anwendungen im Vordergrund. ActiveX-Steuerelemente, der Einsatz von Schriften und Grafiken, der Entwurf von DLL-Dateien und Klassenbibliotheken bis hin zu Explorer-unterstutzen Anwendungen.
Visual C++ 6 in 21 Tagen ist ein Lehrbuch fur die ersten Schritte, um Vertrauen mit sich und der Sprache zu bekommen � mit dieser ersten Hurde hinter sich, kommt der Rest wie von allein.
Algorithms for Parallel Polygon Rendering (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Algorithms for Parallel Polygon Rendering (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Publisher: Springer | ISBN: 3540513949 | edition 1989 | PDF | 147 pages | 6,11 mb
This book is the result of the research in the implementation of polygon-based graphics operations on certain general purpose parallel processors; the aim is to provide a speed-up over sequential implementations of the graphics operations concerned, and the resulting software can be viewed as a subset of the application suites of the relevant parallel machines. A literature review and a brief description of the architectures considered give an introduction into the field.
Most algorithms are consistently presented in an informally defined extension of the Occam language which includes Single Instruction Multiple Data stream (SIMD) data types and operations on them. Original methods for polygon rendering - including the operations of filling, hidden surface elimination and smooth shading - are presented for SIMD architectures like the DAP and for a dual-paradigm (SIMD-MIMD) machine constructed out of a DAP-like processor array and a transputer network. Polygon clipping algorithms for both transputer and the DAP are described and contrasted. Apart from the information presented in the book and the useful literature survey, the reader can also expect to gain an insight into the programming of the relevant parallel machines.
My Links
Fast Transforms Algorithms, Analyses, Applications
Fast Transforms Algorithms, Analyses, Applications By Douglas F. Elliott, K. Ramamohan Rao
Publisher: Academic Press 1983 | 448 Pages | ISBN: 0122370805 | PDF | 10 MB
This book has grown from notes used by the authors to instruct fast transform classes. One class was sponsored by the Training Department of Rockwell International, and another was sponsored by the Department of Electrical Engineering of The University of Texas at Arlington. Some of the material was also used in a short course sponsored by the University of Southern California.
The authors are indebted to their students for motivating the writing of this book and for suggestions to improve it.
Developing Software for Symbian OS : An Introduction to Creating Smartphone Applications in C++ (Symbian Press)
Developing Software for Symbian OS : An Introduction to Creating Smartphone Applications in C++ (Symbian Press)
Publisher: Wiley | ISBN: 0470018453 | edition 2005 | PDF | 468 pages | 2,04 mb
The overall goal of this book is to provide introductory coverage of Symbian OS and get developers who have little or no knowledge of Symbian OS developing as quickly as possible.
A clear and concise text on how Symbian OS architecture works and the core programming techniques and concepts needed to be a solid, competent Symbian programmer
Shows how Symbian OS architecture and programming compares with other mobile operating systems (to help transition and for better understanding)
Provides multiple examples and extra descriptions for areas most difficult for new programmers who are unfamiliar to the unique OS architecture
Contains many tips and techniques documented only, up until now, by scattered white papers and newsgroup threads
Describes many details of inner operations of Symbian OS, focusing specifically on those needed to become a competent programmer
The book will cover development ranging from low-level system programming to end user GUI applications. It also covers the development and packaging tools, as well as providing some detailed reference and examples for key APIs.
My Links
Exploring C++: The Programmer�s Introduction to C++
Exploring C++: The Programmer�s Introduction to C++
Publisher: Apress | Pages: 725 | December 19, 2008 | ISBN 1590597494 | PDF | 1.5 MB
Exploring C++ uses a series of self�directed lessons to divide C++ into bite�sized chunks that you can digest as rapidly as you can swallow them. The book assumes only a basic understanding of fundamental programming concepts (variables, functions, expressions, statements) and requires no prior knowledge of C or any other particular language. It reduces the usually considerable complexity of C++.
The included lessons allow you to learn by doing, as a participant of an interactive education session. You�ll master each step in a one sitting before you proceed to the next. Author Ray Lischner has designed questions to promote learning new material. And by responding to questions throughout the text, youll be engaged every step of the way.
Microsoft Press - Programming Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 The Language
Microsoft Press - Programming Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 The Language
E-Book | Microsoft Press | English | 9 MB | CHM File Format | Rapidsahre
Use this comprehensive guide to get the essential, straightforward information you need to master the core capabilities of Visual Basic 2005.
Microsoft Press - Programming Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 The Language
Creating Games in C++- A Step-by-Step Guide By David Conger
Repost: Creating Games in C++- A Step-by-Step Guide By David Conger
New Riders Games | ISBN: 0735714347 | 464 pages | November 21, 2006 | CHM | 1.22 MB
Do you love video games? Ever wondered if you could create one of your own, with all the bells and whistles? It�s not as complicated as you�d think, and you don�t need to be a math whiz or a programming genius to do it. In fact, everything you need to create your first game, �Invasion of the Slugwroths,� is included in this book and CD-ROM.
Author David Conger starts at square one, introducing the tools of the trade and all the basic concepts for getting started programming with C++, the language that powers most current commercial games. Plus, he�s put a wealth of top-notch (and free) tools on the CD-ROM, including the Dev-C++ compiler, linker, and debugger�and his own LlamaWorks2D game engine. Step-by-step instructions and ample illustrations take you through game program structure, integrating sound and music into games, floating-point math, C++ arrays, and much more. Using the sample programs and the source code to run them, you can follow along as you learn.
Bio: David Conger has been programming professionally for over 23 years. Along with countless custom business applications, he has written several PC and online games. Conger also worked on graphics firmware for military aircraft, and taught computer science at the university level for four years. Conger has written numerous books on C, C++, and other computer-related topics. He lives in western Washington State and has also published a collection of Indian folk tales.
Linux Firewalls
Andreas G. Lessig, �Linux Firewalls�
O�Reilly | 2006 | ISBN: 3897214466 | 632 pages | PDF | 6,15 MB
Firewalls sind heutzutage unverzichtbar, aber ist es nicht trivial, eine sichere Linux-Firewall einzurichten oder beispielsweise komplexere Paketfilterregeln aufzustellen. Linux-Firewalls - Ein praktischer Einstieg hilft Ihnen, die fur Sie geeignete Firewall-Losung zu finden und Schritt fur Schritt zu realisieren: Ob Sie nun Ihre privaten Computer zu Hause oder das lokale Netz Ihrer Firma und Ihren Webserver schutzen wollen.
Vorgestellt werden sowohl Floppy-Linuxe als unkomplizierte Losungen fur den Privathaushalt als auch anspruchsvollere Losungen, die auf einer sicher konfigurierten Standarddistribution basieren und die Paketfilterung mit dem Einsatz von Proxies kombinieren. Daruber hinaus wird auch auf die Einrichtung einer Demilitarized Zone fur den Betrieb offentlicher Server eingegangen. Die vollstandig aktualisierte zweite Auflage des Standardwerks behandelt den Kernel 2.6, SUSE 9.3, Debian 3.1 (Sarge) und jetzt auch Tools wie SUSEs ftp-Proxy, den Checksummer AIDE und wie Netzwerkdienste in einem chroot-Kafig betrieben werden. Zu den Themen gehoren: * Die gangigsten Angriffe und was technisch dahinter steckt * Verschiedene Firewall-Architekturen und ihre Bausteine * Floppy-Linuxe als einfache Losung fur den Privathaushalt: Coyote Linux und fli4l * Eine Linux-Standarddistribution Schritt fur Schritt zu einer Firewallumbauen: SUSE Linux 9.3 und Debian 3.1 (Sarge) * Einrichten und Testen der Internetverbindung (DSL, ISDN, Modem, direkte Ethernet-Verbindung) * Konfiguration der Paketfilter fur Linux-Kernel der Serie 2.6 und 2.4 * Eine Demilitarized Zone fur den Betrieb offentlicher Server * Durchfuhren von Abnahmetests, bevor die Firewall in Betrieb geht * Wartung der Firewall und Sicherheitsrichtlinien fur die Nutzer eines Netzes * Was im Fall eines Angriffs oder Einbruchs zu tun ist.
Das Buch wird unter der GNU Free Documentation License veroffentlicht. Den Quelltext und die im Buch beschriebenen Skripte konnen Sie von der O�Reilly-Website herunterladen.
Designing and Implementing Linux Firewalls with QoS using netfilter, iproute2, NAT and L7-filter
Lucian Gheorghe, �Designing and Implementing Linux Firewalls with QoS using netfilter, iproute2, NAT and L7-filter �
Packt Publishing | 2006-10-31 | ISBN: 1904811655 | 288 pages | PDF | 6,2 MB
Learn how to secure your system and implement QoS using real-world scenarios for networks of all sizes using this unique book. The book covers:
Implementing Packet filtering, NAT, bandwidth shaping, packet prioritization using netfilter/iptables, iproute2, Class Based Queuing (CBQ) and Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB)
Designing and implementing 5 real-world firewalls and QoS scenarios ranging from small SOHO offices to a large Learn how to secure your system and implement QoS using real-world scenarios for networks of all sizes using this unique book.
The book covers:
Implementing Packet filtering, NAT, bandwidth shaping, packet prioritization using netfilter/iptables, iproute2, Class Based Queuing (CBQ) and Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB)
Designing and implementing 5 real-world firewalls and QoS scenarios ranging from small SOHO offices to a large scale ISP network that spans many cities
Building intelligent networks by marking, queuing, and prioritizing different types of traffic
This practical guide teaches you how to implement effective network protection by using your own customized firewall solution. Based on extensive practical experience, this book distills a unique set of scenario based scripts and guidelines for a proven firewall solution, into one succinct and precise book.
After giving us a background of network security, the book moves on to explain the basic technologies we will work with, namely netfilter, iproute2, NAT and l7-filter. These form the crux of building Linux firewalls and QOS. The later part of the book covers 5 real-world networks for which we design the security policies, build the firewall, setup the script, and verify our installation.Providing only necessary theoretical background, the book takes a practical approach, presenting case studies and plenty of illustrative examples.
Repost: Linux Desktop Hacks by Nicholas Petreley, Jono Bacon
Repost: Linux Desktop Hacks by Nicholas Petreley, Jono Bacon
O�Reilly Media | ISBN: 0596009119 | March 28, 2005 | CHM | 2,45 Mb | 342 Pages
The KDE and Gnome desktops have developed into mature operating environments. These technologies not only act as interfaces between the user, the powerful Linux kernel and GNU operating system, but they do so in a fun and intuitive way.
Many users are content with the tools and facilities included with these desktops, but�for those who are ready to probe a little deeper�much more functionality can be found by going under the hood. With hacks that any user can follow, Linux Desktop Hacks demonstrates how easy it is to modify Linux to suit your desires.
The book is packed with tips on customizing and improving the interface, boosting performance, administering your desktop, and generally making the most out of what X, KDE, Gnome, and the console have to offer. From the practical to the whimsical, and some things you never thought of trying, the hacks in the book include the following, and more:
* Kill and Resurrect the Master Boot Record
* Jazz Up Your Debian System Boot
* Energize Your Console with Macro Music Magic
* Konquer Remote Systems Without Passwords
* Run KDE on the Bleeding Edge
* View Microsoft Word Documents in a Terminal
* Read Yahoo! Mail from Any Email Client
* Motion Capture and Video Conferencing Fun
* Automate Your Life with cron
* Protect Yourself from Windows Applications
* Make an Internet Connection Using Bluetooth and a Mobile Phone
* Print to Unsupported Printers
* Accelerate Your Gaming
If you�re yearning for information to make the Linux desktop easier, more powerful, and more fun, Linux Desktop Hacks is just the ticket.
Spring Into Linux(R)
Janet Valade, �Spring Into Linux(R)�
Addison-Wesley Professional | 2005-05-05 | ISBN: 0131853546 | 360 pages | CHM | 18,3 MB
The fastest route to true Linux mastery!
You know your way around Windows (or maybe a Mac, or even UNIX). Now, you�re ready for Linux.
And you don�t have a minute to waste.
Welcome. This book�s for you.
Janet Valade has spent thirteen years helping new users master Linux and related technologies. She knows the �magic words� that�ll help you get the job done, fast. (And she knows exactly how to keep you out of trouble, too!)
You�ll learn Linux through dozens of focused, bite-size examples, each one carefully designed to build on what you�ve learned before.
Need specific solutions? This book�s carefully crafted, high-efficiency format delivers them� instantly. Working on Fedora? Mandrake? SuSE? No matter. This book is for you.
No other introduction to Linux covers this much, this well, this quickly. Dig in, get started, get results!
* All you need to succeed with Linux�without the hassles!
* Choose the best Linux distribution for your personal or business needs
* Get Linux installed quickly and running reliably
* Handle your day-to-day tasks and efficiently manage your files
* Master KDE, GNOME, and the Linux command line
* Write documents and build spreadsheets with
* Set up Web access, email, and instant messaging
* Work with powerful Linux multimedia and graphics software
* Find, install, and run new Linux software
* Set up your printer to work with Linux
* Supercharge Linux with shell scripts and customized configuration files
Includes concise Linux command reference and quick guide to building powerful Regular Expressions
Spring Into� is a new series of fast-paced tutorials from Addison-Wesley Professional Publishers. Each book in the series is designed to bring you up-to-speed quickly. Complex technologies are reduced to their core components, and each component is treated with remarkable efficiency in one- or two-page spreads. Just the information you need to begin working�now! And because the books are example-rich and easy to navigate, you�ll find that they make great on-the-job references after you�ve mastered the basics.
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