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Java 2: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition
Jun 29, 2009This book is the most complete and up-to-date resource on Java from programming guru, Herb Schildt -- a must-have desk reference for every Java programmer.
Robert Hurd, Code Collection web site, March 2000"A beginner will get a sufficient understanding of Java and some excellent AWT applet source code examples."
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Effective Java: Programming Language Guide

As a veteran developer at Sun, the author shares his considerable insight into the design choices made over the years in Sun's own Java libraries (which the author acknowledges haven't always been perfect). Based on his experience working with Sun's best minds, the author provides a compilation of 57 tips for better Java code organized by category. Many of these ideas will let you write more robust classes that better cooperate with built-in Java APIs. Many of the tips make use of software patterns and demonstrate an up-to-the-minute sense of what works best in today's design. Each tip is clearly introduced and explained with code snippets used to demonstrate each programming principle.
Early sections on creating and destroying objects show you ways to make better use of resources, including how to avoid duplicate objects. Next comes an absolutely indispensable guide to implementing "required" methods for custom classes. This material will help you write new classes that cooperate with old ones (with advice on implementing essential requirements like the equals() and hashCode() methods).
The author has a lot to say about class design, whether using inheritance or composition. Tips on designing methods show you how to create understandable, maintainable, and robust classes that can be easily reused by others on your team. Sections on mapping C code (like structures, unions, and enumerated types) onto Java will help C programmers bring their existing skills to Sun's new language. Later sections delve into some general programming tips, like using exceptions effectively. The book closes with advice on using threads and synchronization techniques, plus some worthwhile advice on object serialization.
Whatever your level of Java knowledge, this title can make you a more effective programmer. Wisely written, yet never pompous or doctrinaire, the author has succeeded in packaging some really valuable nuggets of advice into a concise and very accessible guidebook that arguably deserves a place on most any developer's bookshelf. --Richard Dragan
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Java ME Game Programming, 2E
Java ME Game Programming, 2E
Java ME Game Programming, 2E
Product Description
Get ready to create your own J2ME game! This updated edition to the popular J2ME Game Programming provides updated sofware coverage as well as updates to the programming approaches specific to Java ME software. It also covers the recent innovations in mobile games with relations to iPods and cell phones. You will learn the essentials of J2ME game development from the ground up.
Throughout the book you will discover the issues involved in developing for multiple target devices and how to work through the jungle of device-specific libraries and device capabilities. Working on a limited platform it is important to squeeze as much as you can out of those precious bytes, so in this book you will find the tools and source code you need to get the most out of the constrained resources. You will also learn how to structure your code and classes to achieve as small an application footprint as possible. As you work toward developing your own J2ME game, you’ll examine the game lifecycle, how to handle resources, various methods of drawing to the screen, optimizing memory usage, handling the users input, and even sharing high-scores online! Previous experience in programming object-oriented languages and a basic level of math skills is recommended.
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A Programmer's Guide to Java™ Certification

There is a great and increasing demand for certified Java programmers. Sun Microsystems has defined the Sun CJPE which professionals can take to validate their skills. The certification provides IT industry the standard to use for hiring such professionals, and allows the professionals to turn their Java skills into credentials that are important for career advancement.
The book helps the reader to master all features of the Java language, and this mastering of the language can culminate in accomplishing the exam. It provides an extensive coverage of all the objectives defined for the exam by Sun. Since the exam objectives are selective, they do not cover all the essential features of Java. The book provides extensive coverage of additional topics that every Java programmer should master in order to be proficient in this field. In this regard, the book is a comprehensive primer for learning the Java programming language.
This book is not a complete reference for the Java programming language as it does not attempt to list every member of every class from the Java Development Kit (JDK) API documentation. Its purpose is not to document the JDK APIs. It is also not a book on teaching programming techniques. Again, this is not its purpose. Its emphasis is on the Java programming language features, their syntax and correct usage.
The book assumes background in programming. We believe the exam is accessible to any programmer who works through the book. A Java programmer can easily skip over material which is well understood and concentrate on parts that need reinforcing, whereas a programmer new to Java will find the concepts explained from basic principles.
Each topic is explained and discussed thoroughly with examples, and backed by review questions and exercises to reinforce the concepts. Common pitfalls and programming style are discussed where appropriate. The book is not biased toward any particular platform but provides platform-specific details where appropriate.
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