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Beginning Java Objects: From Concepts To Code, 2nd Edition by: Jacquie Barker
Mar 16, 2009Publisher: Apress | 20-06-2005 | ISBN: 1590594576 | 1000 pages | 10.6 Mb
Learning to design objects effectively with Java is the goal of Beginning Java Objects, an intensive yet approachable guide to object design using UML and today's hottest programming language. Aimed at those who know a little Java, but don't yet feel comfortable with the object paradigm, this book can bridge the gap and take your knowledge of Java objects to the next level.
The book takes readers through object design from the very beginning at a relaxed pace. While you get all the necessary jargon for really learning the object paradigm (for example, there is full coverage of concepts such as data encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism), the tutorial is apt to reach more readers. Without being doctrinaire about the design process, the author walks you through the steps for "discovering" objects in a business problem (including classes, attributes and operations) and then determining how these objects work together to model real-world problems. The sample class diagrams offer quite a rich level of detail, and a single case study for a student course registration database demonstrates the design principles, including extensive class diagrams.
Beginning GIMP: From Novice to Professional
Apress | 2009 | ISBN: 1430210702 | 584 pages | PDF | 70,9 MB
From first installation to advanced image manipulation techniques, Beginning GIMP: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition explains how anyone can utilize The GIMP: a free, open source image manipulation program. You will learn how to install The GIMP on Windows, Linux, and MacOS X platforms. Once you�ve installed the application, you�ll learn about the interface and configuration options, and then jump into a quick and simple project to familiarize yourself.
With four�color graphics and screenshots throughout, you�ll learn how to prepare camera images for display on web pages�including processes like rescaling, cropping, and balancing color. Utilizing layers, paths, and masks are also covered in extensive detail. Of course, you will also learn how to draw lines and shapes; utilize patterns and gradients; and even create your own brushes, patterns, and gradients.
GIMP expert and author Akkana Peck teaches you how to touch up digital photographs, smudging away blemishes, fixing red�eye, and stitching panoramic images. You�ll learn how to tap into the powerful filters, effects, and plug�ins that are available for The GIMP and automate tasks using scripts. The entire book is approached in a project�based manner, and as you progress, numerous projects will help strengthen your newly acquired abilities.
What you�ll learn
Install The GIMP on Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX.
Explore the interface and configuration options.
Prepare your camera images for use on the Web, including rescaling, cropping, and balancing color.
Learn basic techniques such as drawing lines and shapes, utilizing patterns, and making use of gradients.
Master advanced techniques such as layers, paths, and masks.
Create your own brushes, patterns, and gradients.
Discover tricks for fixing blemishes, removing redeye, and stitching together panoramic images.
Who is this book for?
This book is for graphics designers, digital photographers, and hobbyists. It�s is aimed at those who need to utilize a full�featured image manipulation program but don�t have hundreds of dollars to pay for Photoshop. The GIMP is also the preferred image manipulation application for the open source advocate. The GIMP is available on Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX.
RS Mirror: High quality PDF
Steinberg - Internal Mixing Tutorial - Volume I, II
Video | Elearning | English | 6.4 GB
The Internal Mixing DVD-ROM tutorial series is an essential resource for disk recording application users who do their mixing mainly inside their workstation. Providing hands-on strategies for using computers to make powerful, clear and perfectly balanced mixes, Internal Mixing supports you in creating them without using expensive outboard equipment. Internal Mixing includes English, French, Spanish and German soundtracks.
With more than 160 minutes of video in Volume I and over 180 minutes of video on Volume II, Internal Mixing covers tried and tested methods for achieving that often elusive sound known from professionally produced CDs and DVDs. Covering a huge range of issues surrounding mixes, Internal Mixing offers valuable insights into topics such as native and DSP-based plug-ins, the concepts behind positioning instruments and voices within a three dimensional sound field, frequency spaces,
Beginning Cryptography with Java
Wrox | 2005 | ISBN: 0764596330 | 480 pages | CHM | 2,5 MB
While cryptography can still be a controversial topic in the programming community, Java has weathered that storm and provides a rich set of APIs that allow you, the developer, to effectively include cryptography in applications-if you know how.
This book teaches you how. Chapters one through five cover the architecture of the JCE and JCA, symmetric and asymmetric key encryption in Java, message authentication codes, and how to create Java implementations with the API provided by the Bouncy Castle ASN.1 packages, all with plenty of examples. Building on that foundation, the second half of the book takes you into higher-level topics, enabling you to create and implement secure Java applications and make use of standard protocols such as CMS, SSL, and S/MIME.
What you will learn from this book
How to understand and use JCE, JCA, and the JSSE for encryption and authentication
The ways in which padding mechanisms work in ciphers and how to spot and fix typical errors
An understanding of how authentication mechanisms are implemented in Java and why they are used
Methods for describing cryptographic objects with ASN.1
How to create certificate revocation lists and use the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
Real-world Web solutions using Bouncy Castle APIs
Did My Neurons Make Me Do It?: Philosophical and Neurobiological Perspectives on Moral Responsibility and Free Will
By Nancey Murphy, Warren S. Brown
Publisher Oxford University Press, USA | ISBN: 0199215391 | edition 2007 | PDF | 236 pages | 1,27 mb
If humans are purely physical, and if it is the brain that does the work formerly assigned to the mind or soul, then how can it fail to be the case that all of our thoughts and actions are determined by the laws of neurobiology? If this is the case, then free will, moral responsibility, and, indeed, reason itself would appear to be in jeopardy. Nancey Murphy and Warren S. Brown here defend a non-reductive version of physicalism whereby humans are (sometimes) the authors of their own thoughts and actions. Did My Neurons Make Me Do It? brings together insights from both philosophy and the cognitive neurosciences to defeat neurobiological reductionism. One resource is a 'post-Cartesian' account of mind as essentially embodied and constituted by action-feedback-evaluation-action loops in the environment, and 'scaffolded' by cultural resources.
Another is a non-mysterious account of downward (mental) causation explained in terms of a complex, higher-order system exercising constraints on lower-level causal processes. These resources are intrinsically related: the embeddedness of brain events in action-feedback loops is the key to their mentality, and those broader systems have causal effects on the brain itself. With these resources Murphy and Brown take on two problems in philosophy of mind: a response to the charges that physicalists cannot account for the meaningfulness of language nor the causal efficacy of the mental qua mental. Solutions to these problems are a prerequisite to addressing the central problem of the book: how can biological organisms be free and morally responsible? The authors argue that the free-will problem is badly framed if it is put in terms of neurobiological determinism; the real issue is neurobiological reductionism. If it is indeed possible to make sense of the notion of downward causation, then the relevant question is whether humans exert downward causation over some of their own parts and processes. If all organisms do this to some extent, what needs to be added to this animalian flexibility to constitute free and responsible action? The keys are sophisticated language and hierarchically ordered cognitive processes allowing (mature) humans to evaluate their own actions, motives, goals, and rational and moral principles.
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Beginning Cryptography with Java
Wrox | 2005 | ISBN: 0764596330 | 480 pages | CHM | 2,5 MB
While cryptography can still be a controversial topic in the programming community, Java has weathered that storm and provides a rich set of APIs that allow you, the developer, to effectively include cryptography in applications-if you know how.
This book teaches you how. Chapters one through five cover the architecture of the JCE and JCA, symmetric and asymmetric key encryption in Java, message authentication codes, and how to create Java implementations with the API provided by the Bouncy Castle ASN.1 packages, all with plenty of examples. Building on that foundation, the second half of the book takes you into higher-level topics, enabling you to create and implement secure Java applications and make use of standard protocols such as CMS, SSL, and S/MIME.
What you will learn from this book
How to understand and use JCE, JCA, and the JSSE for encryption and authentication
The ways in which padding mechanisms work in ciphers and how to spot and fix typical errors
An understanding of how authentication mechanisms are implemented in Java and why they are used
Methodslt;br /> Real-world Web solutions using Bouncy Castle APIs
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Did My Neurons Make Me Do It?: Philosophical and Neurobiological Perspectives on Moral Responsibility and Free Will
By Nancey Murphy, Warren S. Brown
Publisher Oxford University Press, USA | ISBN: 0199215391 | edition 2007 | PDF | 236 pages | 1,27 mb
If humans are purely physical, and if it is the brain that does the work formerly assigned to the mind or soul, then how can it fail to be the case that all of our thoughts and actions are determined by the laws of neurobiology? If this is the case, then free will, moral responsibility, and, indeed, reason itself would appear to be in jeopardy. Nancey Murphy and Warren S. Brown here defend a non-reductive version of physicalism whereby humans are (sometimes) the authors of their own thoughts and actions. Did My Neurons Make Me Do It? brings together insights from both philosophy and the cognitive neurosciences to defeat neurobiological reductionism. One resource is a 'post-Cartesian' account of mind as essentially embodied and constituted by action-feedback-evaluation-action loops in the environment, and 'scaffolded' by cultural resources.
Another is a non-mysterious account of downward (mental) causation explained in terms of a complex, higher-order system exercising constraints on lower-level causal processes. These resources are intrinsically related: the embeddedness of brain events in action-feedback loops is the key to their mentality, and those broader systems have causal effects on the brain itself. With these resources Murphy and Brown take on two problems in philosophy of mind: a response to the charges that physicalists cannot account for the meaningfulness of language nor the causal efficacy of the mental qua mental. Solutions to these problems are a prerequisite to addressing the central problem of the book: how can biological organisms be free and morally responsible? The authors argue that the free-will problem is badly framed if it is put in terms of neurobiological determinism; the real issue is neurobiological reductionism. If it is indeed possible to make sense of the notion of downward causation, then the relevant question is whether humans exert downward causation over some of their own parts and processes. If all organisms do this to some extent, what needs to be added to this animalian flexibility to constitute free and responsible action? The keys are sophisticated language and hierarchically ordered cognitive processes allowing (mature) humans to evaluate their own actions, motives, goals, and rational and moral principles.
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Schaum's Easy Outline: Programming with C++ By John R. Hubbard
Publisher: McGraw-Hill 1999 | 160 Pages | ISBN: 007052713X | PDF | 1.6 MB
Boiled-down essentials of the top-selling Schaum's Outline series for the student with limited time
What could be better than the bestselling Schaum's Outline series? For students looking for a quick nuts-and-bolts overview, it would have to be Schaum's Easy Outline series. Every book in this series is a pared-down, simplified, and tightly focused version of its predecessor. With an emphasis on clarity and brevity, each new title features a streamlined and updated format and the absolute essence of the subject, presented in a concise and readily understandable form.
Graphic elements such as sidebars, reader-alert icons, and boxed highlights stress selected points from the text, illuminate keys to learning, and give students quick pointers to the essentials.
* Designed to appeal to underprepared students and readers turned off by dense text
* Cartoons, sidebars, icons, and other graphic pointers get the material across fast
* Concise text focuses on the essence of the subject
* Delivers expert help from teachers who are authorities in their fields
* Perfect for last-minute test preparation
* So small and light that they fit in a backpack!
C++ - M+T Easy . leicht, klar, sofort
Markt+Technik | 2001 | ISBN: 3827260264 | 352 pages | PDF | 1,6 MB
Dieses Buch zeigt, dass auch C++ ganz easy sein kann. Speziell auf den Programmier-Neuling zugeschnitten, fangt es ganz von vorne an und fuhrt leicht verstandlich in die Grundlagen dieser leistungsfahigen Programmiersprache ein. Viele praktische Beispiele, die dank des beiliegenden Compilers sofort ausprobiert werden konnen, begleiten jeden neuen Befehl.
Service-Oriented Java Business Integration
Publisher: Packt Publishing | ISBN: 1847194400 | edition 2008 | PDF | 436 pages | 4,02 mb
The book first discusses the various integration approaches available and introduces the Enterprise Service Bus, which is a new Architectural pattern that can facilitate integrating services. ESB provides different forms of mediation services including routing and transformation.
Java Business Integration (JBI) provides a collaboration framework that provides standard interfaces for integration components and protocols to plug into, thus allowing the assembly of Service-Oriented Integration (SOI) frameworks following the ESB pattern. JBI is based on JSR 208, which is an extension of Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE). Once JBI and ESB are introduced, we look at how we have been doing service integration without either of these using traditional J2EE. The book then slowly introduces ESB and, with the help of code, showcases how easily things can be done using JBI.
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Schaum's Easy Outline: Programming with C++ By John R. Hubbard
Publisher: McGraw-Hill 1999 | 160 Pages | ISBN: 007052713X | PDF | 1.6 MB
Boiled-down essentials of the top-selling Schaum's Outline series for the student with limited time
What could be better than the bestselling Schaum's Outline series? For students looking for a quick nuts-and-bolts overview, it would have to be Schaum's Easy Outline series. Every book in this series is a pared-down, simplified, and tightly focused version of its predecessor. With an emphasis on clarity and brevity, each new title features a streamlined and updated format and the absolute essence of the subject, presented in a concise and readily understandable form.
Graphic elements such as sidebars, reader-alert icons, and boxed highlights stress selected points from the text, illuminate keys to learning, and give students quick pointers to the essentials.
* Designed to appeal to underprepared students and readers turned off by dense text
* Cartoons, sidebars, icons, and other graphic pointers get the material across fast
* Concise text focuses on the essence of the subject
* Delivers expert help from teachers who are authorities in their fields
* Perfect for last-minute test preparation
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C++ - M+T Easy . leicht, klar, sofort
Markt+Technik | 2001 | ISBN: 3827260264 | 352 pages | PDF | 1,6 MB
Dieses Buch zeigt, dass auch C++ ganz easy sein kann. Speziell auf den Programmier-Neuling zugeschnitten, f?ngt es ganz von vorne an und f?hrt leicht verst?ndlich in die Grundlagen dieser leistungsf?higen Programmiersprache ein. Viele praktische Beispiele, die dank des beiliegenden Compilers sofort ausprobiert werden k?nnen, begleiten jeden neuen Befehl.
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Service-Oriented Java Business Integration
Publisher: Packt Publishing | ISBN: 1847194400 | edition 2008 | PDF | 436 pages | 4,02 mb
The book first discusses the various integration approaches available and introduces the Enterprise Service Bus, which is a new Architectural pattern that can facilitate integrating services. ESB provides different forms of mediation services including routing and transformation.
Java Business Integration (JBI) provides a collaboration framework that provides standard interfaces for integration components and protocols to plug into, thus allowing the assembly of Service-Oriented Integration (SOI) frameworks following the ESB pattern. JBI is based on JSR 208, which is an extension of Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE). Once JBI and ESB are introduced, we look at how we have been doing service integration without either of these using traditional J2EE. The JBI.
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Cryptography in C and C++, 2 Ed
Apress; 2 ed | 2005 | ISBN: 1590595025 | 504 pages | PDF | 1,5 MB
This book covers everything you need to know to write professional-level cryptographic code. This expanded, improved second edition includes about 100 pages of new material as well as numerous improvements to the original text.
The chapter about random number generation has been completely rewritten, and the latest cryptographic techniques are covered in detail. Furthermore, this book covers the recent improvements in primality testing.
C++ Programing
C++ Programing
Global Media | 2007-06-01 | ISBN: 8189940376 | 232 pages | PDF | 2,7 MB
Cryptography in C and C++, 2 Ed
Apress; 2 ed | 2005 | ISBN: 1590595025 | 504 pages | PDF | 1,5 MB
This book covers everything you need to know to write professional-level cryptographic code. This expanded, improved second edition includes about 100 pages of new material as well as numerous improvements to the original text.
The chapter about random number generation has been completely rewritten, and the latest cryptographic techniques are covered in detail. Furthermore, this book covers the recent improvements in primality testing.
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C++ Programing
C++ Programing
Global Media | 2007-06-01 | ISBN: 8189940376 | 232 pages | PDF | 2,7 MB
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C# Programmer's Cookbook (Pro Developer) By Allen Jones
Publisher: Microsoft Press 2003 | 650 Pages | ISBN: 0735619301 | chm | 2.4 MB
Get expert code from expert developers and solve common C# programming challenges the right way. Next time you hit the wall with a tough C# programming problem, get the code behind the solution and solve it the right way.
Microsoft Visual C # (sharp) 2008: Grundlagen, Techniken, Profi-Know-how
Dirk Louis, "Microsoft Visual C # (sharp) 2008: Grundlagen, Techniken, Profi-Know-how."
Microsoft Press | 2008 | ISBN: 3866455070 | 1310 pages | PDF | 9,27 MB
Das umfassende Arbeitsbuch zur Programmierung mit Visual C# 2008 Dieses Buch behandelt die Programmierung von Windows- und Webanwendungen mit C# und Visual Studio 2008. Schwerpunkte des Buches sind: die Sprache C#, die GUI-Programmierung mit Windows Forms und WPF, die Vermittlung weiterfuhrender Techniken und naturlich der effiziente Umgang mit der Visual Studio 2008-Entwicklungsumgebung mit ihren vielfaltigen Funktionen und Moglichkeiten.
Die ersten Kapitel beschreiben ausfuhrlich Struktur und Syntax der Sprache, behandeln die objektorientierte Programmierung mit C# und gehen auf die wichtigsten Utility-Klassen aus dem .NET Framework ein. Die Kapitel sind gleicherma?en zum Erlernen der Sprache wie zum Nachschlagen bestimmter Konzepte oder Sprachelemente geeignet. Der Teil zur Erstellung von Windows Forms-Anwendungen wurde auf Wunsch unserer Leser weiter ausgebaut und behandelt nun alle wichtigen Aspekte der Windows-Programmierung, von der Gestaltung erster Fenster bis zu Drag&Drop, Drucken oder Grafiken mit GDI+. Fur fortgeschrittene Windows-Programmierer durfte daneben auch die ausfuhrliche Einfuhrung in die brandneue WPF-Technologie interessant sein. Der dritte gro?e Komplex des Buches ist weiterfuhrenden Themen gewidmet, wie Multithreading, Datenbankzugriff, ADO, LINQ, WCF, XML und Webdienste. Den Ausklang bilden Kapiteln zum Debuggen und Testen. Die beiliegende - 90-Tage-Testversion von Visual Studio 2008 Professional rundet das umfassende Werk ab.
C# Programmer's Cookbook (Pro Developer) By Allen Jones
Publisher: Microsoft Press 2003 | 650 Pages | ISBN: 0735619301 | chm | 2.4 MB
Get expert code from expert developers and solve common C# programming challenges the right way. Next time you hit the wall with a tough C# programming problem, get the code behind the solution and solve it the right way.
Microsoft Visual C # (sharp) 2008: Grundlagen, Techniken, Profi-Know-how
Dirk Louis, "Microsoft Visual C # (sharp) 2008: Grundlagen, Techniken, Profi-Know-how."
Microsoft Press | 2008 | ISBN: 3866455070 | 1310 pages | PDF | 9,27 MB
Das umfassende Arbeitsbuch zur Programmierung mit Visual C# 2008 Dieses Buch behandelt die Programmierung von Windows- und Webanwendungen mit C# und Visual Studio 2008. Schwerpunkte des Buches sind: die Sprache C#, die GUI-Programmierung mit Windows Forms und WPF, die Vermittlung weiterf?hrender Techniken und nat?rlich der effiziente Umgang mit der Visual Studio 2008-Entwicklungsumgebung mit ihren vielf?ltigen Funktionen und M?glichkeiten.
Die ersten Kapitel beschreiben ausf?hrlich Struktur und Syntax der Sprache, behandeln die objektorientierte Programmierung mit C# und gehen auf die wichtigsten Utility-Klassen aus dem .NET Framework ein. Die Kapitel sind gleicherma?en zum Erlernen der Sprache wie zum Nachschlagen bestimmter Konzepte oder Sprachelemente geeignet. Der Teil zur Erstellung von Windows Forms-Anwendungen wurde auf Wunsch unserer Leser weiter ausgebaut und behandelt nun alle wichtigen Aspekte der Windows-Programmierung, von der Gestaltung erster Fenster bis zu Drag&Drop, Drucken oder Grafiken mit GDI+. F?r fortgeschrittene Windows-Programmierer d?rfte daneben auch die ausf?hrliche Einf?hrung in die brandneue WPF-Technologie interessant sein. Der dritte gro?e Komplex des Buches ist weiterf?hrenden Themen gewidmet, wie Multithreading, Datenbankzugriff, ADO, LINQ, WCF, XML und Webdienste. Den Ausklang bilden Kapiteln zum Debuggen und Testen. Die beiliegende - 90-Tage-Testversion von Visual Studio 2008 Professional rundet das umfassende Werk ab.
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C# Programmer's Handbook
Apress | 2003-10-21 | ISBN: 1590592700 | 584 pages | CHM | 1,2 MB
This book provides in-depth examination of the C# language as used in .NET development for both the current version of .NET (1.1) and the version due out in late 2004 (2.0).Developers migrating to C# will find this a quick and easy-to-use reference, and new programmers will take home deeper understanding of the concepts needed to apply C# to real-world programming needs. This is the type of book you'll never want to be without, providing essential guidance to using C# for accomplishing real-world tasks in technologies including COM Interop, I/O, Directory Services, ADO.NET, networking, threading, debugging, Remoting, Web Services, and ASP.NET.
This book also covers the new features in C# 2.0, such as Generics, Anonymous Methods, Iterators, and new methods of exising Framework classes. Becoming familiar with these concepts now will be an advantage to any C# developer anticipating the leap from 1.1 to 2.0.
About the Author
Gregory S. MacBeth is currently employed by Microsoft Corporation as a solution integration engineer in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he helps customers realize the potential of Microsoft products. He specifically aids customers in resolving complex problems where multiple products are involved. In addition, he often assists customers in developing first-class software using C# and .NET. He holds MCAD, MCSD (.NET and VS 6), MCSE, MCDBA, MCT, N+, and A+ certifications.
C# Web Development for ASP.NET (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Peachpit Press | 2003-03-16 | ISBN: 0201882604 | 456 pages | CHM | 3,1 MB
C# was developed from the ground up to serve as the main language for Microsoft's new .NET framework--and to compete with Java. C# Web Development for ASP.NET: Visual QuickStart Guide is aimed at beginning developers who may have experience with scripting languages but are not necessarily experienced with object-oriented languages. Using task-based examples and hundreds of screenshots, all code examples are presented in the context of ASP.NET development, aimed at Web developers. While C# Web Development for ASP.NET: Visual QuickStart Guide does not attempt to teach everything about the .NET Framework, it clearly explains all you need to know to get up and running with the C# language.
C# Threading Handbook
Wrox Press | 2003-02 | ISBN: 1861008295 | 300 pages | CHM | 3 MB
This book addresses the fundamental units of Windows and .NET programming - threads. A strong understanding of the role threads play in program execution, how multiple threads can interact in order to make efficient programs, and the pitfalls to beware of when developing multithreaded applications, are all core to a developer's ability to develop effective C# programs. This book will cover how .NET applications are executed, the life cycle of a thread in .NET, how the .
NET Framework uses threads, how threads work in an event-driven environment, how we can avoid race conditions and deadlocks, how the activity of multiple threads can be synchronized, and how to debug multithreaded applications. We finish it off by describing the creation of a multithreaded network application.
What is great about this book?
Threads are fundamental to the way GUI and server applications operate; if your code is running in a GUI, then you're already writing code in a threaded environment. An ASP.NET page also runs in a threaded environment. This book aims to cover the tricky issues of threading in .NET, and particularly to do so from the perspective of C# developers. Threading is by nature not easy to grasp, but a necessary step towards mastery of programming for the .NET platform.
Extreme Programming Adventures in C# by Ronald Jeffries
Apply what you know about extreme programming and object oriented design to learning C# and the Microsoft� .NET Framework on the fly. Author Ron Jeffries, a leading voice and practitioner in the extreme programming movement, demonstrates how to apply its key concepts??including the use of customer stories, customer acceptance tests, and "Spikes" and the fundamental techniques of Simple Design, Test-Driven Development, and Refactoring to create practical, .NET-ready applications.
You??ll also learn how to use NUnit, a unit-testing tool for .NET languages. This essential, high-level reference provides the expert guidance, hands-on insights, and downloadable code you need to build an XML editor, a database application, a Web service, and other useful applications??quickly extending your extreme programming expertise to .NET and helping you deliver business value right away.
Filefactory: Acrobat 9 Professional Tips and Tricks
PDF documents are the lingua franca of the digital world, but most users barely scratch the surface of how Acrobat can help them edit, manage, and improve PDFs. In Acrobat 9 Professional Tips and Tricks, expert trainer, designer, and business owner Anne-Marie Concepcion uses her intimate knowledge of this program to reveal the application�s hidden gems. Her tools can be put to use immediately on the PDFs that users receive and distribute every day. Throughout the course, both beginners and pros will find themselves exclaiming, �I didn�t know I could do that in Acrobat!� Exercise files accompany the course.
ProShow Workshop - Creative Captions
Maximize your creative potential and efficiency when using captions in ProShow.
Duration: Approx. 90 minutes
Designed for: ProShow Gold & Producer Users
Contents Include:
1. Installing Fonts (7:09)
Learn how to obtain and install new fonts, using bonus fonts provided on the DVD for practice.
2. Creating Captions (13:32)
Uncover the basics on creating, editing & hiding captions while learning shortcuts to improve workflow.
Watch a Sample Video: Presenter Version | YouTube Version
3. Location Is Key (11:19)
Explore options for creating effective caption layouts, focusing on positioning, optimizing preview & alignment.
4. Saying It In Style (26:40)
Discover a world of options you can use to enhance the appearance of your captions for any kind of show.
Watch a Sample Video: Presenter Version | YouTube Version
5. Captions That Move (19:05)
Check out the unlimited creative possibilities of using text effects to add energy & professionalism to your captions.
6. Timing and Transitions (12:45)
Get the scoop on controlling timing and transitions for captions, while focusing on solving special timing challenges.
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Total Training for Adobe Flex 3: Rich Internet & AIR Applications
Title: Adobe Flex 3
Rich Internet & AIR Applications
Category: Development & Programming
Presenter: James Talbot
James Talbot has been with Adobe for over seven years, on both the sales engineering and training teams. He has traveled extensively throughout the world certifying Adobe instructors as well as speaking at conferences. He has also been actively involved in the developer community and contributes to developer certification exams as well as organizes and speaks regularly at user groups. In addition, James has also authored two books: �Object Oriented ActionScript 2.0? and �Adobe Flex 2: Training from the Source�.
Platform: Windows & MAC OS
Format: DVD-ROM & Online
Running Time: 10.5 Hrs, 2 DVDs
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Project Files: Included
Description: Adobe� Flex� 3 is a cross platform, open source framework for creating rich Internet applications and Adobe AIR� applications. This in-depth training and its accompanying project work files will show you the evolution of rich internet application using Flex framework, plus how to build applications using the latest Flex Builder� 3 tool that take the best capabilities of both the desktop and the web. This series a must-have for any developer looking to fine-tune their skills and enter the exciting new marketplace for developers.
* Learn how to effectively architect applications that follow best practices to produce maintainable, re-useable software.
* Discover how to easily connect your Flex and AIR applications to server side data sources as well as how to manage data effectively on the client following best practices.
* Understand how to make the most of and extend the Flex component framework using your knowledge of the Flex class hierarchy.
* Find out how to draw using ActionScript 3 and how to apply this program to customize your components using CSS.
* Learn how to create native application windows, plus uncover how to access the file system in AIR applications and how to upload a file from a rich internet application.
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DVD 2: - Word 2007: Formatting Long Documents
Whether it�s a short story, a product catalog, a technical manual, or a business report, every document needs a compelling format. Although the content and the length may differ, long documents have similar formatting challenges. In Word 2007: Formatting Long Documents, David Rivers uses his 20 years of training expertise to demonstrate efficient methods of formatting entire documents and making changes to specific sections and pages. He covers the details of how to use field codes and building blocks to streamline the workflow, and shares best practices for producing printed documents with a professional look. Exercise files accompany the course.
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Mark Minasi: Windows Server 2008
Mark Minasi: Windows Server 2008
Posted by GaQuay under Video Training
Mark Minasi: Windows Server 2008 | 725 MB
What�s in the Package
The heart of the package is 17 hours of lecture recorded onto 15 audio CDs. (15 CDs in a set, that�s a record for us!) They are accompanied by a spiral bound Audio Companion which is a hardcopy of the PowerPoint slides that Mark talks from in class. The CDs are packaged in a side-zipper CD case.
You�ll get the most out of this audio seminar by listening to it start to finish (although not all in one sitting, of course!) while referring to the Audio Companion book; that�s the optimal setting. That doesn�t mean, however, that you can�t learn from the seminar without the Companion close to hand, not at all. Mark wanted this seminar to also work well for those listening in the car or exercising; that�s one of the reasons that he decided to restructure the seminar specifically for the audio recordings.
Of course, with any learning experience, dividing your attention between two things (like driving and listening) means that you won�t pick up as much as quickly. That�s why we�ve broken the CDs up into ten-minute tracks: that way, it�s easy to re-listen to a particularly techie part. And, as you�ll see in a minute, we�ve made it easy to look any particular topic up. Which brings us to�
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Simply Maya - Spitfire Modeling and Textuting
Simply Maya - Spitfire Modeling and Textuting
Spitfire Modeling and Textuting 1.52 GB
Create this great looking Spitfire in this twelve hour Modelling and Texturing tutorial from re-released for our January sale with a 40% discount. We begin this project by setting up image planes using a side and front view of our Spitfire.
Next we will create Nurbs primitives to block out the correct shape and proportion of the plane. Once the plane is blocked out we will refine the shapes in Nurbs and then convert them to Polygons to add geometry for more precise shaping. When the plane has its basic geometry we will then convert to Sub-d�s to start pulling out the details. Some of the tools we will cover are split polygon, extrude edge/face and sculpt polygon.
After our model is complete we will explore the world of texturing. We start with learning how to create a flat workable UV map and then we�ll cover different mapping techniques like planar map and automatic mapping as well as tools like cut and sew UV�s. Following our complete UV map, we will import an UV snap shot into a paint program like Photoshop to learn how to hand paint our textures using a variety of options including using layers and filters. We will also create a colour map and bump map, as well as a specular map. Then you will set up your lighting and apply your final render.
The texturing for this tutorial starts at part 13
# Length: 12 Hours 30 Mins
# Author: Kurt Boutilier
# Software Used: Maya
# Format: DIVX (800?600)
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BlackStar enDOFin v1.0.1
BlackStar enDOFin v1.0.1 | 12 MB
I also include 2 swf tutorials from their website which are demonstrate how to use the plugin
I tested in my C4D 10.1 and it works great!
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Running Time: 15 mins. 59sec.
File Size: 48mb Rar format.
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Commercial product Lighting
Commercial product Lighting
Product Lighting Tutorial, 47.6 MB, AVI Format, 1000 x 760 Resolution, 3d max and vray tutorial.
This tutorial is based on 3d max and vray lighting, in this you will learn how to make your render realestic.
Product Lighting Tutorial, 47.6 MB, AVI Format, 1000 x 760 Resolution.
Download Links:commercial.product.lightboard.rar
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