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Linksys WRT54G Ultimate Hacking
Dec 26, 2008Info:
title : Linksys WRT54G Ultimate Hacking
author: Paul Asadoorian; Larry Pesce
Pages: 412
Format: PDF
size : 13,82 MB
Publisher: Syngress
Language: English
release: 1st edition (May 15, 2007)
ISBN-10: 1597491667
ISBN-13: 978-1597491662
Book Description
Your Guide to Securing One of the Most Hacked & Popular Devices of All Time!
Product Description
This book will teach the reader how to make the most of their WRT54G series hardware. These handy little inexpensive devices can be configured for a near endless amount of networking tasks. The reader will learn about the WRT54G's hardware components, the different third-party firmware available and the differences between them, choosing the firmware that is right for you, and how to install different third-party firmware distributions. Never before has this hardware been documented in this amount of detail, which includes a wide-array of photographs and complete listing of all WRT54G models currently available, including the WRTSL54GS.
Once this foundation is laid, the reader will learn how to implement functionality on the WRT54G for fun projects, penetration testing, various network tasks, wireless spectrum analysis, and more! This title features never before seen hacks using the WRT54G. For those who want to make the most out of their WRT54G you can learn how to port code and develop your own software for the OpenWRT operating system.
*Never before seen and documented hacks, including wireless spectrum analysis
*Most comprehensive source for documentation on how to take advantage of advanced features on the inexpensive wrt54g platform
*Full coverage on embedded device development using the WRT54G and OpenWRT
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SQL Injection & E-book
This is a complete e-book and a program course what is suitable for sql injection. If you want to test your web site for sql injection or another site for a message to security vulnereability.... SQL command and pure programming with sql...
Bu arsivde sql injection hakk?nda herseyi bulabilirsiniz. Sql injection hakk?nda bilinen t�m y�ntemler asamali olarak arsiv de mevcut. Kendi sitenizde acik var mi yok mu gelen programla sitenizi test edebilir hata vermeye zorlayabilir ve gerekli d�zeltmeleri yapabilirsiniz.
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Webmaster's Guide to the Wireless Internet
Webmaster's Guide to the Wireless Internet
format: PDF
size: 4,68 MB
Paperback: 608 pages
Publisher: Syngress
Publish date: 1 edition (December 15, 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1928994466
ISBN-13: 978-1928994466
The book is well-written with step-by-step procedures for deployment and administration tasks. This book receives five stars out of five. -- Swynk Book Review, October 20, 2001
Product Description
The wireless Web is not a future dream. It is here today. Already, more than 20 million people have access the Internet through PDAs, mobile phones, pagers and other wireless devices. What will people find on the Wireless Internet? This is the question that every Webmaster and Web developer is being challenged to answer. The Webmaster's Guide to the Wireless Internet provides the Wireless Webmaster with all of the tools necessary to build the next generation Internet. Packed with the essential information they need to design, develop, and secure robust, e-commerce enabled wireless Web sites. This book is written for advanced Webmasters who are experienced with conventional Web site design and are now faced with the challenge of creating sites that fit on the display of a Web enabled phone or PDA. - The rapid expansion of wireless devices presents a huge challenge for Webmasters - this book addresses that need for reliable information - There are lots of books for wireless developers - this is the first designed specifically for Webmasters - Looks at security issues in a Wireless environment
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Everything You Know About CSS Is Wrong
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Excel 2007 Power Programming with VBA
* Fully updated for the new release, this latest edition provides comprehensive, soup-to-nuts coverage, delivering over 900 pages of Excel tips, tricks, and techniques readers won?t find anywhere else
* John Walkenbach, aka "Mr. Spreadsheet," is one of the world?s leading authorities on Excel
* Thoroughly updated to cover the revamped Excel interface, new file formats, enhanced interactivity with other Office applications, and upgraded collaboration features
* Includes a valuable CD-ROM with templates and worksheets from the book
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Web Sites Do-It-Yourself For Dummies Feb 2008
Web Sites Do-It-Yourself For Dummies Feb 2008 | PDF | English | 312 Pages | 10.14 MB
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ISECOM,"Hacking Exposed Wireless 01"
ISECOM,"Hacking Exposed Wireless 01"
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media|13,05 Mb|ISBN-10: 0072262575 |386 pages|2007-03-26|CHM|Rar
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Hacking The Art of Exploitation
This book teaches hacking in the old sense of the word and contains the explanation that most others books don?t - and at the same time it introduces all the basic skills for performing various types of overflow attacks. Then the book also digress into some wireless security and even WEP cracking, but this part is pretty slim, not bad, just only a few pages. This is OK, since I think of this more as an example of extending the hacking into new areas and hopefully inspires more people to look into wireless security.
The best part about this book is that it is not just a book with a random Live-CD. It is an inspiration and your fingers will itch to get started trying the examples explained and experiment with the programs. This alone is the single feature that makes this book worth it, you will do the exercises and learn from them. Learn a lot.
To sum it up this books contains clever tricks and easy to follow exercises, so you can learn to apply them.
Target audience
This book is for anyone interested in hacking and developing exploits. While the primary target audience is newcomers to this field I benefitted from the thorough walkthrough of the basics once again. This book kept reminding me about things I have forgotten and also some new things and tricks I hadn?t thought of myself.
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Google Apps The Missing Manual
Google Apps The Missing Manual
740 Page l Size 33.5 Mb l Compiled HTML
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Tricks of the Micsoft Windows Vista Masters
Tricks of the Micsoft Windows Vista Masters | 384 pages | PDF | 8.91 MB
Publisher: Que | ISBN: 978-0789736895 | J. Peter Bruzzese (Author)
Tricks of the Microsoft� Windows VistaTM Masters! Bruzzese has interviewed top Windows professionals, instructors, and power users; scoured the Web (so you won't have to); and rigorously tested every single tip. Only the most valuable tips tecnhiques and tips made the cut to improve your efficiency, take total control of your digital media and data; use Internet Explorer 7, Windows Mail, and Calendar; configure Windows Defender and Firewall; avoid, troubleshoot, and fix problems; make Windows Vista work better, faster, smarter, safer, and more fun too!
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MSDN Magazine August 2008
MSDN Magazine August 2008 | CHM | 84 pages | 3.27 MB
MSDN Magazine is a developers' guide to Microsoft tools, development environments, and technologies for Windows and the Web. It provides technical experts with real-world solutions, business applications for new technology, and first looks at the latest products. MSDN Magazine covers all development angles including distributed computing, Web development, and Windows application development. The focus of MSDN Magazine is to generate creative and accurate content on using Microsoft development technologies across the entire spectrum of desktop to enterprise and .NET applications.
As part of Microsoft's indispensable MSDN family of developer resources (, MSDN Magazine provides in-depth, cutting-edge information written by industry experts and edited by Microsoft professionals.
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MCSE 2003 Books - All 2nd Edition
MCSE 2003 Books - All 2nd Edition | 128.6 MB
2nd edition | PDF | Microsoft Press | 4000 pages
This was my sole study guide for the MCSE Server 2003 based certification path, and I was not disappointed. The format is clear and easy to read. The books do a fantastic job of outlining WHY you are learning something, not just WHAT you need to know to pass the exam. I think this is what sets MS Press books apart from the competition: the book itself is structured to the best LEARNING format, and NOT to just passing the exam. I came away from these books with a much greater appreciation for Microsoft's Server and AD technologies (I come from a Linux background since 1995 and I'm the first to knock MS), and these books will be on your reference shelf for years to come -- or at least until the next version of Server ships.
It took me since August, 2005 until August, 2006 to obtain my MCSE. These books are BIG. You'll find yourself re-reading chapters multiple times. First to get the content, then to do the practice questions and end of lesson/end of chapter questions, then finally to review the end of lesson/end of chapter summaries right before writing the exam. But don't be discouraged. The knowledge that these books impart will allow you to THINK through the exam questions, rather than just basing it on memorization techiques.
If you're going to do your MCSE and really want to LEARN, then get these texts. If you just want to pass the exams and never work on Servers, then look elsewhere.
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Chris Allen ,"The Essential Guide to Open Source Flash Development
Chris Allen ,"The Essential Guide to Open Source Flash Development "
friends of ED| 6MB| July 14, 2008|PDF |350 pages | English | rar
The Essential Guide to Open Source Flash Development/by Chris Allen (Author), Wade Arnold (Author), Aral Balkan (Author), Nicolas Cannasse (Author), John Grden (Author), Moses Gunesch (Author), Marc Hughes (Author), R. Jon MacDonald (Author), Andy Zupko (Author)
* Explore the world of open source Flash and discover which tools are available.
* Learn how to identify which tool you need and how to best fit it into your workflow.
* Step-by-step walk-throughs guide you through development with the most popular open source Flash tools.
* Written by the project leads and open source Flash aficionados.
The Essential Guide to Open Source Flash Development is a practical development guide to creating Flash applications with open source Flash tools and workflows.
You will walk away with an understanding of what tools will best suit your current situation, making your development easier and more productive, and with the knowledge of how to install and set up some of the best tools available, including the following:
* Papervision3D: to create 3D in Flash
* Red5: to stream video over the internet
* SWX: to build data-driven mashups and mobile apps
* Fuse: to make ActionScript animation a cinch
* Go: to build your own animation tools in ActionScript 3.0
* haXe: to create Flash files and more
* AMFPHP: to communicate between Flash and php
Open source Flash has been a revolution for Flash and has made a major impact on how people build Flash content. The open source tools available expand on Flash's existing tool set, enabling you to perform such tasks as easily create full 3D in Flash or hook up to an open source video-streaming server. Many of these useful tools are powerful yet lack documentation. this book explains in step-by-step detail how to use the most popular open source Flash tools.
If you want to expand your Flash tool set and explore the open source Flash community, then this book is for you. If you already use some open source Flash tools, then you will find this book a useful documentation resource as well as an eye-opener to the other tools that are available.
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Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 for Windows and Macintosh Visual QuickStart Guide - Peachpit Press
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Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Advanced for Windows and Macintosh - Peachpit Press
You�ll get real-world examples and detailed illustrations of how and when features should be put to use, including what�s new in Dreamweaver 8: code-editing improvements such as the coding toolbar and code collapse, drag-and-drop integration of XML data, server-side transformations with XSLT, support for PHP
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Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Bible - Joseph W. Lowery
if you're among the two and a half million Web professionals who already use Dreamweaver, here's your ticket to the exciting enhancements in the CS3 version. If you're just breaking into Web development, you'll get a thorough understanding of the basics. Either way, you'll learn to produce pages with pizzazz, connect to live databases, integrate with Flash and Photoshop, use advanced technologies like Spry and Ajax, and enjoy Web success.
- Create multifaceted Web pages that draw from data sources
- Learn the fundamentals of static and dynamic pages
- Explore the Spry framework and tools
- Add Flash, Shockwave, QuickTime(r), and WAV files
- Use Dreamweaver in site management
- Build custom objects to extend Dreamweaver
Import Photoshop files directly into Dreamweaver
Highlight CSS tags at design time
Integrate your pages with live data
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Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Classroom in a Book
Dreamweaver CS3, now included as part of Adobe's
Link for Book: Download from RapidShare
Link for Work Files: Download from RapidShare
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Foundation Web Design with Dreamweaver 8
After a brief introduction to the latest version of Dreamweaver, and how CSS and XHTML fit into it, Craig looks at using the software for your web design projects in a hands-on, task based manner, covering these topics:
- Setting up a site in Dreamweaver
- Global web site essentials, such as dealing with doctypes, meta tags, comments, and page defaults, and attaching CSS and JavaScript files to your page
- Styling page content properly using CSS
- Working with images
- Creating web site navigation
- CSS for impressive page layouts that work
- Getting user feedback via forms
Following these exercises, the book then shows how to bring everything together with a final case study using Dreamweaver to build a complete web site.
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Creating a Web Page in Dreamweaver 8 Visual QuickProject Guide
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Dreamweaver 8 Design and Construction - O�Reilly
Straightforwardly practical, with speed as the by-word, this hands-on guide focuses on the best practices for constructing both interactive and static web sites. While explaining core concepts clearly and thoroughly, so that beginners
Marc Campbell has been building web sites since 1997-for everything from comic book fan communities to state government portals and e-commerce applications. A Macromedia Certified Dreamweaver Developer and beta tester, he has taught web design to students at all levels and has written eight books on the subject.
Sidebars in Dreamweaver 8 Design and Construction allow readers to decide how deeply they want to delve into the subject. �Best Bets� offer bottom-line recommendations for those who want to skip the general discussion, while �Behind the Scenes� sidebars provide more in-depth looks at particular topics for those who want more detail. Absolute beginner or faux debutante, you�ll learn proven procedures for quickly building Dreamweaver sites.
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Dreamweaver CS3 For Dummies
Set up your site and create new pages.
Work with text, graphics, and links.
Define and apply styles using CSS.
Add audio, video, and Flash� files to your site. Use Dreamweaver's database features.
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Effective Web Design, 2nd Edition
#ISBN: 0782128491
#Author: Ann Navarro
#Publisher: Sybex Inc
#Publication Date: 2001-04
This is a nuts and bolts coding book. In it are examples showing how to hand-code, in XHTML, sites that include images, links, tables, frames, style sheets�just about everything you might want. There�s also extensive advice on planning your site design, knowing your audience, and doing e-business.
The author�s fundamental approach to effective Web design is what she terms the �cross-compatibility concept,� which is based upon two principles: creating valid code in the first place and creating code that will cause an older browser to either pass on content it can�t handle or offer �graceful degradation.� This runs counter to similar books, which advise serving up different content depending upon the user�s browser.
The book is aimed at those who have used Web layout applications like GoLive, Dreamweaver, or FrontPage, but now wish to know more about the underlying code; s well as those who may already know HTML but would like to learn proper XHTML, especially as a step toward learning XML. The author served on the W3C HTML Working Group as an invited expert, and her confident knowledge in this area is evident in her writing.
Her Web consulting company is called WebGeek, which isn�t surprising since the tone of this book is distinctively �geeky.� But anyone looking to sharpen his or her coding skills shouldn�t be deterred by that.
Beginners will find the book rigorous, but Webmasters will appreciate the chapter on code validators and how to interpret error reports, and the one on improving a site�s accessibility for the disabled.
Although it�s less effective in dealing with basic design issues like balance and visual unity (it gets marks for effort) or in the homemade (decidedly non-slick) look of sample site designs and graphics, this book does deliver when it comes to the exacting details of XHTML. The index is as thorough as that of a science textbook, and the appendices provide quick access to the XHTML abstract module definitions and all the elements and their attributes. The CD-ROM contains code referred to in the book, along with a lot of shareware and trial copies of Web utilities for FTP, code validating, browsers, and other useful applications.
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The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3 with CSS, AJAX and PHP
With over 3 million users worldwide, Adobe's Dreamweaver is the most popular web development software in the world, and it just took another step forward with CS3, the new version released in 2007. Having come a long way from it's humble beginnings as a as a simple web design tool, CS3 allows you to rapidly put together standards compliant web sites and dynamic web sites with server-side languages and Ajax, and much more. To complement this great new application, David Powers has written the ultimate guide to itThe Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3 teaches you everything you need to know about the application, from setting up your development environment environment to publishing your sites and applications on the web, and everything in between.
* Takes you through your development environment set up
* Covers everything you need to create both standards compliant web sutes, and dynamic web applications
* Teaches several real world techniques using a series of step by step tutorials.
What you'll learn:
* How to set up your ideal development environment, using Mac OSX/Windows, Apache (and IIS on Windows,) Apache, MySQL, and phpMyAdmin
* Creating standards compliant web sites using CS3 XHTML and CSS features
* Creating dynamic web applications using CS3's PHP and Spry Ajax server behaviors
* Building several real world web site functions, such as form validation, random quote generator, search function, user management/login pages, dynamic Ajax gallery, and much more.
* Creating an interface design in Fireworks CS3 and importing it into Dreamweaver CS3.
* How use Dreamweaver CS3's XML functionality, to consume RSS feeds, and create Spry data sets
* Using includes, templates and master detail pages.
* How to publish your site after you've created it.
Summary of Contents:
* Chapter 1: Dreamweaver CS3Your Creative Partner
* Chapter 2: Building Dynamic Sites with Ajax and PHP
* Chapter 3: Getting the Work Environment Ready
* Chapter 4: Setting Up a PHP Site
* Chapter 5: Adding a Touch of Style
* Chapter 6: Creating a CSS Site Straight Out of the Box
* Chapter 7: Building Site Navigation with the Spry Menu Bar
* Chapter 8: Sprucing Up Content with Spry Widgets
* Chapter 9: Building Online Forms and Validating Input
* Chapter 10: Introducing the Basics of PHP
* Chapter 11: Using PHP to Process a Form
* Chapter 12: Working with PHP Includes and Templates
* Chapter 13: Setting Up MySQL and phpMyAdmin
* Chapter 14: Storing Records in a Database
* Chapter 15: Controlling Access to Your Site
* Chapter 16: Working with Multiple Tables
* Chapter 17: Searching Records and Handling Dates
* Chapter 18: Using
* Chapter 19: Using Spry to Display XML
* Chapter 20: Getting the Best of Both Worlds with PHP and Spry
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Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3 with CSS Ajax and PHP
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O Reilly - Dreamweaver CS3 The Missing Manual
So say hello to Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual, the fifth edition of this bestselling book by experienced web site trainer and author David McFarland. This book helps both first-time and experienced web designers bring stunning, interactive web sites to life. With jargon-free language and clear descriptions, this new edition addresses both beginners who need step-by-step guidance as well as long-time Dreamweaver users who need a handy reference to address the inner-workings of the program.
Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual teaches designers how to construct and manage web sites by examining web-page components and Dreamweaver's capabilities through "live examples". With a complete A-Z guide to designing, organizing, building and deploying a web site for those with no web design experience, this book:
- Takes you through the basics to advanced techniques to control the appearance of your web pages with CSS
- Shows you how to design dynamic database-driven web sites, from blogs to product catalogs, and from shopping carts to newsletter signup forms
- Teaches you how to master your web site, and manage thousands of pages effortlessly
Witty and objective, Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual is a must for anyone who uses this highly popular program, from beginners to professionals. Altogether, it's the ultimate atlas for Dreamweaver CS3.
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Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Classroom in a Book
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Dreamweaver 8 Design and Construction
Straightforwardly practical, with speed as the by-word, this hands-on guide focuses on the best practices for constructing both interactive and static web sites. While explaining core concepts clearly and thoroughly, so that beginners have a solid conceptural and technical foundation, it cuts through the clutter that might slow down a beginner tackling a subject as vast as web design and a tool as robust as Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver 8 Design and Construction emphasizes learning by doing, with short, task-oriented chapters that demonstrate theory by presenting design solutions and explaining the principles that make them work. Plenty of screen shots, illustrations, and sample layouts accompany rapid prototyping techniques for site production.
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The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3 with CSS, Ajax, and PHP
With over 3 million users worldwide, Adobe's Dreamweaver is the most popular web development software in the world, and it just took another step forward with CS3, the new version released in 2007. Having come a long way from its humble beginnings as a simple web design tool, CS3 allows you to rapidly put together standards compliant web sites and dynamic web sites with server-side languages and Ajax, and much more. To complement this great new application, David Powers has written the ultimate guide to itThe Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3 teaches you everything you need to know about the application, from setting up your development environment environment to publishing your sites and applications on the web, and everything in between.
- Takes you through your development environment set up
- Covers everything you need to create both standards compliant web sutes, and dynamic web applications
- Teaches several real world techniques using a series of step by step tutorials
What youll learn
- How to set up your ideal development environment, using Mac OSX/Windows, Apache (and IIS on Windows,) Apache, MySQL, and phpMyAdmin
- Creating standards compliant web sites using CS3's
XHTML and CSS features - Creating dynamic web applications using CS3's PHP and Spry Ajax server behaviors
- Building several real world web site functions, such as form validation, random quote generator, search function, user management/login pages, dynamic Ajax gallery, and much more.
- Creating an interface design in Fireworks CS3 and importing it into Dreamweaver CS3.
- How use Dreamweaver CS3's XML functionality, to consume RSS feeds, and create Spry data sets
- Using includes, templates and master detail pages.
- How to publish your site after you've created it
Summary of Contents
- Chapter 1: Dreamweaver CS3Your Creative Partner
- Chapter 2: Building Dynamic Sites with Ajax and PHP
- Chapter 3: Getting the Work Environment Ready
- Chapter 4: Setting Up a PHP Site
- Chapter 5: Adding a Touch of Style
- Chapter 6: Creating a CSS Site Straight Out of the Box
- Chapter 7: Building Site Navigation with the Spry Menu Bar
- Chapter 8: Sprucing Up Content with Spry Widgets
- Chapter 9: Building Online Forms and Validating Input
- Chapter 10: Introducing the Basics of PHP
- Chapter 11: Using PHP to Process a Form
- Chapter 12: Working with PHP Includes and Templates
- Chapter 13: Setting Up MySQL and phpMyAdmin
- Chapter 14: Storing Records in a Database
- Chapter 15: Controlling Access to Your Site
- Chapter 16: Working with Multiple Tables
- Chapter 17: Searching Records and Handling Dates
- Chapter 18: Using XSLT to Display Live News Feeds and XML
- Chapter 19: Using Spry to Display XML
- Chapter 20: Getting the Best of Both Worlds with PHP and Spry
Dreamweaver CS3 Dynamic Development -
In Dreamweaver CS3 Dynamic Development , instructor David Gassner demonstrates how to use Dreamweaver CS3 to create professional, data-driven websites that are interactive and seamlessly integrated. From choosing servers and databases to installing MySQL to designing and building web-based data entry systems and displays, this training provides in-depth, hands-on guidance through the process of building strong dynamic sites. Exercise files accompany the tutorials.
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Harvey & Paul,'Java How to Program Sixth Edition"
Harvey & Paul,'Java How to Program Sixth Edition"
Prentice Hall|ISBN-10: 0131483986|16.6 MB|1568 pages | August 14, 2004 |English |rar
Java How to Program, 6/E takes a new early classes and objects approach to teaching programming. These topics in the past editions of Java How to Program, were introduced in Chapters 8-10. Now, they are introduced in Chapter 3 and are integrated throughout the book in both the examples and exercises from that point forward.
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SQL Server 2008 Transact-SQL Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Paperback: 872 pages
Data: July 23, 2008
Format: PDF
Description: SQL Server 2008 Transact�SQL Recipes: A Problem�Solution Approach is an example�based guide to the Transact�SQL language that is at the core of SQL Server 2008. Learn to create databases, insert and update data, generate reports, secure your data, and more. Author Joseph Sack takes common Transact�SQL tasks and breaks them down into a problem/solution format that is quick and easy to read so that you can get the job done fast when the pressure is on.
Focused on solutions: Look up what you need to do. Learn how to do it. Do it.
Current: Newly updated for SQL Server 2008.
Comprehensive: Covers 30 different Transact�SQL problem domains.
Create databases, tables, and indexes.
Query and manipulate data.
Store and manage XML inside the database.
Move business logic into the database.
Encrypt data and capture changes for compliance purposes.
Implement Full�Text Search.
Interface with Service Broker.
And more!
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Wireless Home Networking For Dummies 3rd Edition
Introduction .................................................................1
Part I: Wireless Networking Fundamentals .....................7
Chapter 1: Introducing Wireless Home Networking.......................................................9
Chapter 2: From a to n and b-yond ................................................................................27
Chapter 3: Bluetooth and Other Wireless Networks....................................................51
Part II: Making Plans .................................................69
Chapter 4: Planning a Wireless Home Network............................................................71
Chapter 5: Choosing Wireless Home Networking Equipment ....................................95
Part III: Installing a Wireless Network .......................111
Chapter 6: Installing Wireless Access Points in Windows.........................................113
Chapter 7: Setting Up a Wireless Windows Network .................................................127
Chapter 8: Setting Up a Wireless Mac Network ..........................................................143
Chapter 9: Securing Your Wireless Home Network....................................................159
Part IV: Using a Wireless Network.............................179
Chapter 10: Putting Your Wireless Home Network to Work......................................181
Chapter 11: Gaming Over a Wireless Home Network ................................................203
Chapter 12: Networking Your Entertainment Center.................................................223
Chapter 13: Using Your Wireless Network for Phone Calls.......................................241
Chapter 14: Other Cool Things You Can Network......................................................257
Chapter 15: Using a Bluetooth Network ......................................................................281
Chapter 16: Going Wireless Away from Home ............................................................297
Part V: The Part of Tens ............................................315
Chapter 17: Ten FAQs about Wireless Home Networks.............................................317
Chapter 18: Ten Ways to Troubleshoot Wireless LAN Performance .......................327
Chapter 19: More Than Ten Devices to Connect to Your
Wireless Network in the Future..................................................................................339
Chapter 20: Top Ten Sources for More Information ..................................................359
Index .......................................................................367
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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Improving Your IQ
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Improving Your IQ
Alpha books | ISBN: 0028627255 | 352 pages | PDF | 3,9 MB
You're no idiot, of course. You've read a few books and can hold your own in a room full of university professors. But when it comes to problem-solving and understanding complex theories and facts, you feel like your brain is going to explode. Don't reach for the aspirin just yet! The Complete Idiot's Guide to Improving Your IQ unlocks the secrets of you brain and teaches you how to whip those sparking synapses into shape.
Dreamweaver CS4 All-in-One For Dummies
Whether you�re new to Web site development or simply want to learn all the cool new stuff in Dreamweaver CS4, this book has what you need in one convenient package. It gets you going with Dreamweaver basics and the essentials of a good Web site, and then shows you how to add zing with Spry effects, set up Contribute, build dynamic pages, and more!
Learn the landscape � get familiar with the workspace, use the toolbars and panels, and set preferences
Wow them with your site � plan, design, build, and manage a site that meets your audience�s expectations
Make it shine � add Flash� files, movies, and sound, and keep your site updated with Cascading Style Sheets
Snip, snip � create and use code snippets and history panel commands
Layer it on � explore the versatility of layers and use them with CSS, JavaScript� behaviors, or Flash movies
Keep it clean � review source formatting and clean up your code to avoid errors when publishing your site
Go configure � extend your site with Web applications and configure database connections using PHP, ASP.NET, or ColdFusion�
Dynamic data � make your site shine with dynamic content and forms
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Microsoft Windows PowerShell Step By Step
ISBN: 0735623953 | May 16, 2007 | CHM | 320 pages | 2.40 Mb
Learn Microsoft Windows PowerShell --one step at a time--with practical, hands-on instruction from Microsoft's leading scripting trainer, Ed Wilson. Work at your own pace and build practical system administration skills as you learn how to use Windows PowerShell to administer Microsoft Windows??, Microsoft Exchange, and other Microsoft technologies. You will learn how to write your first Windows PowerShell commands and scripts to automate setup, deployment, and administration. This guide features self-paced learning labs and a companion CD that features a complete eBook, plus dozens of adaptable sample scripts you can use on the job.
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eBay Hacks - 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools
Want to know how best to use eBay? Whether you're a newcomer or longtime user, eBay Hacks will teach you to become efficient as both a buyer and seller. You'll find a wide range of topics, from monitoring the bidding process, getting refunds, and fixing photos so that sale items look their best, to in-depth tips for running a business on eBay and writing scripts that automate some of the most tedious tasks. That's just the nuts and bolts. The book also gives you an inside look into the unique eBay community, where millions of people gather online to buy and sell. Author David Karp--an eBay user himself, with years of experience--teaches you how to work within this community to maximize your success.
Book Description :
Want to know how best to use eBay? Whether you're a newcomer or longtime user, eBay Hacks will teach you to become efficient as both a buyer and seller. You'll find a wide range of topics, from monitoring the bidding process, getting refunds, and fixing photos so that sale items look their best, to in-depth tips for running a business on eBay and writing scripts that automate some of the most tedious tasks. That's just the nuts and bolts. The book also gives you an inside look into the unique eBay community, where millions of people gather online to buy and sell. Author David Karp--an eBay user himself, with years of experience--teaches you how to work within this community to maximize your success. eBay Hacks includes four powerful sections:
- "Hacks for All" covers eBay's diplomacy and feedback system, describing how you can maintain a good feedback profile and use it to inspire trust in others.
- "Hacks for Buyers" shows you how to focus your searches to find auctions before anyone else--including ways to create an automated search robot. Then, learn how bidding works in the real world, using eBay's proxy bidding system to improve your win rate while spending less money.
- "Hacks for Sellers" teaches strategies for competitive selling, like promoting your items without spending extra money and protecting yourself from deadbeat buyers. Learn how to run a fulltime business on eBay by streamlining the listing process, communications and checkout.
- "Hacks for Developers" delves into eBay's API, an interface for writing programs that do the work that most users have to do by hand through a web browser.
With eBay Hacks, you'll be more than a buyer or seller. You will become a savvy power user who knows the smart way to save time, save money, and dramatically improve auction success.
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Skype Hacks - Tips & Tools For Cheap Calls From Your Computer
Paperback: 342 pages | Language: English
Skype is hot right now. Actually, you can expand that and say that VoIP is hot right now, but Skype has carved out a special niche that many VoIP companies haven't yet been able to. Skype has prompted several imitators (Gizmo Project and Google Talk are two that I use personally), and has even been verbed ("I just skyped Leo Laporte about the last TWiT podcast" or "Skype me at notarealskypename and we'll talk" are examples of this).
So how do you get the most out of Skype? By using this book.
In a lot of ways, this book could have been part of the Missing Manual series rather than the Hacks series. The first chapter steps users through making a Skype call, conference calling, and chatting. Using the pay features of Skype (SkypeIn, SkypeOut, and Skype Voicemail) are also covered, with special attention paid to showing users how to get a free trial for them. Of course, reading the Terms and Conditions would tell you much of the same information, since the refund policy for pay features is there.
The second chapter goes into the financial aspects of Skype, and shows that it may not be the most economical alternative for many people. Useful information, but pretty easy to calculate. Most people don't think about minute-rounding when they figure what their phone bill should be, though, so this section is pretty valuable.
There's really not much "hacking" in this book until chapter 4, where we start tweaking and tuning Skype (though chapter 3 does show how to build your own Skype server at home, and how to integrate Skype into your existing phone system). We learn about config.xml and what we can change to make Skype run the way we want it to. We're even told how to put Skype call shortcuts on our desktop, if we have people we call frequently.
Chapter 5 is for the businessman, showing how to implement Skype in a corporate setting. There's some unexplored potential to this aspect of Skype, including the call-center application (Hack #54).
The main reason that I wanted this book was Hack #56 -- recording conversations. My main reason for getting Skype was to use it for interviews, and I planned on recording them for editing and playback on my podcast. This was also my reason for switching to Gizmo Project -- Skype doesn't have that feature built-in, but Gizmo does. The book shows a few solutions to this problem, preferring the Pamela Professional Skype add-on ($22). I was disappointed that they didn't mention Hot Recorder ($14.95, but with a free version also), which is the solution I have heard the most about.
The most important hack is #81 -- the workaround for 911 service. VoIP phones don't have 911 capability, which is a source of concern for many potential users (including me). The book offers a simple workaround for this lack, and the lack of 411 service as well.
There's a lot of valuable information in this book. I'm not sure it qualifies as a Hack book, but it is invaluable for anyone who uses Skype frequently. Highly recommended.
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Programming the Universe
Vintage | ISBN 1400033861 | 2007-03-13 | PDF | 256 pages | 6.61 MB
Is the universe actually a giant quantum computer? According to Seth Lloyd, the answer is yes. All interactions between particles in the universe, Lloyd explains, convey not only energy but also information?in other words, particles not only collide, they compute. What is the entire universe computing, ultimately? ?Its own dynamical evolution,? he says. ?As the computation proceeds, reality unfolds.? Programming the Universe, a wonderfully accessible book, presents an original and compelling vision of reality, revealing our world in an entirely new light.
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Robohelp for the Web
Robohelp for the Web
Wordware Publishing | ISBN 1556229542 | 400 pages | July 15, 2002 | PDF | 16 Mb
This guide explains the use and administration of eHelp's latest software package, emphasizing administrator setup and maintenance.
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Redmond Magazine - March 2008
Redmond Magazine
March 2008 | English | PDF | 77 pages | RS | 13 MB
Redmond magazine is the authoritative, independent voice of the Microsoft IT community, and provides real-world technical, product, news, and industry information for experienced IT professionals working within a Windows platform computing environment.
Our readers are the decision drivers of the industry and include IT managers, network managers, network administrators and system administrators. These technology leaders establish and drive the technical goals of their organizations, buy and recommend specific solutions to achieve these goals, and manage the implementation, integration and maintenance of the technology.
Our editorial mission is to provide readers with the information, strategies, and behind-the-scenes insight into Microsoft and the Windows computing platform so they can make better informed decisions regarding their organizations? IT infrastructure.
This Issue:
Chasing Yahoo!
Will Microsoft's takeover bid for Yahoo be enough to challenge Google? Plus, we ask if Office PerformancePoint Server is worth the price; it's time to make peace with Windows firewall; we review some of the best project management software around; and much more.
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Windows Vista Secrets April 2007
PDF | English | 19.8 MB
Go beyond Microsoft's Help guide and discover the true secrets of Windows Vista that are essential to power users. Written by two of the most recognized Windows authorities, this resource provides you with numerous tips, tricks, and undocumented features that aren't available anywhere else. You'll find extensive screenshots, tables, and illustrations that clearly show how to achieve optimal performance, fix desktop problems, and take advantage of the robust features of Windows Vista.
The Insider's Guide to:
* Installing and upgrading your system (see Chapter 2)
* Quickly finding and organizing all of your files (see Chapter 5)
* Taking advantage of new security features (see Chapter 8)
* Creating your own movies and DVDs (see Chapter 12)
* Playing state-of-the-art games with amazing effects (see Chapter 14)
* Going wireless using Windows Vista mobility features (see Chapter 15)
* Managing your schedule with Windows?? Calendar (see Chapter 20)
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VTC Course - Ableton Live 6 (Tutorials / Training Course)
SKU: 33831 | ISBN: 1934743380 | Duration: 8 hrs / 96 lessons | *.MOV | 367MB
Compatibility: Vista, XP, NT, 2000, 98, Mac OS9, Mac X 10.1+
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Windows vista annoyances tips secrets and hacks
Windows Vista may be the next big thing, but it still contains enough quirks and unaccountable behaviors to vex anyone. This unique guide not only discusses the most irritating features of the latest Microsoft operating system and how to get around them, but also explains how to improve Windows and do more with the software than Microsoft intended. You'll find information on setup, installation, upgrade from other Windows versions, the revamped interface, new security features, user accounts, troubleshooting, and the markedly improved Internet Explorer 7. Other chapters cover a wide range of key topics: Media Center - tips on photos, videos, music, TV tuners, HD, and the media center engine The Registry - explains the background and tools for working with Windows' database of settings Tinkering Techniques - offers hacking-style customization and problem-solving topics Networking and Wireless - includes LAN setup, WiFi sniffers and access points, connection sharing, firewalls, routers, and FTP Scripting and Automation - introduces simple programming using the Windows Scripting Host for automating repetitive tasks No other book takes our patented cranky, solutions-oriented approach. Our collection of tips, tools and techniques will improve your experience with Windows Vista, so you can control the OS -- rather than the other way around.
About the Author
David A. Karp is the author of the bestselling Windows Annoyances series of books and the founder of His other books include eBay Hacks and Windows XP Pocket Reference. David also writes for PC Magazine and is the co-author of Windows XP in a Nutshell
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The Google Story - by David Vise (Original Hardcover Edition Scan)
Product Details
# Paperback: 336 pages
# Publisher: Macmillan (August 29, 2006)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0553383663
# ISBN-13: 978-0553383669
# Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 5.6 x 0.9 inches
Product Description
See Image above of the INSIDE FLAP of the book!
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Google Secret V4.0 2008
Google Secret V4.0 2008
222 pages | 2008 | PDF | 6.5 Mb
GOOGLE HATES YOU... Or That's What Some Of The So-Called "Gurus" Want You To Believe... But The Truth Is That Those Who Have Been Following My Instructions Are Still Raking In Massive Passive Income By Claiming Their Piece Of The $3.2 BILLION Dollar Google Cash Machine
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1000 great Hacking tutorials 2008
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