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Plato in 90 Minutes
Apr 25, 2009I really enjoyed this short synopsis of Plato's life. Think of these books (the 90 minute philosopher series) as a short lecture you would attend in college. Very brief, yet there was enough detail to get a high level understanding of the timeline of Plato's life and his main achievements.
For instance, I learned in this book the relationship between Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, which I had not known before. I also did not know that Plato started the first university.
This was just a taste to please the palate enough to know whether you would like to find another resource to gain more detailed knowledge and a deeper look at Plato.
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French 3-Level Set: The Complete Language Course (Learn in Your Car)
Look ma, no textbooks! The Learn in Your Car series treats you like a child--in the best possible way - starting with one-word phrases ("please," "good-bye"), counting exercises, and simple nouns ("bus," "train") designed to imitate a child's learning process. First you hear the words in English, then they are repeated slowly in clear, unaccented pronunciations. The method is extremely effective for those who don't know a thing, or for those who want to brush up by testing themselves when the English words are spoken. The tapes emphasize the building blocks of communicating in a foreign country rather than rote phrases that only apply on the tape and not in real-life exchanges.
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Kelly Howell, Deep Learning: Enhance Memory & Concentration
Absorb, retain and recall information. Expand awareness and increase creativity Do you ever wonder why as children we learn more in our first few years of life? The answer lies in the mysterious and elusive Theta brain wave state. Up until the age of six, children are predominantly in Theta.
This frequency allows the brain to absorb and retain massive amounts of information that gets stored in long-term memory. You can restore this magical ability through daily Theta brain wave training. When you need to study and assimilate new information, slip on your headphones, relax and listen to Deep Learning. Within minutes, memory receptors are gently stimulated as precision-engineered frequencies shift your brain into perfect balance. In this state of heightened receptivity, the clarity and speed with which you can concentrate, study, and integrate and store information is profoundly improved. Theta brain waves are associated with long-term-potentiation.
Use Deep Learning For: Super learning Receiving inner direction and insights Self-hypnosis Behavior modification Improving Memory Instructions for listening: Listen to this program daily for either thirty or sixty minutes a day to train your brain to develop more Theta activity. Regular use will enhance overall mental performance. Here are three ways to use Deep Learning.
Experiment to explore which way works best for you and your needs. 1. Thirty minutes before studying, lie down, close your eyes and listen to Deep Learning. This will prepare your brain for absorbing new information. 2. Or, listen to Deep Learning while you study. 3. Listen to Deep Learning to relax, unwind or meditate. After regular use you ll notice a dramatic increase in your ability to retain and retrieve information. What You Can Expect: Increased creativity Improved memory Enhanced ability to focus and concentrate Greater clarity of thought Expanded awareness.!..!..; ...
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Dynamic HTML The Definitive Reference
Dynamic HTML The Definitive Reference
Dynamic HTML The Definitive Reference
Product Description
Packed with information on the latest web specifications and browser features, this new edition is your ultimate one-stop resource for HTML, XHTML, CSS, Document Object Model (DOM), and JavaScript development. Here is the comprehensive reference for designers of Rich Internet Applications who need to operate in all modern browsers, including Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2, Safari, and Opera.
With this book, you can instantly see browser support for the latest standards-based technologies, including CSS Level 3, DOM Level 3, Web Forms 2.0, XMLHttpRequest for AJAX applications, JavaScript 1.7, and many more. This new edition:
- Provides at-a-glance references for the tags, attributes, objects, properties, methods, and events of HTML, XHTML, CSS, DOM, and core JavaScript. You can quickly look up a particular feature or language term to see if it is available in desired browser brands and versions.
- Includes handy cross referencing that lets you look up an attribute (or object property, method, or event type) to find all the items that recognize it, including interrelated HTML tags, style properties, and document object model methods, properties, and events.
- Offers appendices where you can quickly locate values useful in HTML authoring and scripting. You’ll find coverage of commands used across three browsers for user-editable content.
- Includes a glossary that gives you quick explanations of some of the new and potentially confusing terminology of DHTML.
Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference speeds the way to adding sophisticated features to your web pages. Indispensable, complete, and succinct, this bestselling guide is the must-have compendium for all web developers involved in creating dynamic web content.
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Professional Web 2.0 Programming
Professional Web 2.0 Programming
Professional Web 2.0 Programming
Product Description
Web 2.0 architecture opens up an incredible number of options for flexible web design, creative reuse, and easier updates. Along with covering the key languages and techniques of Web 2.0, this unique book introduces you to all of the technologies that make up Web 2.0 at a professional level. Throughout the chapters, you’ll find code for several example applications built with popular frameworks that you’ll be able to utilize.
You’ll first explore the technologies that are used to create Web 2.0 applications. This includes an in-depth look at XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript, and Ajax. Next, you’ll gain a better understanding of the protocols and formats that enable the exchange of information between web clients and servers. Ultimately, you’ll discover exactly what you need to know about server-side programming in order to implement new ideas and develop your own robust applications.
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Integrated HTML and CSS: A Smarter, Faster Way to Learn
Integrated HTML and CSS: A Smarter, Faster Way to Learn
Integrated HTML and CSS: A Smarter, Faster Way to Learn
Product Description
This is the first and only book to teach HTML and CSS simultaneously–the way they are used! Save time and boost your productivity by learning how to include CSS hooks in HTML markup from the start. Easy-to-follow tutorials along with insights from an experienced teacher/author, make this book ideal for beginning web designers and bloggers. The companion CD offers third-party programs, browsers, plus code examples and templates to help you design your own site. The color insert discusses how to design and implement basic web page elements (logos, navigation, text, images, etc.) and features a color chart of web-safe colors.
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Storage Management in Data Centers: Understanding, Exploiting, Tuning, and Troubleshooting Veritas Storage Foundation
Storage Management in Data Centers: Understanding, Exploiting, Tuning, and Troubleshooting Veritas Storage Foundation
Storage Management in Data Centers: Understanding, Exploiting, Tuning, and Troubleshooting Veritas Storage Foundation
Product Description
Storage Management in Data Centers helps administrators tackle the complexity of data center mass storage. It shows how to exploit the potential of Veritas Storage Foundation by conveying information about the design concepts of the software as well as its architectural background. Rather than merely showing how to use Storage Foundation, it explains why to use it in a particular way, along with what goes on inside.
Chapters are split into three sections: An introductory part for the novice user, a full-featured part for the experienced, and a technical deep dive for the seasoned expert. An extensive troubleshooting section shows how to fix problems with volumes, plexes, disks and disk groups. A snapshot chapter gives detailed instructions on how to use the most advanced point-in-time copies. A tuning chapter will help you speed up and benchmark your volumes. And a special chapter on split data centers discusses latency issues as well as remote mirroring mechanisms and cross-site volume maintenance. All topics are covered with the technical know how gathered from an aggregate thirty years of experience in consulting and training in data centers all over the world.
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Implementing Distributed Systems with Java and CORBA
Implementing Distributed Systems with Java and CORBA
Implementing Distributed Systems with Java and CORBA
Product Description
The book addresses readers that are interested in the design and development of distributed software systems relying on the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). CORBA is an industry standard that has considerably changed the way that modern information systems are developed. It enables the platform-independent and programming-language-independent implementation of distributed object-oriented systems and supports the migration of legacy systems into modern architectures as well. The book is intended in particular for students of computer science and management information systems in their graduate studies as well as for practitioners and professional software developers that are looking for fast access to CORBA technology and want to profit from meaningful code examples.
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Artificial Photosynthesis: From Basic Biology to Industrial Application
Artificial Photosynthesis: From Basic Biology to Industrial Application
Artificial Photosynthesis: From Basic Biology to Industrial Application
Product Description
Since the events crucial to plant photosynthesis are now known in molecular detail, this process is no longer nature’s secret, but can for the first time be mimicked by technology. Broad in its scope, this book spans the basics of biological photosynthesis right up to the current approaches for its technical exploitation, making it the most complete resource on artificial photosynthesis ever published.
The contents draw on the expertise of the Australian Artificial Photosynthesis Network, currently the world’s largest coordinated research effort to develop effective photosynthesis technology. This is further backed by expert contributions from around the globe, providing an authoritative overview of current research worldwide.
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Microsoft Expression Web: Visual QuickStart Guide
Microsoft Expression Web: Visual QuickStart Guide
Microsoft Expression Web: Visual QuickStart Guide
Product Description
Get a jump start on using this brand-new Web creation tool from Microsoft. Built from the ground up using current Web standards, Expression Web make it easy to create pages that look good in all browsers. Mirroring the program’s focus on standards, the book shows you how to use Cascading Style Sheets to build consistent, easy to navigate designs. CSS newcomers will welcome the plain-spoken approach to a sometimes intimidating topic. Old hands at CSS will find plenty of tips on using Expression Web’s many style tools, which are some of the best available in any Web creation program.
Packed with more than 600 screenshots, the book goes beyond crafting good-looking single pages. Instead, it shows you how to use templates to generate whole sites with uniform, yet creative, layouts that can be reconfigured with the click of a button. You’ll also learn how to give sites extra polish with interactive behaviors and forms. Microsoft Expression Web: Visual Quickstart Guide contains exactly what you need to get started building standards-compliant Web sites using this powerful tool.
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Programming in Objective-C 2.0
Programming in Objective-C 2.0
Programming in Objective-C 2.0
Product Information
Programming in Objective-C 2.0 provides the new programmer a complete, step-by-step introduction to the Objective-C language. The book does not assume previous experience with either C or object-oriented programming languages, and it includes many detailed, practical examples of how to put Objective-C to use in your everyday programming needs.
Objective-C has become the standard programming language for application development on the Mac OS X and iPhone platforms. A powerful yet simple object-oriented programming language that’s based on the C programming language, Objective-C is widely available not only on OS X but across many operating systems that support the gcc compiler, including Linux, Unix, and Windows systems.
The second edition of this book has been updated and expanded to cover Objective-C 2.0. It shows not only how to take advantage of the Foundation framework’s rich built-in library of classes but also how to use the iPhone SDK to develop programs designed specifically for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
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HTML, XHTML, and CSS, Sixth Edition (Visual Quickstart Guide)
HTML, XHTML, and CSS, Sixth Edition (Visual Quickstart Guide)
HTML, XHTML, and CSS, Sixth Edition (Visual Quickstart Guide)
Product Description
Need to learn HTML fast? This best-selling reference’s visual format and step-by-step, task-based instructions will have you up and running with HTML in no time. In this completely updated edition of our best-selling guide to HTML, Web expert and best-selling author Elizabeth Castro uses crystal-clear instructions and friendly prose to introduce you to all of today’s HTML and XHTML essentials.
You’ll learn how to design, structure, and format your Web site. You’ll create and use images, links, styles, lists, tables, frames, and forms, and you’ll add sound and movies to your site. Finally, you will test and debug your site, and publish it to the Web. Along the way, you’ll find extensive coverage of CSS techniques, current browsers (Opera, Safari, Firefox), creating pages for the mobile Web, and more.
Visual QuickStart Guide–the quick and easy way to learn!
- Easy visual approach uses pictures to guide you through HTML and show you what to do.
- Concise steps and explanations get you up and running in no time.
- Page for page, the best content and value around.
- Companion Web site at offers examples, a lively question-and-answer area, updates, and more.
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The Essential Guide to Open Source Flash Developments
The Essential Guide to Open Source Flash Developments
The Essential Guide to Open Source Flash Developments
Product Description
- Explore the world of open source Flash and discover which tools are available.
- Learn how to identify which tool you need and how to best fit it into your workflow.
- Step-by-step walk-throughs guide you through development with the most popular open source Flash tools.
- Written by the project leads and open source Flash aficionados.
The Essential Guide to Open Source Flash Development is a practical development guide to creating Flash applications with open source Flash tools and workflows. You will walk away with an understanding of what tools will best suit your current situation, making your development easier and more productive, and with the knowledge of how to install and set up some of the best tools available, including the following:
- Papervision3D: to create 3D in Flash
- Red5: to stream video over the internet
- SWX: to build data-driven mashups and mobile apps
- Fuse: to make ActionScript animation a cinch
- Go: to build your own animation tools in ActionScript 3.0
- haXe: to create Flash files and more
- AMFPHP: to communicate between Flash and php
Open source Flash has been a revolution for Flash and has made a major impact on how people build Flash content. The open source tools available expand on Flash’s existing tool set, enabling you to perform such tasks as easily create full 3D in Flash or hook up to an open source video-streaming server. Many of these useful tools are powerful yet lack documentation. this book explains in step-by-step detail how to use the most popular open source Flash tools.
If you want to expand your Flash tool set and explore the open source Flash community, then this book is for you. If you already use some open source Flash tools, then you will find this book a useful documentation resource as well as an eye-opener to the other tools that are available.
Summary of Contents
- Chapter 1 Introducing the World of Open Source Flash
- Chapter 2 Exploring Open Source Flash: What’s Available
- Chapter 3 Preparing an Open Source Workflow
- Chapter 4 Using an Open Source Workflow
- Chapter 5 Testing and Debugging
- Chapter 6 Deploying Your Application
- Chapter 7 Using AMFPHP
- Chapter 8 Working with SWX: The Native Data Format for the Flash Platform
- Chapter 9 Using haXe
- Chapter 10 Fuse and GoASAP: Open Source Animation Tools
- Chapter 11 Using Papervision3D
- Chapter 12 Introducing Red5
- Chapter 13 Building Some Red5 Apps
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The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality
Gallileo, Copernicus, Newton, Niels Bohr, Einstein. Their insights shook our perception of who we are and where we stand in the world and in their wake have left an uneasy co-existence: science vs. religion, faith vs. empirical enquiry. Which is the keeper of truth? Which is the true path to understanding reality?
After forty years of study with some of the greatest scientific minds as well as a lifetime of meditative, spiritual and philosophical study, the Dalai Lama presents a brilliant analysis of why both disciplines must be pursued in order to arrive at a complete picture of the truth. Science shows us ways of interpreting the physical world, while spirituality helps us cope with reality. But the extreme of either is impoverishing. The belief that all is reducible to matter and energy leaves out a huge range of human experience: emotions, yearnings, compassion, culture. At the same time, holding unexamined spiritual beliefs–beliefs that are contradicted by evidence, logic, and experience–can lock us into fundamentalist cages.
Through an examination of Darwinism and karma, quantum mechanics and philosophical insight into the nature of reality, neurobiology and the study of consciousness, the Dalai Lama draws significant parallels between contemplative and scientific examination of reality. “I believe that spirituality and science are complementary but different investigative approaches with the same goal of seeking the truth,” His Holiness writes. “In this, there is much each may learn from the other, and together they may contribute to expanding the horizon of human knowledge and wisdom.”
This breathtakingly personal examination is a tribute to the Dalai Lama’s teachers–both of science and spirituality. The legacy of this book is a vision of the world in which our different approaches to understanding ourselves, our universe and one another can be brought together in the service of humanity.
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Rita Emmett - The Procrastinator's Handbook: Mastering the Art of Doing It Now
Is procrastination blowing away your career plans? Exploding your goals? Blasting away your self-esteem? Bursting your relationships?Almost everyone procrastinates. For some the impact can be serious, causing damaged relationships at home and at work. For most people, procrastination is a troublesome habit they know they should be able to overcome.
Rita Emmett is the one to inspire us to get started. With advice drawn from her own experience and that of people she has met at her acclaimed seminars, Emmett empowers procrastinators to identify the behavioral styles and patterns they use for putting things off, apply proven antiprocrastination tips and techniques for achieving goals, and develop strategies to move forward when stuck or reverting to patterns.As a recovering procrastinator, Emmett knows firsthand how procrastinators think, the circumstances that trigger and sustain putting-off behavior and what procrastinators need and want.
The Procrastinator's Handbook is designed for use at home, at work, or while traveling. In Rita Emmett's hands, self-improvement is as entertaining as it is rewarding.
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Lewis Black - Nothing's Sacred
For reasons that now escape me, I wanted to be a foreign service officer. Who knows, maybe I thought it was glamorous, or maybe the idea of travel just appealed to me. (I doubt I was really interested in shaping American foreign policy; that sounded too much like work.) I soon discovered how many requirements there were to qualify for a job in foreign service, and that's when I decided that I wanted to be a writer, because there were no requirements. All you had to say was, "I am a writer," and you became one. You didn't even have to write anything. You could just sit in a coffee shop with a notebook and stare into space, with a slightly bemused look on your face, judging the weight of the world with a jaundiced eye. As you can see, you can be completely full of shit and still be a writer. Okay, maybe that's the one requirement.
I also thought it was going to be a great way to meet girls, but it wasn't -- probably because as I was staring into space, I no doubt looked mildly retarded. You see, I wanted to write plays, which in retrospect is a lot harder than learning Mandarin, I think. How I ended up in this delusional state shall be saved for another time.
Eventually I began to fill the pages in front of me with words. It was exciting. It was romantic. And yet I felt like I was losing my mind, listening to voices in my head while trying to overcome years of lethargy by sitting and stewing in my own juices for hours. My brain was constantly humming with a little voice that would cry out, "Are you insane? Who would want to read this drivel of yours, let alone perform it? There are real jobs even you can do and contribute to society. You are insane, aren't you? You just want to end up in an asylum somewhere, where they will take care of you." And in the twenty or so years that I wrote plays, I made less than I would have if I had chosen to be a migrant worker.
And so after years of playwriting, I became a successful comic. Go figure. So imagine my surprise when Steve, my agent, called and asked me if I wanted to write a book. Without hesitation I said, "Of course I want to write a book." But my brain was shouting, "You're insane."
Doesn't everyone feel they can write a book? Doesn't everyone feel that with just a few tens of thousands of well-chosen words they could put the earth right back onto its proper axis? (Maybe that's not the case nowadays; maybe everyone just wants to be on a reality TV show and have people write about them.)
With so many more places to drink coffee nowadays, I leaped at the opportunity to share my insights with the world. Ask someone to write a book and that person's ego knows no bounds.
After years of working as a comic, I know how to talk funny. But can I write funny? So that the words leap off the page in such a way that the reader is filled with glee? You don't know till you try, and there are legions of critics ready to tell you that you aren't funny in the least.
So what was I going to write about...? Certainly not politics, as the shelves are filled with wonderfully funny works that have successfully covered that subject, by writers from Art Buchwald to P. J. O'Rourke to Michael Moore.
I am no David Sedaris or Dave Barry or Mark Twain. Jesus, Mark Twain -- not only was he funny, but he's dead and he's still funny.
I picked up a cup of coffee and stared off into space. It's not so romantic when you actually have to have thoughts and write them down, especially now that I apparently had a severe case of ADD. My head just couldn't wrap itself around a topic, because I got bored immediately with any topic that came to mind. In my desperation to come up with an appropriate subject, I even considered writing about interior decorating, which I know nothing about.
Then one day, while sitting on a plane, headed to God knows where, I had a revelation. I am constantly in the air sitting next to guys who are about my age, and they talk to me as if I am twenty years younger than they are. And they seem twenty years older than I am. They always seem to have sticks up their asses. Where was my stick, I wondered? Where did the stick come from? Was there something inherent in being an adult that I had missed? Why did so many of my generation seem to have gone on to become joyless and officious snots? How could Dick Cheney and George W. Bush be around my age and yet it was as if we were living in parallel universes? Was there something wrong with me that when I heard the words "get on board" I would rather drown? It's not a question of politics. It's deeper than that. It has to do with our points of view, the way we look at the world. Where did mine come from?
That's what this book is about. Maybe I am emotionally stunted, but by the time I was in my early twenties I had developed the way I look at life, and it hasn't changed much since then.
This is the road I traveled, as I remember it -- which may not always be accurate, since as I have gotten older my memory has become a blender.
And so we begin.
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Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values by Robert M. Pirsig
The extraordinary story of a man's quest for truth. It will change the way you think and feel about your life The cycle you're working on is a cycle called 'yourself,' Robert M. Pirsig says. The study of the art of motorcycle maintainence is really a study of the art of rationality itself. working on a motorcycle, working well, caring, is to become part of a process, to achieve an inner peace of mind. The motorcycle is primarily a mental phenomenon. The book details a cross-country motorcycle trip by a man and his 11-year-old son, as well as his quest for truth.
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The Exorcist Read by Christopher Lee
Father Damien Karras: 'Where is Regan'. Regan MacNeil: 'In here. With us'. The terror begins unobtrusively. Noises in Regan's room, an odd smell, the displacement of furniture, an icy chill. Easy explanations are offered. Then frightening changes start in the eleven-year-old girl. Medical tests shed no light on her symptoms, but it is as if a different personality has invaded the child. Father Damien Karras, a Jesuit priest, is called in. Is it possible that a demonic force is present in the child? Exorcism is the only answer...
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Neil Fiore - The Now Habit
Here's the first comprehensive strategic system for overcoming the causes and eliminating the effects of procrastination.
Here are techniques to help any busy person get more things done more quickly, without the anxiety and stress brought on by delay and pressing deadlines.
If you are a professional, manager, student, entrepreneur, writer, or homemaker, this audiobook will help you achieve your goals more rapidly, whether they are large, complex challenges or the small, essential tasks of everyday life and work. If you now work effectively, even though you have too much to do and too little time, The Now Habit will show you how to prioritize your goals to allow more time for guilt-free play.
Step by step, Neil Fiore, Ph.D. reveals numerous tested strategies for ridding your life of procrastination:
1. Use the symptoms of procrastination to trigger the cure
2. Overcome the perfectionism and fear of failure that lie behind procrastination
3. Benefit from making positive statements about work instead of sabotaging yourself with negative statements
4. Make your worry work for you
5. Use the "Unschedule" time-management techniques
6. Accomplish more in less time through efficient "flow state" work styles
7. Assist the procrastinators in your life in overcoming their problems
The Now Habit promises you the chance to truly enjoy guilt-free recreational time, knowing the work is really behind you.
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Wordmaster uses the science of word order
Wordmaster uses the science of word order, suggestopedic music, and male/female voices to insure YOU get the most in vocabulary building in the least time with minimum effort.
* 500 words presented in 5 word units for easy learning, and exposing you to over 2,000 words.
* Each word is pronounced, spelled, and defined; synonyms and sentences give clarity, and actual usage, to maximize learning.
* Specially recorded music plays in the background to make learning almost effortless.
* Each session is introduced by Denis Waitley, giving you his unique perspective, making your learning process enjoyable.
Now you can express yourself more clearly, more concisely, more convincingly, more powerfully, you rise above your competition.
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The Husband by Dean Koontz - 2006
With each and every new novel, Dean Koontz raises the stakes - and the pulse rate - higher than any other author. Now, in what may be his most suspenseful and heartfelt novel ever, he brings us the story of an ordinary man whose extraordinary commitment to his wife will take him on a harrowing journey of adventure, sacrifice, and redemption to the mystery of love itself - and to a showdown with the darkness that would destroy it forever.
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Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ
Is IQ destiny? Not nearly as much as we think. This fascinating and persuasive program argues that our view of human intelligence is far too narrow, ignoring a crucial range of abilities that matter immensely in terms of how we do in life.
Drawing on groundbreaking brain and behavioral research, Daniel Goleman shows the factors at work when people of high IQ flounder and those of modest IQ do well. These factors add up to a different way of being smart -- one he terms "emotional intelligence." This includes self-awareness and impulse control, persistence, zeal and self-motivation, empathy and social deftness.
These are the qualities that mark people who excel in life, whose relationships flourish, who are stars in the workplace. Lack of emotional intelligence can sabotage the intellect and ruin careers. Perhaps the greatest toll is on children, for whom risks include depression, eating disorders, unwanted pregnancies, aggressiveness and crime.
But the news is hopeful. Emotional intelligence is not fixed at birth, and the author shows how its vital qualities can be nurtured and strengthened in all of us. And because the emotional lessons a child learns actually sculpt the brain's circuitry, he provides guidance as to how parents and schools can best use this window of opportunity in childhood. The message of this eye-opening program is one we must take to heart: the true "bell curve" for a democracy must measure emotional intelligence
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Move Beyond Your Emotional Pain
The human mind, inherently impatient, triggers emotional reactions when our ideas about how things should be collide with how things are. We sometimes torment ourselves about choices we’ve made, words we’ve spoken, and the path not taken. Or we dwell on the future, postponing our happiness with thoughts about what is missing or wrong in the present moment. These thoughts and judgments are the source of our emotional pain.
The mind has a lifetime of conditioned beliefs and expectations through which it filters all perceptions. While the body spontaneously lets go of pain the moment the underlying cause is healed, the mind has a mysterious instinct for holding on. Through the mind, we create a prison of suffering and then forget that we are the architect and that we ourselves hold the key that will set us free.
Even after years of emotional healing work, we all sometimes make the mistake of believing that something “out there” makes us angry, depressed, anxious, or afraid. In reality, outside events are only triggers. The cause of every emotion is within.
In this Meditation Moment, we invite you to discover the false perceptions that cause you to cling to pain . . . and practice the tools that will help you let go & Coping with Job Loss etc.
Let’s get started right now with a guided meditation led by the Chopra Center’s master meditation instructor, davidji
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The Revolution: A Manifesto by Ron Paul
This Much Is True: You Have Been Lied To.
* The government is expanding.
* Taxes are increasing.
* More senseless wars are being planned.
* Inflation is ballooning.
* Our basic freedoms are disappearing.
The Founding Fathers didn't want any of this. In fact, they said so quite clearly in the Constitution of the United States of America. Unfortunately, that beautiful, ingenious, and revolutionary document is being ignored more and more in Washington. If we are to enjoy peace, freedom, and prosperity once again, we absolutely must return to the principles upon which America was founded. But finally, there is hope . . .
In THE REVOLUTION,Texas congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul has exposed the core truths behind everything threatening America, from the real reasons behind the collapse of the dollar and the looming financial crisis, to terrorism and the loss of our precious civil liberties. In this book, Ron Paul provides answers to questions that few even dare to ask.
Despite a media blackout, this septuagenarian physician-turned-congressman sparked a movement that has attracted a legion of young, dedicated, enthusiastic supporters . . . a phenomenon that has amazed veteran political observers and made more than one political rival envious. Candidates across America are already running as "Ron Paul Republicans."
"Dr. Paul cured my apathy," says a popular campaign sign. THE REVOLUTION may cure yours as well.
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