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Absolute Java with Student Resource Disk (2nd Edition)
Jul 28, 2009Absolute Java with Student Resource Disk (2nd Edition)
Product Description
With the second edition of Absolute Java, best-selling author Walt Savitch offers a comprehensive introduction of the java programming language. This book gives programmers the tools to master the Java language. He takes full advantage of the new Java 5.0 features and incorporates the new Scanner class. There is comprehensive coverage of generic types, including how to define classes with type parameters, collection classes done as generic classes, and linked lists done with type parameters.
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Java Precisely
Java Precisely
Publisher: The MIT Press | ISBN: 0262692767 | edition 2002 | PDF | 128 pages | 1,14 mb
“ Java Precisely provides a concise reference for the Java programming language and some of its essential libraries. The book covers Java 2, versions 1.3 and 1.4. It is intended both for students learning Java and for more experienced Java programmers. Though written informally, it describes the language in detail and provides many examples. To improve clarity, most of the general rules appear on left-hand pages with the relevant examples on the opposite right-hand pages.
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Java(TM) Programming Language, The (4th Edition) (Java Series) Review
Written by several of Java’s inventors, The Java Programming Language, Third Edition provides a nearly indispensable guide to basic and advanced features in today’s hottest programming language. Perfect for the intermediate or advanced developer, this book delivers a wealth of information on how to do more with Java. The first sections provide a nicely compact tour of Java basics. If you’re a beginner, you’ll get a glimpse of the fundamentals of Java quickly. (Most of this new edition has the more experienced reader in mind.) Subsequent chapters delve into basic and advanced language features of what can be done with classes, interfaces, and other design features in Java. The authors’ explanations are notably clear and never pedantic. Many examples are illustrated by using simple mathematical problems, and the class-design samples for inheritance and interfaces all use comprehensible class names and concepts.
This title is outstanding when it comes to class design. It will definitely let any reader do more with classes, whether you want to make use of such features as “anonymous inner classes” and reflection (for loading classes dynamically), or do more with interfaces (including extending interfaces and tricks on changing data members in interfaces).
Prominent sections here include a complete guide to Java language statements, including keywords, literals, and support for Unicode. Later sections feature a nice, clear explanation of Java’s complicated I/O classes, a fine tutorial on threading, and a solid introduction to using Java’s collection classes. The book closes with a tour of some additional “core” Java packages that are available in the language.
In all, this up-to-the-minute guide to some of the more complex features in today’s Java fills a valuable niche for any Java developer. Besides providing a glimpse into what the Java team at Sun is up to, this authoritative resource can help you master the finer points of class design, as well as make the most out of newly added features in the new JDK 1.3 standard. –Richard Dragan
Topics covered: QuickStart overview of Java, class and object design in Java, access control, construction and initialization, static methods, method overloading, class inheritance, redefining members, the protected keyword, the strictfp keyword and floating-point processing, cloning objects, interfaces (constants, methods, and modifiers), extending interfaces, marker interfaces, nested classes and interfaces (including static nested types, inner classes, and anonymous inner classes), tokens, operators, and expressions in Java, literals, keywords, operator precedence, control flow, Java exception handling, exception classes, the String and StringBuffer classes, threads, synchronization APIs and techniques (scheduling, thread groups, and thread local storage), the wrapper classes for Number types, Java reflection, loading classes, garbage collection (GC algorithms, finalization and reachability states), packages, JavaDoc documentation tags, tour of Java I/O stream classes, serialization techniques, new and legacy Java collections, miscellaneous utility classes, system programming with properties, processes and JVM shutdown; internationalization and localization techniques, and tour of additional Java “core” packages. –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Product Description
Direct from the creators of the Java programming language, the completely revised fourth edition of The Java Programming Language is an indispensable resource for novice and advanced programmers alike. Developers around the world have used previous editions to quickly gain a deep understanding of the Java programming language, its design goals, and how to use it most effectively in real-world development. Now, Ken Arnold, James Gosling, and David Holmes have updated this classic to reflect the major enhancements in Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 (J2SE 5.0). The authors systematically cover most classes in Java’s main packages, java.lang.*, java.util, and, presenting in-depth explanations of why these classes work as they do, with informative examples. Several new chapters and major sections have been added, and every chapter has been updated to reflect today’s best practices for building robust, efficient, and maintainable Java software. Key changes in this edition include *New chapters on generics, enums, and annotations, the most powerful new language features introduced in J2SE 5.0 *Changes to classes and methods throughout to reflect the addition of generics *Major new sections on assertions and regular expressions *Coverage of all the new language features, from autoboxing and variable argument methods to the enhanced for-loop and covariant return types *Coverage of key new classes, such as Formatter and Scanner The Java Programming Language, Fourth Edition, is the definitive tutorial introduction to the Java language and essential libraries and an indispensable reference for all programmers, including those with extensive experience. It brings together insights you can only get from the creators of Java: insights that will help you write software of exceptional quality.
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Essentials of the Java Programming Language: A Hands-On Guide (Paperback) Review
With so many APIs and features, the complexity of today’s Java 2 standard is certainly a strength of the platform, but this complexity does mean the language can seem a bit daunting to beginners. Instead of aiming to be comprehensive, Monica Pawlan’s Essentials of the Java Programming Language gives you what you need to get started with Java in a smart, understandable tour of the most relevant features for serious enterprise development.
Organized into 14 “lessons,” this book covers the basics of Java to build a simple applet-based e-commerce example. Besides covering the basics, including simple class design and practical hints for compiling, running, and deploying your first Java programs, this book concentrates on the APIs needed for real-world development. This includes servlets for building HTML on the fly, socket programming, RMI for remote procedure calls, and JDBC for database programming.
Enhanced in several steps, the author’s sample code lets the reader see essential Java concepts. By the end of the volume, the sample application can simulate processing orders for a simple fruit store (including credit card numbers). Although it’s far from commercially viable, the sample is a good choice for showing off the fundamentals of Java. Besides hitting the basics, the book covers such topics as basic file I/O and internationalization issues. (An appendix even introduces cryptography done the Java way.)
Of course, readers will want to explore the topics introduced in Essentials of the Java Programming Language in more detail elsewhere. But there’s little doubt this slim, well-presented, and digestible book can put the basics of today’s hottest language into the hands of anyone who has a little programming experience. –Richard Dragan
Topics covered: Introductory Java tutorial, installation and compilation hints, Java classes, fields and methods; applets, basic Swing components and user interfaces, event handling, introduction to servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSPs), HTML forms, Java collections, Java file I/O, exception handling, security, permissions and policy files; JDBC and database basics, accessing data in servlets, Remote Method Invocation (RMI) clients and servers, Java socket classes, internationalization, packages, JAR files and deployment, introduction to object-oriented programming, and cryptography basics.
Product Description
If you are interested in learning the Java(tm) programming language but hesitate to dive into overly dense, theoretical resources, Essentials of the Java(tm) Programming Language is the perfect starting point. This accessible, hands-on tutorial employs a “learn-by-doing” approach to introduce you to the basics. It starts with a simple program, then develops it bit by bit, adding new features and explaining important concepts with each subsequent lesson. This simple program grows into a general electronic commerce application that illustrates many of the Java 2 platform’s most important elements. You will learn such Java programming language essentials as: The difference between applications, applets, and servlets/JavaServer Pages(tm) Building a user interface that accepts user input Reading and writing data to files and databases Network communications, including RMI and sockets Collections Serialization Packages and JAR file format Internationalization Security fundamentals, including cryptographic software Essentials of the Java(tm) Programming Language ends with an explanation of object-oriented programming concepts, made far more understandable and relevant as a result of the hands-on experience acquired throughout the book. After working through this book, you will have the foundation necessary to comfortably progress to more advanced learning materials for the Java programming language and utilize the subtleties and more sophisticated capabilities of the language.
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Beginning JSF™ 2 APIs and JBoss® Seam (Expert’s Voice in Java)
Posted by bandr under General Programming, Java
Beginning JSF™ 2 APIs and JBoss® Seam (Expert's Voice in Java)
Product Description
The Enterprise Java™ platform, Java EE 6, is getting a facelift … JavaServer™ Faces (JSF™) 2, is a big part of what’s new in Java EE 6! JSF 2, a significant upgrade from JSF 1.2, now includes Facelets and integration/use options with a variety of web frameworks, including the popular JBoss® Seam and even the Spring Framework.
Beginning JSF™ 2 APIs and JBoss® Seam gets you up to speed with the new JSF 2.x API features and how they’re implemented using the latest Seam web framework. This quick–start tutorial is the fastest way to get started on JSF 2, Facelets, and Seam, and with it you’ll take the most useful features in the frameworks and apply them using best practices.
You’ll learn to create and enhance an eShop using practical methods, and can repurpose the template for your own personal and professional projects.
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Programming and Problem Solving with Java 2003-04 [ebook, Lab Manual, Student & Instructor Resources] P
Product Description
Presents a careful balance between traditional problem-solving techniques and object-oriented design. Teaches the sound problem solving skills that beginning programmers must understand alongside the basics of object-oriented programming using the Java programming language. Softcover.
From the Back Cover
Problem Solving with Java™, Second Edition provides an accessible introduction to programming that carefully balances the problem-solving skills all beginning programmers need to develop with the essential constructs of the Java programming language. This edition includes coverage of:
* Problem-Solving: Strong problem-solving skills are emphasized through 20 Case Studies, 10 of which are new to this edition. Each emphasizes the classic Koffman 5-step approach: problem specification, analysis, design, implementation, and testing.
* Object-Oriented Design: Principles of object-oriented design are used throughout, building up to an in-depth discussion of object-oriented design midway through the book. Inheritance, interfaces, and abstract classes are introduced by examining several case studies that use these features.
* Applications and Applets: Coverage of both applications and applets is provided throughout, including several examples of each.
* Graphical User Interface: The material describes how to build GUIs using swing components. It also shows how to use class Jframe to write applications that have GUIs.
* Input and Output: Most programs in the hook use standard Java I/O methods. An optional package using class methods for input, based on class , JoptionPane, to simplify data entry with dialog windows can also be used.
* Streams and Files: A new chapter covers streams and files, including coverage of streams of characters and streams of binary files, as well as demonstrations of how to read and write files of objects.
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Embedded Systems Interfacing for Engineers Using the Freescale Hcs08 Microcontroller I: Assembly Language Programming
Morgan & Claypool | 2009-06-15 | ISBN: 1608450058 | 120 pages | PDF | 1.1 MB
The vast majority of computers in use today are encapsulated within other systems. In contrast to general-purpose computers that run an endless selection of software, these embedded computers are often programmed for a very specific, low-level and often mundane purpose. Low-end microcontrollers, costing as little as one dollar, are often employed by engineers in designs that utilize only a small fraction of the processing capability of the device because it is either more cost-effective than selecting an application-specific part or because programmability offers custom functionality not otherwise available. Embedded Systems Interfacing for Engineers using the Freescale HCS08 Microcontroller is a two-part book intended to provide an introduction to hardware and software interfacing for engineers. Building from a comprehensive introduction of fundamental computing concepts, the book suitable for a first course in computer organization for electrical or computer engineering students with a minimal background in digital logic and programming. In addition, this book can be valuable as a reference for engineers new to the Freescale HCS08 family of microcontrollers. The HCS08 processor architecture used in the book is relatively simple to learn, powerful enough to apply towards a wide-range of interfacing tasks, and accommodates breadboard prototyping in a laboratory using freely available and low-cost tools. In Part I: Assembly Language Programming, the programmer's model of the HSC08 family of processors is introduced. This part leads the reader from basic concepts up to implementing basic software control structures in assembly language. Instead of focusing on large-scale programs, the emphasis is on implementing small algorithms necessary to accomplish some of the more common tasks expected in small embedded systems. The first part prepares the reader with the programming skills necessary to write device drivers in and perform basic input/output processing Part II, whose emphasis is on hardware interfacing concepts. Table of Contents: Introduction to Microcomputer Organization / Programmer's Model of the HCS08 CPU / HCS08 Assembly Language Programming.
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XML Retrieval (Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval & Services)
Morgan and Claypool Publishers | 2009-07-09 | ISBN: 1598297864 | 112 pages | PDF | 1.5 MB
Documents usually have a content and a structure. The content refers to the text of the document, whereas the structure refers to how a document is logically organized. An increasingly common way to encode the structure is through the use of a mark-up language. Nowadays, the most widely used mark-up language for representing structure is the eXtensible Mark-up Language (XML). XML can be used to provide a focused access to documents, i.e. returning XML elements, such as sections and paragraphs, instead of whole documents in response to a query. Such focused strategies are of particular benefit for information repositories containing long documents, or documents covering a wide variety of topics, where users are directed to the most relevant content within a document. The increased adoption of XML to represent a document structure requires the development of tools to effectively access documents marked-up in XML. This book provides a detailed description of query languages, indexing strategies, ranking algorithms, presentation scenarios developed to access XML documents. Major advances in XML retrival were seen from 2002 as a result of INEX, the Initiative for Evaluation of XML Retrieval. INEX, also described in this book, provided test sets for evaluating XML retrieval effectiveness. Many of the developments and results described in this book were investigated within INEX. Table of Contents: Introduction / Basic XML Concepts / Historical Perspectives / Query Languages / Indexing Strategies / Ranking Strategies / Presentation strategies / Evaluating XML Retrieval Effectiveness / Conclusions
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CBT Nugget Java SCJP Certification Package
Java is so cool. Imagine being able to compile one piece of code and have it run on nearly any operating system, from Windows and Macintosh to Linux, Unix and the Internet. It’s widely used and universally accepted as the preferred programming language of the Internet, but it is also a great development platform for business applications, video games and to even create software for mobile devices.
This course will teach you beginning through advanced Java programming skills while preparing you for Sun exam CX-310-035. Instructor Robert Barr introduces you to the Java language fundamentals and, by the end of the training, has you building GUI and web-based applications that can link to databases. Robert calls on his nearly ten years of Java programming experience to pass along helpful tips, tricks and real-world examples.
A basic understanding of computers and programming is recommended before viewing these videos. The training contains 29 videos providing more than 15 hours of instruction.
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