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Default Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax [ Rapidshare ]
Feb 26, 2009Title: Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: from Novice to Professional)
Author: Christian Heilmann
Publisher: Apress
ISBN: 1590596803
Number Of Pages: 512
Format: PDF
JavaScript is one of the most important technologies on the web. It provides the means to add dynamic functionality to your web pages and serves as the backbone of Ajax-style web development. Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax is an essential guide for modern JavaScript programming; it's practical but comprehensive. It covers everything you need to know to get up to speed with JavaScript development to add dynamic enhancements to web pages and program Ajax-style applications.
Experienced web developer Christian Heilmann begins gently by giving you an overview of JavaScript--its syntax, good coding practices, and the principles of DOM scripting. Then he builds up your JavaScript toolkit, covering dynamically manipulating markup, changing page styling on the fly using the CSS DOM, validating forms, dealing with images, and much more. Then he takes you to advanced territory, with a complete case study illustrating how many new JavaScript techniques can work together, plus a great introduction to Ajax development.
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Ajax And Php: Building Responsive Web Applications [ Rapidshare ]
AJAX and PHP: Building Responsive Web Applications is the most practical and efficient resource a reader can get to enter the exciting world of AJAX. This book will teach you how to create faster, lighter, better web applications by using the AJAX ingredients technologies to their full potential. Assuming a basic knowledge of PHP, XML, JavaScript and MySQL, this book will help you understand how the heart of AJAX beats and how the constituent technologies work together. This book is written web developers with a basic knowledge of PHP, XML, JavaScript and MySQL. After teaching the foundations, the book will walk you through numerous real-world case studies covering tasks you'll be likely to need for your own applications:
Server-enabled form-validation page
Online chat collaboration tool
Customized type-ahead text entry solution
Real-time charting using SVG
Database-enabled, editable and customizable data grid
RSS aggregator application
A server-managed sortable list with drag&drop support using the JavaScript toolkit
The appendices guide you through installing your working environment, using powerful tools that enable debugging, improving, and profiling your code, working with XSLT and XPath.
Chapter 1: AJAX and The Future Of Web Applications is an initial incursion into the world of AJAX and the vast possibilities it opens up for web developers and companies, to offer a better experience to their users. In this chapter you'll also build your first AJAX-enabled web page, which will give you a first look of the component technologies.
Chapter 2: Client-Side Techniques with Smarter JavaScript will guide you through the technologies you'll use to build AJAX web clients, using JavaScript, DOM, the XMLHttpRequest object, and XML. While not being a complete tutorial for these technologies, you'll be taken to the right track of using them together to build a solid foundation for your future applications.
Chapter 3: Server-Side Techniques with PHP and MySQL completes the theory foundation by presenting how to create smart servers to interact with your AJAX client. You'll learn various techniques for implementing common tasks, including handling security and error handling problems.
Chapter 4: AJAX Form Validation guides you through creating a responsive, modern form with real-time validation based on server data.
Chapter 5: AJAX Chat presents a simple online chat that works exclusively using AJAX code, without Java applets, Flash code, or other specialized library, as most chat applications work these days.
Chapter 6: AJAX Suggest and Autocomplete builds a Google-suggest like feature, that helps you find PHP functions, and forward you to the official help page for the chosen function.
Chapter 7: SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a text-based graphics language that can be used to draw shapes and text. (SVG is supported natively by Firefox 1.5, and requires a SVG plugin with other browsers). In this case study you learn how to implement a realtime charting solution with AJAX and SVG.
Chapter 8: AJAX Grid teaches you how to build powerful updatable data grid. You'll learn how to parse XML documents using XSLT to generate the looks of your grid.
Chapter 9: AJAX RSS Reader uses the SimpleXML PHP library, XML and XSLT, to build a simple RSS aggregator.
Chapter 10: AJAX Drag and Drop is a demonstration of using the framework to build a simple list of elements with drag&drop functionality.
Appendix A: Configuring Your Working Environment teaches you how to install and configure the required software: Apache, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin.
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Algorithm Design (Hardcover)
# Publisher: Addison Wesley; United States ed edition (March 26, 2005)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0321295358
# ISBN-13: 978-0321295354
Price: $83.07
7 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
3.0 out of 5 stars One of the better introduction algorithm books, December 10, 2006
By Quality Man "yway6" (Arizona) - See all my reviews
With algorithms not a strength of mine (although I am a computer scientist student), I was quite happy that our professor switched to this book away from the MIT Press book. The first few chapters were exactly what I needed in order to finally get a grasp of key algorithm analysis and design concepts. As the book progressed to more difficult chapters, their explanations became less and less clear and seemed to rely more on text than on nice diagrams and graphics. A few complaints I have about the book: no mention of the Master Method in the dynamic programming chapter, NP-Complete explanation confusing, and no published errata that I could find. Although I have a few complaints about the book, it is one of the better books for being introduced to algorithms. It needs a little tuning now and then as some explanations are not so clear, but you'll find even more complicated explinations in other algorithm books.
Dangerous Secrets of Google Searching
Google serves some 80 percent of all search queries on the Internet, making it by far the most popular search engine. Its popularity is due not only to excellent search effectiveness, but also extensive querying capabilities. However, we should also remember that the Internet is a highly dynamic medium, so the results presented by Google are not always up-to-date � some search results might be stale, while other relevant resources might not yet have been visited by Googlebot (the automatic script that browses and indexes Web resources for Google). Information which should be protected is very often publicly available, revealed by careless or ignorant users. The result is that lots of confidential data is freely available on the Internet � just Google for it.
What You Will Learn...
� how to use Google to find sources of personal
information and other confidential data,
� how to find information about vulnerable systems
and Web services,
� how to locate publicly available network devices
using Google.
What You Should Know...
� how to use a Web browser,
� basic rules of operation of the HTTP protocol.
Microsoft� SQL Server� 2008 T-SQL Fundamentals
This book walks you through your first steps in T-SQL (also known as Transact-SQL), which is Microsoft SQL Server s dialect of the standard ANSI-SQL language. You ll learn the theory behind T-SQL querying and programming, how to develop T-SQL code to query and modify data, and get an overview of programmable objects. Although this book is intended for beginners, it is not merely a step-by-step book. It goes beyond the syntactical elements of T-SQL and explains the logic behind the language and its elements. Many aspects of SQL are unique to the language, and are very different from other programming languages. This book helps you adopt the right state of mind and gain a true understanding of the language elements. You learn how to think in terms of sets and follow good SQL programming practices. The book is not version-specific; it does, however, cover language elements that were introduced in recent versions of SQL Server, including SQL Server 2008. To complement the learning experience, the book provides exercises that enable you to practice what you ve learned. The book starts with a theoretical background to T-SQL querying and programming (Chapter 1) laying the foundations for the rest of the book, and also coverage of creating tables and defining data integrity. The book moves on to various aspects of querying and modifying data (Chapters 2 through 8), then to a discussion of concurrency and transactions (Chapter 9), and finally provides an overview of programmable objects (Chapter 10). This book features a companion Web site that makes available to you all the code used in the book, the errata, additional resources, and more
Sams Teach Yourself AJAX in 10 Minutes (Paperback) [Rapidshare]
Sams Teach Yourself Ajax in 10 Minutes is a concise introduction to the basics of building Ajax applications and the architecture and operation of these applications. You will learn the techniques employed in using Ajax, introducing Ajax and explaining how it may be used to solve realistic user interface problems. You will be able to immediately begin building web applications, and will have platform from which to explore more advanced aspects of Ajax.
About the Author
Phil Ballard is a professional web consultant specializing in website and intranet design, search engine optimization, server-side scripting, client-side design and programming and hosting. Phil has written a number of online tutorials, including the most popular of late, on AJAX.
Ajax Design Patterns (Paperback) [Rapidshare]
PUBLISHER : O'Reilly Media
ISBN : 0596101805
PUB DATE : June 01, 2006
LANGUAGE : English
SIZE : 7,17 MB
spring of 2005 and remains the hottest story among web developers. With
its rich combination of technologies, Ajax provides a strong foundation
for creating interactive web applications with XML or JSON-based web
services by using JavaScript in the browser to process the web server
Ajax Design Patterns shows you best practices that can dramatically
improve your web development projects. It investigates how others have
successfully dealt with conflicting design principles in the past and
The patterns outlined in the book fall into four categories:
- Foundational technology: Examines the raw technologies required for
- Programming: Exposes techniques that developers have discovered to
- Functionality and usability: Describes the types of user interfaces
you'll come across in Ajax applications, as well as the new types of
- Development: Explains the process being used to monitor, debug, and
Ajax Design Patterns will also get you up to speed with core Ajax
technologies, such as XMLHttpRequest, the DOM, and JSON. Technical
discussions are followed by code examples so you can see for yourself
just what is-and isn't-possible with Ajax. This handy reference will help
you to produce high-quality Ajax architectures, streamline web
Michael Mahemoff holds a PhD in Computer Science and Software Engineering
from the University of Melbourne, where his thesis was "Design Reuse in
Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction." He lives in London
and consults on software development issues in banking, health care, and
"Michael Mahemoff's Ajax Design Patterns is a truly comprehensive
compendium of web application design expertise, centred around but not
limited to Ajax techniques. Polished nuggets of design wisdom are
supported by tutorials and real-world code examples resulting in a book
that serves not only as an intermediate to expert handbook but also as an
extensive reference for building rich interactive web applications."
--Brent Ashley, remote scripting pioneer
Foundation XML and E4X for Flash and Flex
Foundation XML and E4X for Flash and Flex (Paperback)
by Sas Jacobs (Author)
Product details
Paperback: 520 pages
Publisher: FRIENDS OF ED; 1 edition (1 Jan 2009)
Language English
ISBN-10: 1430216344
ISBN-13: 978-1430216346
An understanding of XML is essential when working with both Flash and Flex. ActionScript 3.0 introduces a number of changes to the way XML works in both applications. This book provides Flash and Flex developers with a coverage of XML and E4X from the ground up. * Introducing XML and E4X in ActionScript 3.0 * Including XML content in Flash and Flex applications * Modifying and updating XML content using Flash and Flex In this book you'll: * Understand XML and E4X * Understand the new XML and XMLList classes in ActionScript 3.0 * Learn to load XML content into Flash and Flex applications * Understand how to create E4X expressions to target XML content * Learn how to modify and update XML content with Flash and Flex * Learn to consume Web services with Flash and Flex applications
Pro JSF and Ajax: Building Rich Internet Components [Rapidshare]
Book Description
Pro JSF and Ajax shows you how to leverage the full potential of JavaServer Faces (JSF) and Ajax. This is not an entry-level tutorial, but a book about building Ajax-enabled JSF components for sophisticated, enterprise-level Rich Internet Applications. Written by JSF experts and verified by established community figures�including Adam Winer (member of the JSF Expert Group, Java Champion), Kito D. Mann ( and JSF in Action), and Matthias We?endorf (MyFaces)�this JSF 1.2-compatible book provides reliable and groundbreaking JSF components to help you exploit the power of JSF in your Java web applications.
This book provides a blueprint for building custom JSF UI components and shows how to leverage the best browser technologies, such as AJAX, Mozilla XUL and Microsoft HTC, to deliver Rich Internet Applications.
This book covers standard best practices for behavioral and renderer-specific component classes, renderers, events and event listeners, and JSP tag handlers for each. It also covers advanced techniques such as dynamic content type negotiation, JAR-based resource delivery, and dynamic render kit selection.
"Does the world really and truly need another JavaServer Faces book?
I was fairly well convinced the answer could only be a resounding 'no'! After all, there's a good half dozen books out in stores today, by a whole host of web luminaries, and I've even personally helped as a technical reviewer on half of those. So what more could really be said on the subject?
But when I thought about this a bit more, it became clear that all of these books only go so far. They'll show you how to use what JSF gives you out of the box, throw you a bone for writing your own components and renderers, maybe even a bit more. But none that I've seen get to the heart of why JSF is really and truly cool and important technology; they make JSF look like YAMVCF (Yet Another Model-View-Controller Framework) for HTML - more powerful here and there, easier to use in many places, a bit harder to use in others, but really nothing major. And certainly nothing that takes us beyond the dull basics of building ordinary-looking web applications.
This book goes a lot further. It'll cover the basics, of course, and show you how to build components, but then it keeps going: on to AJAX, on to HTC, on to XUL - and how you can wrap this alphabet soup up underneath the heart of JSF, its component model, and how you can leverage it to finally develop web applications that don't need radical re-architecting every time the winds of client technologies blow in a different direction. Along the way, you'll learn a wide array of open source toolkits that make web magic practical even when you're not a Javascript guru.
So, heck, I'm convinced. The world does need another JSF book."
Adam Winer,
Architect ADF Faces, JSF Expert Group Member, and Java Champion. (From the Foreword)
Developing Service-Oriented AJAX Applications on the Microsoft� Platform
Daniel Larson, "Developing Service-Oriented AJAX Applications on the Microsoft� Platform"
Microsoft Press | 2008-11-12 | ISBN: 0735625913 | 320 pages | CHM | 1,3 MB
Delve into the fundamental architectural principles and techniques for developing service-oriented AJAX applications for the enterprise. This guide offers a code-heavy, example-based approach to learning how to write a modern services API and an AJAX front end that can easily be extended, reused, and integrated by third parties. Focusing on Microsoft technologies and enterprise servers, including Microsoft SharePoint(r) Server 2007, ASP.NET AJAX, and Microsoft .NET Frameworks 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5, this book walks you through a client-centric UI architecture programmed against an XML service-oriented backend. Topics include the Microsoft AJAX Library, Web services and an XML API, client-side XSLT, JavaScript AJAX communication, and integration with Microsoft servers. The book does not attempt to be an exhaustive reference, but focuses instead on fundamental architectural principles and guidance.
Microsoft� .NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise
Dino Esposito , Andrea Saltarello, "Microsoft� .NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise "
Microsoft Press | 2008-10-15 | ISBN: 073562609X | 304 pages | CHM | 2,54 MB
Make the right architectural decisions up front and improve the quality and reliability of your results. Led by two enterprise programming experts, you ll learn how to apply the patterns and techniques that help control project complexity and make systems easier to build, support, and upgrade right from the start. Get pragmatic architectural guidance on how to: Build testability, maintainability, and security into your system early in the design Expose business logic through a service-oriented interface Choose the best pattern for organizing business logic and behavior Review and apply the patterns for separating the UI and presentation logic Delve deep into the patterns and practices for the data access layer Tackle the impedance mismatch between objects and data Minimize development effort and avoid over-engineering and deliver more robust results Get code samples on the Web.
Cisco ASA: All-in-One Firewall, IPS, and VPN Adaptive Security Appliance
Identify, mitigate, and respond to network attacks
* Understand the evolution of security technologies that make up the unified ASA device and how to install the ASA hardware
* Examine firewall solutions including network access control, IP routing, AAA, application inspection, virtual firewalls, transparent (Layer 2) firewalls, failover and redundancy, and QoS
* Evaluate Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) solutions including IPS integration and Adaptive Inspection and Prevention Security Services Module (AIP-SSM) configuration
* Deploy VPN solutions including site-to-site IPsec VPNs, remote- access VPNs, and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
* Learn to manage firewall, IPS, and VPN solutions with Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM)
Achieving maximum network security is a challenge for most organizations. Cisco� ASA, a new unified security device that combines firewall, network antivirus, intrusion prevention, and virtual private network (VPN) capabilities, provides proactive threat defense that stops attacks before they spread through the network.
This new family of adaptive security appliances also controls network activity and application traffic and delivers flexible VPN connectivity. The result is a powerful multifunction network security device that provides the security breadth and depth for protecting your entire network, while reducing the high deployment and operations costs and complexities associated with managing multiple point products.
Cisco ASA: All-in-One Firewall, IPS, and VPN Adaptive Security Appliance is a practitioner�s guide to planning, deploying, and troubleshooting a comprehensive security plan with Cisco ASA. The book provides valuable insight and deployment examples and demonstrates how adaptive identification and mitigation services on Cisco ASA provide a sophisticated security solution for both large and small network environments.
The book contains many useful sample configurations, proven design scenarios, and discussions of debugs that help you understand how to get the most out of Cisco ASA in your own network.
�I have found this book really highlights the practical aspects needed for building real-world security. It offers the insider�s guidance needed to plan, implement, configure, and troubleshoot the Cisco ASA in customer environments and demonstrates the potential and power of Self-Defending Networks.�
�Jayshree Ullal, Sr. Vice President, Security Technologies Group, Cisco Systems�
This security book is part of the Cisco Press� Networking Technology Series. Security titles from Cisco Press help networking professionals secure critical data and resources, prevent and mitigate network attacks, and build end-to-end self-defending networks.
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Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS (Paperback)
# Paperback: 344 pages
# Publisher: Newnes; Pap/Cdr edition (December 26, 2008)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 1856176312
# ISBN-13: 978-1856176316
Product Description
Real-Time Embedded Multithreading contains the fundamentals of developing real-time operating systems and multithreading with all the new functionality of ThreadX Version 5. This MIPS edition covers all the new ThreadX 5 features including Real-Time Event-Chaining, Run-Time Performance Metrics, and Run-Time Statck Analysis as specified for MIPS. ThreadX has been deployed in approximately 500 million devices worldwide including cell phones, digital cameras, and laser printers. General concepts and terminology are detailed along with problem solving of common pitfalls. The features and services of ThreadX are reviewed. The book is technology agnostic and applicable to all types of microprocessors.
*A great introduction to real-time systems including general concepts and terminology
*An insider shares his knowledge on ThreadX 5, a real-time operating system
*A limited version of the ThreadX 5 software is packaged on a CD-ROM with the book
to run all sample projects and the case study
P2P Networking and Applications
# Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann (December 29, 2008)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0123742145
# ISBN-13: 978-0123742148
* Uses well-known commercial P2P systems as models, thus demonstrating real-world applicability.
* Discusses how current research trends in wireless networking, high-def content, DRM, etc. will intersect with P2P, allowing readers to account for future developments in their designs.
* Provides online access to the Overlay Weaver P2P emulator, an open source tool that supports a number of peer-to-peer applications with which readers can practice.
Link :
Web Application Design Patterns
Pawan Vora, "Web Application Design Patterns"
Morgan Kaufmann | 2009-03-13 | ISBN: 012374265X | 448 pages | PDF | 28,5 MB
A generation has watched the internet work its way into every part of society as talented designers and developers have explored new user interfaces and as the most robust design patterns have emerged through the refining fire of hundreds of millions of users. Pawan Vora has done a wonderful service in capturing these best practices in Web Application Design Patterns. This book will be valuable to people ranging from those putting together their first website to those shaping corporate web experiences, and from practitioners to researchers benchmarking existing patterns as new interface paradigms are created. -- Arnie Lund, User Experience Director, Microsoft
Web Application Design Patterns is a must read if you are in the business of designing web applications, or simply want to understand the elements of a well-designed web application. Pawan Vora has condensed best practice, along with research and his solid experience, to create a useful reference about designing web applications. Even if you skimmed the book and looked at the designs, it will spark creative design ideas. -- David Dick, Technical Writer
Excellent! A very complete and exhaustive overview of patterns for web applications with many previously undocumented patterns. This book is written in very accessible way and will tell you (nearly) everything you need to know when designing web applications. A must-have for any designer! -- Martijn van Welie, Pattern author, Philips Design
This is the type of book you'll want to read with your entire team and a flip chart, because every page will produce a list of actionable changes to the applications you're developing. Pawan Vora has produced an amazing catalogue ofthe essential patterns for designing today's
web-based applications. -- Jared Spool, Founding Principal, User Interface Engineering
A generation has watched the internet work its way into every part of society as talented designers and developers have explored new user interfaces and as the most robust design patterns have emerged through the refining fire of hundreds of millions of users. Pawan Vora has done a wonderful service in capturing these best practices in Web Application Design Patterns. This book will be valuable to people ranging from those putting together their first website to those shaping corporate web experiences, and from practitioners to researchers benchmarking existing patterns as new interface paradigms are created. -- Arnie Lund, User Experience Director, Microsoft
Web Application Design Patterns is a must read if you are in the business of designing web applications, or simply want to understand the elements of a well-designed web application. Pawan Vora has condensed best practice, along with research and his solid experience, to create a useful reference about designing web applications. Even if you skimmed the book and looked at the designs, it will spark creative design ideas. -- David Dick, Technical Writer
Excellent! A very complete and exhaustive overview of patterns for web applications with many previously undocumented patterns. This book is written in very accessible way and will tell you (nearly) everything you need to know when designing web applications. A must-have for any designer! -- Martijn van Welie, Pattern author, Philips Design
This is the type of book you'll want to read with your entire team and a flip chart, because every page will produce a list of actionable changes to the applications you're developing. Pawan Vora has produced an amazing catalogue of the essential patterns for designing today's
web-based applications. --Jared Spool, Founding Principal, User Interface Engineering
A generation has watched the internet work its way into every part of society as talented designers and developers have explored new user interfaces and as the most robust design patterns have emerged through the refining fire of hundreds of millions of users. Pawan Vora has done a wonderful service in capturing these best practices in Web Application Design Patterns. This book will be valuable to people ranging from those putting together their first website to those shaping corporate web experiences, and from practitioners to researchers benchmarking existing patterns as new interface paradigms are created. -- Arnie Lund, User Experience Director, Microsoft
Web Application Design Patterns is a must read if you are in the business of designing web applications, or simply want to understand the elements of a well-designed web application. Pawan Vora has condensed best practice, along with research and his solid experience, to create a useful reference about designing web applications. Even if you skimmed the book and looked at the designs, it will spark creative design ideas. -- David Dick, Technical Writer
Excellent! A very complete and exhaustive overview of patterns for web applications with many previously undocumented patterns. This book is written in very accessible way and will tell you (nearly) everything you need to know when designing web applications. A must-have for any designer! -- Martijn van Welie, Pattern author, Philips Design
This is the type of book you'll want to read with your entire team and a flip chart, because every page will produce a list of actionable changes to the applications you're developing. Pawan Vora has produced an amazing catalogue of the essential patterns for designing today's
web-based applications. -- Jared Spool, Founding Principal, User Interface Engineering
Wireshark Troubleshooting Network Performance

1: Analyzer Placement a) Analyzing Hubbed Networks b) Analyzing Switched Networks c) Analyzing Routed Networks d) Analyzing WAN Links e) Capturing in Stealth Mode Section
2: Normal Network Communications a) When Everything Goes Right b) The Multi-Step Resolution Process c) Building the Packet Section
3: Causes of Performance Problems a) Where Network Faults Occur b) Time is of the Essence Section
4: Wireshark Functions for Troubleshooting a) Using Pre-Defined Coloring Rules b) Basic and Advanced IO Graphs c) Use the Delta Time Value d) Analyze Expert Information
e) Look Who s Talking f) Graph Bandwidth Use, Round Trip Time and TCP Performance g) Flow Graphing h) Statistics (Various) Section
5: Latency Issues a) The Five Primary Points in Calculating Latency b) Plotting High Latency Times c) Free Latency Calculators d) Using the frame.time_delta Filter Section
6: Packet Loss and Retransmissions a) Packet Loss and Recovery UDP v. TCP b) Previous Segment Lost Events c) Duplicate ACKs d) TCP Retransmissions and Fast Retransmissions e) Out-of-Order Segments Section
7: Misconfigurations and Redirections a) Visible Misconfigurations b) Don t Forget the Time Section
8: Dealing with Congestion a) Shattered Windows b) Flooded Out Section
9: Baseline Network Communications a) Your First Task When You Finish this Class
Wireshark Functionality and Fundamentals

Learn to use Wireshark efficiently and effectively by placing your analyzer in an ideal location to capture traffic (even on a switched network). Learn to focus on key traffic using capture filters and display filters. Graph
traffic, use navigation and colorization techniques and time values to easily spot network problems. Customize your Wireshark system and use the Expert system to identify problem areas. Learn how tshark, editcap, capinfos and other command-line tools work and test yourself by completing lab exercises.
Wireshark TCP/IP Network Analysis

1: TCP/IP Functionality Overview a) Resources and References for Analysts b) Capture on Hubbed, Switched and Routed Networks c) The TCP/IP Resolution Process d) Packets Going the Wrong Way e) Faults in the Resolution Process f) Test Yourself: What If Section
2: Analyze DNS Traffic a) Understand DNS Packet Structure b) Filter on DNS Traffic c) Analyze Normal DNS Traffic d) Analyze Unusual DNS Traffic Section
3: Analyze ARP Traffic a) Understand ARP Packet Structure b) Filter on ARP Traffic c) Analyze Normal ARP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual ARP Traffic Section
4: Analyze IPv4 Traffic a) Understand IPv4 Packet Structure
b) Filter on IPv4 Traffic c) Analyze Normal IPv4 Traffic d) Analyze Unusual IPv4 Traffic Section
5: Analyze ICMP Traffic a) Understand ICMP Packet Structure b) Filter on ICMP Traffic c) Analyze Normal ICMP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual ICMP Traffic Section
6: Analyze UDP Traffic a) Understand UDP Packet Structure b) Filter on UDP Traffic c) Analyze Normal UDP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual UDP Traffic Section
7: Analyze TCP Traffic a) Understand TCP Packet Structure b) Filter on TCP Traffic c) Analyze Normal TCP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual TCP Traffic Section
8: Analyze DHCP Traffic a) Understand DHCP Packet Structure b) Filter on DHCP Traffic c) Analyze Normal DHCP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual DHCP Traffic Section
9: Analyze HTTP Traffic a) Understand HTTP Packet Structure b) Filter on HTTP Traffic c) Analyze Normal HTTP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual HTTP Traffic Section
10: Analyze Telnet Traffic a) Understand Telnet Packet Structure b) Filter on Telnet Traffic c) Analyze Normal Telnet Traffic d) Analyze Unusual Telnet Traffic Section
11: Analyze FTP Traffic a) Understand FTP Packet Structure b) Filter on FTP Traffic c) Analyze Normal FTP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual FTP Traffic Section
12: Analyze POP Traffic a) Understand POP Packet Structure b) Filter on POP Traffic c) Analyze Normal POP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual POP Traffic Section
13: Analyze SMTP Traffic a) Understand SMTP Packet Structure b) Filter on SMTP Traffic c) Analyze Normal SMTP Traffic d) Analyze Unusual SMTP Traffic
How to Do Everything with Windows XP Home Networking
Hacking Ebooks - All In One

More than 20 very useful hacking ebooks were packed in an executable file Enjoy this awesome share with the movie Mission Impossible 3�s soundtrack in the background.
Check Point NGX: VPN Config and Disaster Recovery

Skillsoft Check Point NGX: VPN Config and Disaster Recovery
Course Duration 2:20 Hours
- Systems administrators, Security Managers, Network Engineers, people who want to obtain the Check Point Certified Security Administrator NGX certification
- Basic networking knowledge, knowledge of Windows Server and/or UNIX, experience with TCP/IP and the Internet
Course aim
- To recognize how VPNs are deployed, configure a VPN between networks, and back up and restore Check Point NGX
Course incorporates Test, hands-on exercise
Learning Objectives
To recognize how VPNs are deployed and create a VPN between two networks
To back up and restore Check Point NGX
Check Point NGX: SmartDefense and Content

SkillSoft Check Point NGX: SmartDefense and Content
Course Duration 2:40 Hours
- Systems administrators, Security Managers, Network Engineers, people who want to obtain the Check Point Certified Security Administrator NGX certification
- Basic networking knowledge, knowledge of Windows Server and/or UNIX, experience with TCP/IP and the Internet
Course aim
- To recognize attack types and defend a network using SmartDefense, and use content security and URL screening to protect a network from potential attacks
Course incorporates Test, hands-on exercise
Learning Objectives
To identify attacks and defend a network using SmartDefense
To recognize how content security and URL screening protect a network, and secure a network using content security, URI resources, and SmartDefense
CCSA NG: Check Point Certified Security Administrator Study

CCSA NG: Check Point Certified Security Administrator Study Guide: Exam 156-210 (VPN-1/FireWall-1, Management I NG)
Product Description
Heres the book you need to prepare for Check Points VPN1/FireWall1 Management II NG exam, 156310. Written by two Check Point security experts who know exactly what it takes to pass the test, this Study Guide provides:
- Assessment testing to focus and direct your studies
- Indepth coverage of official exam objectives
- Hundreds of challenging practice questions, in the book and on the CD
Authoritative coverage of all exam objectives, including:
- Installing and configuring VPN1/FireWall1 Gateway
- Administering postinstallation procedures
- Configuring user tracking
- Using the VPN1 SecureClient packaging tool
- Configuring an HTTP, CVP, and TCP security server
- Setting up a logical server for load balancing of HTTP traffic
- Configuring and testing VPN1 SecuRemote and VPN1 SecureClient
- Setting up VPN desktop policies and use Security Configuration Verification
- Enabling Java blocking, URL filtering and antivirus checking
- Establishing trust relationships with digital certificates
Note: CDROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
SynopsisHere�s the book you need to prepare for Check Point�s VPN-1/FireWall-1 Management II NG exam, 156-310. Written by two Check Point security experts who know exactly what it takes to pass the test, this Study Guide provides: assessment testing to focus and direct your studies; in-depth coverage of official exam objectives; and hundreds of challenging practice questions, in the book and on the CD. This book presents an authoritative coverage of all exam objectives, including: installing and configuring VPN-1/FireWall-1 Gateway; administering post-installation procedures; configuring user tracking; using the VPN-1 SecureClient packaging tool; configuring an HTTP, CVP, and TCP security server; setting up a logical server for load balancing of HTTP traffic; configuring and testing VPN-1 SecuRemote and VPN-1 SecureClient; setting up VPN desktop policies and use Security Configuration Verification; enabling Java blocking, URL filtering and anti-virus checking; and establishing trust relationships with digital certificates
Check Point NGX: Security Policies

SkillSoft Check Point NGX: Security Policies
Course Duration 2:20 Hours
- Systems administrators, Security Managers, Network Engineers, people who want to obtain the Check Point Certified Security Administrator NGX certification
- Basic networking knowledge, knowledge of Windows Server and/or UNIX, experience with TCP/IP and the Internet
Course aim
- To recognize basic security policy components and their functions, rule types and rule bases, and use SmartDashboard to create a basic security policy
Course incorporates Test, hands-on exercise
Learning Objectives
To recognize the function and components of basic security policies, and to configure objects, anti-spoofing, and multicasting as part of a basic security policy
To recognize rule types and how Check Point NGX enforces rule bases, and create the rule base of a basic security policy
CCSE NG: Check Point Certified Security Expert Study Guide

CCSE NG: Check Point Certified Security Expert Study Guide
Product Description
Here�s the book you need to prepare for Check Point�s VPN-1/FireWall-1 Management II NG exam, 156-310. Written by two Check Point security experts who know exactly what it takes to pass the test, this Study Guide provides:
* Assessment testing to focus and direct your studies
* In-depth coverage of official exam objectives
* Hundreds of challenging practice questions, in the book and on the CD
Authoritative coverage of all exam objectives, including:
* Installing and configuring VPN-1/FireWall-1 Gateway
* Administering post-installation procedures
* Configuring user tracking
* Using the VPN-1 SecureClient packaging tool
* Configuring an HTTP, CVP, and TCP security server
* Setting up a logical server for load balancing of HTTP traffic
* Configuring and testing VPN-1 SecuRemote and VPN-1 SecureClient
* Setting up VPN desktop policies and use Security Configuration Verification
* Enabling Java blocking, URL filtering and anti-virus checking
* Establishing trust relationships with digital certificates
From the Back Cover
Here�s the book you need to prepare for Check Point�s VPN-1/FireWall-1 Management II NG exam, 156-310. Written by two Check Point security experts who know exactly what it takes to pass the test, this Study Guide provides:
- Assessment testing to focus and direct your studies
- In-depth coverage of official exam objectives
- Hundreds of challenging practice questions, in the book and on the CD
Authoritative coverage of all exam objectives, including:
- Installing and configuring VPN-1/FireWall-1 Gateway
- Administering post-installation procedures
- Configuring user tracking
- Using the VPN-1 SecureClient packaging tool
- Configuring an HTTP, CVP, and TCP security server
- Setting up a logical server for load balancing of HTTP traffic
- Configuring and testing VPN-1 SecuRemote and VPN-1 SecureClient
- Setting up VPN desktop policies and use Security Configuration Verification
- Enabling Java blocking, URL filtering and anti-virus checking
- Establishing trust relationships with digital certificates
Interspire Shopping Cart 4.0.4 [Rapidshare]
No Other Shopping Cart Software is So Easy to Use
Interspire Shopping Cart was designed with you, the store owner in mind. It runs from your web browser and can be completely customized without editing any HTML files. Combine this with unmatched ease-of-use, built-in marketing tools and business intelligence, and you have fully-featured shopping cart software that contains everything you need to succeed online.
- Be Up and Running in Minutes
- Choose one of the included store designs, type the text for your logo and you're new store is live! Easy-To-Use
- Control Panel
- Manage every aspect of your store from the Interspire Shopping Cart control panel in your browser. Customize Your
- Entire Store
- Use drag and drop to customize your store from your browser. No code changes required! Built-In Business
- Intelligence
- Conversion rates, best selling products, top customers - It's all here.
Important Features at a Glance
- Beautiful Store Designs
- Choose from dozens of industry-specific, professionally designed store layouts.
- Drag & Drop Design Mode
- Arrange your store how you like it using just the mouse. No HTML knowledge required.
- Easy Shipping & Payment Setup
- Integrate your store with all major providers including UPS, PayPal and Google Checkout.
- Built-In Inventory Tracking
- Choose from multiple inventory tracking options, all tied into your order system.
- Sell Physical & Digital Items
- Flexible products system make it easy to sell everything from t-shirts to eBooks.
- Extensive Use of AJAX
- Near instant page loads make it easier for you and your shoppers to get things done.
- Advanced Product Variations
- Create product variations (such as different colors and sizes) in just a few clicks.
- Integrate With Interspire Products
- Add email marketing and self-serve FAQ's to your store with just a few clicks.
- Integrates With Popular Payment and Shipping Providers
- Interspire Shopping Cart integrates with the world's most popular payment and shipping providers, including Google Checkout, PayPal, UPS, USPS and FedEx. For a complete list of supported payment and shipping providers, see the features page.
To see Interspire Shopping Cart in action, try the online demo. You can also watch the video tour, see live stores running Interspire Shopping Cart or take a look at the dozens of included store designs that are quick and easy to customize directly from your browser.
Whats new in V4?
Payment Providers
Let's start with the new payment providers integrated into version 4.0:
- Amazon Flexible Payments
- SimplePay
- Beanstream
- Camtech
- Cardservice International
- ChronoPay API
- ChronoPay Hosted Page
- Cybersource
- E-Xact
- HSBC Secure ePayments
- Innovate Gateway
- MoneyBookers
- MyVirtual merchant
- NetBanx
- Netbilling
- NetRegistry
- NoChex
- Payment Express Pay
- Payment Express Post
- PayPal Payflow Links
- PayPal Website payments pro
- PayLeap
- PayStation
- Plug N Play
- Protx VPS direct
- Quantum Gateway
- Realex
- SecurePay Australia (formerly CamTech)
- USA ePay
New Features
Version 4.0 will be a major upgrade and will be provided free to all existing Interspire Shopping Cart customers. We have managed to include an astounding number of new (and highly requested) featres in the 4.0 release, as shown below:
- Line item shipping (option for different shipping addresses for each item in the cart)
- Ability to tag products with keywords and view the tag cloud on the front end
- Gift wrapping and the ability to choose if individual products support it
- The ability to mark individual items in an order as shipped one at a time
- Product variations can now handle dozens of combnations and have been rewritten to be faster
- Ability to upload an image or type text into a box when adding a product to your cart (for custom t-shirts, etc)
- Ability to add/edit customers in the control panel
- Bulk/quantity discounts on a per-product level
- RoyalMail shipping integration
Version 4.0 will include new store templates, all created by our design team.
Multi-Vendor Edition
The multi-vendor edition allows one store to sell products from multiple vendors, and each vendor can manage their own products, inventory, process their own orders, etc.
The multi-vendor edition includes a granular vendor-level permissions system, per-vendor reporting and accounting features, powerful per-vendor shipping zone setup and customization, vendor profiles and more.
MD5 (Verify that this is an original release): 1361ce6418613939977f83dde5bf8a0a
Includes: Nulled Script + Templates
File Size: 37,4 MB (39.269.048 Bytes)
Release Information:
There is no need for the Retail folder.
You only need to upload the ../NULLED folder in this archive.
This release contains the vendor license.
It comes also with all templates for ISC V4.
All callbacks are removed to Interspire / BuilderTemplates.
All external links are masked with for your security.
Revolution Lifestyle Premium Blogger Template [Mediafire]
After creating the coolest premium Blogger template, Revolution Church, we decided to also convert the Revolution Lifestyle theme as well! Now you can choose between two of the coolest premium Blogger templates available today.
Not only has eBlog Templates ported this over to Blogger, we’ve added some great features to really turbo-charge and make this another great premium Blogger template.
This is the second premium Blogger template we’ve released that is virtually plug and play. No images to host or have to worry about the links breaking after a few months. No mucking with the template code to change colors, add tabs, modify AdSense code, etc. We’ve designed this template with the ease of usability in mind so Bloggers of all levels can utilize the full power of this premium template. Not only do you get this amazing template but you also get the full installation video series which walks you through configuring every gadget step-by-step.
Don’t be fooled by those free Lifestyle Revolution templates that are poorly converted to blogger. They might look nice from their demo but those templates usually require you to make all the changes within the code and stop working properly after a few months. They also don’t include a step-by-step video series.
You don’t have to take our word for it though. Here’s what just a few of our many satisfied buyers had to say after purchasing and using this template:
“I absolutely LOVE this template!” — Kristy
“Great job! Well worth the cost!” — Lydia
This Blogger template comes with a ton of advanced features including:
- Hosted images on Photobucket. Free use forever!
- Favicon support so you can add your own url icon
- Compressed CSS to speed up your page load times
- SEO-friendly page titles to help you rank higher in Google
- Multiple AdSense gadgets already included in prime locations
- Automatically highlight author comments
- Embedded JavaScript date code showing current day
- Fonts and colors support so you can change on the fly
- YouTube video gadget to show off your favorite video
- Link list gadget to easily setup your header tabs
- Recent comments and posts gadgets
- Integrated Blogger reactions support (new!)
- Built-in Feedburner RSS feed and email gadget
- FeedJit live traffic feed gadget
- Bonus - FREE 125 x 125 ad gadget!
- Bonus - FREE Step-by-step installation video series
Full description :
Download :
ColdStone - Premium WordPress Theme [Rapidshare]
Coldstone offers a unique blend of grungy and professional elements. The theme comes with three unique homepage formats, including Business Style, Blog Style, and Magazine Style, and a robust options menu that makes managing ColdStone fast and easy.
Full features list
- Opera compatible
- Netscape compatible
- Safari compatible
- Wordpress 2.7 compatible
- Three Unique Post Formats
- Threaded Comments
- Featured Articles
- Gravatar ready
- Firefox compatible
- IE7 + IE6 compatible
- Advertisement Ready
- Widget ready sidebars
- Theme Option Pages
- Custom thumbnail images
- PSD files
- Valid XHTML + CSS
- Smooth tabless design
Download: 9.30 mb
Hostgator Template Food and Drinks 425 [Rapidshare]
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Hostgator Template Night Clubs1099 [Rapidshare]
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Hostgator Template Business 3026 [Rapidshare]
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Hostgator Template Art 1501 [Rapidshare]
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Hostgator Template Wedding Homer 469 [Rapidshare]
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Hostgator Template Business 4105 [Rapidshare]
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Hostgator Template Wedding 451 [Rapidshare]
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Hostgator Template Electronics 12 [Rapidshare]
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