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Linux 101 Hacks
Mar 20, 2009Chapter 1: Powerful CD Command Hacks
Chapter 2: Date Manipulation
Chapter 3: SSH Client Commands
Chapter 4: Essential Linux Commands
Chapter 5: PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 and PROMPT_COMMAND
Chapter 6: Colorful and Functional Shell Prompt Using PS1
Chapter 7: Archive and Compression
Chapter 8: Command Line History
Chapter 9: System Administration Tasks
Chapter 10: Apachectl and Httpd Examples
Chapter 11: Bash Scripting
Chapter 12: System Monitoring and Performance
Internet Information Services(IIS)7.0
Here s the eminently practical, pocket-sized reference for IT and Web
professionals working with IIS 7.0. Designed for quick referencing and
compulsively readable, this portable guide covers all the basics needed
for Web administration fundamentals, Web server administration,
essential services administration, and performance, optimization, and
maintenance. It s the fast-answers guide that helps users consistently
save time and energy as they administer IIS 7.0.
Written by an
award-winning author of more than two dozen computer books, this guide
puts expert administration and troubleshooting advice right at your
fingertips. Featuring quick-reference tables, concise lists, and
step-by-step instructions, this handy, one-stop guide provides fast,
accurate answers on the spot whether you re at your desk or in the
field. Delivers must-know details and procedures for administering,
supporting and troubleshooting IIS 7.0, including information for
performance optimization Features concise tables, easy-to-scan lists,
and step-by-step instructions for the answers you need, wherever you
need them
Deploying IP and MPLS QoS for Multiservice Networks
QoS, short for “quality of service,” is one of the most important goals a network designer or administrator will have. Ensuring that the network runs at optimal precision with data remaining accurate, traveling fast, and to the correct user are the main objectives of QoS. The various media that fly across the network including voice, video, and data have different idiosyncrasies that try the dimensions of the network. This malleable network architecture poses an always moving potential problem for the network professional. The authors have provided a comprehensive treatise on this subject. They have included topics such as traffic engineering, capacity planning, and admission control. This book provides real world case studies of QoS in multiservice networks. These case studies remove the mystery behind QoS by illustrating the how, what, and why of implementing QoS within networks. Readers will be able to learn from the successes and failures of these actual working designs and configurations.
*Helps readers understand concepts of IP QoS by presenting clear descriptions of QoS components, architectures, and protocols
*Directs readers in the design and deployment of IP QoS networks through fully explained examples of actual working designs
*Contains real life case studies which focus on implementation
Operations Research and Cyber-Infrastructure
Operations Research and Cyber-Infrastructure is the companion volume to the Eleventh INFORMS Computing Society Conference (ICS 2009), held in Charleston, South Carolina, from January 11 to 13, 2009. It includes 24 high-quality refereed research papers.
As always, the focus of interest for ICS is the interface between Operations Research and Computer Science, and the papers in this volume reflect that interest. This is naturally an evolving area as computational power increases rapidly while decreasing in cost even more quickly. The papers included here illustrate the wide range of topics at this interface. For convenience, they are grouped in broad categories and subcategories. There are three papers on modeling, reflecting the impact of recent development in computing on that area. Eight papers are on optimization (three on integer programming, two on heuristics, and three on general topics, of which two involve stochastic/probabilistic processes). Finally, there are thirteen papers on applications (three on the conference theme of cyber-infrastructure, four on routing, and six on other interesting topics). Several of the papers could be classified in more than one way, reflecting the interactions between these topic areas.
Jobs and Economic Development in Minority Communities
Over the past four decades, the forces of economic restructuring, globalization, and suburbanization, coupled with changes in social policies have dimmed hopes for revitalizing minority neighborhoods in the U.S. Community economic development offers a possible way to improve economic and employment opportunities in minority communities. In this authoritative collection of original essays, contributors evaluate current programs and their prospects for future success. Using case studies that consider communities of African-Americans, Latinos, Asian immigrants, and Native Americans, the book is organized around four broad topics. “The Context” explores the larger demographic, economic, social, and physical forces at work in the marginalization of minority communities. “Labor Market Development” discusses the factors that shape supply and demand and examines policies and strategies for workforce development. “Business Development” focuses on opportunities and obstacles for minority-owned businesses. “Complementary Strategies” probes the connections between varied economic development strategies, including the necessity of affordable housing and social services.
Taken together, these essays offer a comprehensive primer for students as well as an informative overview for professionals.
Simply Java: An Introduction to Java Programming
For novice programmers, finding an interesting, practical Java programming reference that doesn’t overwhelm them with details and complexity is difficult. Simply Java: An Introduction to Java Programming is an easy-to-follow textbook that guides the beginning programmer step-by-step through the process of learning Java. The main obstacle to learning object-oriented programming is the volume of interdependent detail that needs to be learned before even the simplest program can be created. Using a spiral approach, this text eliminates extraneous details early on and stresses object concepts that will provide a basis for students to become expert programmers. Classes, objects, and working programs are introduced at the outset, and programming is presented as extended problem solving, making it easier to understand. Class design and graphical user interfaces are introduced early, but most of the detail is postponed until after the student has a better grasp of objects, classes, and inheritance. Simply Java: An Introduction to Java Programming is the perfect text for anyone new to Java who wants a comprehensive, easy-to-comprehend reference.
* Teaches object-oriented design and problem solving using Java in an easy-to-follow style
* Uses a spiral approach that postpones most of the detail until after the student has a firm grasp of objects, classes, and inheritance, making it possible to present more interesting and complex examples
* Covers key areas such as class design and implementation (including inheritance), graphics and animation, GUIs, methods, object design, software reuse, conditional and iterative statements, strings, simulation, and data structures
* Provides review questions and programming exercises for each chapter
* Includes a companion CD-ROM with the NetBeans™ IDE 4.1, J2SE 5.0, and all the source code and figures from the book
On the CD!
* NETBEANS™ IDE 4.1 - A full-featured integrated environment for Java application development
* SUN JAVA™ 2 PLATFORM STANDARD EDITION DEVELOPMENT KIT (J2SE™) 5.0 - A complete environment for application development on desktops and servers and for deployment in embedded environments
* CODE - Contains all the code from examples in the book by chapter
* FIGURES - Includes all of the figures from the book by chapter
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS WIN: Microsoft Windows XP Professional (SP2) or Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (SP3); 512 MB of RAM minimum, 1 GB recommended; 1 GB disk space; Pentium III workstation, 500 MHz; MAC: Mac OS X 10.3; PowerPC G4 Processor minimum, Power- PC G5 Processor recommended; 512 MB RAM minimum, 1 GB RAM recommended; 125 MB of free disk space.
About the Author
JAMES LEVENICK (Salem, OR) is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Willamette University in Salem, OR where he has taught courses including CS1, CS2, Computing Concepts, and Systems Software in Java. He received his PhD in Computer and Communication Sciences from the University of Michigan, and his research interests include artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Designing Interfaces Patterns for Effective
Designing a good interface isn’t easy. Users demand software that is well-behaved, good-looking, and easy to use. Your clients or managers demand originality and a short time to market. Your UI technology — web applications, desktop software, even mobile devices — may give you the tools you need, but little guidance on how to use them well. UI designers over the years have refined the art of interface design, evolving many best practices and reusable ideas. If you learn these, and understand why the best user interfaces work so well, you too can design engaging and usable interfaces with less guesswork and more confidence.
“Designing Interfaces” captures those best practices as design patterns — solutions to common design problems, tailored to the situation at hand. Each pattern contains practical advice that you can put to use immediately, plus a variety of examples illustrated in full color. You’ll get recommendations, design alternatives, and warnings on when not to use them.
Each chapter’s introduction describes key design concepts that are often misunderstood, such as affordances, visual hierarchy, navigational distance, and the use of color. These give you a deeper understanding of why the patterns work, and how to apply them with more insight.
A book can’t design an interface for you — no foolproof design process is given here — but “Designing Interfaces” does give you concrete ideas that you can mix and recombine as you see fit. Experienced designers can use it as a sourcebook of ideas. Novice designers will find a roadmap to the world of interface and interaction design, with enough guidance to start using these patterns immediately.
OOP Demystified
Learn object-oriented programming in no time with help from this easy-to-understand guide, ideal for novice and expert programmers alike. Discover why objects are so successful as the model for this type of programming and how objects are classified. Distinguish between how people see the world and how computers “see” it. Learn about attributes and methods, inheritance, polymorphism, real-world and case modeling, object-oriented programming languages, and much more. Each chapter ends with a quiz, culminating in a final exam at the end of the book so you can test your knowledge.
c++ Demystifield
Minimal technical jargon, step-by-step discussions, and quizzes at the end of each chapter make this an easy-to-understand guide to C++ programming. Quickly learn what a programming language is and the anatomy of C++, then jump right into creating your own programs with expert guidance. Discover functions, objects, compilers, linkers, and much more along the way. For the fast and easy way to understanding the fundamentals of C++, this is the resource you need.
JavaScript Demystifield
Even if you have no programming experience, you’ll learn to create dynamic, interactive Web pages with help from this easy-to-use, self-teaching guide. Author and programming instructor Jim Keogh covers the basics of this leading Web development language and explains how to write cross-browser JavaScript programs in no time.
Logic Programming with Prolog
This book teaches the techniques of Logic Programming through the Prolog language. The name stands for Programming in Logic. Prolog has been used for a wide variety of applications, including as the basis for a standard ‘knowledge representation language’ for the Semantic Web – the next generation of internet technology; it is one of the principal languages used by researchers in Artificial Intelligence.
Logic Programming with Prolog does not assume that the reader is an experienced programmer with a strong background in Mathematics, Logic or Artificial Intelligence. It starts from scratch and aims to take the reader to a point where they can soon write powerful programs in the language. Suitable both as an introductory textbook and for independent study, the programs in this book are written using the standard ‘ Edinburgh syntax’ and should run unchanged in virtually any version of Prolog. A full glossary of the technical terms used is included and each chapter has self-assessment exercises.
Connectivity and Knowledge Management in Virtual Organizations
Advances in computing technology and internet-worked environments have driven profound realignments not only in the dynamics of technologically mediated interpersonal interactions but also in the way organizations engage with consumers, producers, and other businesses. Connectivity and Knowledge Management in Virtual Organizations: Networking and Developing Interactive Communications provides managers and academicians with a comprehensive review of innovations and trends in virtual organizations. Covering topics such as knowledge creation and management, virtual customer networks, e-commerce, and virtual communities this reference book offers incisive analysis of the full spectrum of technologies, applications, practices, and outcomes within this growing field.
Operating System: Internals and Design Principles
This book covers concepts, structure, and mechanisms of operating systems. Stallings presents the nature and characteristics of modern-day operating systems clearly and completely. Includes major programming projects. Offers step-by-step web support with CD/Rom Resources. A basic reference for those interested in learning more about operating systems; also suitable for self-study.
Computer Networks:A Systems Approach
Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, designed for an advanced college-level course in network design and operation, provides the network applications programmer with detailed information about how networks do their thing. While Computer Networks is neither a user manual nor a technical reference, it provides an in-depth background on how network architectures and protocols work.
In the beginning, Larry Peterson and Bruce Davie discuss why networks are important and talk about where networks may go in the long term. The authors then move right into a discussion of protocols. There’s a fascinating section–complete with plenty of C code–in which the authors actually develop a network protocol called A Simple Protocol (ASP). They compare switching and packet networks and emphasize tunneling protocols. In the internetworking chapter, you’ll learn practically all there is to know about Internet Protocol (IP). The concluding chapters talk about traffic management, congestion reduction, and high-speed networking technologies.
Computer Networks reveals the guts of what’s going on with computers that share data. Though way out of the league of most computer users, true geeks with an interest in networking will find what they need here. –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Networking and Internetworking with Microcontrollers
Networking and Internetworking with Microcontrollers (Newnes), has the most detailed explanation around regarding accessing Ethernet controllers in small systems. - Nuts & Volts, May 2004 “I found this book a practical, well-written and concise guide for networking and communication engineers. This book will be a useful addition to the personal as well as the academic research library.” - E-Streams, February 2005 Vol. 8, No.2
Troubleshooting, Maintaining & Repairing Networks
From the No.1 author in PC hardware Stephen Bigelow comes the most detailed and comprehensive networking reference available. Covering all networking essentials, architecture, protocols, cabling, firewalls, and much more - this is a must-have for every networking professional.
Windows via C,C++
Windows Via C/C++
Get the preeminent guide to programming application for Windows with C++. Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows is a classic book (formerly titled Advanced Windows, Third Edition) and is now fully updated for Windows Vista, including the latest information about Windows XP. In-depth and comprehensive, this essential reference covers the Windows operating system and how to program at the API level. Recognized experts provide an inside view of how Windows works and how to use its features in Visual C++ development tasks. Topics covered include processes, thread pooling, virtual memory, DLLs, file I/O, and message crackers. For systems-level programmers, this is a must-have title. Includes code samples in Visual C++.
Network Routing Basics
Network Routing Basics: Understanding IP Routing in Cisco Systems
Product Description
* A fresh look at routing and routing protocols in today’s networks. A primer on the subject, but with thorough, robust coverage of an array of routing topics
* Written by a network/routing instructor who could never find quite the right book for his students -so he wrote his own
* Coverage of all routing protocols. In-depth coverage of interior routing protocols, with extensive treatment of OSPF. Includes overview of BGP as well
* Not written as a “pass the test” guide. Rather, a close look at real world routing with many examples, making it an excellent choice for preparing for a variety of certification exams
* Many extras including a networking primer, TCPIP coverage with thorough explanations of subnetting / VLSMs / CIDR addressing, route summarization, discontiguous networks, longest match principal, and more.
Service Oriented Computing semantics, process, agents
This comprehensive text explains the principles and practice of Web services and relates all concepts to practical examples and emerging standards. Its discussions include:
* Ontologies
* Semantic web technologies
* Peer-to-peer service discovery
* Service selection
* Web structure and link analysis
* Distributed transactions
* Process modelling
* Consistency management.
The application of these technologies is clearly explained within the context of planning, negotiation, contracts, compliance, privacy, and network policies. The presentation of the intellectual underpinnings of Web services draws from several key disciplines such as databases, distributed computing, artificial intelligence, and multi-agent systems for techniques and formalisms. Ideas from these disciplines are united in the context of Web services and service-based applications.
Featuring an accompanying website and teacher’s manual that includes a complete set of transparencies for lectures, copies of open-source software for exercises and working implementations, and resources to conduct course projects, this book makes an excellent graduate textbook. It will also prove an invaluable reference and training tool for practitioners.
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Software Product Management Pricing
Software product Management and pricing are key success factors for any organization providing software, be it a software company or an organization responsible for software in a company that belongs to a different industry. After defining the term “software product” and looking at the business and organizational sides, the core elements of software product management and pricing are discussed. Recommendations are given on how to deal with these elements depending on different types of organizations and products in order to achieve the long-term success.
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Quicjen 2009 The Official Guide
The Only Official Guide to the #1 Personal Finance Software
Now you can manage your finances and assets with ease! Quicken 2009: The Official Guide is filled with insider tips and expert techniques for tracking your income, expenses, savings, transactions, investments, and much more.
Fully endorsed by Intuit, makers of Quicken, this official guide helps you save time and money by showing you how to maximize all of the software’s powerful capabilities-including new features and little-known tools. You’ll also get valuable guidance along with information about online resources to assist you in making smart financial decisions and planning for a secure future.�
* Customize Quicken for your preferences
* Track your cash flow
* Set up Online Account Services
* Automate transactions and tasks
* Reconcile checking, savings, and credit card accounts
* Track investments and optimize your portfolio
* Monitor assets and loans
* Manage household records
* Reduce debt, save money, and plan for retirement
* Simplify tax preparation and maximize deductions
* Get help and guidance from the new Sidebar feature
About the Author
Maria Langer is a freelance writer, helicopter pilot, and long-time Quicken user. A former financial analyst with a degree in accounting, she is the bestselling author of the previous editions of this book.
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IEEE Design & Test 2008 November
English | PDF | 108 Pages | 9.1 MB
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WEB Design for Dummies
How many times have you visited a Web site and thought that you could do a better job if only you had the knowledge and skills? Or perhaps you have a great idea for a Web site but don’t know how to get started? What was once exclusively a task for professionals, Web designing, has become more accessible to amateurs, thanks to loads of handy software. With Web Design For Dummies, you will be able to design your own Web site like a pro.
Web design requires many programs to make a Website attractive and fun, including:
* Using Web editors like Dreamweaver
* Image editing tools like Photoshop elements
* Drawing utensils like Illustrator
* Background markup and scripting languages like HTML and CSS
This fun guide covers all of the topics that every aspiring Web designer should know. This book offers advice on:
* Designing for your audience
* Building a solid framework for easy navigation
* Creating appealing graphics that work with the site
* Choosing the proper type and colors
* Tweaking the HTML to make everything work correctly
* Applying next-step technologies including JavaScript
* Parlaying your skills into paid work
With expert guidance from Lisa Lopuck, a pioneer in interactive media design and the Senior Producer at Disney, you will be creating superb Web pages that will charm and impress all of your visitors!
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Microsoft SQL Server 2008 For Dummies
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 For Dummies
Product Description
If you’re a database administrator, you know Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is revolutionizing database development. Get up to speed on SQL Server 2008, impress your boss, and improve your company’s data management — read Microsoft SQL Server 2008 For Dummies!
SQL Server 2008 lets you build powerful databases and create database queries that give your organization the information it needs to excel. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 For Dummies helps you build the skills you need to set up, administer, and troubleshoot SQL Server 2008. You’ll be able to:
Develop and maintain a SQL Server system
* Design databases with integrity and efficiency
* Turn data into information with SQL Server Reporting Services
* Organize query results, summarizing data with aggregate functions and formatting output
* Import large quantities of data with SSIS
* Keep your server running smoothly
* Protect data from prying eyes
* Develop and implement a disaster recovery plan
* Improve performance with database snapshots
* Automate SQL Server 2008 administration
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 For Dummies is a great first step toward becoming a SQL Server 2008 pro!
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SCWCD Exam Study Kit Second Edition: Java Web
SCWCD Exam Study Kit Second Edition: Java Web Component Developer Certification
Aimed at helping Java developers, Servlet/JSP developers, and J2EE developers pass the Sun Certified Web Component Developer Exam (SCWCD 310-081), this study guide covers all aspects of the Servlet and JSP technology that Sun has determined necessary. This new edition adds aspects of servlet/JSP development, such as the Expression language, and updated materials of servlets with a particular focus on using filters to make request processing more efficient. Covering the reliance on the JSP Standard Template Library (JSTL) and its core, this guide allows JSP developers will be able to simplify their development process and remove Java-based scriptlets and expressions from their code. All applications in this book are designed to run on Apache’s latest development server, Tomcat 5.0, and instructions on how to install this new edition and execute servlets and JSPs are included.
About the Author
Hanumant Deshmukh is a senior technical architect at Planet Pro, Inc., where he designs distributed applications for Planet Pro clients. He develops Java certification software for his company and manages, a site for Java certification aspirants. Jignesh Malavia is a senior technical architect at SourceCode, Inc., where he designs and develops distributed applications for SourceCode, Inc. clients. He is also actively involved with the projects at and its affiliated site, Matthew Scarpino uses Eclipse to build editing software for reconfigurable computing and has submitted code for Eclipse’s graphical library. He is the author of SWT/JFace in Action.
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CCNA Security 640-553 IINS Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security (IINS)
Cisco Press - 640-553 - Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security (IINS) - CCNA Security Official Exam Certification Guide - June 2008
Cisco Networkers 2009
Cisco Networkers 2009 | 880Mb | Rapidshare
We are pleased to announce that all the technical session content from Cisco Networkers 2009 is now available for you in our exciting new Cisco Networkers Virtual platform.
* Cisco Networkers Virtual is a unique 3D online event environment containing video on demand, audio on demand (session presentations recorded live on site will be available later this week), demo recordings, robust search capabilities, interactive tools, live chat and other features.
* To access Cisco Networkers Virtual click here: and login using the email and password that you created when registering to attend Cisco Networkers 2009.
* Please note that the Techtorial PDFs are available only to delegates who paid and attended a techtorial onsite at Cisco Networkers 2009. Details of how to access the techtorial pdf's will be communicated shortly to those who attended.
Home Page:
Handbook of IPv4 to IPv6 Transition: Methodologies for Institutional and Corporate Networks
Handbook of IPv4 to IPv6 Transition: Methodologies for Institutional and Corporate Networks
Product Description
In 2005, the U.S. Government Accountability Office recommended that all agencies begin planning a coherent transition to IPv6. IPv6 will solve the problem of limited IP addresses and improve internetworking capabilities. This promising protocol is gaining momentum and it is only a matter of time before the transition will have to occur globally. The problem is that during the three-to-six year transition period, IPv6 and its predecessor, IPv4, will have to successfully coexist in order to ensure service continuity.
Not only federal agencies, but corporations and institutions must start planning the transition to IPv6 now to maintain the operation, security, and interoperability of their networks.
The implementation of IPv6 is essential to the continued growth of the internet and the development of new applications. The Handbook of IPv4 to IPv6 Transition Methodologies provides a wealth of best practices and procedures that will help corporations plan and implement a smooth transition to IPv6.
About the Author
Alcatel-Lucent, Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA SES Americom, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
Download Free Ebook Video Training
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