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Beginning Ubuntu Linux 2nd Edition
Dec 28, 2008Beginning Ubuntu Linux, Second Edition purely and simply focuses on what you need to know to use Linux. It�s concise and to the point, aiming to re-create under Linux all the stuff you used to do under Windows, or even Apple Macintosh. But don�t think that this means Beginning Ubuntu Linux, Second Edition cuts corners. Wherever justified, this book spends time examining the topics you need to know in order to gain a complete and comprehensive understanding. For example, you�ll find a hefty chapter looking at the command-line prompt�arguably the heart of Linux and the element that gives Linux most of its power. There�s also an entire chapter discussing (and illustrating) how to initially install Ubuntu on your computer.
This book is split into seven parts, each of which contains chapters about a certain aspect of Ubuntu use. These parts can be read in sequence, or you can dip in and out of them at will. Whenever a technical term is mentioned, a reference is made to the chapter where that term is explained.
This second edition has been thoroughly updated and revised to take into account improvements introduced with the 6.10 release of Ubuntu (code-named Edgy Eft). The previous edition covered the 5.10 release, and the changes introduced with the 6.10 release, though often subtle, make a dramatic difference in the Ubuntu experience.
Chapter 01 - Welcome!
Chapter 02 - A History and Politics Lesson
Chapter 03 - The Realities of Running Linux
Chapter 04 - Preinstallation Steps
Chapter 05 - Installing Ubuntu
Chapter 06 - Solving Installation Problems
Chapter 07 - Booting Ubuntu for the First Time
Chapter 08 - Getting Everything Up and Running
Chapter 09 - How to Secure Your Computer
Chapter 10 - Personalizing Ubuntu
Chapter 11 - Ubuntu Replacements for Windows Programs
Chapter 12 - Managing Your Files
Chapter 13 - Introducing the BASH Shell
Chapter 14 - Understanding Linux Files and Users
Chapter 15 - Working with Text Files
Chapter 16 - Taking Control of the System
Chapter 17 - Cool Shell Tricks
Chapter 18 - Digital Audio
Chapter 19 - Movies and Multimedia
Chapter 20 - Digital Photos
Chapter 21 - Making the Move to
Chapter 22 - Overview
Chapter 23 - In Depth: Writer
Chapter 24 - In Depth: Calc
Chapter 25 - In Depth: Impress
Chapter 26 - In Depth: Base
Chapter 27 - In Depth: Evolution
Chapter 28 - Installing and Removing Software
Chapter 29 - Managing Users
Chapter 30 - Optimizing Your System
Chapter 31 - Backing Up Data
Chapter 32 - Scheduling Tasks
Chapter 33 - Accessing Computers Remotely
A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux
Ubuntu Linux is a state-of-the-art operating system, and you need a book that�s just as advanced. Along with being the most comprehensive reference to installing, configuring, and working with Ubuntu, A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux� also provides extensive server coverage you won�t find in any other Ubuntu book.
Best-selling author Mark Sobell begins by walking you through every feature and technique you need to know, from installing Ubuntu�using the DVD included with the book�to working with GNOME, Samba, exim4, Apache, DNS, NIS, firestarter, and iptables. Sobell�s exceptionally clear explanations demystify everything from system security to Windows file/printer sharing.
openSUSE Linux Unleashed
openSUSE Linux Unleashed presents comprehensive coverage of the community version of SUSE Linux, one of the most popular and most complete Linux distributions in the world.
This book provides detailed information on installing, using, and administering openSUSE. You�ll learn how to unleash the vast array of software products included in openSUSE so that you can use it as a desktop computer, as a professional workstation, or as a powerful server.
openSUSE Linux Unleashed includes a broad range of coverage: from using software you need everyday�such as email clients, web browsers, and productivity software including the productivity suite�to configuring and administering a wide range of network and server products, such as the Apache web server, and MySQL database.
Additionally, this book provides details on openSUSE�s acclaimed YaST administration tools, web programming, networking, and choosing from a wide selection of graphical interfaces and desktop environments, including both KDE and GNOME.
- Plan your openSUSE installation based on your computing needs
- Configure and use the X Window System�the Linux graphical interface�and the two primary desktop environments for Linux�KDE and GNOME
- Run and other productivity tools
- Create your own websites and weblogs
- Manage the kernel and its modules
- Set up networks
- Run the Apache web server
- Use the LAMP web programming suite: Linux, Apache, MySQL, and the scripting languages Perl, Python, and PHP
- Play music, video, and games
- Preserve an existing Windows installation for dual-boot launching
Hardening Apache
A must-read for any system administrator installing or currently using Apache, Hardening Apache shows you exactly what to do to make Apache more secure. Throughout this book, renowned author Tony Mobily introduces you to many of the security problems youll inevitably stumble across when using Apache�and most important, youll learn how to protect yourself and your server.
Mobily provides in-depth instruction on the safe installation and configuration of Apache and gives detailed guidance on tightening the security of your existing Apache installation. This comprehensive book covers a wide variety of the most important issues, including common attacks, logging, downloading, administration, cross-site scripting attacks, and web-related RFC details. The book also delves into many of the more advanced system administration techniques including "jailing" Apache and securing third-party modules.
X Power Tools
This book puts you in charge of the most flexible and adaptable graphical interface in the computer industry. The X Window System underlies graphical desktops on Linux and Unix systems, and supports advanced features of modern graphics cards. This unique inside look at X gives you a lot of useful ways to harness the power of this system effectively.
This book puts you in charge of the most flexible and adaptable graphical interface in the computer industry. The X Window System underlies graphical desktops on Linux and Unix systems, and supports advanced features of modern graphics cards. More people use the X Window System than ever before, but there are few books about X in print. X Power Tools fills that hole with the most practical and up-to-date information available.
Written in O'Reilly's popular Power Tools format, X Power Tools offers dozens of standalone articles, thoroughly cross-referenced, on useful tools and techniques for using X. This unique inside look at X gives Unix/Linux system administrators, owners of self-administered systems, and power users a lot of useful ways to harness the power of this system effectively. This book:
- Offers a thorough grounding in X configuration and how the system works
- Provides the complete ins and outs of changing a desktop's behavior, such as fonts, keyboard settings, and remote security
- Includes articles on how to take advantage of X's "network transparency" � its ability to display graphical applications on a remote machine
- Explores intriguing areas such as using multiple monitors, building kiosks, and accessibility
- Features discussions on X Window innovations and the future of the system
X Power Tools covers configuration and use of X, focusing on Linux but also including notes on other operating systems such as Solaris and FreeBSD. Each article in the book gives you insight into X; the entire book gives you a real grasp on this system and what you can do with it.
Essential Linux Device Drivers
The Most Practical Guide to Writing Linux Device Drivers
Linux now offers an exceptionally robust environment for driver development: with today�s kernels, what once required years of development time can be accomplished in days. In this practical, example-driven book, one of the world�s most experienced Linux driver developers systematically demonstrates how to develop reliable Linux drivers for virtually any device. Essential Linux Device Drivers is for any programmer with a working knowledge of operating systems and C, including programmers who have never written drivers before. Sreekrishnan Venkateswaran focuses on the essentials, bringing together all the concepts and techniques you need, while avoiding topics that only matter in highly specialized situations. Venkateswaran begins by reviewing the Linux 2.6 kernel capabilities that are most relevant to driver developers. He introduces simple device classes; then turns to serial buses such as I2C and SPI; external buses such as PCMCIA, PCI, and USB; video, audio, block, network, and wireless device drivers; user-space drivers; and drivers for embedded Linux�one of today�s fastest growing areas of Linux development. For each, Venkateswaran explains the technology, inspects relevant kernel source files, and walks through developing a complete example.
� Addresses drivers discussed in no other book, including drivers for I2C, video, sound, PCMCIA, and different types of flash memory
� Demystifies essential kernel services and facilities, including kernel threads and helper interfaces
� Teaches polling, asynchronous notification, and I/O control
� Introduces the Inter-Integrated Circuit Protocol for embedded Linux drivers
� Covers multimedia device drivers using the Linux-Video subsystem and Linux-Audio framework
� Shows how Linux implements support for wireless technologies such as Bluetooth, Infrared, WiFi, and cellular networking
� Describes the entire driver development lifecycle, through debugging and maintenance
� Includes reference appendixes covering Linux assembly, BIOS calls, and Seq files
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The Definitive Guide to Apache mod_rewrite
Organizing websites is highly dynamic and often chaotic. Thus, it is crucial that host web servers manipulate URLs in order to cope with temporarily or permanently relocated resources, prevent attacks by automated worms, and control resource access.
The Apache mod_rewrite module has long inspired fits of joy because it offers an unparalleled toolset for manipulating URLs. The Definitive Guide to Apache mod_rewrite guides you through configuration and use of the module for a variety of purposes, including basic and conditional rewrites, access control, virtual host maintenance, and proxies.
This book was authored by Rich Bowen, noted Apache expert and Apache Software Foundation member, and draws on his years of experience administering, and regular speaking and writing about, the Apache server.
OpenSUSE Linux Unleashed
openSUSE Linux Unleashed presents comprehensive coverage of the community version of SUSE Linux, one of the most popular and most complete Linux distributions in the world.
This book provides detailed information on installing, using, and administering openSUSE. You�ll learn how to unleash the vast array of software products included in openSUSE so that you can use it as a desktop computer, as a professional workstation, or as a powerful server.
openSUSE Linux Unleashed includes a broad range of coverage: from using software you need everyday�such as email clients, web browsers, and productivity software including the productivity suite�to configuring and administering a wide range of network and server products, such as the Apache web server, and MySQL database.
Additionally, this book provides details on openSUSE�s acclaimed YaST administration tools, web programming, networking, and choosing from a wide selection of graphical interfaces and desktop environments, including both KDE and GNOME.
- Plan your openSUSE installation based on your computing needs
- Configure and use the X Window System�the Linux graphical interface�and the two primary desktop environments for Linux�KDE and GNOME
- Run andother productivity tools
- Create your own websites and weblogs
- Manage the kernel and its modules
- Set up networks
- Run the Apache web server
- Use the LAMP web programming suite: Linux, Apache, MySQL, and the scripting languages Perl, Python, and PHP
- Play music, video, and games
- Preserve an existing Windows installation for dual-boot launching
Introduction to Linux - VTC
Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Developed under the GNU General Public License, the source code for Linux is freely available to everyone. In this tutorial, Arthur Griffith explains and demonstrates everything you need to know to begin understanding and using Linux. From history to philosophy, installation to networking (even Cygwin X Server and RedHat); whether you have a passing interest in a new OS, or would like to become a Linux engineer, the VTC 'Linux: Introduction to Linux' tutorial is the best place to start.
- Introduction
- A Look Around the File System
- Disk Drives and Device Nodes
- Files and File Utilities
- The Linux Shell
- Shell Scripts and Init
- Running Processes
- UNIX Networking
- X
- Archiving and Compressing
- Misc Utils
Download (93 MB)
Introduction to Apache Web Server - VTC
Behind every great web site is a hard working web server ready to deliver content to the world. Apache is the most widely used web server software on the Internet, combining power and flexibility in an open source package. VTC author Dawn Dunkerley will guide you through the numerous features of Apache and the LAMP stack, helping you configure a web server solution that works for your needs.
This video tutotial covers the following topics:
- Introduction To Apache
- Installing Apache on Linux
- Installing Apache on Windows
- Configuring Apache on Linux
- Managing Content on Apache Server
- Configuring MySQL on Apache
- Configuring PHP on Apache
- Apache Web Server Admin
- Security Testing Apache
- Securing Apache
- Best Practices to Running Apache
Download (105 MB)
Hacking Vim: A Cookbook to Get the Most Out of the Latest Vim Editor
This cookbook contains ready-to-use hacks to solve problems Vim users encounter daily, from personalizing Vim to optimizations that boost productivity. It does not cover basic use of the editor but focuses on making life easier for experienced Vim users. Vim is a highly configurable, open-source, multi-platform text editor that is included as standard in most Linux distributions. It can edit code in any language, has a scripting language that allows extensions to its functionality, and is editor of choice for many programmers. This book is up to date with the new features in Vim 7.0. Chapters cover: changing the appearance of the Vim editor; improved file and buffer navigation; using templates, auto-completion, folding, sessions, and registers; formatting text and code and using external formatting scripts; Vim scripts and scripting. Each recipe has a self-contained description of the task it covers, how to use it, the benefits of using it, and compatibility with earlier versions of Vim.Download Here
Optimizing Linux(R) Performance: A Hands-On Guide to Linux(R) Performance Tools
Superior application performance is more crucial than ever�and in today�s complex production environments, it�s tougher to ensure, too. If you use Linux, you have extraordinary advantages: complete source code access, plus an exceptional array of optimization tools. But the tools are scattered across the Internet. Many are poorly documented. And few experts know how to use them together to solve real problems. Now, one of those experts has written the definitive Linux tuning primer for every professional: Optimizing Linux� Performance.
Renowned Linux benchmarking specialist Phillip Ezolt introduces each of today�s most important Linux optimization tools, showing how they fit into a proven methodology for perfecting overall application performance. Using realistic examples, Ezolt shows developers how to pinpoint exact lines of source code that are impacting performance. He teaches sysadmins and application developers how to rapidly drill down to specific bottlenecks, so they can implement solutions more quickly. Download Here
Linux Networking Clearly Explained
Linux, like all Unix variants, was built for networking above all. As a result, its networking features are flexible and reliable�and daunting to Linux newcomers who aren�t familiar enough with terms and concepts even to know what to look for in the documentation. Bryan Pfaffenberger does a service to people new to Linux networking with Linux Networking Clearly Explained, an assume-nothing guide to local area networks (LANs) and Internet connectivity under the open-source operating system. Pfaffenberger shows how to do everything�file sharing, printer sharing, inter-machine backups, and Internet connection sharing�that most home and office computer users want to do with their LANs. He explains how Linux fits into an environment of diverse equipment, showing how to make Linux machines talk to Mac OS units and Windows computers.Download Here
Configuring IPCop Firewalls: Closing Borders with Open Source
Linux For Dummies 8th Edition
In this book, we introduce you to the wonders of the Linux operating system, originally created as a labor of love by Linus Torvalds in the early 1990s. Our goal is to initiate you into the rapidly growing ranks of Linux users and enthusiasts busily rewriting the rules for the operating system marketplace.
In this book, we keep the amount of technobabble to a minimum and stick with plain English as much as possible. Besides plain talk about Linux installation, boot up, configuration, and software, we include many examples, plus lots of detailed instructions to help you set up and use your very own Linux machine with a minimum of stress or confusion.
Think of this book as a friendly, approachable guide to tackling terminology and the Linux collection of tools, utilities, and widgets. Although Linux isn�t terribly hard to figure out, it does pack a boatload of details, parameters, and administrivia (administrative trivia, in UNIX-speak). You need to wrestle those details into shape while you install, configure, manage, and troubleshoot a Linux-based computer.
Chapter 01 - Getting Acquainted with Linux
Chapter 02 - Prepping Your Computer for Linux
Chapter 03 - Installing Fedora
Chapter 04 - Booting and Stopping Fedora
Chapter 05 - Checking Out the Desktops
Chapter 06 - Working without the GUI
Chapter 07 - Getting to Know the Linux Filesystem
Chapter 08 - Using the Filesystem in GNOME and Nautilus
Chapter 09 - Connecting to the Internet
Chapter 10 - Using the Internet
Chapter 11 - Putting the X in Text
Chapter 12 - Word Processing and More with
Chapter 13 - Messing with Audio
Chapter 14 - Messing with Video and Graphics
Chapter 15 - Windows-Only Media Formats and Programs
Chapter 16 - Adding Software to Linux
Chapter 17 - Basic System Administration
Chapter 18 - A Secure Linux Box Is a Happy Linux Box
Chapter 19 - Ten Steps to Making Your Own Wireless Access Point
Chapter 20 - Ten Steps to Setting Up a Samba Print Server
Chapter 21 - Ten Steps to Setting Up a File Server
Chapter 22 - Ten Troubleshooting Tips
A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux
Deeper coverage of the command line and the GNOME GUI, including GUI customization
Coverage of important Ubuntu topics, such as sudo and the new Upstart init daemon
More practical coverage of file sharing with Samba, NFS, and FTP
More detailed, usable coverage of Internet server configuration, including Apache, exim4, and DNS/BIND
More state-of-the-art seczurity techniques, including firewall setup using firestarter and iptables, as well as a full chapter on OpenSSH and an appendix on security
Deeper coverage of �meat-and-potatoes� system and network administration tasks�from managing users to CUPS printing, configuring LANs to building a kernel
A more practical introduction to writing bash shell scripts
Complete instructions on how to keep your Linux system up-to-date using aptitude, Synaptic, and the Software Sources window
And much more�including a 500+ term glossary, five detailed appendixes, and a comprehensive index to help you find what you need fast
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Ubuntu Unleashed 2008 Edition: Covering 8.04 and 8.10
From the software you need in your everyday work, such as the productivity suite, to how to configure your Linux desktop to run smoothly using multiple printers, shell scripts, and more.
For the hardcore Linux enthusiast, there is complete coverage of the X Window system, Linux programming, web server administration, and network administration.
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Linux Journal October 2008
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Fedora 8 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible
With Fedora�s new Online Desktop, you are free to shape your desktop environment to include the services, applications, and online friends you desire. As always, Fedora�s total dedication to freedom lets you draw on thousands of free software packages to create the exact desktop or server computer you need.
Customize Fedora or Red Hat Enterprise Linux to:
Explore your computer or the Internet from GNOME�, KDE�, or Online Desktops
Manage and use documents, spreadsheets, presentations, music, and images
Try the new advanced PulseAudio sound server
Draw from online software repositories with Package Manager and Package Updater
Build an Internet server with e-mail, Web, DNS, FTP, and database services
Secure your computer with firewalls, password protection, and SELinux
Try out cutting-edge Fedora 8 features:
Use Codeina to get legal software to play MP3, Windows media, and other audio/video formats
Organize photos, music, friends, docs, and Web favorites in the new experimental Online Desktop
Explore the latest in KVM and QEMU virtualization and AIGLX 3D-desktop
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Building Secure Servers with Linux
This book provides a unique balance of �big picture� principles that transcend specific software packages and version numbers, and very clear procedures on securing some of those software packages. An all-inclusive resource for Linux users who wish to harden their systems, the book covers general security as well as key services such as DNS, the Apache Web server, mail, file transfer, and secure shell.
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Selftest Software 147 CBTs On One ISO
Selftest Software 147 CBTs On One ISO | 429.6 MB
Preparing for a certification exam?? this is the complete selftest software practice exam catalog featuring 147 cbts from vendors such as microsoft, cisco, oracle, novel, comptia just to name a few.
This has been imho one of the more difficult series of exams to find with a working patch due to the online activation. full credit goes to some dude who goes by the alias rebel for the patch which bypasses the online activation and fully unlocks the each exam on the cd for your enjoyment!
Microsoft Certifications
70-086 implementing and supporting microsoft systems management server 2.0
70-210 installing, configuring and administering microsoft windows 2000 professional
70-214 implemening and administering security in a microsoft windows 2000 network
70-215 installing, configuring and administering microsoft windows 2000 server
70-216 implementing and supporting microsoft microsoft windows 2000 network infrastructure
70-217 implementing and supporting microsoft microsoft windows 2000 directory services infrastructure
70-218 managing a microsoft windows 2000 network environment
70-219 designing a windows 2000 directory services infrastructure + 4 case studies
70-220 designing security for a windows 2000 network + 4 case studies
70-221 designing a windows 2000 network infrastructure + 4 case studies
70-222 migrating from microsoft windows nt 4.0 to microsoft windows 2000
70-223 installing, configuring, and administering microsoft clustering services by using microsoft windows 2000 advanced server
70-224 installing, configuring, and administering microsoft exchange 2000 server
70-225 designing and deploying a messaging infrastructure with microsoft exchange 2000 server
70-226 designing highly available web solutions with microsoft windows 2000 server technologies
70-227 installing, configuring, and administering microsoft internet security and acceleration (isa) server 2000, enterprise edition
70-228 installing, configuring, and administering microsoft sql server 2000 enterprise edition
70-229 designing and implementing databases with microsoft sql server 2000 enterprise edition
70-230 designing and implementing solutions with microsoft biztalk server 2000, enterprise edition
70-232 implemting and maintaining highly available web solutions with m*crosoft windows 2000 server technologies and m*crosoft application center 2000
70-234 designing and implementing solutions with m*crosoft commerce server 2000
70-244 supporting and maintaining a m*crosoft windows nt server 4.0 network
70-270 installing, configuring, and administering m*crosoft windows xp professional
70-271 supporting users and troubleshooting a m*crosoft windows xp operating system
70-272 supporting users and troubleshooting desktop applications on a m*crosoft windows xp operating system
70-282 designing, deploying, and managing a network solution for a small- and medium-sized business
70-284 implementing and managing m*crosoft exchange server 2003
70-285 designing a m*crosoft exchange server 2003 organization
70-290 mangaing and maintaining a m*crosoft exchange server 2003 environment
70-291 implementing, managing, and maintaining a m*crosoft windows server 2003 network infrastructure
70-292 managing and maintaining a m*crosoft windows server 2003 environment for an mcsa certified on windows 2000
70-293 planning and maintaining a m*crosoft windows server 2003 network infractructure
70-294 planning, implementing, and maintaining a m*crosoft windows server 2003 active directory infractructure
70-296 planning, implementing, and maintaining a m*crosoft windows server 2003 environment for an mcsa certified on windows 2000
70-297 designing a m*crosoft windows server 2003 active directory and network infractructure
70-298 designing security for a m*crosoft windows server 2003 network
70-299 implementing and administering security in a m*crosoft windows server 2003 network
70-300 analyzing requirements and defining microsoft .net solutions architectures
70-301 managing, organizing, and delivering it projects by using microsoft solutions framework 3.0
70-305 developing and implementing web applications with microsoft visual basic .net and microsoft visual studio .net
70-306 developing and implementing windows-based applications with microsoft visual basic .net and microsoft visual studio .net
70-310 developing xml web services and server components with microsoft visual basic .net and the m*crosoft .net framework
70-315 developing and implementing web applications with microsoft visual c# .net and m*crosoft visual studio .net
70-316 developing and implementing windows-based applications with microsoft visual c# .net and microsoft visual studio .net
70-320 developing xml web services and server components with m*crosoft visual c# .net and the m*crosoft .net framework
70-330 implementing security for applications with m*crosoft visual basic .net
70-340 implementing security for applications with m*crosoft visual c# .net
Microsoft Office Certifications
access 2003 core
excel 2003 core
excel 2003 expert
outlook 2003 core
powerpoint 2003 core
word 2003 core
word 2003 expert
access 2000 core
excel 2000 core
excel 2000 expert
powerpoint 2000 core
word 2000 core
word 2000 expert
access 2002 core
excel 2002 core
excel 2002 expert
powerpoint 2002 core
word 2002 core
word 2002 expert
Cisco Certifications
640-801 cisco certified network associate
640-811 interconnecting cisco networking devices
640-821 introduction to cisco networking technologies
640-861 designing for cisco internetwork solutions (design)
642-432 cisco voice over ip
642-501 securing cisco ios networks
642-511 cisco secure virtual private networks (csvpn)
642-521 cisco cisco secure pix firewall advanced
642-531 cisco secure intrusion detection system (csids)
642-541 cisco safe implementationi (csi)
642-577 cisco wireless lan design specialist
642-582 cisco wireless lan support specialist
642-611 implementing cisco mpls (mpls)
642-642 implementing cisco quality of service (qos)
642-661 configuring bgp on cisco routers
642-801 building scalable cisco internetworks
642-811 building cisco multilayer switched networks v2.0 (bcmsn)
642-821 building cisco remote access networksv2.0 (bcran)
642-831 cisco internetwork troubleshooting support
642-871 designing cisco network service architectures
642-891 cisco composite exam
(ISC)2 Certifications
Cissp Cissp
PMI Certifications
capm certified associate in project management
pmp project management professional 2000
Checkpoint Certifications
156-110 check point certified security principles associate
156-210 check point certified security administrator 156-210.4
CIW Certifications
1d0-420 ciw site designer
1d0-425 ciw e-commerce
1d0-435 javascript fundamentals
Oracle Certifications
1z0-001 introduction to oracle: sql and pl/sql
1z0-007 introduction to oracle9i
1z0-010 oracle8: new features for administrators (certication upgrade from oracle7 to oracle
1z0-020 oracle8i: new features for administrators
1z0-030 oracle9i: new features for administrators
1z0-031 oracle9i: dba fundamentals i
1z0-032 oracle9i database: fundamentals ii
1z0-033 oracle9i performance tuning
1z0-035 oracle9i new features for oracle7.3 and oracle8 ocps
1z0-040 oracle database 10g: new features for administrators
1z0-042 oracle database 10g: administration i
1z0-101 develop pl/sql program units
1z0-130 oracle forms rel. 1 to rel. 6/6i new features
1z0-131 build internet applications i
1z0-132 build internet applications ii
1z0-147 oracle9i: program with pl/sql
Novel Certifications
50-632 networking technologies
50-649 tcp/ip fro networking professionals
50-650 internet security management with bordermanager enterprise edition 3.5
50-653 netware 5.1 administration
50-654 netware 5.1 advanced administration
50-658 service and support
50-664 novel edirectory design & implementation
50-676 upgrading to netware 6
50-677 foundatations of novel networking
50-681 novel network nanagement: netware 6
IBM Certifications
ibm-700 db2 udb v8.1 family fundamentals
Lotus Certifications
273 lotusscript in notes for advanced developers
513 using javascript in domino r5 application
601 notes domino 6 application development update
602 notes domino 6 system administration update
610 notes domino 6 application development foundataion skill
611 notes domino 6 application development intermediate skill
620 notes domino 6 system administration operating fundamentals
621 notes domino 6: building the infrastructure
622 notes domino 6: managing servers and users
Comptia Certifications
220-301 a+ 2003 core hardware
220-302 a+ 2003 operating system technologies
ik0-002 i-net+
n10-002 network+ 2002 objectives
n10-003 network+ 2005 objectives
pk0-002 project+
sk0-002 server+
sy0-101 security+
xk0-001 linux+
Sun Certifications
310-014 sun certified system administrator for solaris 9 oe, part i
310-015 sun certified system administrator for solaris 9 oe, part ii
310-016 sun certified system administrator for solaris 9 oe, upgrade exam
310-025 sun certified programmer for jave 2 platform 1.2
310-035 sun certified programmer for jave 2 platform 1.4
310-036 sun certified programmer for jave 2 platform upgrade exam
310-044 sun certified network administrator for the solaris 9 operating environment
1. unRAR, mount/burn
2. Install whatever exams you want
3. Copy the patch_self_test.exe file to the installation directory (typically this is
C:\Program Files\SelfTest)
4. Run the patch and you're good to go! If you decide later to install more exams, you need
not re-apply the patch
Networking With Microsoft Windows Vista
Networking With Microsoft Windows Vista
Your Guide to Easy and Secure Windows Vista Networking is a complete beginner?s guide to creating, configuring, administering, and using a small network using Windows Vista computers. Inside you?ll find comprehensive coverage of networking hardware, including Ethernet (wired) hardware (from NICs to cables to switches to routers) and wireless Hardware?from wireless NICs to access points to range extenders.
Linux Troubleshooting Bible
Linux Troubleshooting Bible | CHM Format | 624 Pages | 16.82 MB
By Christopher Negus, Thomas Weeks | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons | ISBN: 0-7645-6997-X
An indispensable resource for Fedora users who must now work without customer support from Red Hat, Inc., covering critical troubleshooting techniques for networks, internal servers, and external servers. Chris Negus is a well-known Linux authority and also the author of the top-selling Red Hat Linux Bible (0-7645-4333-4); Thomas Weeks is a trainer and administrator who manages hundreds of Red Hat Linux systems. Covers all of the most common Fedora problem areas: firewalls, DNS servers, print servers, Samba, NFS, Web servers, FTP servers, e-mail servers, modems, adding hardware, and hardware certification. Features easy-to-use flowcharts that guide administrators step by step through common Fedora troubleshooting scenarios. A companion Web site offers troubleshooting updates to keep pace with the frequent Fedora Core releases as well as a forum for exchanging troubleshooting tips.
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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Workflow - The Digital Photographer's Guide
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Workflow - The Digital Photographer's Guide
Publisher: Sybex | by Tim Grey | ISBN: 978-0470119198
207 pages | PDF | April 16, 2007 | 14.70 MB
Get the most out of Lightroom with Tim Grey as your guide by reducing the time and effort you spend storing, selecting, and editing your digital images. Adobe?s new Lightroom software, together with this practical guide, explains everything from importing and cataloguing to processing and archiving. Whether you?re a professional photographer or advanced amateur, you?ll find ways to work efficiently with Lightroom in order to improve your productivity and get the results you want.
From the Back Cover
Get the most out of Lightroom with Tim Grey as your guide
Reduce the time and effort you spend storing, selecting, and editing your digital images thanks to Adobe's new Lightroom software and this practical guide from well-known digital imaging expert Tim Grey. Whether you're a professional photographer or advanced amateur, if you're shooting hundreds or even thousands of photos, you'll benefit from Lightroom's practical, professional photography tools and Tim Grey's sound techniques. From importing and cataloguing to processing and archiving, you'll learn the secrets of efficient Lightroom workflow, improve your productivity, and get the results you want.
Set up a Lightroom environment tailored to your preferences
Navigate quickly through a group of images with the filmstrip
Locate, filter, select, and file images by group with the Library
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Tim Grey Guides
Sybex's Tim Grey Guides series leads digital photographers to new levels of excellence with professionals, full-color books on the topics they need to know most. Covering topics from color management to workflow to nature photography, Tim Grey Guides are your path to better images.
Sort, rate, keyword, and find your images faster than ever
Edit color, tone, noise, even lens vignetting?all nondestructively
Output to print, proof sheets, slideshows, or web galleries
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Red Hat Linux 9 Professional Secrets
* The ultimate guide to what's under the hood of Red Hat Linux 9, completely revised to unlock its deepest secrets
* Designed to answer the questions of intermediate-to-advanced Red Hat Linux users who really want to understand the ins and outs of Red Hat Linux and what goes on behind the scenes
* Takes the reader beyond the obvious information about this complicated operating system, revealing hidden features, tricks and alternate methods that can't be easily found elsewhere: little-known installation options, ways to tweak the TCP/IP configuration files for maximum network efficiency, techniques for optimizing OpenOffice, and much more
Cisco Packet Tracer 5
Packet Tracer 5.0 (PT5.0) is comprehensive networking technology teaching and learning software with powerful simulation, visualization, authoring, assessment, and collaboration capabilities. Packet Tracer makes both teaching and learning easier - instructors and students can create their own virtual ?network worlds? for exploration, experimentation, and explanation of networking concepts and technologies.
Instructors can demonstrate technologies and configurations using Packet Tracer to teach complex CCNA-level networking concepts, making it extremely useful for lectures, group and individual labs, assessments, troubleshooting and modeling tasks, homework, games, and competitions. It supplements classroom equipment and provides students complementary learning opportunities that are not possible in the classroom alone. In addition, Packet Tracer activities are embedded in the new CCNA Discovery and CCNA Exploration curricula to provide rich networking technology learning experiences.
PT5.0 offers a unique combination of realistic simulation and visualization experiences, complex assessment and activity authoring capabilities, and opportunities for multiuser collaboration and competition.
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Hack Proofing Your Identity
Hack Proofing Your Identity
ISBN: 9781931836517 | 512 pages | 2002-06-15 | PDF | 10 Mb|Rar|English
Hack Proofing Your Identity will provide readers with hands-on instruction for how to secure their personal information on multiple devices. It will include simple measures as well as advanced techniques gleaned from experts in the field who have years of experience with identity theft and fraud. This book will also provide readers with instruction for identifying cyber-crime and the different ways they can report it if it occurs.
Hot Topic. Hack Proofing Your Identity will provide readers with both simple and advanced steps they can take to protect themselves from cyber-crime.
Expert Advice. This book will present security measures gathered from experts in both the federal government and the private sector to help secure your personal information and assets online.
Unique Coverage. Hack Proofing Your Identity will be the only book to include security measure for multiple devices like laptops, PDAs and mobile phones to allow users to protect themselves while taking advantage of the newest ways to access the Internet.
Microsoft Expression Web Step by Step
Chris Leeds,"Microsoft Expression Web Step by Step"
Microsoft Press|52MB|448pages| ISBN-10: 0735624402|2007-11-16| English|PDF|Rar
Covers the fundamentals for building dynamic, interactive pages that meet today s Web standards
Features easy-to-follow lessons and hands-on skill-building exercises
Includes an easy-search companion CD with practice files, a complete eBook, and other resources
Client/Server Survival Guide, Third Edition
Theresa Hudson,"Client/Server Survival Guide, Third Edition "
Robert Ipsen,WILEY|ISBN 0-471-31615-6|8MB|800 pages|English|January 25, 1999|PDF|Rar
Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. In all instances where John Wiley & Sons, Inc. is aware of a claim, the product names appear in initial capital or all capital letters. Readers, however, should contact the appropriate companies for more complete information regarding trademarks and registration.
All rights reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada.
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.
Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The authors and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing this book. The authors and publisher make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to the documentation contained in this book. The authors and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of the use of, the information in this book.
The product descriptions are based on the best information available at the time of publication. Product prices are subject to change without notice.
Some illustrations incorporate clip art from Corel Systems Corporation's Corel Draw 5.0 clip art library.
All the views expressed in this book are solely the authors'and should not be attributed to IBM or BEA Systems, or any other IBM or BEA Systems employee. The three authors contributed equally to the production of this book.
Game Theory at Work: How to Use Game Theory to Outthink and Outmaneuver Your Competition
Game Theory at Work: How to Use Game Theory to Outthink and Outmaneuver Your Competition
CHM | English | 1.8 MB
Author: James Miller
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Date: March 2003
Pages: 288
Game theory -- the study of how competitors act, react, and interact in the strategic pursuit of their own self-interest -- has become an essential competitive tool in today's business arena. Game Theory at Work provides examples of how businesspeople can use this time-proven approach to successfully meet competitive challenges and, more often than not, claim the upper ground in each battle before it begins.
Game Theory at Work steers clear of the opaque mathematics and pedagogy that so often hamper practitioners of game theory, relying instead on lively case studies and examples to illustrate its remarkable methods in action. Complex yet comprehensible, it provides you with:
- Methods for applying game theory to every facet of business
- Strategies for instantly improving your position in virtually any negotiation
- Game theory techniques to increase the output and value of each employee
At its essence, business is a game, albeit a profoundly serious game that must always be played to win. Game Theory at Work is the first plain-English examination of the use of game theory in business. Let it provide you with the intellectual tools you need to instantly understand every game you're playing, use that knowledge to your advantage, and consistently maximize your finish-line payoff.
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Syngress How To Cheat At VoIP Security May 2007
Syngress How To Cheat At VoIP Security May 2007
* Paperback: 432 pages
* Publisher: Syngress (May 15, 2007)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1597491691
* ISBN-13: 978-1597491693
Book Description
Newly converged networks are vulnerable; this book details these attacks and the defense techniques and tools to use against them!
Product Description
The Perfect Reference for the Multitasked SysAdmin
This is the perfect guide if VoIP engineering is not your specialty. It is the perfect introduction to VoIP security, covering exploit tools and how they can be used against VoIP (Voice over IP) systems. It gives the basics of attack methodologies used against the SIP and H.323 protocols as well as VoIP network infrastructure.
* VoIP Isn't Just Another Data Protocol
IP telephony uses the Internet architecture, similar to any other data application. However, from a security administrator's point of view, VoIP is different. Understand why.
* What Functionality Is Gained, Degraded, or Enhanced on a VoIP Network?
Find out the issues associated with quality of service, emergency 911 service, and the major benefits of VoIP.
* The Security Considerations of Voice Messaging
Learn about the types of security attacks you need to protect against within your voice messaging system.
* Understand the VoIP Communication Architectures
Understand what PSTN is and what it does as well as the H.323 protocol specification, and SIP Functions and features.
* The Support Protocols of VoIP Environments
Learn the services, features, and security implications of DNS, TFTP, HTTP, SNMP, DHCP, RSVP, SDP, and SKINNY.
* Securing the Whole VoIP Infrastructure
Learn about Denial-of-Service attacks, VoIP service disruption, call hijacking and interception, H.323-specific attacks, and SIP-specific attacks.
* Authorized Access Begins with Authentication
Learn the methods of verifying both the user identity and the device identity in order to secure a VoIP network.
* Understand Skype Security
Skype does not log a history like other VoIP solutions; understand the implications of conducting business over a Skype connection.
* Get the Basics of a VoIP Security Policy
Use a sample VoIP Security Policy to understand the components of a complete policy.
*Provides system administrators with hundreds of tips, tricks, and scripts to complete administration tasks more quickly and efficiently
*Short on theory, history, and technical data that ultimately is not helpful in performing their jobs
*Avoid the time drains associated with securing VoIP
MySQL (4th Edition)
Addison-Wesley Professional; 4 edition (September 8, 2008)
PDF | 1224 pages | English | 4mb(rar)
MySQL (4th Edition) (Developer's Library)/by Paul DuBois (Author)
The unexpected pleasure of reading books about databases is that they are often written by authors with highly organized minds. Paul DuBois and his editors at New Riders have assembled MySQL with a clarity and lucidity that inspires confidence in the subject matter: a (nearly) freely redistributable SQL-interpreting database client/server primarily geared for Unix systems but maintained for Windows platforms as well.
What isn't "free" about MySQL (the application) is its server's commercial use; all clients and noncommercial server use are free. DuBois's tome isn't free either, but its list price is modest in light of its value and the value of its namesake.
The volume is superbly organized into 12 chapters and 10 appendices and contains a concise table of contents and a comprehensive 50-page index. It is peppered with references to the online HTML documentation that comes with the source and binary distributions (which are available and easy to install in stable rpm and tar releases.)
The first third of MySQL is an excellent instruction tool for database newbies; the second third is a detailed reference for MySQL developers; and the last third consists of clearly annotated appendices, including C, Perl (but not Python), and PHP interfaces.
Perhaps as an indication of the collective will of the developers of MySQL, DuBois does not separate Windows 95/98/NT design or development specifics from its main discussions. Platform-independent design is a goal, not a reality, and users will have to rely on newsgroups and mailing lists for details. Moreover, security issues are addressed in a mere 18 pages, a large part of which is devoted to standard Unix file and network-access permissions. Next to nothing is mentioned about defense against common hacking strategies, the use of secure shell interfaces, or access encryption.
Although it is nearly 800 pages in length, DuBois's book is thankfully not encyclopedic. It is a valuable pr�cis of the MySQL database, and its easy-to-skim look and feel will make it an excellent browse for database experts who want to know what is and is not possible within MySQL, the application. --Peter Leopold --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Mobile WiMAX
Paperback: 400 pages
Data: April 4, 2008
Format: PDF
Description: The first book to cover one of the hottest subjects in wireless communications today, Mobile WiMAX
Summarises the fundamental theory and practice of Mobile WiMAX
Presents topics at introductory level for readers interested in understanding communication and networking knowledge for Mobile WiMAX, whilst addressing advanced / specialised subjects related to Mobile WiMAX
Contains the latest advances and research from the field and shares knowledge from the key players working in this area
Ideal for Mobile WiMAX R&D/practicing engineers (systems, applications and services, field, terminal, IC design, integration), business development professionals, academic researchers. Graduate students conducting research and graduate students studying in mobile WiMAX and next generation wireless communications. Undergraduate students studying mobile WiMAX related subjects
Windows Vista Customization Manual
Windows Vista Customization Manual
PDF | 102 pages | 5 MB|rar
Windows Vista is a great operating system, with looks that really bring it up to date over its predecessor � Windows XP. If you are looking to add a
personal touch to your installation of Vista, this guide
will help you get started.
There are thousands of customizations you can apply and this guide only scratches the surface. As always, I�ve written this book so anyone can pick it up and work through it.
I recommend you begin with the �Getting Started� chapter, as this will give you a good foundation for the rest of the book. A basic knowledge of Windows Vista is required to follow most of the guides; any extra understanding will come from the above chapter
This Book Contains More About :
Getting Started
Cleaning up Your Computer
Changing Your Boot and Login Screens
Customizing Your Start Menu and Desktop
Making the Most Out of Wallpaper and Screensavers
Customizing Windows Explorer
Organizing Your Files
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Photoshop Creative, Issue 21
Mastering the art of calligraphy
Spice up your projects by recreating beautiful calligraphy styles.
Create a vintage postcard
Follow this great tutorial to produce perfect antique effects with your images.
Starburst filter effects
Mimic the starburst photography filter in your work.
Black and white, CS3-style
Learn how to convert your images to black and white using the latest software.
Focus on: Brush styles
Refine your brush skills for an even better finish to your projects.
The big technique: Create buttons for the web
Learn how to produce customised buttons for your web page.
Focus on: Textures
Discover how textures can add depth to your work.
PDF | 9.3 MB
JavaScript: The Good Parts
Most programming languages contain good and bad parts, but JavaScript has more than its share of the bad, having been developed and released in a hurry before it could be refined. This authoritative book scrapes away these bad features to reveal a subset of JavaScript that's more reliable, readable, and maintainable than the language as a whole -- a subset you can use to create truly extensible and efficient code.
Considered the JavaScript expert by many people in the development community, author Douglas Crockford identifies the abundance of good ideas that make JavaScript an outstanding object-oriented programming language -- ideas such as functions, loose typing, dynamic objects, and an expressive object literal notation. Unfortunately, these good ideas are mixed in with bad and downright awful ideas, like a programming model based on global variables. When Java applets failed, JavaScript became the language of the Web by default, making its popularity almost completely independent of its qualities as a programming language.
In javascript: The Good Parts, Crockford finally digs through the steaming pile of good intentions and blunders to give you a detailed look at all the genuinely elegant parts of JavaScript, including:
* Syntax
* Objects
* Functions
* Inheritance
* Arrays
* Regular expressions
* Methods
* Style
* Beautiful features
The real beauty? As you move ahead with the subset of JavaScript that this book presents, you'll also sidestep the need to unlearn all the bad parts.
CHM | 1.7 MB
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Programming Excel Services
Get the straightforward information you need to use Excel Services to add Microsoft Office Excel functionality to your Microsoft Windows-based, Web-based, and smart-client applications. This practical guide covers the essentials for adding Office Excel spreadsheets and workbooks to your dashboards and portals running on Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. Armed with your experience in developing applications using the Microsoft .NET Framework, you'll discover how to enable users to share and reuse data -- without regard to platform dependence. You will compare and contrast multiple options for building charts, pivot tables, spreadsheets, and more. The examples are carefully crafted to illustrate Windows, Web, and smart-client application development and are designed to help professional developers build proficiency in Excel Services to help satisfy today's business requirements.
CHM | 21.7 MB
iPhone Open Application Development
iPhone Open Application Development
Jonathan A. Zdziarski | O'Reilly | March 2008 | 280 Pages | CHM | 1.3 MB
Certain technologies bring out everyone's hidden geek, and the iPhone did so instantly upon its release. Thousands of programmers want to provide applications on the iPhone, and this book shows you how to achieve the spectacular effects that made the device an immediate hit. You'll learn how to use an open, community-developed toolkit that has been widely downloaded and used. Author Jonathan Zdziarski, the developer of the first fully functional application using the open iPhone toolkit, now explains in clear language how to create applications using Objective-C and the iPhone API, which in some ways resembles Apple's desktop API and in some ways strikes new ground.
iPhone Open Application Development covers:
* Installation of the toolkits
* Background on the operating system and Objective-C
* Detailed recipes and working examples for everyone's favorite iPhone feature
* Graphics and audio programming
* The CoreImage and CoreSurfaces interfaces for games programming
* Interfacing with iTunes
* The use of sensors
Any programmer, using this book, can provide applications that impress users just as much as the official iPhone utilities.
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Hacking GPS
Hacking GPS
Your GPS is a really cool toy, but what if you could make it even cooler? What if you could build and hook up data cables, modify your iPAQ cradle to take a GPS connection, tweak the firmware, hook up to your PC without expensive software, use GPS data in a hundred creative ways, even solar-power your GPS? Suppose you could beef up your �first to find� quotient when geocaching, or use your GPS as a super-accurate clock. Well, you can. Read on�your adventure is just beginning!
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The Living Series Complete Green DVD Library
Eating Green Organic Foods and Cooking
Green Gardening and Lawn Care
Energy + Conservation for a Greener Home
Green Cleaning for a Healthy Home
Green Consumer Choices for the Entire Family
A Comprehensive Guide to Going Green
1 GB
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VTC TCP-IP Packet Analysis
Both network administrators and IT security professionals must have the fundamental knowledge of TCP/IP to do their jobs. With that comes a necessity to be able to analyze TCP/IP traffic in order to troubleshoot network problems, analyze attacks, and better understand and secure their systems. Veteran VTC author, Bobby Rogers, will provide in-depth explanations for beginners and seasoned network professionals alike to enable them to understand the complex techniques of TCP/IP traffic analysis. To begin learning, simply click on the TCP/IP Packet Analysis movie links.
265 MB
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Mastering CSS with Dreamweaver CS3
In Mastering CSS with Dreamweaver CS3, authors Stephanie Sullivan and Greg Rewis demonstrate how to use Dreamweaver CS3 and CSS together to create highly individualized, standards-based layouts. Through hands-on projects with visuals, the book gives readers an in-depth understanding of Dreamweaver's 32 CSS-based layouts (new in Dreamweaver CS3) and their application, enabling every user of Dreamweaver to learn CSS effectively and easily.
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The Book of Wireless: A Painless Guide to Wi-Fi and Broadband Wireless
by John Ross | 352 pages | PDF | Publisher: No Starch Press | ISBN: 978-1593271695
Broadband wireless networks bring us closer to the Internet's ultimate destiny of interconnecting everyone, everywhere. But wireless networking can be a bit geeky and nerve-wracking without a proper guide. Let's face it: Networking can be hard.
If you're one of the last holdouts still connected to the Internet by a wire, The Book of Wireless, 2nd Edition is the book for you. You'll learn how to set up your own home (or small office) wireless network and how to use public wireless networks, safely and securely. This plain-English guide demystifies configuring and using wireless networks-everything from shopping for parts to securing your network.
Learn how to:
Select and configure hardware and software for your Wi-Fi network and configure access points to minimize interference
Discover open networks and maintain your privacy while surfing in public
Use VoIP over a wireless connection to talk on the phone for next to nothing
Evaluate wireless data services based on cost, speed, and coverage
Extend your network to give your neighbors free wireless Internet access
You'll also learn about new and forthcoming broadband wireless standards and how to choose the right service provider and equipment. With up-to-date information on wireless routers, network interface cards, antennas, security, and software, The Book of Wireless, 2nd Edition will help you navigate the confusing wireless landscape to find the perfect solution.
About the Author
John Ross has worked as a consultant on wired and wireless networking for several manufacturers, including Motorola and AT&T. He is the author of Internet Power Tools (Random House), Connecting with Windows (Sybex), It's Never Done That Before (No Starch), and numerous other titles.
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MooTools Essentials Aug 2008
MooTools Essentials: The Official MooTools Reference for JavaScript� and Ajax Development
Mootools is a light, modular JavaScript framework that makes adding Ajax, animations, and interactive elements to your site a breeze. But it�s more than fancy effects and shortcuts; Mootools enhances the JavaScript language and makes writing clean, object�oriented code almost pleasant. Unlocking the power of Mootools, and therefore JavaScript, isn�t that hard, but knowing where to start can be. Mootools Essentials aims to help you accomplish that task with the following:
* Illustrations of nearly every class and function in the library
* Real�world examples of how to use them
* Written by Mootools user/contributor and Mootorial author, Aaron Newton.
You can see how Mootools makes JavaScript more powerful.
What you�ll learn
* Access the complete reference to the Mootools library.
* See how to use the library and understand how JavaScript/Mootools is different from other programming languages.
* Get step�by�step code authoring examples.
* Explore real�world examples of how to accomplish common fundamental tasks.
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Hacking the XBOX 360 For Noobs - 2008 Edition
A guide for flashing your drive firmware to read backup games. 2008 Edition. The Xbox 360 DVD-ROM drive firmware hack is currently the only modification or hack available for the Xbox 360 that allows you to play properly created backup copies of Xbox 360 games. The firmware hack does NOT allow homebrew programs to run and does NOT bypass region protection. If a video game is locked to a particular region, then it will only play on an Xbox 360 of that same region. Before jumping into this modification, it is a good idea to learn how this hack works. In the most basic form, an Xbox 360?s game protection comes from two security measures.
First of which is encryption. Nearly all files on an Xbox 360 game disc as well as the Xbox 360 hard drive are signed with Microsoft?s private key. If anything in these files, even just a single bit, is changed, the signature is broken and the Xbox 360 refuses to run the file. The second security measure is media locking. The default.xex (game executable) is restricted to run only from a certain type of media. For example, all Xbox 360 games are restricted to run only from ?Xbox 360? media. Before the firmware hacks, if you were to copy an Xbox 360 game and try running it from ?DVD+R DL? the Xbox 360 would obviously see that it wasn?t ?Xbox 360? media and refuse to run it because of the media restriction.
Wireless Internet Telecommunications
Internet and wireless technologies are converging towards an exciting future that we've only begun to realize. For professionals who have a background in the Internet or in mobile telephony - but not in both - this integrated "how it works" guide offers a practical understanding of wireless Internet communications, the technology components involved, and how they fit and work together.
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Web elements deluxe: webdesign graphics collection full
Never Be Stuck For Web Graphics, Templates, Bullets, Buttons Or Banners Again Increase Your Sales And Create Stunning Looking Web Sites With Over 3500 Attention Grabbing Graphics !This amazing collection of over 3500 website graphic elements includes all the components you need to create dozens of cash pulling sites in lightning quick time.
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SQL Server 2005 Management and Administration
SQL Server 2005 Management and Administration
format : PDF
pages : 700
authors: Ross Mistry , Chris Amaris , Alec Minty , Rand Morimoto
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Management and Administration, based on Service Pack 2, addresses the challenges database administrators regularly encounter on SQL Server 2005 by providing detailed guidance in the areas of management, administration, security, and monitoring. With coverage of the new features and functionality of SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2, this book is designed to be comprehensive, resulting in something for all database administrators?from simple tips to tactical solutions. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Management and Administration goes far beyond the basic installation and setup information found in many other resources. The book looks at day-to-day administration, best practices, tips, and step-by-step configurations based on real-world examples found in the industry. Unlike others, this book includes not only administration and management details on the Database Engine, but also coverage of other SQL Server 2005 components often overlooked, including Analysis Services, Reporting Services, and more.
Understand how to?
Configure and tune the Database Engine, Reporting Services, Analysis Services, Integration Services, and Notification Services
Harden a SQL Server implementation
Implement SQL Server highavailability alternatives, such as Failover Clustering, Log Shipping, Database Mirroring, and Replication
Monitor a SQL Server 2005 infrastructure with Operations Manager 2007, including how to configure the SQL Server Management Pack and install Operations Manager 2007
Automate SQL Server routine maintenance
Encrypt SQL Server data and communications, including setting up a Certificate Authority
Performance tune and troubleshoot a SQL Server environment
Create Integration Services packages and transfer data
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