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After Effects and Photoshop: Animation and Production Effect
May 31, 2009Product Description
“… a book that needs to be on every motion graphic designer’s shelf.”
—Scott Kelby, President, National Association of Photoshop Professionals
Author Jeff Foster appeared on the DV Guys, a weekly radio show devoted to DV professionals and enthusiasts, for a LIVE online interview on Thursday, June 17, 2004. If you missed it, you can still listen to their archive.
If you’re in the business of motion graphics or desktop digital video production, you know that Adobe’s After Effects and Photoshop are two of the most indispensable content creation tools. More integrated than ever before, the world’s number-one compositing and image-editing programs can be used in tandem to create quality work at a relatively low cost. But it takes years of experience to figure out how to get the most out of this remarkable duo.
With After Effects and Photoshop: Animation and Production Effects for DV and Film, graphics guru Jeff Foster has created the first book devoted to showing how you can use these two programs together to produce animations and effects on the desktop. This practical guide focuses exclusively on techniques commonly used in the field as well as cutting-edge production tricks. These hands-on projects will demystify cool Hollywood effects and help you solve your daily challenges. And they’ll inspire you to think more artistically when approaching your creations.
Inside, you’ll discover pro techniques for motion graphics and video production, including how to:
* Add depth and realism to your animations by mimicking real motion
* Use exaggerated movements to enhance characterization
* Apply 3-D animation to 2-D images
* Remove background fodder with blue-screen garbage mattes
* Employ rotoscoping techniques for frame-by-frame retouching
* Construct realistic composites and scene locations using matte painting techniques
* Make movies from stills by simulating 3-D camera motion
* Utilize perspective, speed, and scale to create believable moving objects
* Produce realistic special effects such as noise, clouds, and smoke
* Practice imaginative motion titling effects that grab people’s attention
* Develop professional scene transitions using 3-D layer animations
* And much more!
“… a book that needs to be on every motion graphic designer’s shelf.”
—Scott Kelby, President, National Association of Photoshop Professionals
Author Jeff Foster appeared on the DV Guys, a weekly radio show devoted to DV professionals and enthusiasts, for a LIVE online interview on Thursday, June 17, 2004. If you missed it, you can still listen to their archive.
If you’re in the business of motion graphics or desktop digital video production, you know that Adobe’s After Effects and Photoshop are two of the most indispensable content creation tools. More integrated than ever before, the world’s number-one compositing and image-editing programs can be used in tandem to create quality work at a relatively low cost. But it takes years of experience to figure out how to get the most out of this remarkable duo.
With After Effects and Photoshop: Animation and Production Effects for DV and Film, graphics guru Jeff Foster has created the first book devoted to showing how you can use these two programs together to produce animations and effects on the desktop. This practical guide focuses exclusively on techniques commonly used in the field as well as cutting-edge production tricks. These hands-on projects will demystify cool Hollywood effects and help you solve your daily challenges. And they’ll inspire you to think more artistically when approaching your creations.
Inside, you’ll discover pro techniques for motion graphics and video production, including how to:
* Add depth and realism to your animations by mimicking real motion
* Use exaggerated movements to enhance characterization
* Apply 3-D animation to 2-D images
* Remove background fodder with blue-screen garbage mattes
* Employ rotoscoping techniques for frame-by-frame retouching
* Construct realistic composites and scene locations using matte painting techniques
* Make movies from stills by simulating 3-D camera motion
* Utilize perspective, speed, and scale to create believable moving objects
* Produce realistic special effects such as noise, clouds, and smoke
* Practice imaginative motion titling effects that grab people’s attention
* Develop professional scene transitions using 3-D layer animations
* And much more!
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Linux Timesaving Techniques for Dummies
The Timesaving Techniques For Dummies books focus on high-payoff techniques that save you time, either on the spot or somewhere down the road. And these books get to the point in a hurry, with step-by-step instructions to pace you through the tasks you need to do, without any of the fluff you don’t want. We’ve identified more than 60 techniques that Linux users need to know to make the most of their time. In addition, each technique includes figures that make following along a breeze. Decide for yourself how to use this book: Read it cover to cover if you like, or skip right to the technique that interests you the most.
In Linux Timesaving Techniques For Dummies, you can find out how to
*. Tame time-consuming tasks: We’re letting you in on more than 60 tips and tricks for your Linux system, so you can spend more time on creating great results and less time on fiddling with a fea*ture so that it works correctly.
*. Take your skills up a notch: You’re already famil*iar with the basics of using Linux. Now this book takes you to the next level, helping you become a more powerful user.
*. Customize Linux to meet your needs: Spending some upfront time customizing Linux so that it works faster, more reliably, and more like how you work on a daily basis can save you time (and aggravation) later.
*. Fine-tune your system: You can fine-tune your Linux system for better performance and usabil*ity. Customizing your system to better serve users saves everyone time.
*. Improve your system security: Building a secure user environment with good user hygiene and regular backups will save everyone time. With adequate security in place, your chances of hav*ing to restore your system are minimized.
*. Automate repetitive tasks: You can automate and schedule repetitive tasks to run while you’re away, and save the bandwidth for the times that you need it most.
What’s in This Book
This book is organized into parts — groups of tech*niques about a common subject that will save you time and help you get your system running better. Each technique is written to be independent of the others, so you only need to implement those tech*niques that are important to you and your users. From time to time, we may send you to another tech*nique to implement a feature that we’ll be using in our current technique — we just don’t want to waste valuable space repeating ourselves. Each of the parts is about a different facet of a Linux system so you can scan the part title easily, looking for problem-solving techniques that will help you, quick.
Part I: Making the Desktop Work for You
Part I is full of tips and techniques to help you make the most of your time at the desktop. Teaching your system how to recognize file types (so you don’t have to specify them every time you open a file), keyboard shortcuts, and customizing your prompt are included among the techniques. We also include a rundown on the KDE protocols and the GNOME virtual file systems — the handy tools that work in a browser window to access other sources (like cam*eras or CDs). You’ll also find techniques about using automagic variables and history files to make the command line simple, easy, and quick.
Part II: Getting the Most from Your File System
This part focuses on moving and sharing data. Using Windows filesharing across a network, finding the files you need when you need them, and some quick downloading techniques are included in this part. This part also includes a technique about using User Mode Linux to create a playpen with a built-in copy of Fedora — handy if you need to jail a server or just want to experiment with program modifications safely.
Part III: Good Housekeeping with Linux
You’ll find techniques to help you make the most of the RPM tool (the Red Hat Package Manager) for installations, updates, and queries. Part III also includes a technique introducing you to Synaptic — a handy tool that will keep your software current and up-to-date with just a few clicks of the mouse. We’ll also introduce you to task scheduling tools that can help you automate administrative tasks to run without any supervision at all. Everyday timesaving doesn’t get much better than Part III.
Part IV: Tweaking the Kernel on Your Linux System
The techniques in Part IV are dedicated to the ker*nel. We’ll show you how to build a new kernel, clean up an old kernel, or find out about the condition of your existing kernel. We’ll also introduce you to SE Linux — the new security-enhanced kernel fresh with this release of Fedora.
Part V: Securing Your Workspace
Part V is all about security — we’ll introduce you to PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules), and show you quick ways to encrypt e-mail and files to keep the prying eyes of snoops out of your personal docu*ments. We’ll also show you how to safeguard your system by using sudo to dole out the superuser privi*leges to only those users on your system who need them. Your system will be a safer place with the techniques in Part V implemented.
Part VI: Networking Like a Professional
The techniques in Part VI focus on using network features and network analysis tools to your advan*tage. We’ll show you how to set up and use remote desktops from your local system, as well as how to share desktops with remote users. We’ll also show you how to take care of your network security by building sturdy but supple firewalls, and how to harden those firewalls with the network security analysis tool, Nessus. We’ll also show you how to watch network traffic to see what’s traveling across your network to your users.
Part VII: Monitoring Your System
In this part, we’ll introduce you to tools that will help you keep an eye on your system resources and control runaway processes. We’ll also show you some quick ways to take care of users and their accounts — both new users and old.
Part VIII: Serving Up the Internet and More
In Part VIII, we’ll focus on server-related issues. We’ll show you the quick way to build and configure an Apache Web server, a Sendmail mail server, and a MySQL database server, as well as how to monitor your servers once they’re in place. We’ll also show you how to make your new Web site a more secure place with SSL certificates, and the easy way to cre*ate your own certificate signing authority. Then we’ll delve into e-mail — you’ll save a ton of time with our techniques that help you avoid spam with SpamAssassin and retrieve your HTTPMail (that’s Hotmail, MSN, and Lycos mail) with hotway, avoiding all of the ads and pop-ups that come with most Internet mail accounts.
Part IX: Backing Up Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry
The techniques in this part are all about backing up. Techniques include getting ready to back up your data, choosing a fast but sturdy backup scheme, implementing a good backup routine, and backing
up to remote storage. We’ll also introduce you to CVS archiving — a great way to keep not only cur*rent renditions of projects, but also a living history of a project’s growth.
Part X: Programming Tricks
These techniques will help you save time in your programming projects. You’ll find a technique that helps you use prewritten, open-source APIs in your own code to help you cover ground quickly. You’ll also find a technique that focuses on moving data in and out of your PHP code. We’ll also introduce you to a great graphical debugger (DDD) that will save you time when you need to debug your code — that’s the last thing you want to spend too much time on.
Part XI: The Scary (Or Fun!) Stuff
This part contains a medley of timesaving tech*niques that will help you burn CDs, find dangerous programs, create a UML jail, troubleshoot problem programs, and more. We’ll introduce you to Bastille, a system-hardening, open-source tool that makes most security schemes look wimpy. We’ll also give you the rundown on LIDS — an under-documented but powerful security tool that you can use on your system to create a secure user environment. We’ll throw in an introduction to Zenity — a handy toolkit you can use to add graphical prompts to any user shell scripts you use on your system.
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3DCreative Magazine
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Computer Science Illuminated
Product DescriptionThoroughly revised and updated, Computer Science Illuminated, Third Edition, continues to excite and enlighten students on the dynamic and diverse field of computer science. Written by two of today s most respected computer science educators, Nell Dale and John Lewis, the text provides a broad overview of the many aspects of the discipline from a generic view point. Separate program language chapters are available as bundle items for those instructors who would like to explore a particular programming language with their students. The many layers of computing are thoroughly explained beginning with the information layer, working through the hardware, programming, operating systems, application, and communication layers, and ending with a discussion on the limitations of computing. Perfect for introductory computing and computer science courses, Computer Science Illuminated, Third Edition's thorough presentation of computing systems provides computer science majors with a solid foundation for further study, and offers non majors a comprehensive and complete introduction to computing.
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PHP and MySQL: Create - Modify - Reuse
Step-by-step instructions walk readers through real-world applications
Packed with ready-to-use projects for PHP and MySQL, this book guides readers through several real-world projects that are complete, tested, and ready to be implemented, so that readers can learn by doing
Clearly explains to readers all aspects of design, such as portability, design flow, and integration, and shows them how to properly secure their applications for real-world implementation
Authored by a PHP expert who is in tune with common tasks and the various problems faced by developers in everyday circumstances
Application topics include user management, Web forums, and an image gallery
Although PHP and MySQL can each be used independently, when they are used together, they open up dynamic options for Web site development
Download Packed with ready-to-use projects for PHP and MySQL, this book guides readers through several real-world projects that are complete, tested, and ready to be implemented, so that readers can learn by doing
Clearly explains to readers all aspects of design, such as portability, design flow, and integration, and shows them how to properly secure their applications for real-world implementation
Authored by a PHP expert who is in tune with common tasks and the various problems faced by developers in everyday circumstances
Application topics include user management, Web forums, and an image gallery
Although PHP and MySQL can each be used independently, when they are used together, they open up dynamic options for Web site development
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Computer Security And Cryptography
This book updates readers with all the tools, techniques, and concepts needed to understand and implement data security systems. It presents a wide range of topics for a thorough understanding of the factors that affect the efficiency of secrecy, authentication, and digital signature schema. Most importantly, readers gain hands-on experience in cryptanalysis and learn how to create effective cryptographic systems.
The author contributed to the design and analysis of the Data Encryption Standard (DES), a widely used symmetric-key encryption algorithm. His recommendations are based on firsthand experience of what does and does not work.
Thorough in its coverage, the book starts with a discussion of the history of cryptography, including a description of the basic encryption systems and many of the cipher systems used in the twentieth century. The author then discusses the theory of symmetric- and public-key cryptography. Readers not only discover what cryptography can do to protect sensitive data, but also learn the practical limitations of the technology. The book ends with two chapters that explore a wide range of cryptography applications.
With consumers becoming increasingly wary of identity theft and companies struggling to develop safe, secure systems, this book is essential reading for professionals in e-commerce and information technology. Written by a professor who teaches cryptography, it is also ideal for students.
Chapter 01 - Aperitifs
Chapter 02 - Columnar transposition
Chapter 03 - Monoalphabetic substitution
Chapter 04 - Polyalphabetic substitution
Chapter 05 - Statistical tests
Chapter 06 - The emergence of cipher machines
Chapter 07 - The japanese cipher machines
Chapter 08 - Stream ciphers
Chapter 09 - Block-ciphers
Chapter 10 - The paradigm of public key cryptography
Chapter 11 - The knapsack cryptosystem
Chapter 12 - The RSA cryptosystem
Chapter 13 - Pprime numbers and factorization
Chapter 14 - The discrete logarithm problem
Chapter 15 - Elliptic curve cryptography
Chapter 16 - Key exchange in a network
Chapter 17 - Digital signatures and authentication
Chapter 18 - Applications of cryptography
Chapter 19 - Cryptographic patents
The author contributed to the design and analysis of the Data Encryption Standard (DES), a widely used symmetric-key encryption algorithm. His recommendations are based on firsthand experience of what does and does not work.
Thorough in its coverage, the book starts with a discussion of the history of cryptography, including a description of the basic encryption systems and many of the cipher systems used in the twentieth century. The author then discusses the theory of symmetric- and public-key cryptography. Readers not only discover what cryptography can do to protect sensitive data, but also learn the practical limitations of the technology. The book ends with two chapters that explore a wide range of cryptography applications.
With consumers becoming increasingly wary of identity theft and companies struggling to develop safe, secure systems, this book is essential reading for professionals in e-commerce and information technology. Written by a professor who teaches cryptography, it is also ideal for students.
Chapter 01 - Aperitifs
Chapter 02 - Columnar transposition
Chapter 03 - Monoalphabetic substitution
Chapter 04 - Polyalphabetic substitution
Chapter 05 - Statistical tests
Chapter 06 - The emergence of cipher machines
Chapter 07 - The japanese cipher machines
Chapter 08 - Stream ciphers
Chapter 09 - Block-ciphers
Chapter 10 - The paradigm of public key cryptography
Chapter 11 - The knapsack cryptosystem
Chapter 12 - The RSA cryptosystem
Chapter 13 - Pprime numbers and factorization
Chapter 14 - The discrete logarithm problem
Chapter 15 - Elliptic curve cryptography
Chapter 16 - Key exchange in a network
Chapter 17 - Digital signatures and authentication
Chapter 18 - Applications of cryptography
Chapter 19 - Cryptographic patents
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Tricks of the Microsoft Office 2007 Gurus
We all have those “go-to” people in our lives. The one you go-to for advice, the one you go-to for comfort, the one you go-to with technical questions…now you can be the one that others go-to for help with Microsoft Office 2007. Tricks of the Microsoft Office 2007 Gurus is full of exclusive tricks from Paul McFedries, an Office “insider,” that will help you learn the Office applications inside and out.
Designed to bridge the gap between your expectation and reality, you will go beyond the basics and learn newly discovered techniques, shortcuts, and best practices. Through real-world examples that showcase how the tips and tricks can be used in everyday business tasks, Tricks of the Microsoft Office 2007 Gurus will help you get the most out of Office 2007.
Part I Microsoft Word Tricks
Chapter 1 Text Tricks
Chapter 2 Formatting Tricks
Chapter 3 Document Tricks
Chapter 4 Page Layout Tricks
Part II Microsoft Excel Trick
Chapter 5 Formula and Function Tricks
Chapter 6 Workbook and Worksheet Tricks
Chapter 7 Data Analysis Tricks
Chapter 8 Chart Tricks
Part III Microsoft PowerPoint Tricks
Chapter 9 Slide and Presentation Tricks
Chapter 10 Animation Tricks
Chapter 11 Slide Show Tricks
Part IV Microsoft Outlook Tricks
Chapter 12 Email Tricks
Chapter 13 Calendar and Contact Tricks
Part V Microsoft Access Tricks
Chapter 14 Table and Query
Chapter 15 Form and Report Tricks
Part VI Appendix
Appendix A Working with VBA Macro
Designed to bridge the gap between your expectation and reality, you will go beyond the basics and learn newly discovered techniques, shortcuts, and best practices. Through real-world examples that showcase how the tips and tricks can be used in everyday business tasks, Tricks of the Microsoft Office 2007 Gurus will help you get the most out of Office 2007.
Part I Microsoft Word Tricks
Chapter 1 Text Tricks
Chapter 2 Formatting Tricks
Chapter 3 Document Tricks
Chapter 4 Page Layout Tricks
Part II Microsoft Excel Trick
Chapter 5 Formula and Function Tricks
Chapter 6 Workbook and Worksheet Tricks
Chapter 7 Data Analysis Tricks
Chapter 8 Chart Tricks
Part III Microsoft PowerPoint Tricks
Chapter 9 Slide and Presentation Tricks
Chapter 10 Animation Tricks
Chapter 11 Slide Show Tricks
Part IV Microsoft Outlook Tricks
Chapter 12 Email Tricks
Chapter 13 Calendar and Contact Tricks
Part V Microsoft Access Tricks
Chapter 14 Table and Query
Chapter 15 Form and Report Tricks
Part VI Appendix
Appendix A Working with VBA Macro
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