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Cryptology and Network Security: 7th International Conference
Mar 11, 2009This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security, CANS 2008, held in Hong-Kong, China, in December 2008.
The 27 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 73 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on cryptosystems, signatures, identification, authentication and key management, cryptographic algorithms and protocols, stream ciphers and block ciphers, cryptographic foundations, applications and implementations, as well as security in ad hoc networks and wireless sensor networks.
5.2M pdf
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Adaptive Control
Table of Contents
01 Automatic 3D Model Generation based on a Matching of Adaptive Control Points
02 Adaptive Estimation and Control for Systems with Parametric and Nonparametric Uncertainties
03 Adaptive Output Regulation of Unknown Linear Systems with Unknown Exosystems
04 Output Feedback Direct Adaptive Control for a Two-Link Flexible Robot Subject to Parameter Changes
05 Discrete Model Matching Adaptive Control for Potentially Inversely Non-Stable Continuous-Time Plants by Using Multirate Sampling
06 Hybrid Schemes for Adaptive Control Strategies
07 Adaptive Control for Systems with Randomly Missing Measurements in a Network Environment
08 Adaptive Control Based On Neural Network
09 Adaptive Control of the Electrical Drives with the Elastic Coupling using Kalman Filter
10 Adaptive Control of Dynamic Systems with Sandwiched Hysteresis Based on Neural Estimator
11 High-Speed Adaptive Control Technique Based on Steepest Descent Method for Adaptive Chromatic Dispersion Compensation in Optical Communications
12 Adaptive Control of Piezoelectric Actuators with Unknown Hysteresis
13 On the Adaptive Tracking Control of 3-D Overhead Crane Systems
14 Adaptive Inverse Optimal Control of a Magnetic Levitation System
15 Adaptive Precision Geolocation Algorithm with Multiple Model Uncertainties
16 Adaptive Control for a Class of Non-affine Nonlinear Systems via Neural Networks
11.8M pdf
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Reasons to Migrate from Delphi 7 to Delphi 2009
Here they are: a plethora of new features allied to unparalleled developer productivity, all aimed at your ability to create higher-quality applications with improved performance. This article gives many good reasons to migrate, along with an overview of all the new features added to Delphi since version 7.
1.4M pdf
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Grid Middleware and Services: Challenges and Solutions
Grid Middleware and Services: Challenges and Solutions is the eighth volume of the CoreGRID series. The CoreGrid Proceedings is the premiere European event on Grid Computing. This book aims to strengthen and advance scientific and technological excellence in the area of Grid Computing. The main focus in this volume is on Grid middleware and service level agreement.
Grid middleware and Grid services are two pillars of grid computing systems and applications. This book includes high-level contributions by leading researchers in both areas and presents current solutions together with future challenges. This volume includes sections on knowledge and data management on grids, Grid resource management and scheduling, Grid information, resource and workflow monitoring services, and service level agreements.
Grid Middleware and Services: Challenges and Solutions is designed for a professional audience, composed of researchers and practitioners in industry. This volume is also suitable for graduate-level students in computer science.
4.7M pdf
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Electromagnetic Field Computation by Network Methods
In this monograph, the authors propose a systematic and rigorous treatment of electromagnetic field representations in complex structures. The architecture suggested in this book accommodates use of different numerical methods as well as alternative Green's function representations in each of the subdomains resulting from a partitioning of the overall problem. The subdomains are regions of space where electromagnetic energy is stored and are described in terms of equivalent circuit representations based either on lumped element circuits or on transmission lines. Connection networks connect the subcircuits representing the subdomains. The connection networks are lossless, don't store energy and represent the overall problem topology. This is similar to what is done in circuit theory and permits a phrasing of the solution of EM field problems in complex structures by Network-oriented methods.
1.2M pdf
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Handbook of Data Visualization
Visualizing the data is an essential part of any data analysis. Modern computing developments have led to big improvements in graphic capabilities and there are many new possibilities for data displays. This new volume in the series Springer Handbooks of Computational Statistics gives an overview of modern data visualization methods, both in theory and practice. There are definitive chapters on modern graphical tools such as mosaic plots, parallel coordinate plots and linked views. There are chapters dedicated to graphical methodology for particular areas of statistics, for example Bayesian analysis, genomic data and cluster analysis, as well as chapters on software for graphics. Specialists from all over the world have contributed papers on their areas of expertise.
31.6M pdf
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Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2008 - Part I
The two-volume set LNCS 5072 and 5073 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2008, held in Perugia, Italy, in June/July, 2008.
The two volumes contain papers presenting a wealth of original research results in the field of computational science, from foundational issues in computer science and mathematics to advanced applications in virtually all sciences making use of computational techniques. The topics of the fully refereed papers are structured according to the five major conference themes: computational methods, algorithms and scientific applications, high performance technical computing and networks, advanced and emerging applications, geometric modelling, graphics and visualization, as well as information systems and information technologies.
Moreover, submissions from more than 20 workshops and technical sessions in the areas, such as embedded systems, geographical analysis, computational geometry, computational geomatics, computer graphics, virtual reality, computer modeling, computer algebra, mobile communications, wireless networks, computational forensics, data storage, information security, web learning, software engineering, computational intelligence, digital security, biometrics, molecular structures, material design, ubiquitous computing, symbolic computations, web systems and intelligence, and e-education contribute to this publication.
146.9M pdf
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Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2008 - Part II
The two-volume set LNCS 5072 and 5073 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2008, held in Perugia, Italy in June/July 2008.
The two volumes contain papers presenting a wealth of original research results in the field of computational science, from foundational issues in computer science and mathematics to advanced applications in virtually all sciences making use of computational techniques. The topics of the refereed papers are structured according to the five major conference themes: computational methods, algorithms and applications, high performance technical computing and networks, advanced and emerging applications, geometric modelling, graphics and visualization, information systems and information technologies.
92.2M pdf
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Therapeutic Antibodies: Methods and Protocols
With revenues from the top five therapeutic antibodies accounting for a majority of the recent pharmaceutical sales, the research and development in the field has exploded over the past several years and is expected to grow with new emerging monoclonal antibodies like Numax, Lucentis, Actemra, and others. In Therapeutic Antibodies: Methods and Protocols, leading experts from academic laboratories and biotechnology companies present an extensive set of protocols for the discovery and development of therapeutic antibodies, featuring sections devoted to recombinant antigens, antibody libraries, antibody discovery, antibody engineering, and antibody preclinical development. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology� series format, the chapters contain brief introductions to their respective subjects, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and notes highlighting tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.
Comprehensive and cutting-edge, Therapeutic Antibodies: Methods and Protocols serves as a key resource for researchers and antibody engineers investigating and participating in this rapidly growing therapeutic market segment.
5.4M pdf
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Introducing Autodesk Inventor 2009 and Autodesk Inventor LT 2009
Written by an Autodesk Inventor expert, Introducing Autodesk Inventor 2009 and Autodesk Investor LT 2009 is a beginner-level reference guide to this market-leading 3D mechanical design software. Look more closely at the Inventor interface, learn the basics of drawing, 2D, and 3D capabilities, explore part modeling features and discover sophisticated techniques for working with large and small assemblies. Understand the software in the context of real-world tasks and workflows and become familiar with topics like standards, styles, project management and communication, sheet metal tools, and creating presentations.
14.7M pdf
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Host Identity Protocol (HIP): Towards the Secure Mobile Internet
�Within the set of many identifier-locator separation designs for the Internet, HIP has progressed further than anything else we have so far. It is time to see what HIP can do in larger scale in the real world. In order to make that happen, the world needs a HIP book, and now we have it.� - Jari Arkko, Internet Area Director, IETF
One of the challenges facing the current Internet architecture is the incorporation of mobile and multi-homed terminals (hosts), and an overall lack of protection against Denial-of-Service attacks and identity spoofing. The Host Identity Protocol (HIP) is being developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as an integrated solution to these problems. The book presents a well-structured, readable and compact overview of the core protocol with relevant extensions to the Internet architecture and infrastructure. The covered topics include the Bound End-to-End Tunnel Mode for IPsec, Overlay Routable Cryptographic Hash Identifiers, extensions to the Domain Name System, IPv4 and IPv6 interoperability, integration with SIP, and support for legacy applications.
Unique features of the book:
* All-in-one source for HIP specifications
* Complete coverage of HIP architecture and protocols
* Base exchange, mobility and multihoming extensions
* Practical snapshots of protocol operation
* IP security on lightweight devices
* Traversal of middleboxes, such as NATs and firewalls
* Name resolution infrastructure
* Micromobility, multicast, privacy extensions
* Chapter on applications, including HIP pilot deployment in a Boeing factory
* HOWTO for HIP on Linux (HIPL) implementation
An important compliment to the official IETF specifications, this book will be a valuable reference for practicing engineers in equipment manufacturing companies and telecom operators, as well as network managers, network engineers, network operators and telecom engineers. Advanced students and academics, IT managers, professionals and operating system specialists will also find this book of interest.
2.4M pdf
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Java for Programmers (Deitel Developer)

Product Description
- Classes, Objects, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Interfaces, Nested Classes
- Integrated OOP Case Studies: Time, GradeBook, Employee
- Industrial-Strength, 95-Page OOD/UML� 2 ATM Case Study
- JavaServer� Faces, Ajax-Enabled Web Applications, Web Services, Networking
- JDBC�, SQL, Java DB, MySQL�
- Threads and the Concurrency APIs
- I/O, Types, Control Statements, Methods
- Arrays, Generics, Collections
- Exception Handling, Files
- GUI, Graphics, GroupLayout, JDIC
- Using the Debugger and the API Docs
- And more�
- For information on Deitel�s Dive Into� Series corporate training courses offered at customer sites worldwide (or write to
- Download code examples
- Check out the growing list of programming, Web 2.0, and software-related Resource Centers
- To receive updates for this book, subscribe to the free DEITEL� BUZZ ONLINE e-mail newsletter at
- Read archived issues of the DEITEL� BUZZ ONLINE
Written for programmers with a background in high-level language programming, this book applies the Deitel signature live-code approach to teaching programming and explores the Java language and Java APIs in depth. The book presents the concepts in the context of fully tested programs, complete with syntax shading, code highlighting, line-by-line code descriptions and program outputs. The book features 220 Java applications with over 18,000 lines of proven Java code, and hundreds of tips that will help you build robust applications.
Start with an introduction to Java using an early classes and objects approach, then rapidly move on to more advanced topics, including GUI, graphics, exception handling, generics, collections, JDBC�, web-application development with JavaServer� Faces, web services and more. You�ll enjoy the Deitels� classic treatment of object-oriented programming and the OOD/UML� ATM case study, including a complete Java implementation. When you�re finished, you�ll have everything you need to build object-oriented Java applications.
The DEITEL� Developer Series is designed for practicing programmers. The series presents focused treatments of emerging technologies, including Java�, C++, .NET, web services, Internet and web development and more.
�Presenting software engineering side by side with core Java concepts is highly refreshing; gives readers insight into how professional software is developed.��Clark Richey (Java Champion), RABA Technologies, LLC.
�The quality of the design and code examples is second to none!��Terrell Hull, Enterprise Architect
�The JDBC chapter is very hands on. I like the fact that Java DB/Apache Derby is used in the examples, which makes it really simple to learn and understand JDBC.��Sandeep Konchady, Sun Microsystems
�Equips you with the latest web application technologies. Examples are impressive and real! Want to develop a simple address locator with Ajax and JSF? Jump to Chapter 22.��Vadiraj Deshpande, Sun Microsystems
�Covers web services with Java SE 6 and Java EE 5 in a real-life, example-based, friendly approach. The Deitel Web Services Resource Center is really good, even for advanced developers.��Sanjay Dhamankar, Sun Microsystems
�Mandatory book for any serious Java EE developer looking for improved productivity: JSF development, visual web development and web services development have never been easier.��Ludovic Chapenois, Sun Microsystems
�I teach Java programming and object-oriented analysis and design. The OOD/UML 2 case study is the best presentation of the ATM example I have seen.��Craig W. Slinkman, University of Texas�Arlington
�Introduces OOP and UML 2 early. The conceptual level is perfect. No other book comes close to its quality of organization and presentation. The live-code approach to presenting exemplary code makes a big difference in the learning outcome.��Walt Bunch, Chapman University/
Handbook of Sample Preparation for Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis
This Handbook is a complete guide to preparing a wide variety of specimens for the scanning electron microscope and x-ray microanalyzer. Specimens range from inorganic, organic, biological, and geological samples to materials such as metals, polymers, and semiconductors which can exist as solids, liquids, and gases. While the Handbook complements the best-selling textbook, Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis, Third Edition, by Goldstein, et al., it is entirely self-contained and describes what is needed up to the point the sample is put into the instrument. Photomicrographs of each specimen complement the many sample preparation �recipes�. Additional chapters describe the general features of specimen preparation in relation to the different needs of scanning electron microscopes and x-ray microanalyzers, and an appendix covers chemicals and equipment applicable to any of the recipes. This authoritative yet practical Handbook is an essential reference for anyone who uses these instruments, and assumes only an elementary knowledge of preparation techniques to guide the reader through the specific protocols.
5.6M pdf
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A Unified Statistical Methodology for Modeling Fatigue Damage
The book gives a unified probabilistic approach to evaluation of fatigue damage, including all steps to be followed, starting with fatigue testing planning, material characterization through lab experiments, model selection, parameter estimation and damage evaluation and life prediction associated with a given stress or strain history. It also treats computer programs to do all the above.
In addition, a critical evaluation of existing models based on the new proposed alternative model is one of the main aims of the book, trying to change the minds of engineers involved in design jobs.
5.1M pdf
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WebSphere MQ V7.0 Features and Enhancements
This publication is divided in three parts:
Part 1, "Introduction" commences with an introduction to Message Oriented Middleware and the WebSphere MQ product. The concept of messaging is covered, explaining what is new in WebSphere MQ V7.0 and how it is implemented. An overview is provided on how it fits within the Service-oriented architecture (SOA) framework.
Part 2, "WebSphere MQ V7.0 enhancements and changes" explains the new WebSphere MQ V7.0 features and enhancements in detail and includes compatibility and the migration considerations from the previous supported versions.
Part 3, "Scenario" contains the scenario which demonstrates how the new features and enhancements work and how to use them. The sample programs and scripts used for this scenario are available for download by following the instructions in Appendix B.
3.2M pdf
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Time-Varying Sliding Modes for Second and Third Order Systems
A principal objective of control engineering is to design control systems which are robust with respect to external disturbances and modelling uncertainty. This objective may be well achieved using the sliding mode technique - which is the main subject of this monograph. More precisely, �Time-Varying Sliding Modes for Second and Third Order Systems� focuses on only one, but very important aspect of the sliding mode system design, i.e. the problem of the sliding plane selection. In this self-contained monograph, the main notions and concepts used in the field of variable structure systems and sliding mode control are presented before in the main part the issue of the switching surface design is discussed. This is done by considering two standard plants, which are very often encountered in the control engineering practice: the second and the third order nonlinear and possibly time-varying systems.
3.1M pdf
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Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success
This practical application reference provides a resource for those seeking to utilize the innovative methods now available to finance energy projects. The full scope of current project financing practices are fully examined and assessed, including coverage of energy service performance contracting, rate of return analysis, measurement and verification of energy savings, and more. Readers will receive the facts they need to assess a project's payback in advance, anticipate and avoid potential risks and/or hidden costs, and assure that your energy project is an overall economic success. Other topics covered include financing international projects and ESCO�s (Energy Service Company�s) financing.
3.3M pdf
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Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2009
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, ARCS 2009, held in Delft, The Netherlands, in March 2009.
The 21 revised full papers presented together with 3 keynote papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 57 submissions. This year's special focus is set on energy awareness. The papers are organized in topical sections on compilation technologies, reconfigurable hardware and applications, massive parallel architectures, organic computing, memory architectures, enery awareness, Java processing, and chip-level multiprocessing.
Written for:
Researchers and professionals
8.3M pdf
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Contemporary Research in E-Branding
Marketing over the Internet implies a whole new dimension in which to engage the consumer. To remain successful in today s digital world, companies must harness the power of online marketing to reach the unlimited potential of consumers worldwide.
Contemporary Research in E-Branding provides cutting-edge research on the emergent issue of the Internet as a central organizing platform for integrating marketing communications. Combining global perspectives from marketing and Web technology academics and experts into one multidisciplinary reference work, this Premier Reference Source offers researchers, scholars, and practitioners an authoritative view on e-Branding to increase the visibility and success of companies in all business realms.
4.9M pdf
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A Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling Language
The authoritative guide to SysML, the new global language of 350k+ systems engineers.
Product Description
Systems engineers and architects must understand how all the parts of a system work together to satisfy its requirements. SysML is a general purpose graphical modeling language used to specify, analyze, and design systems that may include hardware, software, and personnel. It allows engineers to describe how a system interacts with its environment, and how its parts must interact to achieve the desired system behavior and performance. The SysML model provides a shared view of the system, enabling a design team to surface issues early and prevent problems that would otherwise delay development and degrade design quality. Since SysML is based on UML, it also facilitates integration between systems and software development. SysML is now being adopted by companies across a broad range of industry, including Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, and IT System Developers.
This book provides a comprehensive and practical guide for modeling systems with SysML. It includes a full description of the language along with a quick reference guide, and shows how the language can be applied to specify, analyze, and design systems. It contains examples to help readers understand how SysML can be used in practice. The book also includes guidance on how an organization or project can transition to model based systems engineering using SysML, with considerations for processes, methods, tools, and training.
*The authoritative guide for understanding and applying SysML
*Authored by the foremost experts on the language
*Language description, examples, and quick reference guide included
21.5M pdf
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Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform: Bringing Rich Client to the Web
Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform (RAP) is an innovative toolkit for developing applications that will run as rich clients as well as web applications. Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform is the first book on the new Eclipse RAP, and it introduces the required RCP and OSG/i concepts used by Eclipse RAP.
This firstPress title demonstrates the functionality and benefits of Eclipse RAP as well as shows the sweet spots of RAP, especially focusing on single sourcing RCP and web applications, which can be a huge cost saver.
This book also covers possible issues that might prevent you from successfully deploying RAP.
* Describes Eclipse RAP concepts and its underlying technology
* Explains key features of RAP
* Shows case studies where RAP works and where it won�t
What you�ll learn
* Understand what the purpose of RAP is.
* Learn what is required to deploy RAP applications.
* Get to know how to utilize RAP features.
* Develop single sourced RCP and web applications.
* Solve issues when migrating a RCP application to RAP.
* Determine when to use RAP or when to choose a different framework.
Who is this book for?
This book is suitable for IT managers, technical leads, and developers. While the focus is on concepts and understanding the technology, developers can also find insights on how to solve specific issues. For IT managers, it shows how RAP is able to save development costs, but also presents limitations of the framework. The reader is expected to have at least basic Eclipse RCP knowledge and some complementary Java or web application development experience.
2.2M pdf
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Knowledge Cartography: Software Tools and Mapping Techniques
Knowledge Cartography is the discipline of mapping intellectual landscapes.
The focus of this book is on the process by which manually crafting interactive, hypertextual maps clarifies one�s own understanding, as well as communicating it.
The authors see mapping software as a set of visual tools for reading and writing in a networked age. In an information ocean, the primary challenge is to find meaningful patterns around which we can weave plausible narratives. Maps of concepts, discussions and arguments make the connections between ideas tangible and disputable.
With 17 chapters from the leading researchers and practitioners, the reader will find the current state�of-the-art in the field. Part 1 focuses on educational applications in schools and universities, before Part 2 turns to applications in professional communities, but with many cross-cutting themes:
� conceptual frameworks for understanding knowledge cartography
� visual languages, many of which work on both paper and with software
� specialist software, much of it freely available and open source
� case studies reflecting on successes and failures
� ways in which maps can be used both effectively and ineffectively
� examples of how to evaluate maps
� visit the website for updates on the field, and extra resources for each chapter:
Knowledge Cartography will be of interest to learners, educators, and researchers in all disciplines, as well as policy analysts, scenario planners, knowledge managers and team facilitators. Practitioners will find new perspectives and tools to expand their repertoire, while researchers will find rich enough conceptual grounding for further scholarship.
35.4M pdf
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Elementary Functional Analysis
This nicely written manuscript takes a gentler approach than other functional analysis graduate texts, and includes an improved approach along with a better choice of topics. The concise treatment makes this ideal for a one-semester course. The exercises in this manuscript are numerous and of a very high quality. Interesting historical tidbits are scattered throughout the text, many of which will be new to most readers. The main prerequisites are basic undergraduate courses in real analysis, linear algebra, and point set topology.
1.8M djvu
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Applications of Complex Adaptive Systems
The universe is a massive system of systems -- for example, ecological systems, social systems, commodity and stock markets. These systems are complex, constantly adapting to their environment, and many are essential to the very existence of human beings. To fully understand these systems, complex adaptive systems research uses systemic inquiry to build multi-level and multidisciplinary representations of reality to study these systems.
Applications of Complex Adaptive Systems provides a global view of the most up-to-date research on the strategies, applications, practice, and implications of complex adaptive systems, to better understand the various critical systems that surround human life. Researchers working in the field of complex adaptive systems and related fields such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, and data mining, as well as professionals in related applications such as defense, bioinformatics, and sociology will find this book an indispensable, state-of-the-art reference.
3.0M pdf
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The type of the release is: eBook
In the PDF format with ISBN: 1587053438 and Pub Date: May 25, 2008
The size of the release is: 01 disks x 2.88mb
And released on: 06/14/2008
Network Business Series
Justify Your Network Investment
The definitive guide to IPv6 decision making for non-technical business
Every year, organizations rely on Internet applications and services
more deeply�and every year, Internet infrastructure grows more powerful
and complex. As the limitations of traditional IPv4 addressing become
increasingly apparent, many decision makers recognize that a transition
to IPv6 is needed far sooner than anticipated. Global IPv6 Strategies
gives non-technical decision makers the information to plan and execute
an orderly, efficient migration to IPv6�and reap the business benefits.
This bookSo authors offer practical scenarios, proven best practices,
and real-world case studies drawn from their unsurpassed experience
helping enterprises and service providers move to IPv6. Writing for
non-technical decision makers, they systematically review the costs,
benefits, impacts, and opportunities associated with IPv6 migration.
Their insights and strategies can help you address both the technical
side of IPv6 and the rarely discussed organizational issues that can
make or break your transition.
Patrick Grossetete, manager of Product Management at Cisco? is
responsible for key Cisco IOS?software technologies including IPv6 and
IP Mobility. A member of the IPv6 Forum Technical Directorate, he has
been honored with the IPv6 Forum Internet Pioneer Award.
Ciprian P. Popoviciu, PhD, CCIE?No. 4499, technical leader at Cisco,
focuses on architecting, designing, and testing large IPv6 network
deployments for service providers and enterprises worldwide. Grossetete
and Popoviciu co-authored Deploying IPv6 Networks (Cisco Press).
Fred Wettling manages architecture and strategic planning for Bechtel.
Wettling is a member of the IEEE, North American IPv6 Task Force, and
IPv6 Forum; directs the IPv6 Business Council; chaired the Network
Applications Consortium (NAC); and served on the PresidentSo National
Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee Next Generation Network
Task Force.
- Understand how efficient IP communications are rapidly becoming even
more central to business and economic growth.
- Get past the �IPv4 vs. IPv6?myths that prevent effective decision
making and planning.
- Objectively assess the constraints of existing IPv4
infrastructures�and learn how IPv6 can overcome them.
- Develop and analyze the business case for IPv6�with help from
real-world, never-before-published case studies.
- Identify hidden business opportunities IPv6 can unleash.
- Choose the optimal IPv6 adoption strategy for your enterprise or
- Learn realistic best practices for planning successful migrations
This volume is in the Network Business Series offered by Cisco Press?
Books in this series provide IT executives, decision makers, and
networking professionals with pertinent information about todaySo most
important technologies and business strategies.
Foundations of Ajax
Ajax burst onto the Web development scene by offering highly interactive, desktop-like Web applications that can be deployed through any modern Web browser without the need for special plug-ins. Ajax is built on existing Web technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, and it is used in conjunction with your favorite server-side language. Foundations of Ajax explains how to combine these technologies effectively to implement Ajax into your new or existing Web applications. Like you, we are developers who are �in the trenches,� tasked with building Web-enabled applications that provide real value to our customers. As the Web continues to grow, the demand for more expressive and engaging interfaces will continue to increase.
Much of the early hype surrounding Ajax centered on its use by Internet powerhouses such as Google and Amazon. However, just because the initial forays into Ajax were pioneered by leading software development firms doesnt mean your application wouldnt also benefit from these techniques. You already know how to develop Web applications, so this book uses specific, focused examples to teach the Ajax tools and techniques youll need to bring your applications to life. Armed with this book and your existing development expertise, you too will be able to apply Ajax techniques to your application to enrich the end users experience.
When we first saw the potential of Ajax, we knew we had to start leveraging it for our own applications. Along the way weve learned some hard-earned knowledge that we thought needed to be shared with the rest of the development community. With this book youll be able to easily extend your own applications with Ajax and have fun while doing it. We hope that someday well be reading about your great Ajax-enabled application!
Author Information
Ryan Asleson
Ryan Asleson is a software developer who lives and works in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. He holds a degree in chemistry from St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN. Ryan has been building Web applications since 1998 and has extensive experience with JavaScript and Web development tools. He helped transition his organization from servlet-based content creation to JavaServer Pages (JSP) and has also maintained a corporate Web application framework based on Java Enterprise Edition. Ryan's interests include performance tuning and standards based development. When not working, Ryan enjoys spending time with his family and doing outdoor activities like fishing, hunting, and water sports.
Nathaniel T. Schutta
Nathaniel T. Schutta is a software engineer from the Twin Cities area of Minnesota with extensive experience in the financial services arena primarily developing J2EE-based Web applications. He holds a master of science degree in software engineering from the University of Minnesota. For the last several years, he has focused on user interface design by contributing to corporate interface guidelines, and has consulted on a variety of web-based applications within his organization. A longtime member of the Association for Computing Machinery�s Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group, and a Sun Certified Web Component Developer, Nathaniel believes if the user can�t figure out your application, you�ve done something wrong. Along with his UI work, he has contributed to two corporate Java frameworks, developed training material, and lead several study groups. During the brief moments of warm weather found in his home state of Minnesota, he spends as much time on the golf course as his wife will tolerate. He�s currently exploring Ruby, Rails, and after recently making the switch, Mac OS X.
PHP Professional Projects
Product Description
This book provides a hands-on approach to learning PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, which is a server-side scripting language. The book is aimed at both novice as well as advance level readers. Readers might only have the basic knowledge of HTML or might already know Web-based programming. The readers will use the PHP concepts that they learn in the book to create professional projects.
The book starts with a few overview chapters that cover the key concepts of Web-based programming. These chapters act as an information store for programmers who may need to brush up their prior programming knowledge. A major part of the book revolves around professional projects. These projects enable programmers to learn about various tasks by following a simple to complex approach. Each project covers a specific subject area and guides the readers by using practical scenarios. The projects range from a simple project that involves creating plain data entry Web pages using HTML and saving the information in a text file. Then the books moves to complex projects that involve creating Web pages containing PHP scripts and storing information in MySQL databases. These projects help programmers to accomplish their goals by understanding the practical and real-life application of PHP in Web page designing. Each project in the book is a guide for the reader to create a part of a large Web site.
Apart from the overview chapters and the professional projects, this book also includes two additional sections, Beyond the Lab and Appendices. The Beyond the Lab section serves as both a summary of what the reader has learned throughout the projects and as a road map for where the reader can go to expand on this knowledge. This section also covers the future direction of the programming language. The Appendices act as a quick reference for PHP functions and certain concepts that a reader might want to explore further.
Use PHP to accomplish real-world, professional tasks.
Incorporating five hands-on projects, PHP Professional Projects is your key to unlocking the power of PHP. Each project focuses on a specific PHP concept and is based on a real-world situation. You will be able to use the skills that you develop throughout the book to modify the projects as needed to fit your professional needs.
Using various form elements, create a user registration form for an online shopping site. You will use PHP script to track form value and check for errors. Your PHP script will give you experience using variables, operators, and control structures.
Using the registration form that you have just created, you will learn how to store data in a file and to retrieve the data using various file functions. You will learn the basics of file handling such as reading and writing to a file as well as pack and unpack functions.
Begin by creating a database table and inserting data with a form and PHP script. Query your database table based on specific criteria and allow results to be displayed. Further your understanding of handling data storage and using PHP with a SQL database.
Cover all of the steps necessary to create a product catalog and shopping cart with PHP begin-ning with user registration. Learn how to add and remove products and customers and to send a feedback message using the mail function.
Learn how to configure HTTP authentication on Apache and to create users. Begin with the basics of password-based authentication and password storage. Then create a PHP script that will validate users, and learn how to use cookies and sessions to track users.1931841535.chm
Credit Card Processing and other updates
Dear Friends,
Shortly, we are ready to start accepting credit cards for direct funding of your Liberty Reserve accounts. We will start with a maximum of $200.00 for the first time verified users and will increase if market conditional call for it. We will accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express. We will post detailed verification instructions required for users to be able to make purchases directly with credit cards on our blog on March 15th.
Debit Card update: we are preparing a web page where you will be able to place orders on-line for your debit cards. Please note that only verified customers will be able to request it. Verification procedure for buying Liberty Reserve inventory with credit cards and to request a debit card - is the same. Once you are verified for one - you are verified for both.
Thank you for your continued support.
Further Improvements
Please note that in order to further protect customers who have fallen victims to recent phishing attacks, we are now implementing a new feature that will force every customer change random login information every 60 (sixty) days. Please note you will NOT be asked for your current passwords, if you are in your account - it was correct. The new advanced security system implemented will monitor everyone's account for unusual activity and will take measures from simply restricting login to your account temporarily all the way to locking your funds if it feels that your account is compromised. This system is unique to Liberty Reserve in digital currencies arena and is currently only being used by very large banks. Just as always - security comes first.
If your current exchanger has fallen victim of rumors and is trying to take advantage of you with higher than reasonable fees - please consider using another exchanger that will not take advantage of you.
We apologize for the slight downtime required to implement this change. We appreciate your patience.
Liberty Reserve in Arts and Entertainment
Dear Friend,
We are proud to announce, that as a result of a successful collaboration between DirectTV (television network), Re/Max (world's largest real estate agency), Liberty Reserve (your favorite payment system) and Setanta Sports (very popular sports channel), Mërge movie project was born and is being presented by Chameleon Entertainment. The script that will win this competition will be made into a full featured movie that will be presented in major countries on TV and PPV.
We are proud to be one of the general sponsors of this project, and truly hope that our collaboration will restore the cultural bridge between the continents.
Chameleon Branded Entertainment, has announced the launch of Mërge, an international script-to-screen competition, dedicated to highlighting multicultural experiences in the ever converging global environment. The contest’s goal is to bring accounts of international and multicultural stories to the forefront of mainstream international audiences. Mërge 2009 focuses on the Russian multicultural experience.
More information about initial press release is here and here.
Our representative has attended the grand opening party on March 6th. More information will soon become available on our flickr and youtube pages.
More exciting updates are coming shortly.
Quality Assurance
For those of you who may have seen some bizarre and ridiculous rumors about our system having any security instances - please be aware that those ARE in fact rumors.
Our members were a target of many recent phishing attacks that resulted in some of them clicking on malicious links in e-mail or visiting a malicious web site to provide or update any account information, against our numerous warnings. Once your login information is compromised, malicious users can have full access to your account and to its' features, including adding and using API. This has nothing to do with the security of API, as all actions are taken from within a user's account. Please be aware that Liberty Reserve will NEVER send out any confirmation, validation or any other e-mail or link to any of its' account holders.
The best way to remain secure is to educate yourself, install the latest anti-virus software (and keep it updated), install the plug in Liberty Guard, that will help you avoid many phishing web sites. Still NEVER click on any links. One more thing that would help is to check your account information, to make sure it stays current and to update passwords to your on-line banking, e-mails and other places where you have an on-line account at least once every few months. Use different passwords for each and everyone of them.
As for the security of Liberty Reserve, you can rely on many years of experience and on reputation that Liberty Reserve, McAfee, Prolexic, Cisco and many other "best of the best" companies that Liberty Reserve has assembled around its' company to make sure that security of your account will not only be on par but exceed most on-line banks. Liberty Reserve - experience you can count on, safety you can rely on, financial fortress you can feel safe in.
Exchangers update:
Please note that we no longer authorize the following exchangers to conduct any business with Liberty Reserve due to trust, fraud, numerous unanswered complaints, and other concerns:,, or any other businesses associated with them.
If you will see those web sites still operating with Liberty Reserve, they are doing so in violation of our Terms of Service and your Liberty Reserve funds may be at risk with them.
Dear friends,
The web site should be becoming available in certain regions at first and slowly for everyone else. We could not apologize enough for the extended delay. But Liberty Reserve has always chosen privacy, security and safety as issues of primary concern. Please, as always, rest assured that Liberty Reserve remains the safest place to conduct your financial transactions, and while outages are hard to forecast, we would like to assure you that everything will be done in our power to minimize those to the bare necessary minimum. Including adding two mirrors (that are being implemented now).
Please note that the ONLY OFFICIAL source of information regarding the status of our system is this blog and not any other forum or a newsletter or an e-mail. You may be introduced to some quite bizarre rumors during this outage and false information that was cooked up by an unfriendly and dishonorable competitors but as always, Liberty Reserve will lead the way and is not going anywhere for many years to come.
We have committed ourselves to offer the best service - and we will.
We appreciate your understanding and your continued support.
Latest news and updates
- We have finished all work on our system, which took longer than anticipated. We are now in testing mode where with the help of one of the forex companies we are performing stress tests of the system to make sure that all changes and updates were implemented properly. Some updates we have implemented will bring you a faster web site interface. The web site is scheduled to be back on in 8 hours.
- As promised, we have put a small portion of pictures from our office inauguration party. Here is the link. Please note that the only official source of all media that will be posted in coming days on flickr is under user name LibertyReservePR. Anyone else claiming to post or represent Liberty Reserve should not be trusted as well as any information he or she may post. Please check our photostream often as there are many planned weekly updates.
- Once the web site is up, please welcome two more companies to the list of Liberty Reserve exchangers: and They both offer various buying and selling payment methods as long as e-currency to e-currency conversion.
- Please also welcome these new merchants to our family of companies that work with Liberty Reserve: - reliable hosting solutions, - banner ad exchange is a free service that offers a 4:3 ratio. Signup now and receive bonus credit. - custom graphics and banner designing. - on-line lotto game, - winning is easy at Captains Games Casino. Instant deposits and withdrawals. - complete web hosting solutions provider. And many others to be added within next week.
- Debit card price schedule and website order link will become available shortly. You will be able to load your Liberty Reserve debit card directly from within your account and use it in many ATMs and On-line stores.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates.
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