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The Hidden Power of Illustrator CS Web Graphic Techniques
Feb 2, 2009Sybex | 2003-10-17 | ISBN: 0782141587 | 304 pages | PDF | 9,9 MB
“This book offers most everything the new or intermediate Illustrator user needs to make the most of Illustrator CS web graphics.”
-”Andy Barkl, Technical Reviewer
Unleash Illustrator’s Power to Make Dynamic Web Graphics Fast
Adobe Illustrator is a powerhouse web graphics tool. The problem is most people don’t really know how to use it. That’s where this book comes in. Step by step, The Hidden Power of Illustrator CS: Web Graphics Techniques teaches you to use everything Illustrator CS has to offer, helping you understand the new features, stop stumbling over the tools, anticipate problems, and get better, cleaner results. This is a valuable and easy-to-use resource for all Illustrator users ready to take their art to the web. Traditional print designers and students will benefit from its clear explanation of core web concepts while web professionals will soak up the advanced instruction, including in-depth coverage of SVG, web animation, and interactivity. Here’s just a little of what you’ll learn:
Mastering essential Illustrator tools–and choosing the right one for the job
Setting up your work environment
Integrating your work with other applications, including GoLive, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and ImageReady
Using information in existing web pages to optimize images
Building common web buttons and banners
Setting up and exporting CSS layers from Illustrator
Using Illustrator to build complete web pages
Creating and using web page templates
Setting up animations in Illustrator
Understanding SVG and using it for interactivity
Creating 3D animations using new Illustrator features
Start Exploring Masterpieces: Coloring Book
Start Exploring Masterpieces: Coloring Book
Running Press Kids | 1990-06 | ISBN: 0894718010 | 128 pages | ZIPed HTML ebook | 7MB
An artistic adventure awaits you! Masterpieces leads you on a guided tour of sixty paintings by some of the world’s best artists. Each painting has been carefully redrawn and is ready to color–with crayons, colored pencils, markets, and your imagination. Accompanying each painting is a story that describes it and introduces you to the artist. See the world through the eyes of the great painters as you read these tales and color these pictures of kings, gypsies, flowers, parties, dancers, heroes, and more. Here are just some of the things you can do inside Masterpieces: Visit exotic Tahiti with Gaugin Choose a new suite for Gainsborough’s Blue Boy Take a dance lesson with Degas See Venus, the goddess of love, rising from the ocean Watch the stars with van Gogh Join Renoir for a boating party Fight for liberty with Delacroix Meet Whistler’s mother Spend a Sunday afternoon in the park with Seurat Go bird-watching with Audubon These priceless art treasures represent more than five hundred years of painting. Now you can color them yourself to create new masterpieces of your own.
“ | ” |
Art and Design in Photoshop
Focal Press | 2008-08-25 | ISBN: 0240811097 | 256 pages | PDF | 40,5 MB
Fancy designing your own classic and contemporary movie posters, books and magazine covers?
Feel like turning your photographs into works by Turner, Matisse and Magritte?
Want to create illustrations in the styles of The Simpsons, steampunk and Victorian engravings?
Then you need Art and Design in Photoshop.
In this unique book, acclaimed master of photomontage and visual trickery Steve Caplin shows you how to stretch your creative boundaries. Taking the same tried-and-tested practical approach as his best selling How to Cheat in Photoshop titles, Steve’s step-by-step instructions recreate a dazzling and diverse array of fabulous design effects. You’ll learn how to design everything from wine labels to sushi cartons, from certificates to iPod advertising, from textbooks to pulp fiction.
Written by a working pro, the clear guidelines pinpoint exactly what you need to know: how to get slick-looking results with minimum fuss, with a 16-page Photoshop Reference chapter that provides an at-a-glance guide to Photoshop tools and techniques for less experienced users. Steve explains both typography and the design process in a clear, informative and entertaining way.
* Learn to quickly and ingeniously create fantastic graphic effects in Photoshop, from graffiti to classic art, newsprint and stained-glass windows
* Easy and fun to use with clear step-by-step instructions and hundreds of screenshots.
* Backwards compatible: fully up-to-date with the latest Photoshop release but also relevant for use with previous versions of Photoshop
Digital Magazine Design: With Case Studies(ebook)
Publisher:Intellect Ltd | Pages: 160 | Date :Jan 2003 | ISBN: 9781841509723 | PDF | 3.3 MB
Publishers of contemporary high-street magazines invest more and more money in developing innovative design for an increasingly design-literate reader. Innovation, however, must always be grounded in the underlying conventions of legibility to ensure loyal readership and economic success. Digital Magazine Design provides detailed descriptions of all the necessary rules of design, and uses these rules to cast a critical eye over a selection of contemporary high-street magazines.The second part of this volume, written by publishing students, demonstrates how the tools of design can be applied to the analysis and practice of contemporary magazine design.Through an understanding of the relationship between text, image and design, and the ability to make informed judgements, the student is able to critically evaluate all publishable material.
Hacking Movable Type (REPOST)
Jay Allen, Brad Choate, Ben Hammersley, Matthew Haughey, Ben Trott, Mena Trott, David Raynes “Hacking Movable Type”
Publisher: Wiley | ISBN: 076457499X | July 22, 2005 | 336 pages | PDF | 4 MB
Movable Type, that amazingly powerful personal publishing application, is the superhero of the Internet age. But when you push, poke, stretch, and otherwise coax it into producing even more, the possibilities for your Web content are simply superlative. Roll up your sleeves and get moving-here’s the first book to tell you how.
Download from RapidShare Password default : booktraining.netHow to Become a Successful IT Consultant
Product Description:
‘How to Become a Successful IT Consultant’ is a practical book for anyone considering setting themselves up as an IT consultant. It is essential reading for those contemplating such a career change. Today IT consulting has become a major opportunity for many IT professionals who want to work for themselves. It is no longer only the domain of the high-flying international organization. In fact tens of thousands of IT professionals are leaving their regular jobs to set up as IT consultants on their own. Although there are many consulting opportunities available it is quite a challenge to make a success of your own IT consulting business. There are a lot of things to think about and many decisions to be made. For those who get it right there is a very exciting and highly lucrative business career ahead. This book takes the IT professional through all the key issues which have to be understood and explains how to optimize your chances of developing a long-term IT consulting business of your own.
This practical book explains what is involved in setting up your own business as an IT Consultant. It explains the opportunities involved and gives practical advice as to how to take advantage of them. The book looks at the full range of issues concerned with getting started and maintaining your business and gives practical guidelines about how to face the many challenges which you will encounter if you leave your job and set up on your own.
Amongst the many issues involved this book specifically addresses:how to find clients; how to get more business and the opportunities areas available; how to price your services; the funding you will require; how to plan your consulting assignments
And much more…
This book is an essential reading for anyone who is seriously thinking about taking this big career step.
# Shows how to set up your own business as an IT consultant
# Explains the opportunities involved and offers practical advice on how to take advantage of them
# Shows how to find clients and how to price your services
TCP/IP Sockets in Java, Second Edition: Practical Guide for Programmers
Morgan Kaufmann | 2008-02-15 | ISBN: 0123742552 | 192 pages | PDF | 1,8 MB
The networking capabilities of the Java platform have been extended considerably since the first edition of the book. This new edition covers version 1.5-1.7, the most current iterations, as well as making the following improvements:
The API (application programming interface) reference sections in each chapter, which describe the relevant parts of each class, have been replaced with (i) a summary section that lists the classes and methods used in the code, and (ii) a ?gotchas? section that mentions nonobvious or poorly-documented aspects of the objects.
In addition, the book covers several new classes and capabilities introduced in the last few revisions of the Java platform. New abstractions to be covered include NetworkInterface, InterfaceAddress, Inet4/6Address, SocketAddress/InetSocketAddress, Executor, and others; extended access to low-level network information; support for IPv6; more complete access to socket options; and scalable I/O. The example code is also modified to take advantage of new language features such as annotations, enumerations, as well as generics and implicit iterators where appropriate.
Most Internet applications use sockets to implement network communication protocols. This book’s focused, tutorial-based approach helps the reader master the tasks and techniques essential to virtually all client-server projects using sockets in Java. Chapter 1 provides a genral overview of networking concepts to allow readers to synchronize the concepts with terminology. Chapter 2 introduces the mechanics of simple clients and servers. Chapter 3 covers basic message construction and parsing. Chapter 4 then deals with techniques used to build more robust clients and servers. Chapter 5 (NEW) introduces the scalable interface facilities which were introduced in Java 1.5, including the buffer and channel abstractions. Chapter 6 discusses the relationship between the programming constructs and the underlying protocol implementations in more detail. Programming concepts are introduced through simple program examples accompanied by line-by-line code commentary that describes the purpose of every part of the program. The book’s Web site contains many examples of command-based sockets-related code discussed throughout the book. No other resource presents so concisely or so effectively the material necessary to get up and running with Java sockets programming.
* Focused, tutorial-based instruction in key sockets programming techniques allows reader to quickly come up to speed on Java applications.
* Concise and up-to-date coverage of the most recent platform (1.7) for Java
applications in networking technology
* Provides code for all example programs via a companion Web site to let the reader see the important objects and methods in context and to understand the purpose of each line of code.
Software Process Dynamics
Wiley-IEEE Press | 2008-01-28 | ISBN: 0471274550 | 601 pages | PDF | 4,4 MB
Advance Praise for Software Process Dynamics
“Not only the best software engineering book of 2007, but quite possibly the most important book of this entire decade.”
—Ed Yourdon, internationally recognized consultant and author of twenty-seven books, including Death March
“A major and much needed new textbook. . . . [It] contains a wealth of material covering all important aspects of software project dynamics.”
—Dr. Tarek Abdel-Hamid, Professor in the Graduate School of Business and Public Policy, the Naval Postgraduate School
“Brings together a tremendous amount of useful process modeling material and experience in using it in practical software decision situations. . . . [It] will serve as a standard reference for the software process dynamics field.”
—Dr. Barry Boehm, Professor in the Computer Science and Industrial Systems Engineering Departments, University of Southern California
This book is designed for professionals and students in software engineering or information technology who are interested in understanding the dynamics of software development in order to assess and optimize their own process strategies. Software Process Dynamics successfully explains how simulation of interrelated technical and social factors can provide a means for organizations to vastly improve their processes. It is structured for readers to approach the subject from different perspectives, and includes descriptive summaries of the best research and applications. This self-contained book:
Provides methods, tools, models, and examples to improve management decision-making at all levels
Illustrates systems thinking in action to develop increasingly deep understandings of software process structures and behaviors
Describes the full modeling process, including calibration of models to software metrics data
Shows basic building blocks and model infrastructures for software processes
Demonstrates how others have used the principles of systems dynamics to analyze and improve processes, and summarizes all previous publications
Provides future research motivations
Software Process Dynamics is complete with exercises and executable models available on a related Web site that allow readers to learn hands-on and with the flexibility to go at their own pace. Furthermore, updates to the book’s chapters will be available on this Web site to keep readers up-to-date with the most current and emerging models and techniques. This is an invaluable reference for software engineers, IT practitioners, engineering process groups, project planners, managers, and executives who wish to improve their processes and be better informed. It also serves as an effective textbook for students in related courses at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels.
A Semantic Web Primer, 2nd
The MIT Press | 2008-03-31 | ISBN: 0262012421 | 288 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB
The development of the Semantic Web, with machine-readable content, has the potential to revolutionize the World Wide Web and its uses. A Semantic Web Primer provides an introduction and guide to this still emerging field, describing its key ideas, languages, and technologies. Suitable for use as a textbook or for self-study by professionals, it concentrates on undergraduate-level fundamental concepts and techniques that will enable readers to proceed with building applications on their own and includes exercises, project descriptions, and annotated references to relevant online materials.
A Semantic Web Primer provides a systematic treatment of the different languages (XML, RDF, OWL, and rules) and technologies (explicit metadata, ontologies, and logic and inference) that are central to Semantic Web development as well as such crucial related topics as ontology engineering and application scenarios. This substantially revised and updated second edition reflects recent developments in the field, covering new application areas and tools. The new material includes a discussion of such topics as SPARQL as the RDF query language; OWL DLP and its interesting practical and theoretical properties; the SWRL language (in the chapter on rules); OWL-S (on which the discussion of Web services is now based). The new final chapter considers the state of the art of the field today, captures ongoing discussions, and outlines the most challenging issues facing the Semantic Web in the future. Supplementary materials, including slides, online versions of many of the code fragments in the book, and links to further reading, can be found at
iMac Portable Genius
Wiley | 2008-09-29 | ISBN: 0470290617 | 384 pages | PDF | 19,1 MB
Cool and useful tips, full-color screenshots, and savvy advice show you how to get the most out of your iMac. You’ll discover exactly what the Apple remote is capable of, how to set up your iMac so that it’s customized for multiple users, and all there is to know about Mac OS X’s built-in organizational tools. This indispensable guide ramps up the pace and offers you easy-to-access shortcuts so you can start enjoying your iMac to the max.
Macs For Dummies, 10 Ed.
For Dummies | 2008-12-03 | ISBN: 047027817X | 408 pages | PDF | 7,2 MB
Whether you’re thinking of switching to a Macintosh computer, are looking into the latest Apple products, or have a Mac and want to learn about Mac OS X Leopard, then Macs For Dummies, 10th Edition will get you going. Here you’ll learn all about how to compare the different desktop and laptop models to choose your perfect match, make Mac OS X Leopard work your way, use the new iLife 2008 digital lifestyle applications, get online and connect to a wired or wireless network, and run Windows on your Mac so you can keep the Microsoft programs you need. You’ll also discover how to:
Navigate your way around the Mac interface and work with icons and folders
Best utilize OS X, work with the new Photo Booth, and manage clutter with Exposé and Spaces
Get connected, start a Web-browsing Safari, use e-mail and iChat, and shop online
Join .Mac and take advantage of iDisk backups, IMAP mail, and Web Gallery
Explore all that iTunes offers, process digital photos with iPhoto, make iMovies, and have fun with GarageBand
Use Windows on your Mac and transfer Windows files
It’s a perfect time to join the Mac generation, especially if you’re a Windows user who’s been thinking of defecting. Macs For Dummies, 10th Edition will get you there, helping you pick peripherals, download freebie programs, set up user accounts, implement security secrets, troubleshoot your Mac, and experience the iLife.
Laptops For Dummies Quick Reference
For Dummies | 2008-09-16 | ISBN: 0470240563 | 240 pages | PDF | 3,1 MB
If you’re a part of the business world, chances are that you need to use a laptop for mobile computing. Newly revised and updated to serve as a valuable guide for anyone who operates a laptop computer, Laptops for Dummies Quick Reference, 2nd Edition is an indispensable guide that’s perfect for when you’re on the road.
You’ll learn how to select the perfect laptop to take with you on the road and you’ll find out how to install or activate WiFi, Bluetooth, wired Ethernet, satellite, and other communication media to keep you connected to the business world. Now you can make sure that you will choose the best software for mobile computing and manage all your files and accounts safely and securely. You’ll be prepared to fix or work around common hardware and software failures so that you can proceed with your tasks. You will:
Become familiar with all your laptop’s components
Organize and manage files and accounts
Deal with repairs, unusual or non-standard power sources, and alternate means of communication
Properly equip your laptop carrying case with tools and resources
Add software tools to synchronize and update files between a laptop, a PDA, and a desktop or office server
In addition to the basics, learn keyboard shortcuts for Word, Excel, and Powerpoint, find troubleshooting advice, and cool things you can add to your laptop in Laptops for Dummies Quick Reference, 2nd Edition, a convenient and handy guide!
Maya for Games: Modeling and Texturing Techniques with Maya and Mudbox
Focal Press | 2008-10-17 | ISBN: 0240810643 | 416 pages | PDF | 24,8 MB
Well-known Maya professional, Michael Ingrassia, takes readers through his unique style of modeling: “Image Based Modeling” where efficient, realistic models can be created very quickly. Ingrassia’s techniques allow modelers to create exact replicas of their concept characters or objects. The techniques presented are very efficient and allow game modelers to quickly build out stand alone props to populate environments and game levels.
Presented are tried and true techniques that the author has used successfully in game production for the past 10 years. Most, if not all 3D books, focus on basic “box” modeling techniques, which are the basis for proper 3D modeling but not the complete solution. In the author’s experience, students who have learned through the Image Based Modeling brand, have quickly excelled into effective modelers.
One of the hardest things for any modeler to do is match their model EXACTLY to the concept art or photos they are provided. The insider tips in this book walk artists through this process. Artists begin with basic modeling and advance to a creating a complete scene and set design/game level. Rather than including sporadic models with zero association from to one another, each model in the book becomes an integral part of an overall theme realistic in game development today.
Data Mining: Know It All
Morgan Kaufmann | 2008-11-21 | ISBN: 0123746299 | 336 pages | PDF | 3,8 MB
This book brings all of the elements of data mining together in a single volume, saving the reader the time and expense of making multiple purchases. It consolidates both introductory and advanced topics, thereby covering the gamut of data mining and machine learning tactics ? from data integration and pre-processing, to fundamental algorithms, to optimization techniques and web mining methodology.
The proposed book expertly combines the finest data mining material from the Morgan Kaufmann portfolio. Individual chapters are derived from a select group of MK books authored by the best and brightest in the field. These chapters are combined into one comprehensive volume in a way that allows it to be used as a reference work for those interested in new and developing aspects of data mining.
This book represents a quick and efficient way to unite valuable content from leading data mining experts, thereby creating a definitive, one-stop-shopping opportunity for customers to receive the information they would otherwise need to round up from separate sources.
* Chapters contributed by various recognized experts in the field let the reader remain up to date and fully informed from multiple viewpoints.
* Presents multiple methods of analysis and algorithmic problem-solving techniques, enhancing the reader’s technical expertise and ability to implement practical solutions.
* Coverage of both theory and practice brings all of the elements of data mining together in a single volume, saving the reader the time and expense of making multiple purchases.
Password default : booktraining.netCreative After Effects 7
Focal Press (July 24, 2006)
PDF | 600 pages | English | 96.3Mb(rar)
Creative After Effects 7: Workflow Techniques for Animation, Visual Effects and Motion Graphics /by Angie Taylor (Author)
Realize your creative potential with a working knowledge of Adobe After Effects 7. Renowned Artist and designer Angie Taylor demonstrates professional workflows and inspires with practical tutorial lessons that help put the theory (and you!) to work.
You get a comprehensive survey of the new interface and features with illustrated techniques for animation, visual effects and motion graphics. Practice exercises reinforce essential techniques, and book-length projects challenge you with fantastically creative uses of the application.
The companion DVD includes everything you�ll need to complete the tutorials as well as an array of bonus plugins and demo software.
Audience Level: Novice to Intermediate.Angie Taylor is a freelance animator and digital filmmaker. She produces animation, motion graphics and visual effects for production companies and broadcasters including the BBC and Channel 4 television in the UK.An Adobe Certified Expert, and Apple Solutions Expert, she is active on the training circuit; providing corporate training, software demonstrations for Adobe and Apple, and seminars on digital filmmaking and animation processes at key industry events such as NAB and IBC.
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(you can download any part from any server.)
Complete Idiot’s Guide to MAC OS 8.5 (The Complete Idiot’s Guide)
Complete Idiot’s Guide to MAC OS 8.5 (The Complete Idiot’s Guide)
Alpha| ISBN: 0789718111 | 1998-11-12 | PDF | 350 pages | 12 Mb
Generally, you’re a pretty smooth operator. You can parallel park like nobody’s business. Unless you’ve got a really bad cold, you’re not one to back down from heavy machinery. And didn’t you have two dates to your senior prom? That’s all hunky-dory, but the newest version of the Macintosh OS seems a bit daunting for an operating system. Want some backup, buddy? Well, it’s in your hands and you could be soaking in it.
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CubeCart 4.3.0 Nulled By GTW
CubeCart is an �out of the box� ecommerce shopping cart software solution which has been written to run on servers that have PHP & MySQL support. With CubeCart you can quickly setup a powerful online store which can be used to sell digital or tangible products to new and existing customers all over the world.
There are a great deal of powerful features enabling your business to trade online successfully. It is easy to modify the look and feel of your store to match your company�s branding or to site comfortably beside your existing website due to CubeCart�s powerful HTML template system. Our solutions are robust, flexible, affordable and are supported by not only a profitable and stable company but a thriving community of enthusiasts who are keen to recommend it and share their ideas and experience.
To use CubeCart you will require a compatible web hosting account. If you wish to take credit/debit card payments a merchant account will be required to work with one of the supported modules.
If you have any questions about our products or services, please be sure to contact a member of staff who will be delighted to help.
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Complete XML Site
Complete XML Site | 5.98Mb
All texts (including menu) and pictures are loaded via XML .
Can have the whole website finished and put up within minutes without opening a single FLA file.
Everything is set. The template is ready, and all you have to do is upload your pictures, change the music, and change the texts to your needs.
AS2 � Both CS3 and Flash 8 are included.
Dont forget to view the SETTINGS MENU � accessed by clicking the small white square on bottom right of page.
Two index files are included. One is a static, where you can customize the title with anything you would like (pictures, text, etc) and the menu as well. The other is a dynamic one, which reads from an XML file.
Advanced Menu
- All loaded via XML
- Each menu item has its own rollout and rollover Colors set in XML
- Title and Intro title (including settings menu text) loaded via XML (color too)
Intro Page
- User is able to choose fullscreen or normal size at start up
- Site is viewed at 100% X 100 %
- Option to go fullscreen at start up & in settings menu
Settings Menu
- Advanced music player � all loaded via XML
- Displays Album Art
- Displays song name, artist, and album � (scrollable if too long)
- Full controls � W/ volume bar
- Fullscreen mode
- Background colors (choose from 4 different ones � easy to change)
External SWF
- All pages under menu are loaded externally
- Very easy to edit
- Faster loading
- Page is always centered
Page is centered on resize
� With Smooth ease (easy to change speed)
Right-Click menu
- Access to fullscreen / email / links
Size Listener
- When window size is smaller than required, window will come up and alert user.
Home Page
- Advanced slideshow all loaded via XML
- Load both pictures/SWF files and text.
- Set X and Y positions in XML , and have it customized your way within minutes
- Menu fully customized (position, direction, colors, spacing, etc)
- Text read in CDATA tags � fully customizable
- Slideshow on timer set in XML
About Us
- Both picture and text loaded externally.
- Text can be fully customized.
- If text is longer than mask, a scrollbar appears.
- Scrollbar supports both easing and mouse wheel
- Advanced News section fully customizable via XML .
- Can change all colors, positions, spacers, EVERYTHING via XML
- Arrows appear if news section is longer (otherwise centers dates on page)
- Supports UP and DOWN Keyboard controls � Navigate through menu.
- Text read via CDATA tags � FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE
- Complete Gallery fully customizable via XML .
- Arrows only appear when needed
- Very easy to change thumbnail size via XML
- � thumbWidth = �120�
- � thumbHeight = �120�
- � spacer = �10�
- Main page becomes darker when �work� menu clicked on.
- � Not to have any distractions from your amazing work.
- Main pictures can be any size
- Border size and color fully customized via XML
- Text on main pictures also fully customized via XML �with CDATA tags!
- Click on the main picture to view the next one.
Contact Us
- Both picture and text loaded externally.
- Text can be fully customized.
- Full Contact page
- Error handling and email validation.
- Drag and Drop
1000 Templates with CSS
1000 Templates with CSS | 59.23Mb
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Open Air - WooThemes Premium Theme
Open Air can serve as both a magazine-style design or a stylish personal blog. The subtle use of gradients, borders and separating lines gives the theme a very polished and stylish feel, whilst the built-in video player is sure to be a hit for most users.
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