eBusiness & eCommerce: Managing the Digital Value Chain
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Lynda.com Illustrator CS4 Beyond The Basics Win/Mac
Covering a wide range of topics, from advanced masking to chart creation, Illustrator CS4 Beyond the Basics reveals a whole new level of power, creativity, and efficiency with Illustrator. Instructor Mordy Golding explores how to work with Live Paint groups, get the most out of the Live Trace feature, and take advantage of Illustrator’s wide range of effects. He also discusses advanced transformation techniques, powerful 3D functionality, and important color concepts. Exercise files accompany the course.
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The Digital Photographer’s Software Guide
Product Description
The Digital Photographer’s Software Guide is your comprehensive guide to the full range of photographic software and plug-ins available to assist in digital photography editing and output. Written for digital photography enthusiasts of all levels, from the novice to the serious hobbyist, and to accommodate any budget, the book provides solutions to meet every photographic need, including enhancement, manipulation, special effects, color management, slide show and scrapbook creation, archiving, image rescaling, and much more.
There is even coverage of professional-level tools, technical diagnostic software, and studio management, and an in-depth look at two popular photographic workflow products, Apple’s Aperture and Adobe Lightroom. Each chapter focuses on a specific type of software, detailing every individual product available including technical specifications, suitability for various scenarios, and full contact information to help you locate the product and get support from the developer. Chapters are organized so that you can choose the software type you are interested in and quickly and easily find the information you need. This complete guide combines coverage of over 300 digital photography software products into one convenient handbook to help you become mor efficient, creative, and satisfied with your photographic output.
About the Author
John Lewell gained MA (Hons) in English & Fine Art from Peterhouse, Cambridge, and went on to study film and television at Guildford School of Art. For several years he worked for audio visual systems manufacturer Electrosonic (www.electrosonic.com), moving to the United States to establish a New York office for this market-leading company. After publishing books and articles on the use of photography in AV shows he turned to lecturing and full-time writing, becoming West Coast Editor of “Computer Pictures” magazine and U.S. correspondent for several European journals. Returning to the U.K, John Lewell pioneered new directions in web content with Internet ProductWatch and became European correspondent for the U.S. publication InternetNews.com. As director of his own public relations consultancy he handled accounts for Kodak Graphics Division, Genigraphics, Real World Graphics and other companies. He now combines his expertise in photography and digital technology to inform and educate via books, articles and Internet projects.
Twitter: Free Social Networking For Business - 100 Success Secrets To Increase Your Profits and Sales Using Twitter Business Strategies
Product Description
“It’s one of the fastest-growing phenomena on the Internet.” - New York Times
Twitter Tools To Enhance Your Business - Discover Free Twitter Tools That Will Help Boost Your Website’s Traffic & Sales Dramatically.
Many companies are using Twitter in innovative ways. Dell has sold over $500K in products via twitter. Zappos is forging stronger relationships with its customers on Twitter. It has over 100 of its employees actively using twitter including its president. Comcast, HR Block, Southwest Air and other progressive companies are using Twitter to improve customer service. Mzinga has had`press conferences online via twitter. The list of smart companies on Twitter goes on and on.
Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates.
How can you use Twitter for business? In this book, you’ll discover free Twitter tools you can use to help you to not only boost your websites’ traffic but also your income. It covers what these tools are, but also how you can make use of these tools to gain an edge over your competitors.
Twitter is one of the prominent social networking sites that allows you to connect with people around the world with similar interests and/or To Enhance Your Business - dramatically faster then other social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, etc.
Similar to other social networking sites, you can sign up as a member of Twitter for free (and you can do so in less than 30 seconds as there are only 3 fields you need to enter in the sign-up page - your username, password and email address) and you can start using Twitter instantly.
This book covers ways to use Twitter to Share Ideas, Show Repect, Engage Customers, Build your brand and Provide Customer Service.
Learn How To
* Get more people to follow you on Twitter - increasing your followers creates momentum
* Have fun and let your personality shine because you are really conneting with people - not trying to slam “traffic” into “conversions”
* Accelerate your presence on ALL your social networking sites and reap the benefits of more visitors.
* Create a real business online by using these 100 Success Secrets.
* Meet, connect with, and share ideas with other smart Tweeters. Follow and be followed and watch how these superstars take their business to the next level.
* Use Twitter to start making money ON PURPOSE instead of by accident. This book will not only help you sharpen your business path - it will demand that you use the power of your laser focus to get results.
eBusiness & eCommerce: Managing the Digital Value Chain
Product Description
This textbook focuses on the members of the digital value chain for eBusiness and eCommerce and dedicates a separate chapter to each of them: eProducts and eServices, eProcurement, eMarketing, eContracting, eDistribution, ePayment, as well as eCustomer relationship management.
In addition to business models and business webs, digital procurement and marketing processes such as electronic negotiation processes, security questions with digital signatures, as well as electronic supplier relationship management and customer relationship management are also addressed. The topics are described using explicit procedures and descriptive examples of their application. A case study describing the gradual creation of an electronic webshop for DVDs is developed over the course of the book.
The book is intended for students of economics at universities and technical colleges; it is also suitable for executives, project leaders, and company experts who deal with the digital value chain.
Who Owns You: The Corporate Gold Rush to Patent Your Genes
“A lucid and compelling deconstruction of current practice in the patenting of human genes, exposing inherent contradictions in the process and offering practical ways to resolve them.” - John Sulston, The University of Manchester, Nobel Prize Laureate “Who Owns You? Is an authoritative, well-argued and clear discussion of a topical, serious problem. The author raises a number of tough philosophical, legal and political questions, starting with the possible infringement on the most basic of all rights, that of owning oneself. I know of no comparable work on the question of DNA property rights. Who Owns You? is bound to become obligatory reading on this thorniest of issues.” - Mario Bunge, McGill University
Rationale Management in Software Engineering
Product Description
The emphasis on new and changing technologies and process models in today’s software development obscures the fact that software engineering is still primarily a human-based activity and that the success of a software project largely depends on the decisions made by humans during engineering. Rationale management is concerned with making these design and development decisions explicit to all stakeholders involved.
Dutoit, McCall, Mistrik and Paech begin their book with a historical survey of different rationale approaches. It is followed by four parts describing: the fundamental problems and possible solution approaches in rationale management, rationale management during requirements engineering, rationale management during software architecting, and rationale management for organizing reusable bodies of knowledge.
The result is a detailed summary of research on design rationale. It provides researchers with an excellent state-of-the-art overview, and professional software engineers will find many examples, resources and incentives to enhance their ability to make decisions during all phases of the software lifecycle.
Allen Dutoit, Ray McCall, Ivan Mistrik and Barbara Paech have done an excellent job of this in “Rationale management in software engineering”. The chapters in this volume show how design rationale can be incorporated into the heart of the software development process - into requirements engineering, software architecture, and code design. (John M. Carroll, Edward M. Frymoyer Professor of Information Sciences and Technology, Penn State University, USA, ACM CHI Lifetime Achievement Award)
Software Product Lines: Research Issues in Engineering and Management
Product Description
The software product line strategy has enabled many organizations to improve productivity, reduce time-to-market, and address both mass- and niche markets. A successful product line organization achieves strategic levels of architectural reuse.
The topics in this book cover research related to the most important practices in a product line organization. The contributions provide experience-based knowledge about the domain and application engineering, the modeling and management of variability, and the design and use of tools to support the management of product line related knowledge. Käkölä and Dueñas have grouped them into five parts corresponding to the main areas of software product line engineering: product line management, product line requirements engineering, product line architecture, product line testing, and specific product line engineering issues. They ensured maximum coherence and cross-referencing throughout the book, imposing a common terminology and carefully integrating all chapters. The result is a valuable and enduring resource for researchers in both industry and academia who will also find many pointers for future research and implementation strategies. In addition, systems and software professionals, and technology managers aspiring to fully leverage the product line strategy will also benefit from many pertinent development details.
“This volume is a valuable resource for researchers wishing to move the product line strategy forward and for those charged with translating state-of-the-art ideas into state-of-the-practice processes and activities.”From the Foreword by John D. McGregor, Clemson University, USA
Trends in Enterprise Application Architecture: 2nd International Conference
Product Description
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed postproceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Trends in Enterprise Application Architecture, TEAA 2006, held in Berlin, Germany, November 29 - December 1, 2006.
The 24 revised full papers presented together with 1 invited talk were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions for inclusion in the book. Their common purpose is to identify problems or issues in enterprise application architecture and propose and evaluate a solution. Topics of interest are model driven architecture, enterprise development environments, service oriented architecture, data integration, sizing and cost estimation, performance benchmarking, mobile workforce access, multi-channel architecture, autonomous computing, enterprise grid computing, load balancing, and enterprise component platforms.
Complex Systems in Knowledge-based Environments: Theory, Models and Applications
Product Description
The book presents the latest research on the theory, models and applications of complex systems in knowledge-based environment.
The amount of information is increasing at an exponential rate. Thus, our systems are getting complex day by day. For example the world wide web carries practically infinite information. The real challenge is to reinvent theory to deal with complex systems.
The provisional contents in this book will be based on the theory and practical applications of complex systems in knowledge-based environment. The contents will be based on but not limited to: - Advanced Knowledge-Based paradigms in complex systems; - Information models and architectures of complex systems; - Intelligent agents in complex systems design; - Multi-media systems and practical applications.
Principles of Programming Languages (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
Product Description
The development of programming languages has radically modified our relation to language, complexity and machines. This book is an introduction to the principles around which these languages are organised – imperative constructions, functional constructions, reference, dynamic data types, objects and more.
Using Java as a main language, but systematically comparing it to other languages it enables the reader to understand the unifying concepts that lie beneath each particular language and provides the tools that allow the students to adapt to new programming languages.
LinkedIn For Dummies
Product Description
Once you’re LinkedIn, you’re part of the largest online network of professionals in the world! When you know how to make the most of your profile, manage your contacts, and handle invitations effectively, you’ll go far. This book is packed with advice that will help you market yourself and find a job, an employee, an investor, or more business for your business!
Algorithms and Computation: 15th International Symposium
Product Description
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, ISAAC 2004, held in Hong Kong, China in December 2004.
The 76 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 226 submissions. Among the topics addressed are computational geometry, graph computations, computational combinatorics, combinatorial optimization, computational complexity, scheduling, distributed algorithms, parallel algorithms, data structures, network optimization, randomized algorithms, and computational mathematics more generally.
Sexy Web Design: Creating Interfaces that Work
Product Description
Sexy Web Design is an easy-to-follow guide that reveals the secrets of how to build your own breathtaking web interfaces from scratch. You’ll be guided through the entire process of creating a gorgeous, usable web site by applying the timeless principles of user-centered design.
Even if you’re short on design skills, with this book you’ll be creating your own stunning web sites in no time at all.
Throughout, the focus is on simple and practical techniques that anyone can use - you don’t need to have gone to art school or have artistic flair to create stunning designs using the methods outlined in this book.
The book’s full-color layout and large format (8″ x 10″) make Sexy Web Design a pleasure to read.
Who should read this book?
Whether you’re completely new to web design, a seasoned pro looking for inspiration, or a developer wanting to improve your sites’ aesthetics, there’s something for everyone here.
How? Because instead of trying to cover every possible area of creating a web site, we’ve focused purely on the design stage; that is, everything that happens before a single line of code is written.
However, great design is more than just aesthetics. Long before we open our graphics program of choice, we’ll be conducting research, dealing with clients, responding to briefs, sketching out sitemaps, planning information architecture, moving from doodles to diagrams, exploring different ways of interactivity, and building upon design traditions.
But ultimately, you’ll be finding out how to create web sites that look drop-dead gorgeous.
About the Author
Elliot Jay Stocks is an independent designer whose client list includes Wordpress, Blue Flavor, The Beatles, EMI Records, and Carsonified. He speaks regularly at web-design events around the globe such as “Future of Web Design” and the “London Design Festival”, and writes for various online and offline publications such as .NET Magazine.
Urban Regions: Ecology and Planning Beyond the City
Product Description
With land planning, socioeconomics and natural systems as foundations, this book combines urban planning and ecological science in examining urban regions. Writing for graduate students, academic researchers, planners, conservationists and policy makers, and with the use of informative urban-region color maps, Richard Forman analyzes 38 urban regions from 32 nations, including London, Chicago, Ottawa, Brasilia, Cairo, Seoul, Bangkok, Canberra, and a major case study of the Greater Barcelona region.
Alternative patterns of urbanization spread (including sprawl) are evaluated from the perspective of nature and people, stating land-use principles extracted from landscape ecology, transportation and hydrology. Good, bad and interesting spatial patterns for creating sustainable land mosaics are pinpointed, and urban regions are considered in broader contexts, from climate change to biodiversity loss, disasters and sense of place.
A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing, Third Edition: The Sparse Way
Book Description
The undisputed reference on wavelet signal processing by the key pioneer in the field - Stéphane Mallat.
Viral Spiral: How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of Their Own
Product Description
A world organized around centralized control, strict intellectual property rights, and hierarchies of credentialed experts is under siege. A radically different order of society based on open access, decentralized creativity, collaborative intelligence, and cheap and easy sharing is ascendant. —from Viral Spiral
From free and open-source software, Creative Commons licenses, Wikipedia, remix music and video mashups, peer production, open science, open education, and open business, the world of digital media has spawned a new “sharing economy” that increasingly competes with entrenched media giants.
Reporting from the heart of this “free culture” movement, journalist and activist David Bollier provides the first comprehensive history of the attempt by a global brigade of techies, lawyers, artists, musicians, scientists, businesspeople, innovators, and geeks of all stripes to create a digital republic committed to freedom and innovation. Viral Spiral—the term Bollier coins to describe the almost-magical process by which Internet users can come together to build online commons and tools—brilliantly interweaves the disparate strands of this eclectic movement. The story describes major technological developments and pivotal legal struggles, as well as fascinating profiles of hacker Richard Stallman, copyright scholar Lawrence Lessig, and other colorful figures.
A milestone in reporting on the Internet by one of our leading media critics, Viral Spiral is for anyone seeking to take the full measure of the new digital era.
Time-Domain Beamforming and Blind Source Separation: Speech Input in the Car Environment
Product Description
Speech is a natural and therefore privileged communication modality. Safety and convenience issues require hands-free, eyes-free speech-based human-computer interfaces to manipulate complex functionalities and devices. For example, in cars, applications include entertainment, telephony as well as more advanced functions such as automatic spoken language dialog systems for in-vehicle navigation.
With a seamless speech input, such interfaces bring an increased comfort but have to face several issues: degradation of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the microphone, reverberated speech signal, and, above all, the presence of interferences. The interferences, such as speech from the co-driver, can greatly hamper the performance of the speech recognition component, which is crucial for dialog applications. Especially for overlaid speech, the separation of the target speaker from the interferer represent a particular challenge.
Posted by GaQuay under Video Training
Beginners Guide To Google Sites videos
English | FLV | 2009 | 56.8 MB
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Twitter Marketing videos
English | FLV | 2009 | 78 MB
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Posted by GaQuay under Video Training
Cisco CCNA Security Training /IINS 640-553 Exam
In as Little as 13 Hours, You’ll Learn How To Identify, Lockdown, &
Secure Vulnerabilities in a Small to Medium Enterprise Branch Network…
And Have the Knowledge Necessary to Pass the Cisco CCNA Security/IINS 640-553 Exam…Guaranteed!
A Letter From Chris Bryant
You cannot be a Cisco Network Administrator without knowing Cisco Security. Today, security knowledge is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity in nearly any IT position.
Any job applicant, from the most experienced network admin to the entry level junior admin will be required to demonstrate a substantial amount of knowledge concerning security elements.
Passing the CCNA Security exam and proving your security knowledge is difficult. That’s why I have created this comprehensive course that shows you how to tackle the diverse security issues that you will face on the exam and in the real world.
As with all Train Signal courses, this CCNA Security course presents the same combination of clearly explained theory and an abundance of “real world” lab examples using the new Security Device Manager (SDM) and the Command Line. This exciting course contains over 13 hours of video instruction where I break down network security theory as you work hands on with real Cisco routers & switches… and secure your own network!
Cisco CCNA Security Training Course FAQs
“Am I qualified to take this course?”
YES! If you are a network administrator, an aspiring network administrator, or have on-the-job security experience, this course will build a stronger foundation of advanced security concepts.
YES! If you have Cisco CCNA Certification or a basic understanding of Cisco Routers and Switches (without certification), this course is for you.
Note: The prerequisite to take the Cisco CCNA Security exam is Cisco CCNA certification.
Note: If you plan to continue on to the CCSP certification, the Cisco CCNA Security certification is the prerequisite.
“Do I need Cisco equipment to complete this training course?”
NO You do not need any Cisco equipment to watch the videos or to pass the Cisco CCNA Security/IINS 640-553 exam; however, working hands-on with Cisco equipment may enhance your training experience.
“I already have my CCNA. Do I need my Cisco CCNA Security certification?”
YES! The ability to secure a Cisco network is one of the most marketable skills for any Cisco professional and network security has never been more important.
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Trainsignal CCNA Security 640-533 Additional
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