After creating the coolest premium Blogger template, Revolution Church, we decided to also convert the Revolution Lifestyle theme as well! Now you can choose between two of the coolest premium Blogger templates available today.
Not only has eBlog Templates ported this over to Blogger, we’ve added some great features to really turbo-charge and make this another great premium Blogger template.
This is the second premium Blogger template we’ve released that is virtually plug and play. No images to host or have to worry about the links breaking after a few months. No mucking with the template code to change colors, add tabs, modify AdSense code, etc. We’ve designed this template with the ease of usability in mind so Bloggers of all levels can utilize the full power of this premium template. Not only do you get this amazing template but you also get the full installation video series which walks you through configuring every gadget step-by-step.
Don’t be fooled by those free Lifestyle Revolution templates that are poorly converted to blogger. They might look nice from their demo but those templates usually require you to make all the changes within the code and stop working properly after a few months. They also don’t include a step-by-step video series.
You don’t have to take our word for it though. Here’s what just a few of our many satisfied buyers had to say after purchasing and using this template:
“I absolutely LOVE this template!” — Kristy
“Great job! Well worth the cost!” — Lydia
This Blogger template comes with a ton of advanced features including:
- Hosted images on Photobucket. Free use forever!
- Favicon support so you can add your own url icon
- Compressed CSS to speed up your page load times
- SEO-friendly page titles to help you rank higher in Google
- Multiple AdSense gadgets already included in prime locations
- Automatically highlight author comments
- Embedded JavaScript date code showing current day
- Fonts and colors support so you can change on the fly
- YouTube video gadget to show off your favorite video
- Link list gadget to easily setup your header tabs
- Recent comments and posts gadgets
- Integrated Blogger reactions support (new!)
- Built-in Feedburner RSS feed and email gadget
- FeedJit live traffic feed gadget
- Bonus - FREE 125 x 125 ad gadget!
- Bonus - FREE Step-by-step installation video series
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