Text links can play a role in increasing page rank, if keywords are used appropriately. They are a factor in the ranking algorithms of search engines.
How To Write a Text Link in HTML
What you will see: Learning SEO Basics |
Text Links And Search Engines
Text links provide a way for SEO’s to give search engines and readers what they need in order to direct traffic to your door.
If you’re utilizing keywords that are relevant to your target market’s search query within the text of your link, (referred to as anchor text) the search engine has more readable text to find as relevant to the query as well. (as long as it IS relevant!)
This of course, is why you will have a better chance of ranking for the keywords used, possibly moving your site up in the search engine result pages (SERP’s).
Take SEO Basics for example.
I use this site as a means to educate you about the importance of learning SEO basics.
If you are looking for a site like mine you may search for me using these queries “Beginner Blogging” “Basic SEO” “Marketing Suggestions” and so on.
When you hover your mouse over the above links, you will see that I have also used title tags to describe them. Text will pop up. The search engines will see that text and deem it relevant. (more about title tags later)
Internal text links:
If I want my site to be more readable by the search engines so you can find me with those queries, then I would use text links within my content that utilizes those query keywords.
These internal links will direct you to a post (or homepage) which include those words.
External text links:
More important than your internal linking, will be the use of text links of sites that are linking TO you. These are called incoming links.
Sites using relevant keywords within their links, is another way the search engines judge relevancy.
Advantages of relevant text links:
- Indexable by search engines
- Increased traffic from clickthroughs
- Better for visually impaired readers who use special “text to speech” software
- Contributes to a site’s search relevancy