Book Description
Hackers have uncovered the dark side of cryptography�that device developed to defeat Trojan horses, viruses, password theft, and other cyber-crime. It�s called cryptovirology, the art of turning the very methods designed to protect your data into a means of subverting it. In this fascinating, disturbing volume, the experts who first identified cryptovirology show you exactly what you�re up against and how to fight back.
They will take you inside the brilliant and devious mind of a hacker�as much an addict as the vacant-eyed denizen of the crackhouse�so you can feel the rush and recognize your opponent�s power. Then, they will arm you for the counterattack.
This book reads like a futuristic fantasy, but be assured, the threat is ominously real. Vigilance is essential, now.
* Understand the mechanics of computationally secure information stealing
* Learn how non-zero sum Game Theory is used to develop survivable malware
* Discover how hackers use public key cryptography to mount extortion attacks
* Recognize and combat the danger of kleptographic attacks on smart-card devices
* Build a strong arsenal against a cryptovirology attack