Macromedia Flash 8 @work: Projects and Techniques to Get the Job Done
Product Description
Phillip Kerman’s Macromedia Flash 8 @work: Projects and Techniques to Get the Job Done approaches learning from a different perspective than the typical book on a web graphics application. Rather than simply describing how to use each feature of a product, Macromedia Flash 8 @work introduces key tools in a single chapter and then moves on to what you really want to know — how to use Macromedia Flash to complete the projects you’re likely to face every day on the job.
You’ll get step-by-step coverage of how to complete 10 common projects chosen by a panel of Flash users. Plus, tips, tricks, and notes will provide you with the information you need to apply what you learn on these projects to others you’ll undoubtedly be asked to create at work.
About the Author
Phillip Kerman is an accomplished trainer, conducting training all around the world. He is a frequent speaker at the annual Macromedia User Conference. Author of Sams Teach Yourself Flash in 24 Hours and ActionScripting in Flash MX, Phillip is lauded as teaching very effectively in his books.
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