If you haven�t seen a �Head First� book before, you�re in for a treat: The series tosses out the concept of the dry, technical educational book that we all suffered through in programming class � and occasionally still suffer through � and replaces it with something that�s a lot of fun. For example, nearly every programmer I know has a copy of the Gang of Four Design Patterns book. And although there was a concerted effort in the late 1990s to embrace and extend the original Gang of Four book with a library of new titles, the resulting books often felt like photocopies whose extensions were highly debatable. (I remember one in particular in which the author simply borrowed common graphical user interface [GUI] designs, graphed out the appropriate diagrams, and credited himself for the pattern by using a name and year syntax such as [ECKSTEIN99].) In short, it takes a unique kind of book to truly build off a classic, and so far, Head First Design Patterns is the best approach I�ve seen.