Some of you may receive this e-mail (copy included below). That e-mail did not come from Liberty Reserve. Please do not click on any links in any e-mails that will look like they are coming from Liberty Reserve. Always remember Liberty Reserve does not send any links by e-mail, ever.
Here is the copy of fake e-mail: (actual link has been removed)
Dear Sir or Madam,
Our security department detected an IP access associated with your account indicating your account could be at risk. This is most likely due to keyloggers, trojans, viruses or some type of malware on your computer. Please clik here for protected your account. we most likley won't be able to help recover your funds in the event of a compromise,so it is highly recommended. Thank you.
Security Operations,
-- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.