Building a WordPress Blog People Want to Read
Product Description
Having your own blog isn’t just for the nerdy anymore. Today, it seems everyone—from multinational corporations to a neighbor up the street—has a blog. They all have one, in part, because the folks at WordPress make it easy to get one. but to actually build a good blog—to create a blog people want to read—takes thought, planning, and some effort. From picking a theme and using tags to choosing widgets and building a community, creating your blog really starts after you set it up. In this book by blogger extraordinaire Scott McNulty, you learn how to:
- Install and get your WordPress blog running.
- Set up your site to ensure it can easily grow with you and your readers.
- Be the master of user accounts.
- Manage your site with the WordPress Dashboard and extend its capabilities with plug-ins.
- Make the most of images.
- Work with pages, templates, and links and—of course—publish your posts.
- Deal with comments—if you even want readers commenting at all.
- Find a theme—or build one yourself.
- Maintain your site and fix common problems.
About the Author
Scott McNulty is a simple geek living in Philadelphia. Scott has been blogging for just over nine years about whatever strikes his fancy. He runs more WordPress blogs than anyone should, and even has a few other blogs using other blogging engines. More of Scott’s words can be found on his personal blog,, or at, where Scott is a senior contributor, or, where he writes a weekly feature about technology.
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