XML is perfect for managing that type of information because you can create your own tags that describe parts of those documents. Best of all, there are tools available that enable you to search and manipulate parts of an XML document similar to how you use a database.
XML Demystified shows you how to define your own set of markup tags using XML and how to use electronic tools to make an XML document a working part of your business. By the end of this book you’ll be able to make your own classy markup tags that will leave even the sophisticated business manager in awe—and the IT department left scratching their heads, asking: How did he do that?
XML can be challenging to learn unless you follow the step-by-step approach that is used in XML Demystified. Topics are presented in an order in which many developers like to learn them—starting with basic components and then gradually moving on to those features found on classy websites. Each chapter follows a time-tested formula that first explains the topic in an easy-to-read style and then shows how it is used in a working web page that you can copy and load yourself. You can then compare your web page with the image of the web page in the chapter to be assured that you’ve coded the web page correctly. There is little room for you to go adrift.
Chapter 01 - XML: An Inside Look
Chapter 02 - Creating an XML Document
Chapter 03 - Document Type Defi nitions
Chapter 04 - XML Schema
Chapter 05 - XLink, XPath, XPointer
Chapter 06 - XSLT
Chapter 07 - XML Parsers and Transformations
Chapter 08 - Really Simple Syndication (RSS)
Chapter 09 - XQuery
Chapter 10 - MSXML