Run a Profitable Google AdWords Campaign
Reach millions of targeted new customers at the precise moment theyAnd#39;re looking for the products and services youAnd#39;re selling with help from this hands-on guide. Winning Results with Google AdWords, Second Edition reveals the latest strategies for writing successful ads, selecting and grouping specific keywords, increasing conversion rates, and maximizing online sales. YouAnd#39;ll also learn how to expand your ad distribution, test and tweak your ads, track results, and much more. Find out how boost visibility and increase profits with a Google AdWords campaign!
* Create strategic groups of ads and keywords
* Understand GoogleAnd#39;s Quality Score ad ranking system and quality-based bidding
* Use the keyword tool to your advantage
* Develop a successful bidding strategy
* Write, test, and refine winning ads
* Filter out inappropriate prospects
* Expand proven ad campaigns
* Measure success using Google Analytics and other methods
* Increase conversion rates