Language: english
ISBN: 0123735963
Paperback: 325 pages
Data: September 21, 2006
Format: PDF
Description: In this complete revision and expansion of his first SQL Puzzles book, Joe Celko challenges you with his trickiest puzzlesand then helps solve them with a variety of solutions and explanations. Joe demonstrates the thought processes that are involved in attacking a problem from an SQL perspective to help advanced database programmers solve the puzzles you frequently face. These techniques not only help with the puzzle at hand, but help develop the mindset needed to solve the many difficult SQL puzzles you face every day. Of course, part of the fun is to see whether or not you can write better solutions than Joes.
* A great collection of tricky SQL puzzles with a variety of solutions and explanations.
* Uses the proven format of puzzles and solutions to provide a user-friendly, practical look into SQL programming problems - many of which will help users solve their own problems.
* New edition features:
Many new puzzles added!
Dozens of new solutions to puzzles, and using features in SQL-99
Code is edited to conform to SQL STYLE rules
New chapter on temporal query puzzles
New chapter on common misconceptions about SQL and RDBMS that leads to problems
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