Sitting at the foundation of every site is HTML. It's the only language that's essential to a web site's very existence. On the surface HTML may seem simple but there's much more to it that meets the eye. With different versions, many infrequently used elements and attributes, and varying ways that browsers interpret the language, only a comprehensive and up-to-date reference, like this book, has it completely covered.
The Ultimate HTML Reference is your definitive resource for mastering HTML. The entire language is clearly and concisely covered, along with browser compatibility details, working examples, and easy-to-read descriptions. Authored by one of the world's most renowned HTML experts, this is a comprehensive reference that you'll come back to time and time again.
This cross-referenced, easy-to-use book covers:
# Every element and attribute in the HTML and XHTML Specifications, including an example of its correct use
# Coverage of deprecated and proprietary elements
# Detailed browser compatibility information will save you hours of painful debugging and frustration
About the Author
Ian works as a senior Web designer for Nationwide Building Society in the UK where he's largely responsible for promoting the Web accessibility ethic. Outside of this, Ian's also responsible for a site devoted to accessibility, called Accessify. Ian wrote the SitePoint book, "Build Your Own Web Site The Right Way Using HTML & CSS"
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