Photoshop CS2 Essential Training with: Michael Ninness
Running Time: 11 hours | english | 2 cdz 1.3 gb | .mov files
Running Time: 11 hours | english | 2 cdz 1.3 gb | .mov files
Photoshop CS2 Essential Training with Michael Ninness is a set of movie-based tutorials designed for beginning users who want to learn the basics of Adobe Photoshop CS2. The training begins with an overview of the software, including simple functions such as managing documents and palettes, then quickly moves on to cover more specific topics such as image adjustment and manipulation, tonal and color correction, brush settings, cloning, healing and other advanced tools, layers, masks, type, blending modes, filters, layer effects and so much more. Exercise files accompany the training, allowing you to follow along and learn at your own pace.
Photoshop CS2 for the Web Essential Training with: Tanya Staples
Running Time: 11.5 hours | english | 2 cd 1.3 gb | .mov files
Running Time: 11.5 hours | english | 2 cd 1.3 gb | .mov files
Adobe Photoshop CS2 for the web Essential Training with Tanya Staples teaches beginning to intermediate-level users how to design Web graphics in Adobe Photoshop CS2. The training covers designing effective navigation, optimizing images for the Web, creating background images, working with transparent images, slicing images, creating rollovers, creating image maps, designing animations, exporting images to Macromedia Flash, and much more. Integration with other applications, such as Adobe GoLive, Macromedia Dreamweaver, and Macromedia Flash, is also covered. Sample files are included so you can work along with Tanya as she instructs.
Photoshop CS2 FAQs with: Peter Bauer
Running Time: 4.75 hours | english | one cd 450 mb | .mov files
Running Time: 4.75 hours | english | one cd 450 mb | .mov files
How many times a day when you are using Photoshop do you stop and ask yourself a question that begins something like "How do I..." or "Where is..." or "What the..."? Rather than pulling out your hair in frustration, watch Photoshop CS2 FAQs with Peter Bauer! This video-based tutorial is a terrific resource designed to help you find the answers to more than 100 of the questions most frequently asked by typical Photoshop users. Each video in this title provides an answer to a specific question. Questions like "How can I reset Photoshop's Preferences?"; "How can I find the new features in Photoshop CS2?"; and "What do I do when Photoshop tells me it can't save my file?" are all covered in this tutorial. You will learn how to set up Photoshop to create the most trouble-free working environment and how to solve dozens of common problems faced when working with this complex and powerful program. You will also gain an understanding of key Photoshop concepts along the way. So the next time you get stumped by something in Photoshop and are ready to scream, turn to Peter and his Photoshop CS2 FAQs instead.