A TCP/IP and Networking Protocols Education Series
A place to learn IP, TCP, Ethernet, IP Addressing, Subnetting, DNS, and the OSI Model
Network Technologies Educational Series
The LearntoSubnet�.com Lecture Series
"A Lecture-based Educational Course on IP Addressing and Subnetting."
1. Binary Math
Binary Math: The Foundation of IP Addressing
Binary Math Practice Problems
Summary -- Binary Math
2. IP Addressing
IP Addressing Section Helper
View and Print Practice Problems
Answers to Practice Problems
Introduction to IP Addressing
IP Addressing
Summary -- IP Addressing
3.Default Subnet Masks
Default Subnet Masks
4. The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
The Address Resolution Protocol
5. Subnetting and Creating Custom Subnet Masks
Subnetting Section Helper
View and Print Practice Problems
Answers to Practice Problems
Introduction: Why Create Custom Subnet Masks?
What are Subnet IDs?
Step 1. Designing the Physical Network
Step 2, Determining the Subnet Mask
Step 3, Determining the Subnet IDs
Step 4, Determining the Host IDs
Summary -- Subnetting and Custom Subnet Masks
Special Topics in Subnetting
Classless Numbering and CIDR (Classless Interdomain Routing) Sometimes called Supernetting
Subnetting More Than One Octet
Class C Addressing
How the OSI Model Works �
"A Lecture-Based Presentation on How the OSI Model Works"
How TCP/IP (Networking) Works �
"A Lecture-Based Presentation on How TCP/IP Networking Works!"
1. How Ethernet Works and IEEE 802.3 Specification
2. How IP (Internet Protocol) Works
3. How TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Works
4. How UDP (User Datagram Protocol) Works
5. How HTTP and HTML Protocols Work
6. How Networking Works (How all the Protocols Work Together) -- Building Packets
How The Internet Runs�
"A Lecture-Based Presentation on How the Networks of the World Interconnect to Create the Internet!"
How DNS Works�
"A Lecture-Based Presentation on How the Domain Naming System Works!"