This is an english tutorial on how to sign up on
What is
Layer-Ads is a german company for advertising. Their service delivers layer-based ad�s to customers. They offer bank wire, PayPal and Moneybookers as a payout method. The default rate is 4 Euro which means that every 1000 counted layer gets you 4 Euro. In some cases (e.g. lots of Adult Content) they will downgrade your rate to 2,00 Euro per 1000. Which is still alot of money.
How to Sign-Up?
CLICK HERE to visit the sign up page and refer to the picture below for an english translation of the page.
Your First Login:
After signing up, please check your email and verify it. After clicking the verification link, you�ll be redirected to your First Login Page wherein you need to input a 4-digit pin code, please don�t lose this pin, you�ll need it later. Refer to the picture below for an english translation of the page.
How to integrate the Layer-ad on your page
Click on �Code Einbauen�. A code will appear similar to the one below:
Things you need to put in mind so you won�t get banned
- You are not allowed to have another layer-ad on your page
- You are not allowed to cheat in any way
- You are not allowed to use layer-ads on DeReferrer, Forced Click and other related sites.
How to Cashout
Layer-Ads pay out as soon as you reached the minimum of 15 Euro. Just click on �Auszahlung anfordern�, write down your pin and wait approximately 30 days for your money. Layer-ads is absolutly trust-worthy. Over 10.000 German Webmasters are allready using layer-ads for good.