Kurv Studios: Photoshop Advanced Texturing
Photoshop is hardly taught or marketed to texturing artists. It is always taught or marketed to digital photographers, graphic designers or printing houses. Photoshop has a wide array of tools that make it an excellent tool for texturing. And though Photoshop is the choice for this task most everywhere, many people are in the dark about its expansive abilities as texturing tool.
This video marries the abilities of Photoshop as a powerhouse digital editor and the industry requirements of video game / CG Texturing. This video is, from start to finish, how to create a finalized CG or game texture from: planning to creation to exporting for 3D / video game use. This video features I wide set of Photoshop tools. Some tools are not common while others are uncommon applications of common tools. The end result of this project based tutorial is a highly tactile and visually detailed production-ready texture, whose creation is witnessed from beginning to end.
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