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Kurv Studios - LightWave 3D 9 Practical Lighting

Kurv Studios - LightWave 3D 9 Practical Lighting | 560 MB

Nicholas Boughen literally wrote the book on Lighting. He has worked on feature films from I-Robot, Good Boy!, and Garfield to major television series such as Stargate SG1 and Dead Like Me. Did we mention he is an Emmy and Gemini nominated artist?

This video is done for users that don't care about lighting theory, the physics and properties of light. They simply want to light a scene and make it look professional.
This video is for you! This title is designed to show you how to setup lighting with just a little bit of why. Nicholas shows you step by step how to create professional lighting and what to look for to make your demo reel really stand out.
Nicholas has also included LScripts that will automatically setup your lights as you open a scene in LightWave 3D 9. Actually he has included a section on how to write LScripts to adjust your lighting and write your own scripts.
Total Time 2 Hours and 15 Minutes


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