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JA Zeolite - Virtuemart inside

JA Zeolite - Virtuemart inside
JA Zeolite - Virtuemart inside

Supplementing to distinctive JA Mesolite, JA Larix etc., the JA Zeolite shows excellent modern graphic design, thereby bringing in a new template of greatly simple webtypeface. Smoothly tuning with Virtuemart 1.1.2 stable, JA Zeolite strongly facilitates the whole shopping process in a simple flow from product review, shopping-cart handling to checkout procedure. As an enhancement, JA slideshow and JA Content Scroll module will ease your efforts in creating appealing product showcase. More than that, for the first time we opt in a smart icon set from Dryicons blowing a fresh and youthful appearance for the menu system.

The JA Zeolite comes with soft neutral background, a complete ecommerce solution & requires no more customization. Yet, the JA Zeolite can be expanded further to top shops in your own customization.
An Overview of JA Zeolite features:

* Modern and beautiful web typeface
* 3 columns layout based template
* 4 color options: default, cyan, blue and red
* Tableless design and 100% CSS-based
* Joomla 1.5.x compatible
* 3 Menu options: JA Split menu, JA Css menu, JA Moo menu
* XHTML 1.0 Transitional Check it ?
* CSS Validates Check it ?
* Valid 508 Accessibility
* Delivered with source .PSD and FONT files, Demo site sample database and detailed user guide which can be found in JA Zeolite downdoad and JA Zeolite forum.
* Well-commented template_css.css and index.php file for flexible customization
* Cross Browser Support

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