Cambridge Grammar in Use and Pronunciation in Use and Practice CDs
Cambridge Grammar in Use and Pronunciation in Use and Practice CDs
RS | 890 Mb | CD, PDFs and Audio
If you were to ask one hundred students of English what they would like to improve upon the most, or what area of English gave them the most reason for concern, experience tells me that English pronunciation would more than likely top their list - or it would certainly have a well worn place in the top three. Add to this suggestion the idea that if a similar survey were taken among 100 teachers, pronunciation has a very good chance of coming high up on the list of areas in which they felt somewhat less prepared to teach, or an area in which they feel there is a lack of straightforward, accessible and easy to use material, available for both teachers and students.
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Practice CDs:
Cambridge - Advanced Grammar in Use CD 2e.daa
Cambridge - Grammar in Use CD 3e.daa
PDF books:
Cambridge - Hewings - Advanced Grammar in Use 2e.pdf
Cambridge - Murphy - Grammar in Use 2e.pdf
Pronunciation In Use:
Cambridge - Hancock - English Pronunciation in Use - Intermediate (CDs & book)