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Borland C++ Builder 6.0 Enterprise

Wednesday the development of Borland C + + Builder 6.0 Enterprise


Borland C + + Builder - a tool that actually realized RAD-style application development with respect to various classes of tasks, including work with the Internet, ActiveX, with projects of enterprises, and all that - using the standard C + +. Borland C + + Builder is tightly integrated with both the basic technology of distributed systems - CORBA and COM. Borland C + + Builder is compatible with Visual C + +. It supports most of modern technology development.

Version: 6.0 Enterprise
Year: 2002
Developer: Borland Software Corporation
Operating system: Windows 98/2000/XP
System Requirements: Intel Pentium II 400 MHz � 128 MB RAM � 750 MB HDD
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Extras: Borland C + + Builder (in English usually pronounced [more? Rland B-plus-plus bi? Lder]) - the development environment in C + + company �Borland�, a member of the �Borland Developer Studio�? The latest version - �Borland C + + Builder 2007�, which, respectively, is part of �Borland Developer Studio 2007�. Wednesday was developed in accordance with the concept of visual programming. Library of visual components �Borland� was called Visual Component Library (VCL).

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